All new mail is flagged??

This problem may be linked to my Blackberry, but for some reason all new mail coming from my Gmail account to mail is flagged... any suggestions? I have Blackberry push email btw

Solved my own problem!

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    Open Mail preferences, click on the Accounts icon in the toolbar then select your mail account, click on the Mailbox Behaviours tab on the right. Set the dropdown menu at the bottom for the Never option.
    However, you cannot change the default options set for a newly created account.

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    Hi Manuel
    Unless you yourself have set up forwarding from your POP accounts to MobileMe, there is no connection whatsoever between those email accounts.
    Click on the small triangle to the left of the Inbox in Mail - it will separate out into your three different account inboxes.
    And it sounds like you have set your POP accounts to delete mail from the server once you've received it in Mail. In your Mail account preferences, go to Advanced, and change the Delete from Server option if you also want to see the same messages in webmail.

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    Must I reset the iPod Touch to factory defaults and load it again? Then find out if it works ?

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    when i now open mail, all new mails from all accounts are retrieved. how can i have mail only download new mail for one (certain) account. maybe to trigger the download by hand? or have mail configured to download mails automatically for one account and manually for the others.
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  • No incoming new mails

    since 4 days ago I am not getting my new mails. Activity is now reporting 24 mail pending, and growing, but none incoming.
    I can access by webmail, and all new mails are there, and they came to my blackberry.
    I tried all help indications, rebuilding mailbox, reimporting mailbox and deleting mailbox. Nothing works.
    Any help?
    Thanks in advance

    AleXNight, what about all soft installed?, need to reinstall again?. Could be my last desperate action, waiting for more options
    All your software installed stays at its place. You don't need to reinstall anything. You only have to re-update your Mac OS X because it downgrades to the version on the DVD (e.g.: DVD is 10.6.3 → Your system become 10.6.3). It lasts about an hour on MacBook Pro 13" (early 2010).

  • I am currently volunteering in Uganda, so data is precious. I can no longer afford unlimited data, I pay by MB/GB. All of a sudden Mail has stopped receiving. I wait until about 60meg, but no new mail. Using Gmail. Doctor says connected fine.

    I am currently volunteering in Uganda, so data is precious. I can no longer afford unlimited data, I pay by MB/GB. All of a sudden Mail has stopped receiving. I wait until about 60meg, but no new mail. Using Gmail. Connectivity Doctor says connected fine. No probs there. And weirdly, when I want to send an email. I write it, it takes absolutely ages to try to send but as soon as I click disconnect it sends the email. Very odd. I would just love to be able to write all my emails offline and save to drafts/Outbox and then just connect to send and check emails then disconnect again.

        I can see that this issue has been quite extensive, and frustrating, and I am so sorry for all that has happened societygirl! I would like to help you work this issue out. Please follow & send me a Direct Message, so I can get your account specifics and help finally bring this to a resolution.
    Thank you,
    Follow us on Twitter @VZWSupport

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