Alfa AWUS036H, rtl8187 and ndiswrapper

I have a 64 bit system. I try ndiswrapper with WinXp and WinVista 64 bit driver for my rtl8187 chipset and i obtained a kernel panic.
Also i try ndiswrapper with Win7 64bit driver that works in my case only one time (i don't know why). Some information about dmesg
[ 464.544974] cfg80211: Calling CRDA to update world regulatory domain
[ 464.720379] usb 6-1.1: reset high-speed USB device number 3 using ehci_hcd
[ 510.408151] Disabling lock debugging due to kernel taint
[ 510.409385] ndiswrapper version 1.57 loaded (smp=yes, preempt=yes)
[ 510.485512] usb 6-1.1: reset high-speed USB device number 3 using ehci_hcd
[ 510.571498] ndiswrapper (import:232): unknown symbol: NDIS.SYS:'NdisMRegisterMiniportDriver'
[ 510.571503] ndiswrapper (import:232): unknown symbol: NDIS.SYS:'NdisMFreePort'
[ 510.571507] ndiswrapper (import:232): unknown symbol: NDIS.SYS:'NdisMIndicateReceiveNetBufferLists'
[ 510.571511] ndiswrapper (import:232): unknown symbol: NDIS.SYS:'NdisMDeregisterMiniportDriver'
[ 510.571515] ndiswrapper (import:232): unknown symbol: NDIS.SYS:'NdisAllocateMdl'
[ 510.571518] ndiswrapper (import:232): unknown symbol: NDIS.SYS:'NdisFreeNetBufferListPool'
[ 510.571522] ndiswrapper (import:232): unknown symbol: NDIS.SYS:'NdisAllocateNetBufferListPool'
[ 510.571526] ndiswrapper (import:232): unknown symbol: NDIS.SYS:'NdisFreeNetBufferList'
[ 510.571530] ndiswrapper (import:232): unknown symbol: NDIS.SYS:'NdisFreeMdl'
[ 510.571533] ndiswrapper (import:232): unknown symbol: NDIS.SYS:'NdisAllocateNetBufferAndNetBufferList'
[ 510.571537] ndiswrapper (import:232): unknown symbol: NDIS.SYS:'NdisMIndicateStatusEx'
[ 510.571548] ndiswrapper (import:232): unknown symbol: NDIS.SYS:'NdisMSetMiniportAttributes'
[ 510.571553] ndiswrapper (import:232): unknown symbol: NDIS.SYS:'NdisMOidRequestComplete'
[ 510.571557] ndiswrapper (import:232): unknown symbol: NDIS.SYS:'NdisOpenConfigurationEx'
[ 510.571564] ndiswrapper (import:232): unknown symbol: NDIS.SYS:'NdisMNetPnPEvent'
[ 510.571574] ndiswrapper (import:232): unknown symbol: NDIS.SYS:'NdisAllocateIoWorkItem'
[ 510.571577] ndiswrapper (import:232): unknown symbol: NDIS.SYS:'NdisFreeIoWorkItem'
[ 510.571581] ndiswrapper (import:232): unknown symbol: NDIS.SYS:'NdisQueueIoWorkItem'
[ 510.571585] ndiswrapper (import:232): unknown symbol: NDIS.SYS:'NdisAllocateMemoryWithTagPriority'
[ 510.571590] ndiswrapper (import:232): unknown symbol: NDIS.SYS:'NdisMAllocatePort'
[ 510.571594] ndiswrapper (import:232): unknown symbol: NDIS.SYS:'NdisMSendNetBufferListsComplete'
[ 510.571597] ndiswrapper (import:232): unknown symbol: WDFLDR.SYS:'WdfVersionBind'
[ 510.571600] ndiswrapper (import:232): unknown symbol: WDFLDR.SYS:'WdfVersionBindClass'
[ 510.571604] ndiswrapper (import:232): unknown symbol: WDFLDR.SYS:'WdfVersionUnbindClass'
[ 510.571607] ndiswrapper (import:232): unknown symbol: WDFLDR.SYS:'WdfVersionUnbind'
[ 510.571609] ndiswrapper (load_sys_files:199): couldn't prepare driver 'netrtuw'
[ 510.571823] ndiswrapper (load_wrap_driver:102): couldn't load driver netrtuw; check system log for messages from 'loadndisdriver'
[ 510.571847] usbcore: registered new interface driver ndiswrapper
I need to try ndiswrapper because i have a high number of "invalid misc" package that limit my download bandwith to 50kb/s.
I notice that each time i "rmmod rtl8187" and then "modprobe rtl8187" the download bandwith grows up to 600-700 kb/s and the "invalid misc" package are few. After 10-15 minutes the number of "invalid misc package" increase every second and the bandwith return to 50kb/s.
I already try to set different values for rts and frag with iwconfig but i can't resolve this issue.
Thanks in advance to anyone who want to help me.

thank you for reply but until now i am unknown what i have to do? can you help me please. i insert pic which i have problem.

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    Hello everyone   
    So after days and days of researching and fiddling around and still no wireless, I figured it's about time I should simply ask and see if I can get it to work.
    Let me start with short summary of my dilenma:
    The computer I have is a Dell Inspiron 8200 with P4M 2.2Mhz CPU, 756MB RAM, nVidia GeForce4 440 Go with 64MB RAM, 40G HD laptop, dual-booting with WinXP (wireless works on XP, and I need this connection for studies and research. Windows resides on my HD only because of that). I use a D-Link DWL-650+ AirPlus card (yes, not so Linux friendly card, I know ), works perfectly fine on Windows, and ndiswrapper installs the driver and hardware is detected on Arch. Installation, modprobe have been already done, and iwconfig tells me
    lo        no wireless extensions.
    sit0      no wireless extensions.
    eth0      no wireless extensions.
    wlan0     IEEE 802.11b  ESSID:"IHTTIWIFI"
              Mode:Managed  Frequency:2.442GHz  Access Point: 00:80:C8:17:2C:44
              Bit Rate:22Mb/s   Tx-Power:0 dBm   Sensitivity=0/3
              RTS thr:4096 B   Fragment thr:4095 B
              Encryption key:A720-B32C-03   Security mode:open
              Power Management:off
              Link Quality:100/100  Signal level:-65 dBm  Noise level:-256 dBm
              Rx invalid nwid:0  Rx invalid crypt:0  Rx invalid frag:0
              Tx excessive retries:0  Invalid misc:0   Missed beacon:0
    The key, mode and security mode were put in by me, ESSID, AP and others were picked up by the card. So the card is scanning and picks up the signal. iwlist wlan0 scan shows:
    [root@Brahms ndiswrapper-0.10]# iwlist wlan0 scan
    wlan0     Scan completed :
              Cell 01 - Address: 00:80:C8:17:2C:44
                        Protocol:IEEE 802.11FH
                        Quality:0/100  Signal level:71/154  Noise level:0/154
                        Encryption key:on
                        Bit Rate:1Mb/s
                        Bit Rate:2Mb/s
                        Bit Rate:5.5Mb/s
                        Bit Rate:11Mb/s
                        Bit Rate:22Mb/s
    All is good so far, so I do "ifconfig wlan0 up" and this shows up:
    eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:08:74:3E:89:54
              inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
              inet6 addr: fe80::208:74ff:fe3e:8954/64 Scope:Link
              RX packets:4081 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:1 frame:0
              TX packets:1217 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
              collisions:1 txqueuelen:1000
              RX bytes:1191108 (1.1 Mb)  TX bytes:161197 (157.4 Kb)
              Interrupt:11 Base address:0xec80
    lo        Link encap:Local Loopback
              inet addr:  Mask:
              inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
              UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:16436  Metric:1
              RX packets:10 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
              TX packets:10 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
              collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
              RX bytes:500 (500.0 b)  TX bytes:500 (500.0 b)
    wlan0     Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:80:C8:18:7A:E0
              inet6 addr: fe80::280:c8ff:fe18:7ae0/64 Scope:Link
              UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:1
              RX packets:2669 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
              TX packets:5 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
              collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
              RX bytes:266188 (259.9 Kb)  TX bytes:378 (378.0 b)
              Interrupt:11 Memory:31010000-31010fff
    Looks okay. So I kill the eth0 connection, and try to ping, I get:
    [root@Brahms ndiswrapper-0.10]# ping
    ping: unknown host
    Okay...So I suppose even though the card picks up the signal, it's not connected, right? /etc/rc.d/network start (or restart for that matter) comes up "fail". I am lost at this point. Probably some configuration error somewhere but I don't know much about networking and I've been trying different things, check the web for clue, but so far nothing worked. While trying to connect through wireless, no firewall was used.
    If someone could point me to the right direction, I would really appreciate it. Not all things iwconfig and ifconfig make sense to me really. At one point, I got so discouraged, I was contemplating on installing Mandrake again (I'm still a newbie though. I used Mandrake 10 Official for a couple of weeks back in June, and then moved to Arch, getting my hands dirty. It has been a wonderful experience for me so far )
    Before it gets too long, I would like to thank you in advance 
    p.s. What are those TX/RX Packets errors?! I suppose...errors, eh?

    I'm very sorry for the late reply! First of all, thank you so much for the pointers.
    Just today, I finally got it to work. I have been busy and I was actually away from computer for a couple of weeks, finally got around to get some going. I've copied and pasted the default gw, inet addr and so on from my Windows wireless configuration program, and talaan! It worked   
    Thank you so much.

  • Rtl8187 and 2.6.22

    Hello guys. I'm using arch for about 7 to 8 months. I have a problem. I have the rtl8187 wireless card and when i updated to kernel 2.6.22 it didn't work. i had installed it in 2.6.21 but i can't find a driver for the 2.6.22. Can someone give me a link or something that could help me.

    No point. when i try to compile it i get this.
    [root@myhost rtl-wifi]# make
    make -C /lib/modules/2.6.22-ARCH/build M=/home/steevi/rtl-wifi modules
    make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux-2.6.22-ARCH'
    CC [M] /home/steevi/rtl-wifi/ieee80211/ieee80211_rx.o
    /home/steevi/rtl-wifi/ieee80211/ieee80211_rx.c: In function 'ieee80211_monitor_rx':
    /home/steevi/rtl-wifi/ieee80211/ieee80211_rx.c:65: error: 'struct sk_buff' has no member named 'mac'
    make[3]: *** [/home/steevi/rtl-wifi/ieee80211/ieee80211_rx.o] Error 1
    make[2]: *** [/home/steevi/rtl-wifi/ieee80211] Error 2
    make[1]: *** [_module_/home/steevi/rtl-wifi] Error 2
    make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-2.6.22-ARCH'
    make: *** [modules] Error 2
    Any idea?

  • New kernel26 and ndiswrapper [UNSOLVED -- Closed --]

    I noticed that the latest kernel broke my ndiswrapper, so I decided to try to use my laptop without it using only the drivers.
    Since I'm posting here, it is obvious I'm not succeeding
    I'm very good with computers but the wifi thing always bites me in the bum for some reason ...
    Here is what I did, can anyone point me in the right direction from here?
    I installed the Atheros drivers ans utilities using pacman, then in my /etc/rc.conf I added the module my system uses, which is the ath5k and the corresponding settings for my network profiles.
    MODULES=(MODULES=(ath5k ...)
    NETWORKS=(renegade.default wlan0 renegade.eth0 renegade.humber)
    Upon reboot I tested the status of things with hwd -e which reports
    168c:001c Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications Inc. module: ath5k_pci
    AR242x 802.11abg Wireless PCI Express Adapter
    so ... things seem to be looking up but, this is what iwconfig reports
    lo no wireless extensions.
    wmaster0 no wireless extensions.
    wlan0 IEEE 802.11 ESSID:"HumberPublic"
    Mode:Managed Frequency:2.412 GHz Access Point: Not-Associated
    Tx-Power=27 dBm
    Retry min limit:7 RTS thr:off Fragment thr=2352 B
    Link Quality:0 Signal level:0 Noise level:0
    Rx invalid nwid:0 Rx invalid crypt:0 Rx invalid frag:0
    Tx excessive retries:0 Invalid misc:0 Missed beacon:0
    I also noticed that the LED indicating my WIFI connection no longer goes ON.
    I have followed the instructions in the WIKI back and forth but to no avail, yet I think I must be very close but missing something... any help will be appreciated.
    Last edited by ralvez (2008-08-19 02:11:01)

    iphitus wrote:
    So nobody has filed a bug?
    Tried rebuilding or updating ndiswrapper?
    I'm unsure if this is a bug with ndiswrapper of an issue with the new kernel26. I'm aware of at least 3 other people (threads) with similar problems that happened after the new kernel upgrade.
    In my case, after the kernel upgrade I had some "improvement" in so far that after loading the ath5k driver wlan0 would be ready to go without ndiswrapper; but it would not "turn on" the wifi card (the LED was always off) and therefore had no association.
    After days poking at it I got tired and downgraded my kernel. In all honesty it could be ndiswrapper or just as well some change in the new kernel.
    p.s. Yes I did try rebuilding and updating ndiswrapper to no avail.

  • Any ALFA AWUS036H user here? Conectivity issues

    Hi all and happy new year!
    I'm a "almost" proud owner of this little and powerful piece of hardware but I'm probably having some malfunction with this device. I need someone who also has one of this wireless usb adapters to answear this questions, please
    When I connect to any acess point I have to manualy set iwconfig wlan0 rate (1 to 5mbps) because it selects 48 or 54mbps and is unable to keep conectivity to ANY AP at ANY DISTANCE (no ping response, but conection is active (0 packets)).
    Also I noticed that there are no wireless AP's with less than -78db. They just disapear at -78dB instead of the usual -95 to -100db.
    On windows (biuck) rate is not an issue, it selects rates as low as 1M in a -65dB connection, it's slow, but works. Just like on linux, on windows there are no networks with less than "3 sticks" of strengh. It completly looses conectivity if I lower the signal. Usualy I'm able to connect to AP's with "1 stick" (-90dB, SNR 1 or 2) with other wifi adapters. (xp, vista, seven)
    Question 1: Does this happens to you?
    Question 2: Maybe rma is a good ideia no?
    Any information is a good help to me. I still have 4 more months of warranty
    edit: updated info
    Last edited by TigTex (2010-01-25 23:21:03)

    bump, after 25 days?
    1 less month of warranty

  • Install AWUS036H onto Mac OS X 10.8

    do anyone know a way to install AWUS036H on OS X 10.8??

    To all people: I received my Alfa AWUS036H yesterday and I was sad that mac os x 10.8.3 (a so to windows 8 in parallels) didn't work with it. In windows 7 at the same parallels, no problem despite monitor software was not able to be installed, but signal of wifi increased a lot. Today I downloaded ( a new drive and monitor (beta, may not work to someone). In a forum ( utility.564/), they ask to delete former drive/monitor and install the new one. At mediatek site, they are confuse (maybe translation troubles), but you have USB RT 3x7x (Alfa AWUS036H uses RT 3070 chip) drive. After click in this option, they ask your name and e-mail to start download. I installed the software and re-started mac. In Applications, there was a new folder - Ralink wireless utility. Clicking on WirelessUtility, a new icon appeared at top bar. So, then you click and select open wireless utility. Then, you conect usb with Alfa AWUS036H. Worked, monitor showed a increased wifi signal. Then, you can create one profile, save password, etc. Good luck!

  • Ndiswrapper and core install

    I am trying to get one of my old computers running with Arch, and have been having some issues. 
    I have been trying to use ndiswrapper to use my Trendnet TEW423PI wireless card.  There should be no problems with that, as I have used it in the past with other computers and ndiswrapper and it worked perfect.
    I installed all the packages on the core CD (base, base-devel), which I downloaded yesterday.  Then I downloaded the ndiswrapper package and moved it to the computer, but when I tried to install it, it complained that it requires kernel 2.6-36 or newer, whereas the CD installed 2.6.33.  I tried installing it with the --nodeps option and it still doesnt work.  It installs, but with a "line 4: ndiswrapper command not found" error before it finishes. There is no ndiswrapper in /bin or /usr/bin or anywhere else it ought to be.
    I downloaded the source files and compiled it myself with makepkg, and it gives the exact same error when I try to install.
    I want to avoid, if at all possible, upgrading the kernel because the computer has no internet, and moving all the required files there manually would be a headache.  I just need to get this installed once, so I can get the wireless connection running and upgrade, then I should have no issues whatsoever.
    What should I do now?
    -- I think this would be the right forum for this, if it isnt and someone wants to move it to installation or networking or wherever, feel free.  But it seemed more like an upgrade issue than anything else.

    Use a cable and -Syu, or download the packages on another box and move them over using a usb stick or similar? Or install from archboot which has .36?

  • Lack of support for rtl8187

    Hi, i know that the lack of the driver rtl8187 is a known issue, i've an Alfa Usb wifi adapter Awus036h whch loses the connection each times i start a download. I've tried following the commands written on the Wiki but with no results. I fixed the problem only on Arch i686 using ndiswrapper and Windows Xp_32 bit driver for the adapter (on Arch x86_64 i get a kernel panic with the same driver of Wind_64bit).
    I noticed that using Ubuntu there isn't this problem and i don't get any disconnection. Maybe due to the differences between the two  kernels, but how can we get the Ubuntu's advantages of rtl8187 into Arch too?
    Thanks, Marco
    Last edited by toketin (2012-11-10 22:23:46)

    Hi Marco,
    Same issues here.. Rtl8187 is driving me mad
    Did you make any progress on Arch x86_64 and ndiswrapper?
    I'm currently using rtl8187 from compat-wireless-snp AUR package. Seems to work a bit better than kernel stock.
    Also, i noticed, setting :
    sudo iwconfig [w_iface] retry 255
    greatly imporves rtl8187 behaviour..

  • Ndiswrapper problems.

    I installed Arch Linux 4 or 5 days ago and I am currently having a problem that is giving me headaches. I have searched the web over and over for a solution and I can't seem to find one.
    I have a wireless card which is a DLink DWL-G510. I got this card working using the ndiswrapper and the WL138 Asus 64 bit drivers and everything was fine.
    Then my system had a crash. Actually, I was stuck in a situation where 2 problems prevented me from rebooting in a nice way. I tried to shut down KDE and for reasons I have now fixed it would hang with a completely black screen. At the same time I was having a keyboard problem where I couldn't use the shift or control keys. Therefore I couldn't switch to a vc and reboot. I had to use the reset button on the computer.
    Ever since that time I have been unable to get my card to work. I tried it with a Knoppix boot disc and it was able to detect and see the card using iwconfig on that, so I know its not the fault of the card. I think I must have corrupted something when I rebooted.
    Currently I get one of two problems when I try to install. I go through ndiswrapper -i and it installs and ndiswrapper -l says the card has been detected. When I try to run modprobe ndiswrapper I get one of two situation.
    1) I check dmesg and I see
    ndiswrapper version 1.52 loaded (smp=yes, preempt=yes)
    ndiswrapper (link_pe_images:576): fixing KI_USER_SHARED_DATA address in the driver
    ndiswrapper: driver mrv8k64 (Marvell,06/08/2005, loaded
    ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [APC2] enabled at IRQ 17
    ACPI: PCI Interrupt 0000:03:07.0[A] -> Link [APC2] -> GSI 17 (level, low) -> IRQ 17
    ndiswrapper: using IRQ 17
    ndiswrapper (mp_init:216): couldn't initialize device: C0000001
    ndiswrapper (pnp_start_device:439): Windows driver couldn't initialize the device (C0000001)
    ndiswrapper (mp_halt:259): device ffff810119f96700 is not initialized - not halting
    ndiswrapper: device eth%d removed
    ACPI: PCI interrupt for device 0000:03:07.0 disabled
    ndiswrapper: probe of 0000:03:07.0 failed with error -22
    usbcore: registered new interface driver ndiswrapper
    NET: Registered protocol family 10
    lo: Disabled Privacy Extensions
    eth0: no IPv6 routers present
    vmnet1: no IPv6 routers present
    vmnet8: no IPv6 routers present
    2) Sometimes immediately and sometimes using dmesg I will see the following message and I will be unable to remove ndiswrapper, so further testing requires a reboot, which is very annoying. The message in the system log is different from what I get, but it is something to do with a
    windows driver cannot initialize device.
    I have tried reloading the ndiswrapper and ndiswrapper-utils packages but that didn't seem to do much. I'm having trouble remembering some of the other things I've tried with this. Oh yeah, I tried the sources from the ndiswrapper sourceforge site but that didn't seem to do anything either.
    Any ideas?

    Its funny, but in the process of doing this I was playing around with all kinds of things and reinstalling components to see if anything had been corrupted. In the process of doing this I tried the unstable kernel and then for some reason I lost ethernet. I couldn't get it to function in the regular kernel (I think it was still working for the new kernel), the arch install cd 2007.08.2, or the Knoppix 3.5.1 dvd. The cure was to reboot into windows and then reboot back into Linux. I wonder if the same thing would work for my wireless driver. Unfortunately the only windows I have install is 64 bit Vista and I don't have a functioning wireless driver for it so I cannot get it to work anywhere right now. Yes, I am aware that I am using the 64 bit ASUS driver in Linux but it says it is unable to start the device in Windows. This is not new, it has always happened.

  • How to use ndiswrapper for a D-Link DWA-160?

    I'm trying to get ndiswrapper working on my D-Link DWA-160 wireless USB dongle. The current driver, carl9170, is horrible - it's slow, unstable, and overheats the adapter. (The old driver, ar9170, worked like a dream - but got discontinued.)
    I got ndiswrapper working on this back in Ubuntu, but I can't seem to get it working here. (I'm curretly just using a different adapter, but when using ndiswrapper, this adapter is my most powerful one.)
    It seems that ndiswrapper hasn't been updated for the most recent kernel? The AUR looks like it's just been updated for the 3.10 kernel, but I'm on the 3.11 one. However, since I'm conpiling it from source, wouldn't tha take care of all issues?
    Anyway, do I need to just give up this battle until ndiswrapper gets updated? Or is there something I can do in the meantime?
    Last edited by ThePacman (2013-10-12 16:43:55)

    journalctl -xn gives:
    -- Logs begin at Fri 2013-10-11 14:17:23 CDT, end at Sun 2013-10-13 12:53:10 CDT. --
    Oct 13 12:53:03 james-OptiPlex-GX620 systemd[1]: Starting Networking for netctl profile enp0s29f7u8-Zorakistan...
    -- Subject: Unit netctl@enp0s29f7u8\x2dZorakistan.service has begun with start-up
    -- Defined-By: systemd
    -- Support:
    -- Unit netctl@enp0s29f7u8\x2dZorakistan.service has begun starting up.
    Oct 13 12:53:03 james-OptiPlex-GX620 network[22716]: Starting network profile 'enp0s29f7u8-Zorakistan'...
    Oct 13 12:53:03 james-OptiPlex-GX620 network[22716]: The interface of network profile 'enp0s29f7u8-Zorakistan' is already up
    Oct 13 12:53:03 james-OptiPlex-GX620 systemd[1]: netctl@enp0s29f7u8\x2dZorakistan.service: main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
    Oct 13 12:53:03 james-OptiPlex-GX620 systemd[1]: Failed to start Networking for netctl profile enp0s29f7u8-Zorakistan.
    -- Subject: Unit netctl@enp0s29f7u8\x2dZorakistan.service has failed
    -- Defined-By: systemd
    -- Support:
    -- Documentation:
    -- Unit netctl@enp0s29f7u8\x2dZorakistan.service has failed.
    -- The result is failed.
    Oct 13 12:53:03 james-OptiPlex-GX620 systemd[1]: Unit netctl@enp0s29f7u8\x2dZorakistan.service entered failed state.
    Oct 13 12:53:03 james-OptiPlex-GX620 sudo[22290]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
    Oct 13 12:53:10 james-OptiPlex-GX620 sudo[22767]: james : TTY=pts/2 ; PWD=/home/james ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/journalctl -xn
    Oct 13 12:53:10 james-OptiPlex-GX620 sudo[22767]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root by james(uid=0)
    Oct 13 12:53:10 james-OptiPlex-GX620 sudo[22767]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
    I've made sure to modprobe -r carl9170, modprobe ndiswrapper, and ndiswrapper -l says everything's fine.
    I've even tried ndiswrapper -a 07D1:3A09 dwarusb_xp, but to no avail.
    Concerning the part where it sayn the interface is "already up", I've tried ip link set down dev enp0s29f7u8, but that didn't fix it (although the command seemed to succeed.)
    Sometimes, when trying to use wifi-mine to start the connection, I get a few errors about "ioctl[SIOCSIWPMKSA]: Invalid argument". What does this mean?
    EDIT: just tried unplugging the adapter and I got a kernel panic.
    Last edited by ThePacman (2013-10-13 18:08:55)

  • What packages to install, and how to install in an USB hard drive

    Well, as I said in another thread, I want to install in an USB hard drive. But I don't know how, because it hasn't graphical installer, but text installer. I tried in a virtual machine, and it was fine, but when I want to start it, an error appears, "Was not found a bootable system" or something. Maybe a VM is not as a computer, but... well. I didn't change anything while I was installing GRUB, and I know that I've to install it in /dev/sdb.
    And I want to know too, what packages to install and what packages don't (the ones which are neither "base" nor "base-devel"). But I'll install sudo, links and ndiswrapper (for wifi).
    Thanks, and excuse me if my English is bad.

    Gotta use the wiki my friend and this one is even translated into Spanish: … C3%B1ol%29
    As to your question about which packages you'll need beyond those in base and base-devel - that depends on what you want on your system... no one can answer that but you!
    Welcome to Arch.
    Last edited by graysky (2011-01-01 19:50:46)

  • Kernel26-beyond + ndiswrapper + wpa_supplicant [solved]

    A few problems with kernel-2.6.16-beyond and my network profile (ndiswrapper plus wpa2-psk).
    Here we go:
    - Running Arch 0.7.2, uptodate with current and extra repos.
    - Installed kernel26beyond package and ndiswrapper-beyond.
       kernel26beyond version: 2.6.16.beyond4.1-1
       Ndiswrapper-beyond version: 1.16-1
    - Edited the grub configuration, adding the new kernel:
    title Arch Linux Beyond
    root (hd0,1)
    kernel /vmlinuz26beyond root=/dev/hda5 ro video=vesafb:ywrap,1280x800-16@60
    initrd /initramfs-beyond.img
    - Reboot to test the new kernel.
    It seems the wifi profile doesn't start. Ok, let's see...
    My wifi profile works OK with stock Arch kernel, but after the installation of kernel26 beyond the wpa socket directory (/var/run/wpa_supplicant) has dissapeared.
    No problem, created it again and restart the network. Still no luck.
    ndiswrapper-beyond seems to work fine:
    $ ndiswrapper -l
    bcmwl5 driver installed, hardware present
    dmesg output:
    ndiswrapper version 1.16 loaded (preempt=yes,smp=yes)
    ndiswrapper: driver bcmwl5 (Broadcom,05/26/2005, loaded
    ACPI: PCI Interrupt 0000:06:02.0[A] -> GSI 21 (level, low) -> IRQ 22
    ndiswrapper: using irq 22
    wlan0: vendor: ''
    wlan0: ndiswrapper ethernet device 00:14:a5:4e:11:27 using driver bcmwl5, 14E4:4319.5.conf
    wlan0: encryption modes supported: WEP; TKIP with WPA, WPA2, WPA2PSK; AES/CCMP with WPA, WPA2, WPA2PSK
    The wpa_supplicant configuration works fine with stock kernel:
    $ cat /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf
    psk=encrypted blah
    I have tried adding ndiswrapper to the modules array in /etc/rc.conf, the network doesn't start.
    Later I have changed the file /etc/mkinitramfs.conf and generated a new initramfs-beyond.img, trying to enable ndiswrapper here and/or USB subsystem support, but the result was the same.
    The *ONLY* solution I have found is booting the system with the beyond kernel, wait to the network init script to fail (it seems a dhcp timeout), log into the system and execute the following:
    # killall wpa_supplicant
    # /etc/rc.d/network restart
    Any idea about why I have to kill wpa_supplicant to get the wifi working with it? As I said, this problem does't exist with the stock kernel, and I don't see any errors reported by wpa_supplicant.
    Thanks in advance!

    Thanks for your reply, Phrodo_00.
    I think it is using the correct ndiswrapper module (beyond).
    Looking at the modinfo output:
    $ modinfo ndiswrapper
    filename: /lib/modules/2.6.16-beyond/misc/ndiswrapper.ko
    license: GPL
    version: 1.16
    description: NDIS wrapper driver
    Maybe this problem is related to the execution order of the commands (modprobe ndiswrapper, wpa_supplicant, dhcpcd) during boot.
    Everything works fine after killing wpa_supplicant and restarting the network, the ndiswrapper module is loaded, wpa_suplicant is running as a daemon, etc.
    $ ps -ef | grep wpa
    root 4262 1 0 10:12 ? 00:00:00 wpa_supplicant -wB -i wlan0 -c /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf -D wext
    $ ps -ef | grep dhcp
    root 4274 1 0 10:12 ? 00:00:00 dhcpcd -t 30 -h portatil wlan0
    $ lsmod | grep ndis
    ndiswrapper 145004 0
    usbcore 97696 6 ndiswrapper,hci_usb,usbhid,ohci_hcd,ehci_hcd

  • Ndiswrapper.ko wrong version/folder [solved]

    I had this same problem on my last installation and it worked itself out while i was fiddling. i cannot for the life of me repeat whatever caused it to work...I broke my arch and had to re-install using the same iso (0.7.1).
    the ndiswrapper version is 1.26
    the modules that come with my default installation are all under /lib/modules/2.6.15-ARCH whilst the ndiswrapper.ko is being installed under /lib/modules/2.6.18-ARCH. because of this i get FATAL: module not found when modprobeing. simply moving the module to the proper directory does not work due to versioning complaints (is it possible to force the module, and if so should i?).
    for at least the next 2 weeks, if i cant resolve this, i wont be able to run pacman -Syu on that machine. there is no way for me to connect to the internet other than my wireless so let me just say that command won't be helpful to me right now
    my school is all wireless and my apartment only allows one laptop on their internet service per home and well...mine isn't it. i know this problem can be solved without updates as it was done before. Thanks!
    i guess the ndiswrapper in /extra is newer than my version of arch, i just installed the wrapper from source i managed to grab. the package was nicely in that only a make install command was required. no special config files or options. only problem with this method, i imagine, is that now pacman has no info about the installation and will have to be manually maintained in the future...assuming of course an update doesn't fix the original problem.

    The ndiswrapper in extra is indeed built for the 2.6.18 kernel as you have discovered.
    Using abs/ makepkg you could build your own ndiswrapper package for the 2.6.15 kernel, but there is an easier way.
    Use tpowa's new base iso along with the binaries from extra for ndiswrapper and ndiswrapper-utils.
    The link points to a base iso with kernel 2.6.18 and packages updated to the 19-11 stand.

  • Can't update ndiswrapper

    From a couple of days my system can't update because of ndiswrapper:
    [root@archtoshiba ~]# pacman -Syu
    :: Sincronizzazione dei database in corso...
    core è aggiornato
    extra è aggiornato
    community è aggiornato
    :: Aggiornamento del sistema in corso...
    :: Vuoi sostituire ndiswrapper-utils con community/ndiswrapper? [S/n] s
    risoluzione delle dipendenze in corso...
    ricerca dei conflitti in corso...
    errore: impossibile eseguire l'operazione richiesta (impossibile soddisfare le dipendenze)
    :: ndiswrapper-lts: richiede ndiswrapper-utils=1.56
    ndiswrapper-utils goes in conflict with ndiswrapper and pacman asks me to substitute it. When I answer yes, it shows me an error: ndiswrapper requires ndiswrapper-lts, so I can't go forward...
    Yesterday I removed ndiswrapper-utils and ndiswrapper-lts, then installed the new ndiswrapper, but after reboot the system couldn't load.
    So, I booted with kernel26-lts-fallback and rollback to ndiswrapper-utils and ndiswrapper-lts. The system now works, but I can't update it.
    What should I do?

    karol wrote:
    "ndiswrapper requires ndiswrapper-lts" - are you sure? … iswrapper/
    LC_ALL=C <command>
    to get output in English.
    If you enabled C locale, it should work.
    [root@archtoshiba ~]# LC_ALL=C pacman -Syu
    :: Synchronizing package databases...
    core is up to date
    extra is up to date
    community is up to date
    :: Starting full system upgrade...
    :: Replace ndiswrapper-utils with community/ndiswrapper? [Y/n] y
    resolving dependencies...
    looking for inter-conflicts...
    error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)
    :: ndiswrapper-lts: requires ndiswrapper-utils=1.56
    Sorry, lts requires utils...
    karol wrote:Edit: Ahhh, somebody put ndiswrapper back in community.
    So? What is the point?
    karol wrote:Again, what happens if you remove the AUR packages and install only the package from [community]?
    Ehm, I don't understand.
    I've not installed ndiswrapper-utils and ndiswrapper-lts from AUR ( &
    edit: Neither ndiswrapper (
    Last edited by digitalone (2011-08-19 13:12:26)

  • Ndiswrapper, dhcp, internet headaches.

    I recently got a nintendo wii (!, woohoo) and it didn't immediately work with my wireless internet.  I read up on it and was told to upgrade & reset my router.  I did it, and now the wii works, and all my Windows computers work with the net perfectly as well.
    Nevertheless, after this router upgrade, Arch's internet just won't work.  I use ndiswrapper with the netgear wg121 USB adapter, with the netgear wgr614v4 router.
    My network's essid is "mnet", so to load my network, before the upgrade, I would just:
    modprobe ndiswrapper
    iwconfig wlan0 essid mnet
    dhcpcd wlan0
    ...and that would be the end of it.
    Now, however, I can't connect to anything when I do that.  It still detects the network -- i.e., when running iwconfig I can see my network, my router's mac address, etc.  dhcpcd doesn't give me a lot of helpful information as to what the problem is--It just runs and closes.  I've tried numerous variations of it, i.e., dhcpcd -G wlan0, etc., but nothing usually works.  Here's the deal: sometimes it does!  On occasion, after running dhcpcd numerous times and playing with it for 15+ minutes, I can get it to connect to the internet, but there is no way to tell why!  It just "decides" randomly to connect occassionally, and it's not like I issued a different command -- each time it "decides" to connect, it was because I issued a command I must have done at least 10 times before.
    dhclient gives a little more info--I found out that I was being set up with, every time--whether the net worked or not.  This is kind of signifigant because I actually set up my router to have my mac address always get, so it seems dhcp is actually working.
    So the question is, why would the internet always work on windows, and rarely work on arch?  What could be the difference with the upgraded router?
    Thanks for any ideas...

    Okay then.  I just tried multiple ndiswrapper versions -- 1.35, 1.34 (what I've been using forever), 1.33, 1.32, 1.28, and 1.8.  None of them worked.  (BTW, I've been compiling ndiswrapper from source forever, and not using the pacman versions.  I did this before the network stopped working, too, so I didn't think this could possibly be a problem?)
    I didn't expect ndiswrapper to work as good as native windows drivers!  I just found it weird that the driver would suddenly stop working in linux, and keep working in windows/wii.
    I tried "ifconfig wlan0 up" and just about a billion other commands.
    Now, I tried a bunch of really interesting tests:  First, I connected to a neighbor's network.  And it worked.  Second, I installed ubuntu and ndiswrapper 1.8 on that.  And it worked.  Why would it work with ubuntu consistently, and not with arch?  That seemed odd.
    And now, the logs:
    iwconfig - broken, working.  (I didn't add in the lo, eth0, sit0 on the second one; they weren't being picked up by iwconfig > file, so I added them in on the first one, but they were showing up when I ran the command).
    iwlist wlan0 scan - broken, working.
    dmesg - broken, working (I actually unmodprobe'd ndiswrapper and remodprobed it right before it started working.  It's weird tricks like that that get it to work, but it's not consistent, like I said).
    ping - broken (just in case it might help; I doubt it will, but that pops up after about 30 seconds when the internet's not working).
    Notice how the broken/working contents for almost everything is pretty much the same.  That's why I figured it would be useless to post it!
    Any ideas now, especially about how it would work on ubuntu and not arch (which is a little more fair then comparing arch to windows, I guess)?
    Thanks again!
    Last edited by tm8992 (2007-01-29 17:37:41)

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