Alternate development landscape and transport path - release management

We are discussing a proposal within our company to build a landscape that includes separate clients and transport paths for development of new system enhancements vs. ongoing production support. The idea is to keep all new development in a separate stream and prevent any conflicts with any required production support changes. This approach was used on a project where I previously worked, and we are seeking input from other SAP shops that use this approach, as well as any best practice documentation to assist us in development of an internal proposal on the topic. I would be grateful for any input on this topic, as well as the topic of release management.  I have done quite a bit of searching on SDN and BPX and am just not finding anything.
Note that I also posted this question in the BPX general discussion forum because I was not clear exactly how it should be categorized.  I apologize if this was not the appropriate course of action.

Hi Bob
without being an expert. You could check the documentation for "Change and Transport System" (CTS) in It comes with some "strategic" information as well.
The CTS "belongs" to SAP NetWeaver, and an extended version is available "CTS". Further recommendation would be that you check out the SAP Servicemarketplace information for SAP NetWeaver for "CTS". The use of such large functions is normally described in presentations as well.
Andreas R

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    I need to finalize the Role development Plan.
    I am not sure where do we built , test and transport roles to production.
    I am thinking of developing roles in development in dev in a seperate clint . This clint will be copy of golde client.
    Then this roles will be tested in quality and finally send to production.
    Hence forth any changed to role will go thourh same cycle.
    Please suggest !!!

    >There are some things which you cannot add into roles if they are not set up (responsibility area heirachies, profit centre groups etc) so you need to ensure that non-transportable config is also made in your security client.
    Thats a imp point th to my that you have bought to my notice. Are there any coustomizing such no range and stuff that can not be transported?
    I wonder if its the case then all coustomizinf will be need to be done in QUA and PRD system seperately as well.
    Also one thing i would like to mention is that I am trying to avoid development of roles on Actual devement client cause I am afraid of hamppering the coustoming data which developing roles . Cause most of my development of roles will take place by trial and error method .
    So I am aprehensive to use development cline and find alternatives

  • Release Management Update 4-Errors while loading releases in Release Managment Client Interface.

    Hi Team,
    We are using Release Management from last 8 months and we upgraded to Release Management Update 4 and using it from last 4 months. Currently we are creating around 50-60 releases daily, but we are facing below issues from last few days with
    Releases tab and no issues with other tabs (Administration, Inventory, Configure Paths and Configure Apps)
    Release Management Client interface is taking long time when we are opening it.
    Throwing error when we are clicking on Releases link in Releases tab.
    Throwing error when we are creating new releases.
    Please find the error log below:
    Timestamp: 3/27/2015 6:49:44 PM
    Message: Error thrown while executing the stored procedure ReleaseV2_List with parameters , @FilterXml:<Filter StatusId="0" DateStatusId="1" ApplicationVersionId="0" StageId="0" IsDeferred="0" UserId="9002"
    />, @PartitionId:1.
    Timestamp: 3/27/2015 6:49:44 PM
    Message: Timeout expired.  The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding.: \r\n\r\n   at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection, Action`1 wrapCloseInAction)
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    Timestamp: 3/27/2015 6:49:44 PM
    Message: The wait operation timed out: \r\n\r\n
    Timestamp: 3/27/2015 6:49:44 PM
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       at System.Activator.CreateInstance[T]()
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    Timestamp: 3/27/2015 6:49:44 PM
    Message: The remote server returned an error: (500) Internal Server Error.: \r\n\r\n   at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.EndGetResponse(IAsyncResult asyncResult)
       at Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Release.Data.WebRequest.PlatformHttpClient.EndGetResponse(IAsyncResult asyncResult)
       at Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Release.Data.WebRequest.RestClientResponseRetriever.EndGetAsyncMemoryStreamFromResponse(IAsyncResult asyncResult, IPlatformHttpClient platformHttpClient)
       at Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Release.Data.WebRequest.RestClientResponseRetriever.EndDownloadString(IAsyncResult asyncResult, IPlatformHttpClient platformHttpClient)
       at Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Release.Data.WebRequest.RestClient.EndPost(IAsyncResult asyncResult)
       at Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Release.Data.Proxy.RestProxy.HttpRequestor.<>c__DisplayClass1.<GetPostCaller>b__0(String url, String body)
       at Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Release.Data.Proxy.RestProxy.BaseReleaseV2ServiceProxy.ListReleases(String filterXml)
       at Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Release.Data.Model.ReleaseV2.LoadListXml(String filterXml)
       at Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Release.Data.Model.ModelFactory.LoadListElements[T](String filterXml)
       at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Release.ViewModel.ViewModels.ReleasesViewModel.LoadElements(String filterXml)
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       at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Release.ViewModel.ViewModels.ListWorkspaceViewModel.Initialize()
       at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Release.ViewModel.ViewModels.ReleasesViewModel..ctor()
    Timestamp: 3/27/2015 6:49:44 PM
    Message: The remote server returned an error: (500) Internal Server Error.: \r\n\r\n   at Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Release.Common.Presentation.Binding.OnDatabindingException(Object bindingExpression, Exception exception)
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       at System.Windows.Input.MouseButtonEventArgs.InvokeEventHandler(Delegate genericHandler, Object genericTarget)
       at System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs.InvokeHandler(Delegate handler, Object target)
       at System.Windows.RoutedEventHandlerInfo.InvokeHandler(Object target, RoutedEventArgs routedEventArgs)
       at System.Windows.EventRoute.InvokeHandlersImpl(Object source, RoutedEventArgs args, Boolean reRaised)
       at System.Windows.UIElement.ReRaiseEventAs(DependencyObject sender, RoutedEventArgs args, RoutedEvent newEvent)
       at System.Windows.UIElement.OnMouseDownThunk(Object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
       at System.Windows.Input.MouseButtonEventArgs.InvokeEventHandler(Delegate genericHandler, Object genericTarget)
       at System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs.InvokeHandler(Delegate handler, Object target)
       at System.Windows.RoutedEventHandlerInfo.InvokeHandler(Object target, RoutedEventArgs routedEventArgs)
       at System.Windows.EventRoute.InvokeHandlersImpl(Object source, RoutedEventArgs args, Boolean reRaised)
       at System.Windows.UIElement.RaiseEventImpl(DependencyObject sender, RoutedEventArgs args)
       at System.Windows.UIElement.RaiseTrustedEvent(RoutedEventArgs args)
       at System.Windows.UIElement.RaiseEvent(RoutedEventArgs args, Boolean trusted)
       at System.Windows.Input.InputManager.ProcessStagingArea()
       at System.Windows.Input.InputManager.ProcessInput(InputEventArgs input)
       at System.Windows.Input.InputProviderSite.ReportInput(InputReport inputReport)
       at System.Windows.Interop.HwndMouseInputProvider.ReportInput(IntPtr hwnd, InputMode mode, Int32 timestamp, RawMouseActions actions, Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 wheel)
       at System.Windows.Interop.HwndMouseInputProvider.FilterMessage(IntPtr hwnd, WindowMessage msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam, Boolean& handled)
       at System.Windows.Interop.HwndSource.InputFilterMessage(IntPtr hwnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam, Boolean& handled)
       at MS.Win32.HwndWrapper.WndProc(IntPtr hwnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam, Boolean& handled)
       at MS.Win32.HwndSubclass.DispatcherCallbackOperation(Object o)
       at System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.InternalRealCall(Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs)
       at MS.Internal.Threading.ExceptionFilterHelper.TryCatchWhen(Object source, Delegate method, Object args, Int32 numArgs, Delegate catchHandler)
    Please help us.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Ramakrushna Parupalli

    Hi Ramakrushna,
    For the situation, you can connect to the database of Release Management, and check whether you can execute stored procedure ReleaseV2_List manually.
    You can also try to clean some of releases records if possible to check if the timeout issue can be resolved. Or you can set the timeout configuration of Release Management to a larger value. Refer to this
    thread for more information.
    Another option is check event logs to see if there any useful informaiton, and repair Release Management on your server machine if possible. If the problem still exist after taking the methods I mentioned above, please elaborate more details about your scenario.
    Best regards,
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  • Creating t.code for ABAP query and Transport  it TO Production and run it .

    Hi Friends
    Thanks for ur reply ,
    The requirement is that i want to create tcode for abap query and that query can be regenearted ,
    in case of regeneration programe name i got answer programame name will be change, i created and modified query but i saw the same programe name ,,, may be it changed when it is trasnported if so then what ??
    and also pls give me solution for asiging tcode for query which is going to be regenerated.
    thanks and regards

    Dear Farukh,
    As we know,
    Query is created in Production server and a corresponding program is generated by System.
    What we have to do is just to assign the program to the desired transaction code in Development server and transport it.
    If you have any doubts please let me know.
    Kindly assign points if you find this info usefull.
    Lijo Joseph

  • Attaching Package and transport request for existing SAPScript

    I require to attach development class and transport request in one existing SAPScript. Can anyone please suggest how to do?
    Thanks and regards,

    Hi Atanu,
       You can try following two methods -
       1. Display SAPSCRIPT and use option goto -> Object directory entry and change the "Package".
       2. If that is not allowed, try using Txn. SE03 and try changing Object directory entry from there.
      If you assign a package which is transportable, system will prompt you for a transportable request.

  • Solution Manager/Charm and Transport Dependency Check

    Hello Everyone,
    I apologize if this question has an obvious answer.  I have searched SDN and could not get a 100% answer.
    We are just now in the process of rolling out Charm/Solution Manager and I have noticed that it appears to not perform transport dependency checks.  For example, let's say I am working on object ABC and have completed my testing (ready for transport to production) and then another developer also starts development on object ABC.  When my change is moved to production, it will pick up the other developers modifications without giving a warning or an error that a dependency has been encountered between the two transport requests. 
    Does Charm/Solution Manager offer the option of producing a warning should a transport depedency be identified?  If so, will someone explain (or point me to the appropriate documentation) how this can be set up?
    Best Regards,

    Hi Scott,
    ChaRM supports imports from DEV->QAS->PRD by transport by transport requests level not by transport request task level. So don't worry(i.e., You can't import only your change of object ABC to production. It allows to import your change and other user's change of object ABC together to production).
    This is how it works(if more than an user works on the same object):
    1. Requester creates a support message from satelitte system to report a problem.
    2. Service desk employee creates a change document because some changes need to be done on object ABC to correct that reported problem.
    3. Change Manager approves the change document. So a normal correction is created automatically.
    4. This normal correction is assigned to 2 developers(your scenario) like for an example DVPR1 and DVPR2.
    5. DVPR1 creates a transport request and does some changes on object ABC. So a transport task will be created for DVPR1 under that transport request automatically.
    6. When DVPR2 tries to do some changes on the same object ABC, a seperate transport task(not a transport request) will be created for DVPR2 under the same transport request because the object ABC is locked under the transport request. So DVPR2 can't create a separate transport request for the same object if any transport request is pending(not released).
    7. Now object ABC will have one transport request. That transport request will have 2 transport tasks(1 for DVPR1 and 1 for DVPR2).
    8. Each developer relases their transport task only(not transport request) once he/she completes his/her change on the object ABC.
    9. DVPR1 or DVPR2 will change the status of normal correction to "Development Completed".
    10. Now, IT operator or DVPR1 or DVPR2 can release the transport request. The transport request can be released only if all tasks are released under the same transport request.
    (In this example: DVPR1 completed his change and released his transport task. Next DVPR2 completed and released his transport task).
    11. Finally IT operator import the transport request to QAS and PRD.
    Hope you are clear now. Let me know if you have any doubts.

  • LCM Change and Release Management - How to maintain job integrity

    We are using BO in a three scale landscape. DEV, QA and PRD are all are in a same network. I installed Business Objects Life Cycle Manager 3.1 SP3 on my dev system.
    I created a job for DEV -> QA. (Multiple iterations - for changes in DEV while testing)
    Once the final version is tested in QA, those objects suppose to be moved from QA -> PRD not directly from DEV -> PRD. Because when i make a copy of the existing job, that's not allow me to change the source system.
    Now, my question is, I want to maintain integrity of job promotion, means I want to move the same objects which tested in QA to PRD,
    1. DEV -> QA -> PRD. Is it possible in LCM or any other tool?
    2. Is it possible to change the source system of LCM jobs?
    3. To maintain the interity, is it required to create two jobs
    DEV -> QA - Job1
    QA -> PRD - Job2 (With same objects as in Job1)
    4. What is the right approch for BO Change and Release Management?

    Same query as in How to maintain LCM job integrity while promoting?
    Please do not cross post. See the [Rules of Engagement|].
    Closing and locking this thread as the one mentioned above is in the correct forum.
    - Ludek

  • Webinar: Change Management and Transport in the Enterprise Portal

    <b>SAP NetWeaver Know-How Network Webinar: 
    Change Management and Transport in the Enterprise Portal
    Wednesday 21 July 2004
    11 a.m. EDT</b>
    On Wednesday 21 July, Scott Jones hosts the webinar titled <b>Change Management and Transport in the Enterprise Portal</b> as part of the ongoing SAP NetWeaver Know-How Network Webinar Series.
    Here’s how Scott describes his webinar presentation:
    “Change Management offers special challenges to administrators working in Enterprise Portal 6.0 SP2 environments.  This talk provides recommendations and tools, and defines best practices and methods for the effective transport of Enterprise Portal content, with special attention to content dependencies, tracking, and troubleshooting.   We'll also look forward to Change Management enhancements coming with Netweaver 04.”
    SDN invites you to post your questions to the presenter prior to the webinar and continue the online discussion afterward.
    <b>How to Participate</b>
    (Please go to the SDN Events page to see the article and download the PDF presentation)
    Dial-in Information:
    Date: Wednesday 21 July 2004
    Time: 11 a.m. EDT
    Within the U.S., call: +1.888.428.4473
    Outside the U.S., call: +1.651.291.0618
    Password: NetWeaver04
    WebEx Information:
    Topic: SAP NetWeaver Know-How Network
    Date: Wednesday 21 July 2004
    Time: 11 a.m. EDT
    Meeting Number: 742391500
    Meeting Password: netweaver04 (lowercase)
    WebEx Link:
    Replay Information:
    A recorded replay of this call will be available for approximately three months after the webinar. Access this recording by dialing the appropriate number and using the replay access code TBD.
    Toll-free: +1.800.475.6701
    International: +1.320.365.3844
    <b>About the SAP NetWeaver Know-How Webinar Series</b>
    The SAP NetWeaver Know-How Webinar Series is driven by the SAP NetWeaver Regional Implementation Group (RIG), part of the SAP Development organization. The mission of the SAP NetWeaver RIG is to enable customers, employees, and partners to successfully implement the SAP NetWeaver solution. This SAP RIG has expertise in BI, EP, XI, and WebAS. They contribute their implementation expertise to the SDN implementation forums as well as to the SAP NetWeaver Know-How Webinar Series.
    SDN is not responsible for any changes to the webinar schedule. The webinar schedule may be changed or cancelled without prior notice.

    In the intresting document I read that for the deployement the version number mentionned in the MANIFEST.MF is very important in a clustered evironment.
    SAPnote 727180 - Version of PAR File in Manifest File
    denies this.
    Can you clear this out?
    Kind Regards
    Koen Van Loocke

  • Creation and transportation of query from development to simulation system

    Hello experts,
    I need to create a new Query in the development  system in the General Ledger folder in Financial reporting.  and then I need to transport the same to the  simulation system. what are the correct steps I  need to follow to do the same if have to avoid any issues during this transportation.
    Do I need to do any modifications to the role ZS_XX_BEX_MENU and transport the same?
    Could anyone help me in this regard giving me the exact procedure I need to follow.

    No need to modify, but if it is $temp then change it has ur won request.
    follow the genral procedure
    1)In RSA1 Go to Transport tab and collect ur query.
    Drag to right screen
    If it is in $Temp change it to your own request. For this You may need Access.
    2)Query contains all objects which were used in that query.
    if any Info object that are created newly then check for Transport
    3) Then, finally click on transport(Truck) icon
    4) By default, it will collect all new objects including newly created Info Objects also. You can change the collections of your own selection.
    You will get a Request Number here. Please save this Number so that you can check this at SE09
    5) In SE09 search for your Request Number.
    6)Release The request by subsequent process onwards( Means sub contents like infoprovider first and then Query)

  • Release Management and Dsc - How to queue a build when a release is in progress?

    I have VSO and Release Management 2013.4 working and deploying to Azure vm's via DSC
    The build profile is set to trigger on commit to the Git repo and the release template is set to be triggered on successful build from TFS
    However if a developer commits in quick succession the resultant builds cause releases to overlap in RM? - this causes some of the releases to fail with a DSC error ("the consistency check or pull cmdlet is in progress....")
    Is there a way to force RM to prevent concurrent releases?  (based on the same release template and build profile)

    Thats correct - in this instance its VSO as source control and using the hosted release management to attempt to deploy to azure vms
    And yes build takes about 5 minutes but the release template can take up to 15 minutes to run - this means that a second build can cause the same release template to run again (its set to trigger on build)
    Error log from RM
    xception Message: New deployment is not allowed as an another deployment is in progress. Retry the deployment after sometime. (type OperationFailedException)
    Exception Stack Trace: at Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Release.EnvironmentProvider.Azure.Implementation.AzureDeploymentProvider.ReadDeploymentResponse(DeploymentResponse response)
    at Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Release.EnvironmentProvider.Azure.Implementation.AzureDeploymentProvider.DownloadBuilds(DeploymentMachineSpecification deploymentMachineSpecification, AzureStorageSpecification azureStorageSpecification)
    at Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Release.EnvironmentProvider.Azure.Implementation.AzureDeploymentProvider.RunScript(String scriptPath, String configurationPath, MachineSpecification machine, StorageSpecification storage, Dictionary`2 configurationVariables)
    at Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Release.Tasks.DeployDsc.Execute(DscComponentParametersV2 dscComponentParameters, AzureStorage azureStorage, String[] dnsNameAndUpdatedWinRmPort, String userName, String password, String dscScriptPath, String dscConfigurationPath, Boolean skipCACheck)
    at Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Release.Automation.Tasks.DeployDscTask.DscExecute(DscComponentParametersV2 dscComponentParameters, AzureStorage azureStorage, String[] dnsNameAndUpdatedWinRmPort, String userName, String password, String dscScriptPath, String dscConfigurationPath, Boolean skipCACheck)
    at Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Release.Automation.Tasks.DeployDscTask.DscDeploy(AzureStorage azureStorage, DscComponentParametersV2 dscComponentParameters, String userName, String password, String dscScriptPath, String dscConfigurationPath, String skipCACheck)
    at Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Release.Automation.Tasks.DeployDscTask.Execute(IAutomationContext context)
    at Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Release.DistributedTask.TaskProcessor.TaskExecutor.Execute(TaskExecutionContext context)

  • RE: List Archive and Release Management

    Hi back.
    >> what procedures do people use to manage the development, testing
    and release of software?
    It's useful to have a separate repository for Development, QA, Production,
    etc. It's true that you have to 'import' between them, each time you
    propagate changes. It might seem like a pain to constantly export/import,
    but actually it's better that way.
    Firstly, you should only export to QA when you're absolutely sure it's ready
    for quality assurance, and this doesn't happen every day (or shouldn't)
    Second, the advantage of this is that you get a 'clean' import and compile
    each time, with no other baggage. This is especially critical when you
    migrate from QA to a production environment.
    There's no need to have a testing_verXX repository, just make a different
    workspace for each version of test.
    Just check out all the components, import, and integrate. The 'old'
    workspace will have a snapshot of the old release.
    * Don't Update that old workspace or you'll lose it!
    * Put an administrator password on the repos, to protect against
    inadvertent usage.
    * It's expensive to have many repositories running on your environment
    manager, so I recommend only one repos for each of development, QA and
    * You might want to consider only bringing up the production repos as
    required, they hog RAM like crazy.
    It's critical to have a complete image of each version of every application
    you have in production. That way, you can recreate any problem.
    It's even useful to migrate your development repos every now and then. As
    you know, these repos beasties can grow quite large, and it's god to start
    from scratch on a regular basis.
    For example, every month or so, our core architecure team releases a new
    version of the core components. We all integrate, and we create a new repos
    from the core architecture stuff, and import all our stuff over the top of
    it. That way, we keep a loose coupling between sub-systems, and their stuff
    never depends on ours. Also, with a split developmen repos, you can locate
    the different teams on different intranets, or even on different sides of
    the world, all with relatively little fuss.
    Fort&eacute; SCM hooks and SCCSWe use a unix version control called CMVC.
    Whenever we integrate, it checks out the pex files, exports them, and checks
    them back in.
    John Pianezze
    S1 Technologies (Asia Pacific)
    Melbourne, Australia
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Duncan Kinnear [SMTP:[email protected]]
    Sent: Wednesday, July 21, 1999 1:05 PM
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: List Archive and Release Management
    Hi folks!
    First of all, does anyone know what's going on with the list archive
    SageIT? There doesn't seem to be a search facility anymore. Seems
    bit weird when each message is appended with a little signature
    'advertising' a searchable archive.
    Second (and this is the biggy!), what procedures do people use to
    manage the development, testing and release of software? I'm
    about how you keep them separate, how you do hot-fixes, how you
    identify installed versions at customer sites, etc.
    I've thought that we could do it with separate repositories for
    development", "testing_verXX", "release_verXY", etc., where we
    from "development" and then import into "testing", and similarily
    Also, we are looking at using the Fort&eacute; SCM hooks and SCCS on our
    Unix host to store historical versions of the projects/classes. But
    somehow need to identify which version of a particular component is
    installed at the customer site. I had thought of defining a
    constant in
    each project/class called "SCCS_VER" which contains the SCCS
    keywords that get mapped to SCCS ID and date when put into SCCS.
    Then the constant could be used to display these values in a
    "About" window.
    Any thoughts/opinions welcome.
    Duncan Kinnear,
    McCarthy and Associates, Email:
    [email protected]
    PO Box 764, McLean Towers, Phone: +64 6 834
    Shakespeare Road, Napier, New Zealand. Fax: +64 6 834
    Providing Integrated Software to the Meat Processing Industry for
    over 10 years
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    'unsubscribe forte-users' as the body of the message.
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    To unsubscribe, email '[email protected]' with
    'unsubscribe forte-users' as the body of the message.
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    Under Forte 2 we used to export all projects, then import them into a make
    repository, then produce an app. Due to the time involved importing &
    exporting, and errors resulting from importing projects out of order, we
    switched to making copies of the dev repository and producing apps from
    that. For us, it used to take 2+ hours to export/import, as opposed to 5
    minutes for copying repository files. Unfortunately, we have found that
    unless we force-compile prior to deploying, we will get errors when
    attempting to compile partitions.
    Our current procedure:
    Shut down dev repos
    Copy to make env
    make a workspace that includes all projects
    make a new workspace for each app to make
    make each app
    export code
    remove unused workspaces
    clean repos
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Peter Sham (HTHK - Assistant Manager - Software Development, IITB)
    [mailto:[email protected]]
    Sent: Wednesday, July 21, 1999 3:31 AM
    To: John Pianezze; Duncan Kinnear
    Cc: [email protected]
    Subject: RE: List Archive and Release Management
    We, like what you've explained, keep different releases of our application
    in different workspaces. However, when the release is getting larger, this
    "check-out-every-components-then-overwrite-by-import" procedure get tougher.
    Sometimes, it even creates garbage in the repository which corrupts my
    So, I have an alternative proposal on this procedure ( though I haven't
    really test on this idea ) which is to create a new repository for each new
    What do you think?
    Peter Sham.
    -----Original Message-----
    From: John Pianezze [SMTP:[email protected]]
    Sent: Wednesday, July 21, 1999 3:44 PM
    To: Duncan Kinnear
    Cc: [email protected]
    Subject: RE: List Archive and Release Management
    Hi back.
    what procedures do people use to manage the development, testingand release of software?
    It's useful to have a separate repository for Development, QA, Production,
    etc. It's true that you have to 'import' between them, each time you
    propagate changes. It might seem like a pain to constantly export/import,
    but actually it's better that way.
    Firstly, you should only export to QA when you're absolutely sure it's
    for quality assurance, and this doesn't happen every day (or shouldn't)
    Second, the advantage of this is that you get a 'clean' import and compile
    each time, with no other baggage. This is especially critical when you
    migrate from QA to a production environment.
    There's no need to have a testing_verXX repository, just make a different
    workspace for each version of test.
    Just check out all the components, import, and integrate. The 'old'
    workspace will have a snapshot of the old release.
    * Don't Update that old workspace or you'll lose it!
    * Put an administrator password on the repos, to protect against
    inadvertent usage.
    * It's expensive to have many repositories running on your environment
    manager, so I recommend only one repos for each of development, QA and
    * You might want to consider only bringing up the production repos as
    required, they hog RAM like crazy.
    It's critical to have a complete image of each version of every
    you have in production. That way, you can recreate any problem.
    It's even useful to migrate your development repos every now and then. As
    you know, these repos beasties can grow quite large, and it's god to start
    from scratch on a regular basis.
    For example, every month or so, our core architecure team releases a new
    version of the core components. We all integrate, and we create a new
    from the core architecture stuff, and import all our stuff over the top of
    it. That way, we keep a loose coupling between sub-systems, and their
    never depends on ours. Also, with a split developmen repos, you can locate
    the different teams on different intranets, or even on different sides of
    the world, all with relatively little fuss.
    Forti SCM hooks and SCCSWe use a unix version control called CMVC.
    Whenever we integrate, it checks out the pex files, exports them, and
    them back in.
    John Pianezze
    S1 Technologies (Asia Pacific)
    Melbourne, Australia
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Duncan Kinnear [SMTP:[email protected]]
    Sent: Wednesday, July 21, 1999 1:05 PM
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: List Archive and Release Management
    Hi folks!
    First of all, does anyone know what's going on with the list archive
    SageIT? There doesn't seem to be a search facility anymore. Seems
    bit weird when each message is appended with a little signature
    'advertising' a searchable archive.
    Second (and this is the biggy!), what procedures do people use to
    manage the development, testing and release of software? I'm
    about how you keep them separate, how you do hot-fixes, how you
    identify installed versions at customer sites, etc.
    I've thought that we could do it with separate repositories for
    development", "testing_verXX", "release_verXY", etc., where we
    from "development" and then import into "testing", and similarily
    Also, we are looking at using the Forti SCM hooks and SCCS on our
    Unix host to store historical versions of the projects/classes. But
    somehow need to identify which version of a particular component is
    installed at the customer site. I had thought of defining a
    constant in
    each project/class called "SCCS_VER" which contains the SCCS
    keywords that get mapped to SCCS ID and date when put into SCCS.
    Then the constant could be used to display these values in a
    "About" window.
    Any thoughts/opinions welcome.
    Duncan Kinnear,
    McCarthy and Associates, Email:
    [email protected]
    PO Box 764, McLean Towers, Phone: +64 6 834
    Shakespeare Road, Napier, New Zealand. Fax: +64 6 834
    Providing Integrated Software to the Meat Processing Industry for
    over 10 years
    To unsubscribe, email '[email protected]' with
    'unsubscribe forte-users' as the body of the message.
    Searchable thread archive
    To unsubscribe, email '[email protected]' with
    'unsubscribe forte-users' as the body of the message.
    Searchable thread archive
    To unsubscribe, email '[email protected]' with
    'unsubscribe forte-users' as the body of the message.
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    To unsubscribe, email '[email protected]' with
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  • List Archive and Release Management

    Hi folks!
    First of all, does anyone know what's going on with the list archive on
    SageIT? There doesn't seem to be a search facility anymore. Seems a
    bit weird when each message is appended with a little signature
    'advertising' a searchable archive.
    Second (and this is the biggy!), what procedures do people use to
    manage the development, testing and release of software? I'm talking
    about how you keep them separate, how you do hot-fixes, how you
    identify installed versions at customer sites, etc.
    I've thought that we could do it with separate repositories for "current
    development", "testing_verXX", "release_verXY", etc., where we export
    from "development" and then import into "testing", and similarily for
    Also, we are looking at using the Fort&eacute; SCM hooks and SCCS on our
    Unix host to store historical versions of the projects/classes. But we
    somehow need to identify which version of a particular component is
    installed at the customer site. I had thought of defining a constant in
    each project/class called "SCCS_VER" which contains the SCCS
    keywords that get mapped to SCCS ID and date when put into SCCS.
    Then the constant could be used to display these values in a Window's
    "About" window.
    Any thoughts/opinions welcome.
    Duncan Kinnear,
    McCarthy and Associates, Email: [email protected]
    PO Box 764, McLean Towers, Phone: +64 6 834 3360
    Shakespeare Road, Napier, New Zealand. Fax: +64 6 834 3369
    Providing Integrated Software to the Meat Processing Industry for over 10 years
    To unsubscribe, email '[email protected]' with
    'unsubscribe forte-users' as the body of the message.
    Searchable thread archive <URL:>

    Hi folks!
    First of all, does anyone know what's going on with the list archive on
    SageIT? There doesn't seem to be a search facility anymore. Seems a
    bit weird when each message is appended with a little signature
    'advertising' a searchable archive.
    Second (and this is the biggy!), what procedures do people use to
    manage the development, testing and release of software? I'm talking
    about how you keep them separate, how you do hot-fixes, how you
    identify installed versions at customer sites, etc.
    I've thought that we could do it with separate repositories for "current
    development", "testing_verXX", "release_verXY", etc., where we export
    from "development" and then import into "testing", and similarily for
    Also, we are looking at using the Fort&eacute; SCM hooks and SCCS on our
    Unix host to store historical versions of the projects/classes. But we
    somehow need to identify which version of a particular component is
    installed at the customer site. I had thought of defining a constant in
    each project/class called "SCCS_VER" which contains the SCCS
    keywords that get mapped to SCCS ID and date when put into SCCS.
    Then the constant could be used to display these values in a Window's
    "About" window.
    Any thoughts/opinions welcome.
    Duncan Kinnear,
    McCarthy and Associates, Email: [email protected]
    PO Box 764, McLean Towers, Phone: +64 6 834 3360
    Shakespeare Road, Napier, New Zealand. Fax: +64 6 834 3369
    Providing Integrated Software to the Meat Processing Industry for over 10 years
    To unsubscribe, email '[email protected]' with
    'unsubscribe forte-users' as the body of the message.
    Searchable thread archive <URL:>

  • Best practise in SAP BW master data management and transport

    Hi sap bw gurus,
    I like to know what is the best practise in sap bw master data transport. For example, if I updated my attributes in development, what are the 'required only' bw objects should I transport?
    Appreciate advice.
    Thank you,

    Hi Vishnu,
    Thanks for the reply but that answer may be suitable if I'm implementing a new BW system. What I'm looking for is more on daily operational maintenance and transport (a BW systems that has gone live awhile).

  • Release management with Azure and Visual Studio Online (Cloud TFS)

    What strategy would you use to manage the releasing of versioned software to Azure cloud services (web and worker roles)? We are not looking for continuous integration. We are using Visual Studio 2013 and Visual Studio Online (Cloud TFS).
    At one point, we were releasing straight from Visual Studio using the Azure Cloud Project Publish tool. This is really bad practice in my opinion as you can never be sure what you are really releasing. Additionally, there is no automated control on the labeling
    or branching of code, or the running of unit tests and code analysis checks.
    Next, we employed Release builds on Visual Studio Online. Before deployment, one would edit the appropriate Build Definition (whether it be for Test or Production by and filling in the code label (under the "Get Version" build property) that is to
    be released. This would then get the appropriate code (by the label specified), build it, and release it to whatever cloud service is specified in the targeted Cloud Project profile (this is using the AzureContinuousDeployment.11.xaml template).
    There is still a degree of manual intervention involved. Also, the fact that a version of code is built every time before it is released is not ideal (as far as I understand it would be better if it was packaged once).
    Microsoft Release Management tools
    look ideal for the job, but are not supported with Visual Studio Online.
    Is there a better way of handling our releases?

    /waves hand.. These are not the tools you seek. You are looking for continuous integration.
    Although CI has the word continuous in there, it does not mean "all the time, every checkin". It can easily refer only to those bits you want to release - -and the way to tell the system which bits you want released is to merge them to a Releases
    If you do this, not only do you get all the joy of controlled CI, but you guarantee what you release is exactly what is controlled in your SCM - under the Releases branch, preferably tagged or otherwise noted as a particular release. That means you can also
    rollback to a previous release by simply reverting to a previous release in your SCM!
    Of course you don't have to let it happen automatically, you can set it up to build 'continually' and then remove the check on the SCM to see if any changes have been committed. You can replace this with the manual build button.

  • Object locked after Release and Transport to QAS/PRD

    During an attempted recovery of our DEV system, a tranport request that had been previously released and transported to QAS/PRD was copied back into the DEV system, over-writing an open change request (and associated lock) on the program.
    As a result the object shows as 'Locked' in DEV, but the lock entry is on a 'Released' transport.
    I have reviewed tables E070 and E071, and as expected the entries for the program show that the transport was released. 
    Table TLOCK contains an entry for the program indicating that it is locked under the change request described above, that has already be released.
    I logged a message with SAP, and was directed to create a new change request and assign the program to that request.  While this does work, and allows me to make corrections and transport them, it does not assign a lock to the new transport, and does not clear the existing lock.
    The other comment in the message was that once a transport is released, the only other option is to 'hack the tables', but I am not sure I am ready to go that route.
    Has anyone ever encountered this situation, and if so, do you have any situations as to how to clear the lock entry ?
    Thanks in advance for any assistance you can provide.
    R. Runtz
    SAP Support, Government of Manitoba

    Hi Robert
    You can unlock objects using transaction SE03:
      SE03   > Requests/Tasks   > Unlock Objects (expert tool)
    Imre Takácsi-Nagy
    Senior Support Consultant II.
    SAP Global Support Center Austria
    Netweaver WEB Application Server ABAP / JAVA

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