All files burn as single track

i did not join cd tracks, but every cd i burn, burns as a single treck. how do i correct this??

I found a workaround.  I brought the .wav file into a different tab [sequence] and then copied and pasted it from there to the sequence where it only previously appeared as a single track, and now it appears as two tracks, like normal.  So, it works, I guess.  Ugh.

Similar Messages

  • Insert multiple files onto a single track, not one file per track

    In both Audition CS5.5 and CS6, when the user inserts multiple files into a multitrack session, they are placed on multiple tracks. (As the help file says, "The files are inserted on separate tracks at the current time position"). Please change this to allow multiple files to be inserted onto a single track.
    I can understand the usefulness of the current behaviour in some scenarios, but there are other workflows in which the placement of multiple files on multiple tracks is a serious hindrance.
    E.g. In this thread, a user mentions needing to insert 10,000 individual files for dialogue editing and mixing.
    I also posted in that thread because my own workflow involves editing hundreds of individual files, which are single notes recorded for the production of virtual instruments.
    The reason why a "one-track multitrack" workflow is useful to me is that it allows great flexibility in processing multiple files individually or at once, comparing them, adding markers, fades, etc.
    It would also be useful when bringing in any audio that has been recorded in consecutive chunks - field recordings, concerts, Foley sessions, etc.
    In the thread, another user suggested inserting all the files onto a single track in Premiere Pro, then bringing that project into Audition as a multitrack session. Unfortunately this creates another problem for me, because it renames all the audio with the suffix "extracted". My workflow requires me to keep the original file names, because these are used downstream when mapping the recorded notes in the virtual instrument.
    Thanks for reading and please consider this for a future update.

    Just curious. Has there been an answer yet as to how to insert existing audio clips from a file to a waveform view in CS6. I create voiceovers or edit large interview files that require audio tones and sfx for my clients in production studios. The tones are inserted between takes as a courtesy tone to denote separation.  In the older versions of Audition, the function was as simple as mix/pasting an audio file, selecting insert or overlap, set the import level percentage and paste.  And each time this function was exercised, Audition would use the same settings you last used to reduce repetition of settings. Logical. That's all gone in CS6 ... so, to lay down a voiceover file for Comcast or any client, in waveform view (vs. Multitrack which is not necessary for single mono file editing) I have to go through unnecessary steps simple to select insert/mix paste>file>paste into existing wave form.
    Also, if I need to simply overlap a gasp over the last syllable of a phrase in a simple wave form, I don't appear to be able to do this.  I called Adobe for support on these function, but, they had not answers and simple said I couldn't change the workspace, and they had no other answers. Any help would be greatly appreciated if you have insight.

  • 1.- I´m creating a Muse site which contains videos, photos and sound. All videos, sounds and pictures are located in diferent folders in my PC. Since Muse doesn't organize the project and its files like Dremweaver (all files in a single folder). How can I

    1.- I´m creating a Muse site which contains videos, photos and sound. All videos, sounds and pictures are located in diferent folders in my PC. Since Muse doesn't organize the project and its files like Dremweaver (all files in a single folder). How can I manage my site (containing all the media)  in order to upload it to a server?
    2.- Is there a Adobe Muse community in spanish language?
    Thanks for your help

    Kevin is suggesting that you store the projects you create while working through his book in a folder called RoboHelpProjects. It is not where you have to store every project you ever create.That is for the purposes of his book.
    RoboHelp initially defaults to My RoboHelp Projects but it's up to you whether you do. Generally on the forums we advise against that as  it is part of your profile and can result in excessively long path names in a few cases. Generally where authors create file names that are so long they almost serve as the content.
    Projects always have a root folder, call them Project 1 and Project 2 for this purpose. You can have those folders directly off your C drive (or other local partition) or within in a parent folder as above.
    Now to what you can and cannot do. You can delete a whole project by selecting Project 1 or Project 2 in Windows Explorer. Obviously if you delete the parent folder you will delete all your projects within.
    What you must not do is delete individual files within a project using Windows Explorer, for that you use RoboHelp's Project Manager. The exception is if you go to Tools > Reports there is a report Unused Files. Files listed there will have to be deleted using Windows Explorer for the very good reason they do not appear in Project Manager and, therefore, cannot be deleted that way.
    If you think about it, it is similar to Word. There is no option to delete a document there other than using File > Open and right clicking. Not very intuitive.
    See for RoboHelp and Authoring tips

  • Removing ownership & permissions for all files burned to a DVD?

    I am new to the concept of "ownership & permissions". Do they apply to files burned to DVD or just the files on the computer? I would like to burn some files onto a DVD for backup and I do not want to copy the "ownership & permissions" settings of the files - I just need to backup the files only. I would like to back the files up for a year or two and I am concerned that in the future I may not remember my usernames or passwords to access these files from the burned DVD.
    Do "ownership & permissions" apply to files burned onto a DVD? Or does the DVD burning process erase the "ownership & permissions" settings? I tried to burn a DVD from OSX by creating a burn folder and I didn't see any setting that allowed me to remove the "ownership & permissions" settings.
    Thank you for any insite into this.

    Thanks Mulder,
    Here is what I am trying to do:
    I do not need to backup any system files - I already have OSX on my original DVD if I needed to re-install. I only need to backup the users' document files and maybe some email folders in the users' libraries.
    I set up three accounts:
    1. The first account is for admin purposes only.
    2. The second is for my own use - it is the account used most often on this computer.
    3. The third account is for my family.
    Note: I will set up a fourth account for our student renter later.
    I will have access to the user names and passwords of all these accounts in case I need to go into the accounts to back up their documents. But the user(s) of the family account will not have my password - so the kids don't accidently erase any of my files.
    When working in the second account (which is used most often by myself), I sometimes need to place newly created files into the "document" folder on our family account (the third account). And so I purposely changed the "Ownership & Permissions" on the "document" folder on our family account (the third account) to Group: second account. This allows me (the second account) to place files into the "Document" folder of the third account (the family account). After doing this, I also need to change the "Ownership & Permissions" of any added files to Group: third account so the user(s) of the family account can edit (read and write) the files I add from the second account.
    An alternative setup that I decided not to use: I could have made use of the "users/shared" folder for this, however, I do not want everyone to be able to access these files - especially when I set up a fourth account (or even more accounts) in the future. I only would like to share the contents of the third account's "Document" folder between two users (user of the second account and the user of the third account).
    Now I will continue the explanation of my setup:
    Over time the "Document" folder of the third account (the family account) will become filled with a mixture of files with different Ownerships - some created from the second account and some created from the third account - but all editable from either the second account or the third account by assigning each other access via the "Group" designation in "Ownership & Permission". Because of this mix of files with different ownerships, I could, if I wanted to keep the settings consistent, select the "Document" folder of the third account (the family account) and change the ownership of all enclosed items to the user of the third account by using the "Apply to enclosed items". I would probably also change the "Group" designation to the second account too.
    I will be able to make all these changes because I have the user names and passwords for all the accounts.
    Now here is my main question:
    My concern is that when it comes time to backup the document folders onto DVD, what if in a couple years I forget these passwords? You see, I would rather not copy any "Ownership & Permissions" settings of the files onto the DVD. Lets say that in a couple of years I go back to my DVD backup and need to pull off some old jpeg files and put them onto my computer. When I insert the old backup DVD will it say: "Sorry, you do not have access priviledges to view these files" or something like that? That would be a real problem. These are my own files. Why would I want to risk making an important backup DVD un-useable in the future because of some long-and-forgotten permission settings?
    What I would like to do is copy all my files onto DVD for backup in such a way that "Ownership & Permissions" are not copied. Why put the risk of a limitation on your important backups? Is there a better way to do this? What do other people do?
    Am I making this more complicated than it has to be? As you can tell, I am a beginner with OSX (and permissions) and I am looking for some advice. Thanks
    Mulder, when you wrote:
    "If you're trying to backup just selected files, such as your purchased music or applications, etc., then ownership and permissions shouldn't be a problem."
    did you mean that ownership and permissions are not copied? That would be great. But I am not sure if that is what you meant to write. Thanks!

  • To ZIP all files into a single ZIP archive

    Can anybody suggest me how to Zip mutiple files into single Zip archive.

    use Winzip :).Or jar all your files with JAVA. And then rename the
    extension to .zip. In fact a .jar file is a .zip file.

  • I've been importing all my old CDs into itunes but one of them which was unknown imported as single tracks. How can I combine these into one album

    I've been importing all my old CDs into itunes but one of them which came up as unknown has imported as single tracks named track 1, track 2 etc. It wasn't an obscure CD (Paul Carrack - the journey so far) but not one that's available in the itunes store. I've manually changed the track names but they all appear as single tracks in the "Albums" section. Is there a way to put them all into an album to show up as an album with the other albums. Other "unknown" CDs I imported have imported with the correct track names but just don't have the album artwork so I don't understand why this one is behaving totally different?

    If you select the tracks all together in iTunes/ Songs then go to File/Get info you will be asked "Are you sure you want to edit information for multiple items?" Go ahead and you can make them into an album, putting in the artist name, etc.

  • Script to search all files in specified folder for multiple string text values listed in a source file and output each match to one single results txt file

    I have been searching high and low for this one.  I have a vbscript that can successfully perform the function if one file is listed.  It does a Wscript.echo on the results and if I run this via command using cscript, I can output to a text file
    that way.  However, I cannot seem to get it to work properly if I want it to search ALL the files in the folder.  At one point, I was able to have it create the output file and appear as if it worked, but it never showed any results when the script
    was executed and folder was scanned.  So I am going back to the drawing board and starting from the beginning.
    I also have a txt file that contains the list of string text entries I would like it to search for.  Just for testing, I placed 4 lines of sample text and one single matching text in various target files and nothing comes back.  The current script
    I use for each file has been executed with a few hundred string text lines I want it to search against to well over one thousand.  It might take awhile, but it works every time. The purpose is to let this run against various log files in a folder and
    let it search.  There is no deleting, moving, changing of either the target folder/files to run against, nor of the file that contains the strings to search for.  It is a search (read) only function, going thru the entire contents of the folder and
    when done, performs the loop function and onto the next file to repeat the process until all files are searched.  When completed, instead of running a cscript to execute the script and outputting the results to text, I am trying to create that as part
    of the overall script.  Saving yet another step for me to do.
    My current script is set to append to the same results file and will echo [name of file I am searching]:  No errors found.  Otherwise, the
    output shows the filename and the string text that matched.  Because the results append to it, I can only run the script against each file separately or create individual output names.  I would rather not do that if I could include it all in one.
     This would also free me from babysitting it and running each file script separately upon the other's completion.  I can continue with my job and come back later and view the completed report all in one.  So
    if I could perform this on an entire folder, then I would want the entries to include the filename, the line number that the match occurred on in that file and the string text that was matched (each occurrence).  I don't want the entire line to be listed
    where the error was, just the match itself.
    Example:  (In the event this doesn't display correctly below, each match, it's corresponding filename and line number all go together on the same line.  It somehow posted the example jumbled when I listed it) 
    File1.txt Line 54 
    Job terminated unexpectedly
     File1.txt Line 58 Process not completed
    Line 101 User input not provided
    Line 105  Process not completed
    No errors found
    Line 35 No tape media found
    Line 156 Bad surface media
    File3.txt Line 188
    Process terminated
    Those are just random fake examples for this post.
    This allows me to perform analysis on a set of files for various projects I am doing.  Later on, when the entire search is completed, I can go back to the results file and look and see what files had items I wish to follow up on.  Therefore, the
    line number that each match was found on will allow me to see the big picture of what was going on when the entry was logged.
    I actually import the results file into a spreadsheet, where further information is stored regarding each individual text string I am using.  Very useful.
    If you know how I can successfully achieve this in one script, please share.  I have seen plenty of posts out there where people have requested all different aspects of it, but I have yet to see it all put together in one and work successfully.
    Thanks for helping.

    I'm sorry.  I was so consumed in locating the issue that I completely overlooked posting what exactly I was needing  help with.   I did have one created, but I came across one that seemed more organized than what I originally created.  Later
    on I would learn that I had an error in log location on my original script and therefore thought it wasn't working properly.  Now that I am thinking that I am pretty close to achieving what I want with this one, I am just going to stick with it.
    However, I could still use help on it.  I am not sure what I did not set correctly or perhaps overlooking as a typing error that my very last line of this throws an "Expected Statement" error.  If I end with End, then it still gives same
    So to give credit where I located this:
    I then adjusted it for what I was doing.
    What this does does is it searches thru log files in a directory you specify when prompted.  It looks for words that are contained in another file; objFile2, and outputs the results of all matching words in each of those log files to another file:  errors.log
    Once all files are scanned to the end, the objects are closed and then a message is echoed letting you know (whether there errors found or not), so you know the script has been completed.
    What I had hoped to achieve was an output to the errors.log (when matches were found) the file name, the line number that match was located on in that file and what was the actual string text (not the whole line) that matched.  That way, I can go directly
    to each instance for particular events if further analysis is needed later on.
    So I could use help on what statement should I be closing this with.  What event, events or error did I overlook that I keep getting prompted for that.  Any help would be appreciated.
    Option Explicit
    'Prompt user for the log file they want to search
    Dim varLogPath
    varLogPath = InputBox("Enter the complete path of the logs folder.")
    'Create filesystem object
    Dim oFSO
    Set oFSO = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    'Creates the output file that will contain errors found during search
    Dim oTSOut
    Set oTSOut = oFSO.CreateTextFile("c:\Scripts\errors.log")
    'Loop through each file in the folder
    Dim oFile, varFoundNone
    VarFoundNone = True
    For Each oFile In oFSO.GetFolder(varLogPath).Files
        'Verifies files scanned are log files
        If LCase(Right(oFile.Name,3)) = "log" Then
            'Open the log file
            Dim oTS
            oTS = oFSO.OpenTextFile(oFile.Path)
            'Sets the file log that contains error list to look for
            Dim oFile2
            Set oFile2 = oFSO.OpenTextFile("c:\Scripts\livescan\lserrors.txt", ForReading)
            'Begin reading each line of the textstream
            Dim varLine
            Do Until oTS.AtEndOfStream
                varLine = oTS.ReadLine
                Set objRegEx = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
                objRegEx.Global = True  
                Dim colMatches, strName, strText
                Do Until oErrors.AtEndOfStream
                    strName = oFile2.ReadLine
                    objRegEx.Pattern = ".{0,}" & strName & ".{0,}\n"
                    Set colMatches = objRegEx.Execute(varLine)  
                    If colMatches.Count > 0 Then
                        For Each strMatch in colMatches 
                            strText = strText & strMatch.Value
                            WScript.Echo "Errors found."
                            oTSOut.WriteLine oFile.Name, varLine.Line, varLine
                            VarFoundNone = False
                    End If
                Exit Do
                If VarFoundNone = True Then
                    WScript.Echo "No errors found."
                    WScript.Echo "Errors found.  Check logfile for more info."
                End If
        End if

  • Not all files copied to burn folders are showing up as alias files.

    I am trying to perform a very trivial function of burning JPEGS on my DVD.  I've done it tons of times with minimal issues.
    However, recently, I have noticed a consistent issue in the burn folder:
    When I try to place JPEGS from a master/original folder to a burn folder on my desktop, I notice that most all files will correctly be "alias" files (as expected).  However, there are a few (one or two) that will show up as JPEG files.  That JPEG file size is smaller than the original, which leads me to believe that it is having trouble making it an alias file.  When I click on that JPEG file in the burn folder, I get the following error "the file 'xyz.jpg' could not be opened.  It may be damaged or use a file format that preview doesn't recognize."  However, when I open that file from the origina source, it opens fine.
    When I "get info" properties, I notice that in the general file information section, it does not show the original source location (as it does when looking at the alias "get info" properties.)
    So what I have to do at this point is delete the false JPEG file image in the burn folder, and individually replace that with the file from the original source.  At that point, it makes it an alias file.
    Although I found a work around to get files burned, I want to fix this so this does not happen when I am placing large amounts of files in burn folder.  As it is, I can no longer trust the burn folder and have to inspect it before I burn to make sure all files are alias files. 
    Anybody experience this and have a way to fix this in the system?
    Many of you probably are experiencing this, but if you are not checking your burn folder, it will just look like a corrupt file on your CD/DVD.
    Thanks for your help.

    Hi all, thanks for your suggestions thus far.  Here is some additional information and initial answers to your comments.
    I am still having the issue.  Currently, what I do is export full res files from my master RAWs using Aperture 3.  To do this, we create an export folder on desktop or any other specific storage location.  We then use the burn folders as a simple method to create an immediate backup DVD of the JPEGS.  As described above I am using the drag and drop technique currently to move images into the burn folder, as we have a few different labeled burn folders in our workflow. 
    I am not using iPhoto at all for this process, as all of my images are managed with Aperture 3.  However, since the files/exports coming out of A3 seem to be fine, I am not currently questioning the integrity of the export.
    I am going to try to use the burn folder technique from finder as BRB8910 suggests as an alternate method and report back on the outcome.
    But Here is a revised issue of the initial stated problem:
    I went back to my desktop to do some additional testing and tried a new condition...keeping the burn folder closed down.
    On my desktop, I created a new burn folder called "burn tester 2".  I left it unopened and dragged the same master images from the same master folder directly into the folder collapsed down.  ANd guess what?  All the alias images seem to appear in the "Burn Tester 2" burn folder fine.
    NOW, here is the newly discovered issue.  I removed the alias files in the "Burn Tester 2" Burn folder.  For my next test, I opened the empty burn folder.  So know I have an empty open burn folder window.  I then opened my master folder and highlighted all the master JPEG images and dragged them into the same "Burn Tester 2
    burn folder that is now open.  Guess what?  The issue remains.  I will get some files that copy in as corrupt JPEG files along with mostly Alias files. 
    I deleted the burn tester 2 burn folder all together, and recreated a third virgin burn folder and this time opened first.  when I dragged images to the freshly created and open burn foldder 3, I get the same issue.  When I delete the burn folder contents and collapse (close) the burn folder window, I then drag images to that burn folder 3 directly on the desktop (while closed), and then all the Alias files seem to drag in fine, with no JPEGs.
    So it appears after my testing, I discovered that this issue only happens when I copy into a burn folder that is an open window.
    I am just really confused as to why this is happening.
    Hope this provides additional insight.  BTW:  Yes, I did reboot my system prior to retesting and I am using MAC OS 10.6.8 MacPro Quad Core with 8 GB RAM.

  • Compact all external files in a single projector

    there is a xtras or a tool that compact all external files in
    single projector? that have the same function of zinc , i can
    put all
    external files in a library and when i execute the
    application unpack all
    files in a directory

    Great Work Kali. Thanks for sharing
    One small doubt. Whenever I decompile some .class files. I find that the .java files doesnt compile properly
    for example
    throw new OAException(e.getMessage(), 0);
    here it gives a compilation error like couldnt find new OAException(String,int) , where actually it is expecting byte
    Also some times Class Names are not correctly decompiled like
    Serializable a[]={a};
    it decompiles as
    Object a[]={a};
    is there is a solution for this ? Also wanted to check if your decompiler decompiles the .class file into .java files without any such errors...
    Many thanks for sharing such useful script

  • Burn multiple video files to one single DVD

    I am converting a ton of old home videos to digital format, and I want to store them on DVDs.  I'm using Elgato Video Capture to connect my VCR to my Mac which works fine for creating mp4s.  I can then "right-click" on the mp4 file name in Finder and one of the options is "Burn [filename] to Disc".  This is fine.  But my problem is that many of these videos are fairly short clips and I don't want to use one single DVD for each one. 
    Does anyone know any way that I can burn multiple mp4 files onto one single DVD?  Whenever I go to burn one of them to Disc, it seems to want a blank disc each time. 
    I suspect there is software out there that I could purchase, but I was hoping not to spend much money on this project.  Any way of doing this in the standard Mac software?  Or maybe a not too expensive DVD burner software I could buy which would allow this?

    Click here and follow the instructions.

  • Enhance Tuning to a Key for a Single Track

    I am looking to enhance the tuning for a single track but when I go to enhance one track it enhances the tuning for all the tracks. Does anyone know of a way to just enhance the tuning for a single track? Or maybe a way to just export one track out of several?

    Well I'm just calling it what Garageband is calling it. At the top it says "Garageband, File, Edit, and then Track. Where you can add, delete, and duplicate a track. When you select "Create New Track" you then can choose from Software Instrument, Real Instrument, or Electric Guitar. I think you are thinking of a Track as a Project. When you first start Garageband the top one says _*New Project*_ and the bottom one says _*Recent Projects*_.
    And I know you can move it to a New Project. I was muting all the other Tracks in a project except for the one that I wanted in a certain key and then I exported it to iTunes and then stuck it right back in as a song. So I know how to do it that way but I was wondering if there was an easier way where I didn't need to export and import tracks all the time.

  • How can I export a single track in Soundbooth CS5?

    I have built up a single track in Soundbooth composed of several repeated clips. I wish to export this single track.
    How can I do this in CS5 Soundbooth?

    Sorry nobody has answered this. I haven't been in this forum in a couple of weeks.
    If you have all the tracks right where you want them, are you able to save the file as an mp3?
    Are you looking to export it for web use?
    For video tracking?
    I'm not sure why you'd want to export it as opposed to saving in one of the many available formats.

  • How do I burn a recorded track, on logic pro?

    How do I burn a recorded track, on logic pro?

    I am far from an expert at Logic, but I found making a .wav file or .MP3 file fairly easy.
    Using the edit menj, I select all the tracts in my arrnage window.  Having done that I bounce the selected tract to my audio hard drive, having named it.
    I can then import that audio file and others into Itunes and then burn a list of compositions onto a CD.
    There must be several variations on that process but that one works well for me.

  • Best Way to Export Single Tracks in Audition

    What is the best way to export one single track (stereo or 5.1) from a multiple track mix in the Multitrack Editor if I want to make it mono? Is it by just muting the tracks I don´t want in the final mixdown and then selecting a mono Master in the Mixdown Options box?
    What about exporting only a few of the tracks from a multiple track mix to one mono file? Same process?

    "Export all Tracks as Audio Files" found under File>Export.
    This will render audio files of your software instruments that start at bar 1, beat 1, and can be dragged right into Pro Tools. The export happens "pre-fader", so it is bounced at unity gain, and excludes any automation.
    If there is automation that needs to be included (like a filter sweep or something like that), you'll need to solo the track, and bounce it, because a bounced file does include automation.
    Also, if you're using a multi-channel instrument, you'll need to bounce those tracks separately as well.

  • Importing Stereo File to Two Mono Tracks?

    I have a stereo audio file. I'd like to put it into GB2 with one side of the stereo file as one mono track and the second side of the stereo file as a second mono track.
    Is there any way to do this?

    Leon, Here is a file explaining what Monomaker does.
    Monomaker is a simple mono-merging and stereo-recentering utility plugin.
    You can use the mono merge parameter to progressively merge your stereo audio channels into a single mono signal. Turning mono merge all the way up to 1 will make your sound completely mono. Turning mono merge all the way down to 0 will leave your audio unaffected.
    You can then recenter your signal using the pan parameter. The panning is equal power (meaning that as you move further over to one channel, sound from the other channel is copied over to the first channel in order to keep the total volume consistent).
    Also, in case it's useful, you can re-route the 2 input streams in a variety of ways by using the input selection parameter. "Left-right" means that everything is normal, "right-left" means that the left and right streams are swapped, "left-left" means that you lose the right stream and get the left stream copied to both inputs, and "right-right" means that you lose the left stream and get the right stream copied to both inputs.
    Monomaker's signal path is input selection first, then mono merge, then pan.
    I have just downloaded it myself and have not looked at it yet. I apologize in advance for not checking it first before posting it. It may or may not help you, and I do not know if it works in Garageband.
    Here is the site I got it from

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