Album Information Transfer between Computers Elements 12

I have elements 12 installed on a new and old computer. I have re-imported the images into the organiser on the new computer and tag information has been transferred, but the Album structure has not. I have not changed the image storage area. They are in the same location on the same external hard drive.

Re-importing is never the answer.
The answer is to use the Backup Catalog/Restore Catalog procedure

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    "Can I play my rental on more than one device?
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    There is no particularly easy way.
    You can modify the registries on both machines to relocate your "My Music" folder to a location on the external hard drive as well. You can use TweakUI to do this a bit more easily.
    This will force iTunes to put its library files in that new location on the drive. If you point this to the same location on both machines, then the library itself, ratings and all, will live on the external drive along with the music.
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    Migration Assistant transfers to the same location as the data reside on the other computer.  MA is not intended to be used as a way to sync files from one computer to another.  It also isn't a backup utility.  Given what you intend a better choice would be a backup utility that can transfer selected files and folders across a network connection.  Possible candidates are:
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    If johnbeardy's suggestion should not work either there is another workaround: export from your old catalog images which are tagged with all keywords (maybe create one such image artificially).
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    You can copy the entire library file to the other computer along with the image files. If you have the same folder tree structure on both machines it should be seamless unless they have different root directories in which case you'll have to relocate an image for LR to find the rest.
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    FP2010(A) need to transfer the measurement (from its I/O module) to FP2010(B) to do the data analysis.These data transfer should be synchronous btw two controller to prevent data lost.
    From the vi used in the attachment,i encountered some problems at:
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    (2) How to synchronies the read & write btw contorller?
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    Is there any other method to do fast data transfer betwe
    en controller?

    Hi YongNei,
    You were succesful in omiting enough information to make it very difficult to answer!
    Please post your example.
    Please tell us what version of LV-RT you are using.
    Please define what you concider "fast data transfer".
    Have you concidered mapping the FP tags of FP2010(A) to FP2010(B) and vise versa?
    WHat exactly has to be syncronized?
    If you have something that is close to working, share that.
    Well, that as far as I can go with the info you have provided. Depending on the details, what you are asking could be anything from trivial to impossible with the currently available technology. I just can't say.
    It would probably be a good idea to start over with a fresh question (sorry) because not many people are going to know what a a "
    PF2010" is and I can not guarentee that I will be able to get back to you personally until next week-end.
    Trying to help you get an answer,
    Ben Rayner
    I am currently active on.. MainStream Preppers
    Rayner's Ridge is under construction

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    So, My questions are:
    1. Generallily, Outbound delivery is created by SO, inbound delivery is created referenc PO, but how the stock transfer for 2 steps generate the outbould delivery and inbound delivery? Could you pls tell me the where i can config this in the IMG?
    2. What's "Data of preceding document was not transmitted" mean ? how to fix this issue ?
    Best Regards
    Boxer Du
    I am the SAP fans, focus on MM and WM. I am interesting TRM Yard Management and Cross Docking now.Very Gladly to talk you about these areas. I want to exchange the knowledge with you, and want to be a good friend of you. Pls contact me. You can find My MSN in the profile. Thanks.

    Sure, The inbound delivery type is set up in the IMG->Logistics General -> HU management -> Basics ->Delivery type -> Delivery type determination.
    For Inbound delivery type 'HID' is maintained in this view.
    Best Regards.
    Some One want to discuss the details , can contact me. Thanks.

  • Stock Transfer between plants two steps.

                 We are using the scenario stock transfer between plants two the source plant we are issueing the goods  with on 303 movement in MIGO with Remove from storage option. in the receiving plant we are receiving the goods with refernce to 303 material document in MIGO with place in storage option.
              we are using the version SAP 4.7.
    my problem is at the time of goods receipt SAP is allowing to the posting date less than the source plant 303 document date. it should allow the posting date as Greater than equal to source plant document date at the time of GR.
    Any standard pracktise is there.
    for example  source plant 303 document date is 08.06.2009 wrongly i have entered the receiving plant 305 document posting date as 06.06.2009 it is allowing to post it is not throw any information. it should not allow to know.
    i want to control this. any standard controls is there. kindly help.
    Edited by: Anandhakumar Palanisamy on Jun 9, 2009 10:46 AM

    Except user exit , Is it possible any standard functionality.?
    why SAP not controlled this?.
    this is SAP bug or not?. kindly clarify..

  • [SOLVED]Simple file transfer between different os'es

    I'm searching for some kind of simple file transfer between different computers/os (mainly arch and windows) on local net, without I have to set up any samba/ftp server etc. It would be perfect if i could select a file I want to transfer and then be able to receive it on a different computer.
    So far I've tried giver but I most of the times they can't find each other.
    Any know how I could archive something like the a bow?
    Last edited by zann (2012-12-07 01:43:44)

    Try using simple file sharing through http server 'oneliner's.
    - Note your host IP (which I refer to by "ip.of.your.server"),
    - Go under your directory where you want to share files and fire a command line :
    Using python : python2 -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000
    And you can access your files on the network using http://ip.of.your.server:8000/
    Using php : php -S localhost:8080 -t webrootpath/
    Files under webrootpath/ will be accessible from http://ip.of.your.server:8888/
    Using mongoose : mongoose -r . -p 8888
    Files will be accessible from http://ip.of.your.server:8888/
    You may restrict access, ie.:  -l -,+
    And have access/error logging (à la apache) too : -a access_log.txt -e error_log.txt
    NB.: You may install python or php under windows but mongoose is the easiest thing when it comes to windows -> linux.
    Last edited by xpixelz (2012-12-04 15:01:40)

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