Allocating certain percentage of database resource to specific user

Is it posisble to allocate a certain percentage of database reosurce to a specific user?
We are using Oracle on IBM Power Series 7 (AIX operating system) and find that if have to run the standard ETL during the day, the resources are swallowed up by this user.
Oracle enterprise with partitioning license.
It would be godd if could say ensure pl/sqwl ran on another separate schema always had x%age of resource?
Is this possible?

I think You can do it creating resuorce plan and including the user into the corresponding group

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    I solved it by a trigger at logon on V$SESSION which validates MACHINE like [HOSTNAME] and username not like [the_user_I_would_allow].
    It works now.
    Thanks for your reply.

  • Database resource manager and RAC

    This is probably is very simple question, but...
    I have a system with mixed workloads (OLTP and BATCH). As many before, I want to prevent BATCH processes from impacting OLTP. I read about RAC and DRM, and how each could be used to assign resources to services.
    Do I need RAC to be able to use DRM? Or can I do DRM without RAC? Are they the same thing?
    Thanks in advance for your help.

    DRM provides control over resource management decisions on both oracle standard and clustered databases.
    pecifically, using the Database Resource Manager, you can:
    * Guarantee certain users a minimum amount of processing resources regardless of the load on the system and the number of users
    * Distribute available processing resources by allocating percentages of CPU time to different users and applications. In a data warehouse, a higher percentage may be given to ROLAP (relational on-line analytical processing) applications than to batch jobs.
    * Limit the degree of parallelism of any operation performed by members of a group of users
    * Create an active session pool. This pool consists of a specified maximum number of user sessions allowed to be concurrently active within a group of users. Additional sessions beyond the maximum are queued for execution, but you can specify a timeout period, after which queued jobs will terminate.
    * Allow automatic switching of users from one group to another group based on administrator defined criteria. If a member of a particular group of users creates a session that executes for longer than a specified amount of time, that session can be automatically switched to another group of users with different resource requirements.
    * Prevent the execution of operations that the optimizer estimates will run for a longer time than a specified limit
    * Create an undo pool. This pool consists of the amount of undo space that can be consumed in by a group of users.
    * Limit the amount of time that a session can be idle. This can be further defined to mean only sessions that are blocking other sessions.
    * Configure an instance to use a particular method of allocating resources. You can dynamically change the method, for example, from a daytime setup to a nighttime setup, without having to shut down and restart the instance.
    * Allow the cancellation of long-running SQL statements and the termination of long-running sessions.


    작성날짜 : 2004-08-16
    8i~10g Standard Edition 에서는 Database Resource Manager 를 지원하지 않는다.
    Database Resource Manager란 OS에서 제공하는 자원 (예 : CPU 자원 )에 대해 DB
    차원에서 계획을 세워, 세부 관리를 할 수 있도록 해 주는 서비스이다.
    예를 들어 주간에 batch 작업을 처리하더라도, OLTP 업무에는 지장을 주지 않아야
    할 경우 batch 작업에 CPU 자원을 적게 할당해 주는 것이 바람직 하며, Resource
    Manager를 활용하여 CPU 자원을 batch 작업과 OLTP 업무에 서로 다르게 할당해 줄
    수 있다. ( Oracle 8.1.6 까지는 Resouurce Manager에서 CPU 자원에 대해서만
    관리만 가능하다 )
    1. 용어
    1) Resource Consumer Group
    사용자 session들의 집합. Resource에 대한 요구사항에 따라 나뉘어진 그룹.
    2) Resource Plan
         Consumer Group에 자원을 할당 해 주기 위한 resource plan directive들을
    3) Resource Allocation Method
         Resource Manager에서 자원을 할당해 주는 방법/정책.
    4) Resource Plan Directive
         Resource Plan에 대해 자원을 할당해 주는 세부 내역.
    2. Resource Consumer Group
    * 기본 group
         [ 사용자가 삭제, 수정할 수 없는 group ]
         OTHER_GROUPS : active plan schema에 속하지 않는 consumer group의 모든
         DEFAULT_CONSUMER_GROUP : consumer group을 지정하지 않은 모든
         [ 기본적으로 제공되나 사용자가 삭제하거나 변경할 수 있는 group ]
         SYS_GROUP : SYSTEM_PLAN에 대한 high priority consumer group
    SYSTEM, SYS user에 할당한다.
         LOW_GROUP : SYSTEM_PLAN에 대한 low priority consumer group
    3. Resource Plan
         Consumer group에 속하는 session들은 해당 group에 대한 resource plan에
    따라 자원 할당이 결정되며, 자원 할당에 대한 세부 사항은 resource plan에
    대한 resource plan directive에서 지정된다.
         Resource plan은 subplan을 둘 수 있다.
    4. Resource Allocation Method
         Round-robin Method : Consumer group 내에서 session들에 대한 CPU 할당
         Emphasis Method : Consumer group에 할당되는 CPU
         Absolute Method : Parallel degree 한계 ( 예 : Parallel Query에서의
    degree )
    5. Resource Plan Directive
         Resource Plan Directive에 지정된 내용들은 resource plan에 따라
    consumer group에 자원을 할당할 때 반영된다.
    6. 구현 예제
         MYDB PLAN +-> MAILDB PLAN +-> POSTMAN GROUP (40% Level 1)
         | (30% Level 1) |
         | +-> USERS GROUP (80% Level 2)
         | |
         | +-> MAILMAINT GROUP (20% Level 2)
         | |
         | +-> OTHER GROUP (100% Level 3)
         +-> BUGDB PLAN  +-> ONLINE GROUP (80% Level 1)
         (70% Level 1) |
         +-> BATCH GROUP (20% Level 1)
         +-> BUGMAINT GROUP (100% Level 2)
         +-> OTHER GROUP (100% Level 3)
         위 예에서 MYDB PLAN에는 2개의 subplan ( MAILDB PLAN, BUGDB PLAN )이
         있으며 각각 30%와 70%의 CPU 자원을 할당하였다.
         Level 1, Level 2, Level 3 는 우선순위 레벨을 의미하며, 하나의
         resource plan에서 동일한 level의 합이 100%를 넘지 못한다.
         ( Level 은 1부터 8까지 지정할 수 있으며 level 1이 가장 우선순위가
         높으며 level 8이 가장 우선순위가 낮다 )
         예를 들어 전체 CPU 자원의 70%를 할당 받은 BUGDB PLAN은 다시
         ONLINE GROUP과 BATCH GROUP을 두고 있는데, 이 둘의 Level이 모두 1이며
         두개의 percentage의 합이 100%이다. 하지만, 즉, level 1인 ONLINE GROUP
    에 90%를 할당하였다면, level 1인 BATCH GROUP에는 10% 이상을 할당할 수
         * 구현을 위한 코드
         /* PLAN schema 작업 영역 생성 */
         COMMENT => 'Resource plan/method for bug users sessions');
         COMMENT => 'Resource plan/method for mail users sessions');
         COMMENT => 'Resource plan/method for bug and mail users sessions');
         /* CONSUMER GROUP 생성 */
    'Bug_Online_group', COMMENT => 'Resource consumer group/method for
    online bug users sessions');
    'Bug_Batch_group', COMMENT => 'Resource consumer group/method for
    bug users sessions who run batch jobs');
    'Bug_Maintenance_group', COMMENT => 'Resource consumer group/method
    for users sessions who maintain the bug db');
    'Mail_users_group', COMMENT => 'Resource consumer group/method for
    mail users sessions');
    'Mail_Postman_group', COMMENT => 'Resource consumer group/method for
    mail postman');
    'Mail_Maintenance_group', COMMENT => 'Resource consumer group/method
    for users sessions who maintain the mail db');
         /* BUGDB PLAN에 대한 DIRECTIVE 생성 */     
    GROUP_OR_SUBPLAN => 'Bug_Online_group',     COMMENT => 'online bug users
    sessions at level 1', CPU_P1 => 80, CPU_P2=> 0,
         PARALLEL_DEGREE_LIMIT_P1 => 8);
    GROUP_OR_SUBPLAN => 'Bug_Batch_group',      COMMENT => 'batch bug users
    sessions at level 1', CPU_P1 => 20, CPU_P2 => 0,
         PARALLEL_DEGREE_LIMIT_P1 => 2);
    GROUP_OR_SUBPLAN => 'Bug_Maintenance_group',COMMENT => 'bug
    maintenance users sessions at level 2', CPU_P1 => 0, CPU_P2 => 100,
         PARALLEL_DEGREE_LIMIT_P1 => 3);
    GROUP_OR_SUBPLAN => 'OTHER_GROUPS', COMMENT => 'all other users
    sessions at level 3', CPU_P1 => 0, CPU_P2 => 0, CPU_P3 =>
    (참고) CPU_P1 : cpu allocation for level 1
         /* MAILDB PLAN에 대한 DIRECTIVE 생성 */
    GROUP_OR_SUBPLAN => 'Mail_Postman_group',COMMENT => 'mail postman at
    level 1', CPU_P1 => 40, CPU_P2 => 0, PARALLEL_DEGREE_LIMIT_P1 => 4);
    GROUP_OR_SUBPLAN => 'Mail_users_group',     COMMENT => 'mail users
    sessions at level 2', CPU_P1 => 0, CPU_P2 => 80,
         PARALLEL_DEGREE_LIMIT_P1 => 4);
    GROUP_OR_SUBPLAN => 'Mail_Maintenance_group',COMMENT => 'mail
    maintenance users sessions at level 2', CPU_P1 => 0, CPU_P2 => 20,
         PARALLEL_DEGREE_LIMIT_P1 => 2);
    GROUP_OR_SUBPLAN => 'OTHER_GROUPS', COMMENT => 'all other users
    sessions at level 3', CPU_P1 => 0, CPU_P2 => 0, CPU_P3 =>
         /* MYDB PLAN에 대한 DIRECTIVE 생성 */
    GROUP_OR_SUBPLAN => 'maildb_plan', COMMENT=> 'all mail users
    sessions at level 1', CPU_P1 => 30);
    GROUP_OR_SUBPLAN => 'bugdb_plan', COMMENT => 'all bug users sessions
    at level 1', CPU_P1 => 70);
         /* PLAN schema 작업 내용을 저장 */
    7. CONSUMER GROUP에 사용자나 세션을 할당하는 방법
         먼저 인스턴스에서 사용할 TOP Level resource plan 을 지정한다.
    initSID.ora에 RESOURCE_MANAGER_PLAN = MRDB_PLAN 지정이나 아래와 같이
    session level에 ALTER SYSTEM command를 사용하여 지정한다.
         그리고 SCOTT 계정에 BUG_ONLINE_GROUP과 BUB_BATCH_GROUP 에 속할 수 있는
    권한을 부여     
    varchar2, consumer_group in varchar2);
         SCOTT 계정을 BUG_BATCH_GROUP에 할당
                             session_id IN NUMBER,
                             session_serial IN NUMBER,
                             consumer_group IN VARCHAR2);
                             user IN VARCHAR2,
                             consumer_group IN VARCHAR2);
    8. 관련된 Dictionary
    DBA_RSRC_PLANS : Resource plan과 status
    DBA_RSRC_PLAN_DIRECTIVES : Resource plan directives와 status
    DBA_RSRC_CONSUMER_GROUPS : Consumer group과 status
    DBA_RSRC_CONSUMER_GROUP_PRIVS : 사용자에게 부여된 Consumer group
    V$RSRC_PLAN : 새로운 view로 active resource plan을 보여준다
    V$RSRC_CONSUMER_GROUP : 새로운 view로 consumer group의 active session
    을 보여준다.
    Reference Ducumment

    user1 is the schema present in DB1
    user2 is the schema present in DB2. I just have a DB link
    as below:
    create database link link_to_DB2 connect to user2 identified by user2 using 'DB2';---Connects from user1 of DB1 to user2 of DB2.
    Requirement is as below:
    CPU for DB2 - 25%
    Out of above 25%, CPU for user2 - 70%
    CPU for user1 30% -- whenever it conncts using the link)
    Please help me out.

  • Database Resource Manager CPU levels

    I'd like to employ the Database Resource Manager to limit some user's sessions to a certain amount of CPU. After reading the documentation and an Oracle white paper, I'm still not clear on the difference between splitting the CPU allocation at level 1 to 70% and 30% or splitting the CPU allocation 70% at level 1 and 100% at level 2.
    Any clarification would be greatly appreciated.

    what white paper did you read ??
    did you had a chance to look at oracle docs ??

  • Error while adding oracle database resource to the fail safe group

    we are installaing ERP 6.0 EHP4 , oracle10.2.04  in MSCS
    During the step, Adding the oracle Database Resource to the fail safe
    group , I am getting the error.
    28  13:21:57    ** WARNING : FS-10288: Parameter file C:\oracle\BCP\102\database\init<SID>_OFS.ora is not located on a cluster disk
    29  13:21:57    ** WARNING : FS-10404: The database uses a nonclustered disk in one of the system parameters.  Value of parameter is C:\ORACLE\<SID>\102\RDBMS\AUDIT
    30  13:21:58    ** ERROR : FS-10036: The resource uses disk SAP HDD, which is also used by cluster resource SAP VIP in another group
    31  13:21:58    ** ERROR : FS-10778: The Oracle Database resource provider failed to configure the cluster resource <SID>.WORLD
    32  13:21:58    ** ERROR : FS-10890: Oracle Services for MSCS failed during the add operation
    33  13:21:58    ** ERROR : FS-10497: Starting clusterwide rollback of the operation
    34  13:21:58  FS-10488:<primary node name> : Starting rollback of operation
    35  13:21:58   > FS-10090: Rolling back Oracle Net changes on node <primary node name>
    I am having one local disk C: one shared disk Z: and quorum disk Q:
    Shared disk Z: is already used for SAP<sid> group.

    Joeldhanaraj wrote:>
    > Hi,
    > we are installaing ERP 6.0 EHP4 , oracle10.2.04  in MSCS
    > During the step, Adding the oracle Database Resource to the fail safe
    > group , I am getting the error.
    > 28  13:21:57    ** WARNING : FS-10288: Parameter file C:\oracle\BCP\102\database\init<SID>_OFS.ora is not located on a cluster disk
    > 29  13:21:57    ** WARNING : FS-10404: The database uses a nonclustered disk in one of the system parameters.  Value of parameter is C:\ORACLE\<SID>\102\RDBMS\AUDIT
    > 30  13:21:58    ** ERROR : FS-10036: The resource uses disk SAP HDD, which is also used by cluster resource SAP VIP in another group
    > 31  13:21:58    ** ERROR : FS-10778: The Oracle Database resource provider failed to configure the cluster resource <SID>.WORLD
    > 32  13:21:58    ** ERROR : FS-10890: Oracle Services for MSCS failed during the add operation
    > 33  13:21:58    ** ERROR : FS-10497: Starting clusterwide rollback of the operation
    > 34  13:21:58  FS-10488:<primary node name> : Starting rollback of operation
    > 35  13:21:58   > FS-10090: Rolling back Oracle Net changes on node <primary node name>
    > I am having one local disk C: one shared disk Z: and quorum disk Q:
    > Shared disk Z: is already used for SAP<sid> group.
    Hi Joel,
    how about following the advice given by the error message and moving the mentioned files/folder (init<sid>_OFS.ora, AUDIT folder) to a clustered resource disk?
    just my 2 pence...

  • Adding the Oracle Database Resource to the Fail Safe Group

    I am installtin MSCS cluster for my EP system. After Adding the Oracle Database Resource to the Fail Safe Group my CI jcontrol.exe has been stopped. I tried to connect my SAPSR3DB user by sqlplus but it is giving follwoing error.
    SQL> conn SAPEPPDB
    Enter password:
    ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified
    Warning: You are no longer connected to ORACLE.
    but DB startup is running properly and DB is coming in open state properly. After that I have perform R3trans -d. following error
    C:\>R3trans -d
    This is R3trans version 6.14 (release 700 - 12.06.09 - 15:20:00).
    unicode enabled version
    2EETW169 no connect possible: "DBMS = ORACLE                           --- dbs_o
    ra_tnsname = 'EPP'"
    R3trans finished (0012).
    I added Oracle database resource to fail safe group as per installation guide.
    Please help me out.
    Dinesh Bhatt

    C:\>lsnrctl status
    LSNRCTL for 64-bit Windows: Version - Production on 11-APR-2010 20:39
    Copyright (c) 1991, 2005, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
    Alias                     LISTENER
    Version                   TNSLSNR for 64-bit Windows: Version - Produ
    Start Date                11-APR-2010 20:39:23
    Uptime                    0 days 0 hr. 0 min. 14 sec
    Trace Level               off
    Security                  ON: Local OS Authentication
    SNMP                      OFF
    Listener Parameter File   F:\oracle\EPP\102\network\admin\listener.ora
    Listener Log File         F:\oracle\EPP\102\network\log\listener.log
    Listening Endpoints Summary...
    The listener supports no services
    The command completed successfully
    listener start but without any instance.
    listerer.ora file
    This file is written by Oracle Services For MSCS
    on Sun Apr 11 10:53:11 2010
    Fsloracleepp =
    SID_LIST_Fsloracleepp =
    STARTUP_WAIT_TIME_Fsloracleepp = 0
    ADMIN_RESTRICTIONS_Fsloracleepp = on
    TRACE_LEVEL_Fsloracleepp = OFF
    CONNECT_TIMEOUT_Fsloracleepp = 10
    dbms_sid added
    please help.
    Dinesh Bhatt

  • Allocations on Aggregate Storage Databases

    How do I use EssPerformAllocationAso function and ESS_PERF_ALLOC_T API structure to run an Allocation in an ASO database? I need help in creating this.

    First I'll assume you are on 11.1.2 becouae it this is the only version this is valid for. I'm not sure why you are coing the api route. The best way to do this is either through Calc Manager or MAxL Execute Allocation command. Even if you want to use the api to do it, looking at the parameters in the MaxL statement and the example would give you a good indication of what needs to be passed

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    We have tables that contain stale stats and would want to collect stats using dbms_stats with estiamte of 30%. What are the database resources that would be consummed when dbms_stats is used on a table? Also, would the table be locked during dbms_stats? Thank you.

    1) I'm not sure what resources you're talking about. Obviously, gathering statistics requires I/O since you've got to read lots of data from the table. It requires CPU particularly if you are gathering histograms. It requires RAM to the extent that you'll be doing sorts in PGA and to the extent that you'll be putting blocks in the buffer cache (and thus causing other blocks to age out), etc. Depending on whether you immediately invalidate query plans, you may force other sessions to start doing a lot more hard parsing as well.
    2) You cannot do DDL on a table while you are gathering statistics, but you can do DML. You would generally not want to gather statistics while an application is active.

  • Database Resource Plan not working...

    For some reason my resource plan is not taking effect. I've created 4 resource consumer groups. I've created a plan utilizing these consumer groups. The plan is enabled and is the top plan. The resource_manager_plan parameter is set to: FORCE:MYPLAN and I've also tried setting it to "MYPLAN" only.
    The Consumer Group mappings have been set at the service level. So depending on the database service you're connecting via you should be using a particular consumer_group.
    The problem is that everyone that connects regardless of what service they are using is routed to use the "OTHER_GROUPS" group (except for the sys and system users).
    I find this information with the following query:"
    What am I missing? Do I need to bounce the database or something in order for a resource plan to take effect?

    user600345 wrote:
    Do I need to bounce the database or something in order for a resource plan to take effect?Not sure if restart of database will help.
    Some Documentation maybe helpful
    [Resource Part 1 |]
    [Resource Part 2 |]

  • Oracle Database Lite API Specification JDBC

    I would like to create a schema with Oracle Database Lite API Specification.
    I have done a script to create an application in the Mobile Server in this way:
    "Platform p = new Platform("WINCE_ARMV4_US_OLITE_STD42");"
    "Application app = new Application(nombre_app, ruta_virtual_app, p);"
    And using ConsolidatorManager for the conection:
    "ConsolidatorManager cm = new ConsolidatorManager();"
    "cm.openConnection(user, password, dir_repository);"
    But after that, I can't get the application. Could you help me, please?
    Thank you.
    With best regards.

    Is this subscription parameter causing a problem?
    unless the subscription parameter name is referenced in the select statements for any of the publication item definitions, it will be ignored by the processing as the subsetting parameters are just used to supply values for bind variables at query time
    If you have other valid subsetting parameters for the user, then try (if all your set up is done via APIs and you do not have an APPLICATION, only a PUBLICATION, this may not work)
    1) go into the mobile manager > users
    2) search for user name, and click on the link under the user name
    3) go to subsetting parameters and pick a valid one
    4) select the data and do cntrl C cntrl V (cut and paste)
    5) press the save button
    The above has the effect of resetting the user account, and refreshes sequence values, c$all_client_items etc.
    If you can do the above steps, but this does not remove the subsetting variable, you should be able to go to it and set the value to NULL
    I do not think that there is a delete function due to the dependancy to the select statements which would be complex to validate

  • Please Help with Database Resource Manager 10g

    I want to implement Database Resource Manager 10g on HP-UX server.
    But, before to implement, I want to test the functionnality and the stability.
    Does anyone have a "test case" or any comment about DRM 10g?

    A bit more info: Here is the connection script as its defined in Dreamweaver: <?php
    # FileName="Connection_php_mysql.htm"
    # Type="MYSQL"
    # HTTP="true"
    $hostname_karen_product = "localhost";
    $database_karen_product = "karen";
    $username_karen_product = "root";
    $password_karen_product = "root";
    $karen_product = mysql_pconnect($hostname_karen_product, $username_karen_product, $password_karen_product) or trigger_error(mysql_error(),E_USER_ERROR);
    Where is says mysql_pconnect, I changed the $hostname_karen_product etc to 'localhost', 'username', 'the password for the database')
    Do i need to do something different at $database_karen_product?
    I'm basically new at this and confused as to how to alter this connection script.

  • How to mount database copy without specific datafiles

    Hello all,
    I need to make a database copy without specific datafiles. This is due to, in the copy, I just need some, not all, datafiles.
    I tried the following command:
    startup mount
    alter tablespace mydata offlineBut it appears that the database must be open.
    Anybody have performed some similar?
    There is a document where I can read about it?
    What else I need to know in order to start up this, reduced database copy?
    Thank you in advance.

    Hello All,
    Thanks for your answers.
    Yes I have already copied some filesystems to another server. All the data I need are on that filesystems. I haven´t tried to open the database. So, in order to put it online, and taking in consideration all your suggestions I will perform on this sequence:
    startup mount
    alter database datafile mydatafile1 offline
    alter database datafile mydatafile2 offline
    alter database datafile myindexdatafile1 offline
    alter database datafile myindexdatafile2 offline
    alter database openWith this steps, the database should bring online. Correct?
    There is another step, that Im missing?
    What about the listener?
    Will be enough to change the port and server name?
    Thanks again.

  • Database resource bundles

    Hi, our ADF developers have proposed moving to database resource bundles and was wondering if this was something we could consider for our portal Java portlets as well? Is this technique unique to ADF or should it be applicable across all Java development?

    Interestingly, the guys that proposed using Database resource bundles were talking about their main issue being that they could not invalidate the cache in order to have the ADF pick up changes in the bundle unless they bounced the APP server.

  • ORA-16795: database resource guard detects that database re-creation is req

    Hi, I have Data Guard with data broker (Oracle set up with RMAN and RMAN catalog. I was recovering my primary from a corrupted datafile, when automatic failover took place. After I did the recovery, I tried to re-instate my primary, but ran into the followign error:
    Error: ORA-16795: database resource guard detects that database re-creation is requiredIn order to recreate the old primary (new standby), can I just delete all of the dbf files on old primary and then follow the steps to create a standby using backups from new primary? What about RMAN catalog? Do I have to unregister anything from there? Do I need to delete the configuration? If anyone has steps on how to RE-CREATE standby, that would be very helpful. Thank you!

    I followed the above Metalink note, but when I try to restore standby controlfie I get:
    RMAN> restore standby controlfile from '/data/backup/081409/';
    Starting restore at 14-AUG-09
    using channel ORA_DISK_1
    RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
    RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============
    RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
    RMAN-03002: failure of restore command at 08/14/2009 08:53:23
    RMAN-06172: no autobackup found or specified handle is not a valid copy or pieceMy directory structure is the same on both machines for primary and standby. I did not have autobackup set when I took primary's backup. I backed up primary in the following way:
    backup database plus archivelog;
    backup current controlfile for standby;Any ideas?

Maybe you are looking for