Alert sending multiple mails

Hi All ,
     I have created an alert and the alert is sending mails two times.
     Same problem is happening for the default alert also.
     EBS version  - 12.1.3
     OS - RHEL5
     DB -
Please suggest a solution.

Please see old threads for similar issue/discussion --

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    I think you should create one Delivery Profile, with multiple Email Devices. Within the Delivery Profile you should add all the Email Devices you want to use.
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    Please see if these documents help.
    Note: 261511.1 - Alert Sends One Email Message For Each Exception
    Note:      202500.1 - Periodic Alert Sends Multiple Messages


    Hi all,
    we are working on a sales scenario in crm 5.0 ,currently we are able to send a mail to the particular BP only,what we want is mail should go to the multiple partners like contact person,prospect and user.can anyone help on this.
    Thanks in advance

    You can use the BADI: EXEC_METHODCALL_PPF for this. Use the piece of code below to get the guid, and then you can use CRM_ORDER_READ to get the partners. After that you can use the FM to send mails(Dont' remember the name right now) to send mails to all the partners. Hope this will help.
      "ASSIGN io_appl_object to
      DATA: lv_appl_object TYPE REF TO cl_doc_crm_order.
    cast object to application object
      lv_appl_object ?= io_appl_object.
      CALL METHOD lv_appl_object->get_crm_obj_guid
          result = ls_guid.

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    The problem could be in SO_DOCUMENT_SEND_API1 or in the program called to send the mail
    SO_DOCUMENT_SEND_API1 places the mail in SOST (how many messages you can see there?)
    If you see only one message the problem could be in the program to send the mail

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    You can solve that by storing the fact that you've already sent the mail in session state, or client side using sessionstorage (
    Kind regards,
    Margriet Bruggeman
    Lois & Clark IT Services
    web site:

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    Hi Kumar,
    936453 wrote:
    Hi all,
    I have one requirement.i had created one alert on a table.
    It will fire only for update of the table.but i am getting mails on each update.
    If 10 records updated then i am getting 10 mails.Is there any way to get one mail to show all the updated records in one mail.Please see old threads which can help you on this
    ;) AppsMasti ;)
    Sharing is Caring

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    There isn't an option for it.

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    Hi Deepak,
    The favorites are placed in the "userhome" repository. Take a look at KM Content -> userhome -> for each username -> Favorites, there you'll find links with the favorites. You can simply copy & paste those to the other users, so you don't have to login with each one.

  • How to send multiple Recipients using the mail.jar and activation.jar

    could somebody help me. how do i send multiple Recipient using mail.jar. when i would input 2email address in to Recipient
    (example: [email protected], [email protected])
    i get a DEBUG: setDebug: JavaMail version 1.3.2
    but if i send a single email it just works properly.
    heres my code
    import java.util.*;
    import javax.mail.*;
    import javax.mail.event.*;
    import javax.mail.internet.*;
    public class SendMail
              public SendMail(String to, String from, String subject, String body)
              //public SendMail(String to)
                   String message_recip = to;
                   String message_subject = subject;
                   String message_cc = "";
                   String message_body = body;
                   //The JavaMail session object
                   Session session;
                   //The JavaMail message object
                   Message mesg;
                   // Pass info to the mail server as a Properties, since JavaMail (wisely) allows room for LOTS of properties...
                   Properties props = new Properties( );
                   // LAN must define the local SMTP server as "mailhost" to be able to send mail...
                   props.put("", "mailhost");
                   // Create the Session object
                   session = Session.getDefaultInstance(props, null);
                        // create a message
                        mesg = new MimeMessage(session);
                        // From Address - this should come from a Properties...
                        mesg.setFrom(new InternetAddress(from));
                        // TO Address
                        InternetAddress toAddress = new InternetAddress(message_recip);
                        mesg.addRecipient(Message.RecipientType.TO, toAddress);
                        // CC Address
                        InternetAddress ccAddress = new InternetAddress(message_cc);
                        mesg.addRecipient(Message.RecipientType.CC, ccAddress);
                        // The Subject
                        // Now the message body.
                        // XXX I18N: use setText(msgText.getText( ), charset)
                        // Finally, send the message!
                   }//end of try
                   catch (MessagingException ex)
                        while ((ex = (MessagingException)ex.getNextException( )) != null)
                             ex.printStackTrace( );
                        }//end of while
              }//end of catch
         }//end of SendMail
    public static void main(String[] args)
              //String t = "[email protected], [email protected]"; - this I think causes error
    String t = "[email protected]";
              String f = "[email protected]";
              String s = "Hello World";
              String b = "the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog";
              SendMail sm = new SendMail(t,f,s,b);     
         }//end of main
    }//end of class
    could someone please help me im stuck-up with this. thanx!

    i need it ASAP
    i am a beginner in java and jsp
    Need to knw how can I parse the addresss field
    is the code
    public class EMailBean {
    private String smtp,username,password,from,bcc,subject,body,attachments,cc;
         public void setSmtp(String str){this.smtp=str;}
         public void setUsername(String str){this.username=str;}
         public void setPassword(String str){this.password=str;}
         public void setFrom(String str){this.from=str;}
         public void setTo(String str){;}
         public void setCc(String str){;}
         public void setBcc(String str){this.bcc=str;}
         public void setSubject(String str){this.subject=str;}
         public void setBody(String str){this.body=str;}
         public void setAttachments(String str){this.attachments=str;}
         public String getSmtp( ){return this.smtp;}
         public String getUsername( ){return this.username;}
         public String getPassword( ){return this.password;}
         public String getFrom( ){return this.from;}
         public String getTo( ){return;}
         public String getCc( ){return;}     
         public String getBcc( ){return this.bcc;}
         public String getSubject( ){return this.subject;}
         public String getBody( ){return this.body;}
    public String getAttachments( ){return this.attachments;}
    Session session = Session.getDefaultInstance(props, null);
    try {
    MimeMessage msg = new MimeMessage(session);
    msg.setFrom(new InternetAddress(mail.getFrom()));
                                  msg.addRecipients(Message.RecipientType.TO, InternetAddress.parse(to, false));
                                  msg.addRecipient(Message.RecipientType.TO,new InternetAddress(mail.getTo()));
                             msg.addRecipient(Message.RecipientType.CC, new InternetAddress(mail.getCc()));
                                  msg.addRecipient(Message.RecipientType.CC, new InternetAddress("[email protected]"));
    // Create the message part
    BodyPart messageBodyPart = new MimeBodyPart();
    // Fill the message
    Multipart multipart = new MimeMultipart();
    // Part two is attachment
    messageBodyPart = new MimeBodyPart();
    DataSource source = new FileDataSource(mail.getAttachments());
    messageBodyPart.setDataHandler(new DataHandler(source));
    msg.setSentDate(new Date());
    Transport t = session.getTransport("smtp");
    try {
    t.connect(mail.getUsername(), mail.getPassword());
    t.sendMessage(msg, msg.getAllRecipients());
    } finally {
    result = result + "<FONT SIZE='4' COLOR='blue'><B>Success!</B>"+"<FONT SIZE='4' COLOR='black'> "+"<HR><FONT color='green'><B>Mail was successfully sent to </B></FONT>: "+mail.getTo()+"<BR>";
    if (!("".equals(mail.getCc())))
    result = result +"<FONT color='green'><B>CCed To </B></FONT>: "+mail.getCc()+"<BR>";
    if (!("".equals(mail.getBcc())))
    result = result +"<FONT color='green'><B>BCCed To </B></FONT>: "+mail.getBcc() ;
    result = result+"<BR><HR>";
    } catch (MessagingException mex) {
    result = result + "<FONT SIZE='4' COLOR='blue'> <B>Error : </B><BR><HR> "+"<FONT SIZE='3' COLOR='black'>"+mex.toString()+"<BR><HR>";
    } catch (Exception e) {
    result = result + "<FONT SIZE='4' COLOR='blue'> <B>Error : </B><BR><HR> "+"<FONT SIZE='3' COLOR='black'>"+e.toString()+"<BR><HR>";
    finally {
    return result;

  • How to configure ML Server to send Alert Notifications by mail?

    Is it possible to configure Mountain Lion Server to send out Alert notification by e-mail without enabling full Mail services?
    I don't want to run the Mail service on the Server. I'm quite happy with my ISP's mail service. Besides, I have a dynamic public IP address, hence no rDNS entry (so I couldn't run Mail if I wanted to).  And I don't have the expertise to configure and maintain the Mail service.  But I would like to get the Server to send me any important alert notifications by e-mail.
    I have access to an authenticated SMTP server I can use to relay the outbound alert notification emails. But I don't know how to coerce the alert service into using it.  Is it possible to do so, or does one need the full-blown Mail service to be configured (with both dovecot and postfix running) in order to get Alerts to be e-mailed?
    Thanks for any help.

    Thanks for the pointers and suggestions.
    The config for my ISP's SMTP server is correct. I specified the port (:465), and double-checked userid/password. It's the same as used by all our e-mail clients (a half-dozen or so on various Macs, iPhones, iPads, Linux boxes), all of which work fine from my LAN.
    As for DNS, it seems OK.  (I am indebted to you for the excellent series of articles on servers and networking  at )
    The changeip command reports:
         The names match. There is nothing to change.
         dirserv:success = "success"
    However, I should point out that I do not have the DNS service enabled on ML Server.  I already have a local DNS running on my gateway router. (it's an instance of the dnsmasq process that is part of Tomato firmware).  It has local names defined for all the servers and hosts on my LAN, and provides rDNS for them as well.
    However, what I haven't done is enabled the Mail service.  You've (slightly) misunderstood the core of my plan.  My intent is not simply to secure the local mail server against remote access.  I don't want either remote or local users from accessing the mail server. I don't want it listening for POP or IMAP connections from anywhere (on my LAN or remotely). I don't want it receiving inbound mail from anywhere. I don't want it relaying outbound mail for any client on my LAN. All I want the ML Server to be able to do is to send me alerts (by e-mail) when it's in need of attention. Other appliances on my LAN (eg. a NetgearReadyNAS) can send me e-mails when they are unhappy, and I hope I can coerce the ML Server to do the same.
    I know I don't have the expertise to operate and maintain my own mail server, and I'm quite happy with the mail service provided by my existing network service provider. Plus, I'm behind a cable modem with a dynamic IP address, so I'm unable to establish my own rDNS record (which I understand is required to handle inbound mail).
    It looks like the next step is to turn on the Mail service. But I'm sure it's going to be unhappy since there's no MX record set-up. I was hoping there was a way that ML Server could simply send out its own outbound alerts (using my ISP's SMTP relay) without having the incoming part of the mail service active. But perhaps Apple didn't anticipate that sort of configuration.

  • How to send multiple attachment in single mail

    i am using FM SO_NEW_DOCUMENT_ATT_SEND_API1 for sending mail.
    pls guide me how can i modify my code so that i can send multiple attachments

    Hi Manish,
    Check out the links below.
    E-mail multiple PDF attachments
    Send a Single Mail with Multiple Attachment
    Hope it helps.
    *Always reward points for helpful answers
    Message was edited by:
            Amit Kumar

  • How to send multiple attachements in single mail

    Hi All,
    Currently i am using this function module SO_NEW_DOCUMENT_ATT_SEND_API1 to send mail with only one attachment.
    But now i need to send multiple attachments to a single mail.
    Can any one please tell me as how to send multiple attachments in single mail.
    Thanks in advance.

    See this and do accordingly
    Mailing with Attachment by ABAP Coding  
    Refer this link:
    Mail with attachment.
    FORM send_list_to_basis .
      DATA: w_path      LIKE rlgrap OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE,
            lt_index    TYPE sy-tabix,
            doc_type(3) TYPE c,
            descr       LIKE it_objpack_basis-obj_descr,
            temp_data   LIKE w_path,
            temp1       TYPE string,
            tab_lines   TYPE i,
            langu(15)   TYPE c,
            expirydate  TYPE so_obj_edt,
      CONCATENATE 'C:\' sy-repid '_' sy-datum '.XLS' INTO L_FILE1.
      APPEND w_path.
      CLEAR w_path.
      wa_doc_chng-obj_descr  = 'User List not logged on for 180 days'.
      wa_doc_chng-obj_langu  = 'E'.
      wa_doc_chng-obj_expdat = sy-datum.
      CLEAR w_subject.
      CONCATENATE 'Please find attached document with list of users'
                  'not logged on for 180 days for client' sy-mandt
                  INTO w_subject SEPARATED BY space.
      it_objtxt_basis-line = w_subject.
      APPEND it_objtxt_basis.
      CLEAR it_objtxt_basis.
      it_objtxt_basis-line = text-004.
      APPEND it_objtxt_basis.
      CLEAR it_objtxt_basis.
      CLEAR w_tab_line.
      DESCRIBE TABLE it_objtxt_basis LINES w_tab_line.
      READ TABLE it_objtxt_basis INDEX w_tab_line  INTO l_cline.
      wa_doc_chng-doc_size =
       ( w_tab_line - 1 ) * 255 + STRLEN( l_cline ).
      CLEAR it_objpack_basis-transf_bin.
      it_objpack_basis-head_start = 1.
      it_objpack_basis-head_num   = 0.
      it_objpack_basis-body_start = 1.
      it_objpack_basis-body_num   = w_tab_line.
      it_objpack_basis-doc_type   = 'RAW'.
      APPEND it_objpack_basis.
      CLEAR it_objpack_basis.
      LOOP AT w_path.
        temp1 = w_path.
        descr = w_path.
            string  = descr
            lang    = 'E'
            rstring = descr.
            delimiter = '\'
            string    = descr
            head      = descr
            tail      = temp_data.
            string  = descr
            lang    = 'E'
            rstring = descr.
            delimiter = '.'
            string    = descr
            head      = temp_data
            tail      = doc_type.
            filename      = temp1
            filetype      = 'BIN'
            header_length = 0
            read_by_line  = 'X'
            replacement   = '#'
            data_tab      = it_upload.
        DESCRIBE TABLE it_upload LINES tab_lines.
        DESCRIBE TABLE it_objbin_basis LINES lt_index.
        lt_index = lt_index + 1.
        LOOP AT it_upload.
          wa_objbin_basis-line = it_upload-line.
          APPEND wa_objbin_basis TO it_objbin_basis.
          CLEAR wa_objbin_basis.
        it_objpack_basis-transf_bin = 'X'.
        it_objpack_basis-head_start = 0.
        it_objpack_basis-head_num   = 0.
        it_objpack_basis-body_start = lt_index.
        it_objpack_basis-body_num   = tab_lines.
        it_objpack_basis-doc_type   = doc_type.
        it_objpack_basis-obj_descr  = descr.
        it_objpack_basis-doc_size   = tab_lines * 255.
        APPEND it_objpack_basis.
        CLEAR it_objpack_basis.
      it_reclist_basis-receiver = '[email protected]'.
      it_reclist_basis-rec_type = 'U'.
      APPEND it_reclist_basis.
      CLEAR it_reclist_basis.
          document_data              = wa_doc_chng
          put_in_outbox              = 'X'
          commit_work                = 'X'
          packing_list               = it_objpack_basis
          contents_txt               = it_objtxt_basis
          contents_bin               = it_objbin_basis
          receivers                  = it_reclist_basis
          too_many_receivers         = 1
          document_not_sent          = 2
          operation_no_authorization = 4
          OTHERS                     = 99.
      IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
        SUBMIT rsconn01 WITH mode = 'INT' AND RETURN.
    ENDFORM.                    " send_list_to_basis
    <b>Reward points for useful Answers</b>

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