All 6 Fast & Furious for 69.95 not working?

In this weeks sales flyer, it states you can get all 6 Fast & Furious Blu-Rays for 69.95 in Steelbooks. When you click on the link it gives me a bad link message.  If I add all the items to my cart separately its well over 69.95.
How can you get this deal?

They removed the link because they listed the wrong SteelBook. If you want the bundle deal for $69.99, you must purchase the non-exclusive white SteelBook version of Fast and Furious 6. The Best Buy exclusive yellow SteelBook is also part of the bundle, but it costs $3 more.They pulled the link because of this mistake. The correct bundle with the white SteelBook is the one in the printed ad

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    Not replaced, just moved. Now grouped with all other Mac OS X feedback:
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    and 2)
    when I click on a package body - I get "loading ..." below it but it never puts the
    procedure names in and the "loading ..."message stays in the tree view - however you do get to see the packages in the source window.
    Realise this is very much a work in progress and am grateful to see an early release such as this. Looking forward to the production release.
    Best regards,

    OK thanks for looking've obviously got the fixes on your to do lists
    Noticed that the SQL tab when you select an object works fine - displays the
    DDL for the object
    Do you think you'll have functionality so you can select many objects (shift left click) and
    then create a DDL script for them? It looks like you can do this for all objects in a schema but
    the ability to select a subset of objects in a schema would be very useful for our DBA's.
    Couldn't see any good reason for keeping using SQLNavigator
    Many congratulations on producing such a useful tool.
    Kind regards,

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    Hi Peter
    Thanks a lot for your help (and sorry for not having answered quicker, but my boss gave me a more urgent task last week...).
    Anyway, I did what you suggested (re-importing into a brand new project), and then the search for synonyms really worked! But, being a sceptical person, I did the same with another project, and with that one, it did not work. So, what I did next was compare all the settings of these two projects, and I found a difference.
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    Search for synonyms does not work in HTML-Help, but it does work in WebHelp (and maybe others, but they are not relevant for me, so I did not test them);
    Search for synonyms does only work, when the function 'Teilzeichenfolgensuche' is NOT activated.
    Could maybe somebody test this, too, and post here whether my conclusions are really correct?
    Btw: This fact is not mentioned in the RH-Manual; actually, this function 'Teilzeichenfolgensuche' is not even mentioned there (at least not in the German edition)!!!
    Can hardly wait to see your feedback; thanks again for everybody's support!

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    Download/install an app is a know possible solution.
    3. Install another app from the App Store
    If all user-installed apps are not launching, it could be an Apple ID authorization issue. Download and install an app that isn't already installed on your device to reset this information.
    Note: If you have installed apps using multiple Apple ID accounts, you may need to perform this step for each account.
    Above from Apple's :
    iOS: Troubleshooting applications purchased from the App Store

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    Hi Yokanup,
    Thanks for visiting Apple Support Communities.
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    All the best,

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