ALV OO data is not refreshing when selection changes on previous screen

Hi All,
I have a module pool with 2 screens. First screen has plant and 1 button. When button is pressed in screen 1 the 2nd screen shows some data as per the plant selection in screen 1. The output of screen 2 is coded in OO ALV.
Now the problem is first time when plant is input and button is pressed the data is fine in screen 2. However 2nd time onwards the data is not getting updated on ALV when plant selection is changed! It gets stuck to the data it produced the very first time.
I've debugged the program and table which passes to method "set_table_for_first_display" is fine i.e. it selects new data everytime as per plant and fills this table. I've also tried GUI FLUSH, calling method "refresh_table_display", FREE, clear, unassign etc. etc. at diff. points but nothing seems to work
<b>I'll be generously giving away points with any help.</b>

1. Please refresh the output table before the select query which you are passing to set_table_for_first_display.
2. The ALV container needs to be freed & again generated everytime you call the screen.
so on the BACK button of Screen 2 in PAI, release & clear the container
In the PBO of Screen 2, Assign grid to container.
Here is the sample program:
*       MAIN                                                          *
*       MODULE PBO OUTPUT                                             *
*       MODULE PAI INPUT                                              *
*   to react on oi_custom_events:
    call method cl_gui_cfw=>dispatch.
    WHEN 'EXIT'.
*     do nothing
*       FORM EXIT_PROGRAM                                             *
CALL METHOD CL_GUI_CFW=>FLUSH. "Do under back button

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  • Splitter Problem - ALV Grid not refreshed when selected another item

    Hi Experts!!
    I have a container on screen 100 which has to be split into 3 areas. Left area ->tree, Right top area -alv grid and bottom also alv grid. I created the program without splitter and it was working fine. After I added this splitter, I see that in ALV grid, the data is not being refreshed. When double clicked on an item in tree struct, ALV grid (CL_SALV_TABLE) to be shown.. Firstly it's fine but when I double click on another item, it's not refreshing the data but is showing the same previous data.
    I have searched existing posts and implemented, but no luck.
    PFB my code:
    * In PBO of screen 100
      CREATE OBJECT go_cc_area1
          container_name              = 'CC_AREA1'
          cntl_error                  = 1
          cntl_system_error           = 2
          create_error                = 3
          lifetime_error              = 4
          lifetime_dynpro_dynpro_link = 5.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
        MESSAGE e025 WITH sy-subrc.
      CREATE OBJECT go_splitter
          parent        = go_cc_area1
          orientation   = 1              "Vertical split
          sash_position = 40
          OTHERS        = 1.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
      go_container_tree  = go_splitter->top_left_container.
      go_container_2 = go_splitter->bottom_right_container.
      CREATE OBJECT go_splitter_2
          parent        = go_container_2
          orientation   = 0              "Horizontal split
          sash_position = 40
          OTHERS        = 1.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
      go_cc_area2 = go_splitter_2->top_left_container.
      go_cc_area3 = go_splitter_2->bottom_right_container.
      CREATE OBJECT go_tree
          i_parent                    = go_container_tree
          i_node_selection_mode       = cl_gui_column_tree=>node_sel_mode_single
          i_item_selection            = gc_x
          i_no_html_header            = gc_x
          i_no_toolbar                = space
          cntl_error                  = 1
          cntl_system_error           = 2
          create_error                = 3
          lifetime_error              = 4
          illegal_node_selection_mode = 5
          failed                      = 6
          illegal_column_name         = 7.
        CALL METHOD go_tree->set_table_for_first_display
            i_background_id = space
            is_layout       = gs_layout
            it_sort         = gt_sort
            it_outtab       = gt_tree_output
            it_fieldcatalog = gt_fieldcat_tree.
        CALL METHOD go_tree->expand_tree
            i_level = 2.
    * End - PBO 100
    *       CLASS lcl_tree_event_receiver DEFINITION
    CLASS lcl_tree_event_receiver DEFINITION.
        METHODS: handle_item_double_click
                   FOR EVENT item_double_click OF cl_gui_alv_tree_simple
                   IMPORTING fieldname
    ENDCLASS.                    "lcl_tree_event_receiver DEFINITION
    *       CLASS lcl_tree_event_receiver IMPLEMENTATION
    CLASS lcl_tree_event_receiver IMPLEMENTATION.
      METHOD handle_item_double_click.
          IF go_alv_area2 IS BOUND.
            go_alv_area2->refresh( ).
              list_display   = space
              r_container    = go_cc_area2
              r_salv_table = go_alv_area2
              t_table      = gt_table ).
          go_alv_area2->display( ).
      ENDMETHOD.                    "handle_item_double_click
    ENDCLASS.                    "lcl_tree_event_receiver IMPLEMENTATION
    I am facing the same problem with area 3 as well. Can somebody please help me out.
    Thanks a lot!!
    Edited by: Srinivas Kalluri on Jan 28, 2012 1:39 PM

    Hi All,
    I am still facing this problem. Can somebody please help me out?
    I created a test program wth sflight and spfli tables. Can somebody look into this and tell me where I am going wrong?
    On screen 100 i have one cust container named CC.
    When I test it, it's showing the same refresh problem. But in this test program refresh is atleast happening once.
    REPORT ztest.
    PARAMETERS: p_carrid TYPE sflight-carrid.
    CLASS lcl_tree_event_receiver DEFINITION DEFERRED.
    CONSTANTS: gc_x VALUE 'X'.
    DATA: go_cc_area1 TYPE REF TO cl_gui_custom_container,
          go_tree TYPE REF TO cl_gui_alv_tree_simple,
          go_tree_event_receiver TYPE REF TO lcl_tree_event_receiver,
          go_cc_area2 TYPE REF TO cl_gui_container,
          go_alv_area2 TYPE REF TO cl_salv_table,
          go_cc_area3 TYPE REF TO cl_gui_container,
          go_columns TYPE REF TO cl_salv_columns_table,
          go_cc_editor TYPE REF TO cl_gui_custom_container,
          go_editor TYPE REF TO cl_gui_textedit,
          go_content TYPE REF TO cl_salv_form_element,
          go_container_tree TYPE REF TO cl_gui_container,
          go_container_2 TYPE REF TO cl_gui_container,
          go_splitter TYPE REF TO cl_gui_easy_splitter_container,
          go_splitter_2 TYPE REF TO cl_gui_easy_splitter_container,
          go_cc_comp TYPE REF TO cl_gui_custom_container,
          go_alv_comp TYPE REF TO cl_salv_table.
    DATA: gt_sflight TYPE TABLE OF sflight,
          gt_data TYPE TABLE OF spfli,
          gt_fieldcat TYPE lvc_t_fcat,
          gt_sort TYPE lvc_t_sort,
          gs_sflight TYPE sflight,
          gs_layout TYPE lvc_s_layo.
    *       CLASS lcl_tree_event_receiver DEFINITION
    CLASS lcl_tree_event_receiver DEFINITION.
        METHODS: handle_item_double_click
                   FOR EVENT item_double_click OF cl_gui_alv_tree_simple
                   IMPORTING fieldname
    ENDCLASS.                    "lcl_tree_event_receiver DEFINITION
    *       CLASS lcl_tree_event_receiver IMPLEMENTATION
    CLASS lcl_tree_event_receiver IMPLEMENTATION.
      METHOD handle_item_double_click.
        READ TABLE gt_sflight INTO gs_sflight INDEX index_outtab.
        IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
          SELECT * FROM spfli INTO TABLE gt_data WHERE connid = gs_sflight-connid.
          IF go_alv_area2 IS BOUND.
            go_alv_area2->refresh( ).
            cl_gui_cfw=>flush( ).
              r_container    = go_cc_area2
              r_salv_table = go_alv_area2
              t_table      = gt_data ).
          go_alv_area2->display( ).
      ENDMETHOD.                    "handle_item_double_click
    ENDCLASS.                    "lcl_tree_event_receiver IMPLEMENTATION
      CALL SCREEN 100.
    *&      Module  STATUS_0100  OUTPUT
    *       text
    MODULE status_0100 OUTPUT.
    *  SET TITLEBAR 'xxx'.
      CREATE OBJECT go_cc_area1
          container_name              = 'CC'
          cntl_error                  = 1
          cntl_system_error           = 2
          create_error                = 3
          lifetime_error              = 4
          lifetime_dynpro_dynpro_link = 5.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    *    MESSAGE e025 WITH sy-subrc text-e01.
      CREATE OBJECT go_splitter
          parent            = go_cc_area1
          orientation       = 1              "Vertical split
          sash_position     = 25
          cntl_error        = 1
          cntl_system_error = 2
          OTHERS            = 3.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    *    MESSAGE e025 WITH sy-subrc text-e02.
      go_container_tree  = go_splitter->top_left_container.
      go_container_2 = go_splitter->bottom_right_container.
      CREATE OBJECT go_splitter_2
          parent            = go_container_2
          orientation       = 0              "Horizontal split
          sash_position     = 40
          cntl_error        = 1
          cntl_system_error = 2
          OTHERS            = 3.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    *    MESSAGE e025 WITH sy-subrc text-e02.
      go_cc_area2 = go_splitter_2->top_left_container.
      CREATE OBJECT go_tree
          i_parent                    = go_container_tree
          i_node_selection_mode       = cl_gui_column_tree=>node_sel_mode_single
          i_item_selection            = gc_x
          i_no_html_header            = gc_x
          i_no_toolbar                = space
          cntl_error                  = 1
          cntl_system_error           = 2
          create_error                = 3
          lifetime_error              = 4
          illegal_node_selection_mode = 5
          failed                      = 6
          illegal_column_name         = 7.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    *    MESSAGE e025 WITH sy-subrc text-e03.
      SELECT * FROM sflight INTO TABLE gt_sflight WHERE carrid EQ p_carrid.
            i_structure_name       = 'SFLIGHT'
            i_bypassing_buffer     = gc_x
            ct_fieldcat            = gt_fieldcat
            inconsistent_interface = 1
            program_error          = 2
            OTHERS                 = 3.
        IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    *      MESSAGE e025 WITH sy-subrc text-e05.
        DATA: ls_fieldcatalog TYPE lvc_s_fcat.
        LOOP AT gt_fieldcat INTO ls_fieldcatalog.
          ls_fieldcatalog-col_opt = gc_x.
          CASE ls_fieldcatalog-fieldname.
            WHEN 'CARRID'.
              ls_fieldcatalog-no_out = gc_x.
            WHEN 'CONNID'.
              ls_fieldcatalog-no_out = gc_x.
          MODIFY gt_fieldcat FROM ls_fieldcatalog.
          CLEAR ls_fieldcatalog.
        DATA: ls_sort TYPE lvc_s_sort.
        ls_sort-spos = 1.
        ls_sort-fieldname = 'CARRID'.
        ls_sort-up = gc_x.
        APPEND ls_sort TO gt_sort.
        ls_sort-spos = 2.
        ls_sort-fieldname = 'CONNID'.
        ls_sort-up = gc_x.
        APPEND ls_sort TO gt_sort.
        DATA: lt_events TYPE cntl_simple_events,
              lo_l_event TYPE cntl_simple_event.
        lo_l_event-eventid = cl_gui_column_tree=>eventid_node_context_menu_req.
        APPEND lo_l_event TO lt_events.
        lo_l_event-eventid = cl_gui_column_tree=>eventid_item_context_menu_req.
        APPEND lo_l_event TO lt_events.
        lo_l_event-eventid = cl_gui_column_tree=>eventid_header_context_men_req.
        APPEND lo_l_event TO lt_events.
        lo_l_event-eventid = cl_gui_column_tree=>eventid_expand_no_children.
        APPEND lo_l_event TO lt_events.
        lo_l_event-eventid = cl_gui_column_tree=>eventid_item_double_click.
        APPEND lo_l_event TO lt_events.
        lo_l_event-eventid = cl_gui_column_tree=>eventid_button_click.
        APPEND lo_l_event TO lt_events.
        lo_l_event-eventid = cl_gui_column_tree=>eventid_node_double_click.
        APPEND lo_l_event TO lt_events.
        CALL METHOD go_tree->set_registered_events
            events                    = lt_events
            cntl_error                = 1
            cntl_system_error         = 2
            illegal_event_combination = 3.
    * Set Handler
        CREATE OBJECT go_tree_event_receiver.
        SET HANDLER go_tree_event_receiver->handle_item_double_click FOR go_tree.
        CALL METHOD go_tree->set_table_for_first_display
            i_background_id = space
            is_layout       = gs_layout
            it_sort         = gt_sort
            it_outtab       = gt_sflight
            it_fieldcatalog = gt_fieldcat.
        CALL METHOD go_tree->expand_tree
            i_level = 2.
        IF NOT gt_sflight[] IS INITIAL.
          CALL METHOD go_tree->set_top_node
              i_index_outtab = 0.
    * Send data to frontend.
        CALL METHOD go_tree->frontend_update.
      ENDMODULE.                 " STATUS_0100  OUTPUT
    *&      Module  USER_COMMAND_0100  INPUT
    *       text
    MODULE user_command_0100 INPUT.
      CASE sy-ucomm.
        WHEN 'BACK'.
          SET SCREEN 0.
          LEAVE SCREEN.
        WHEN OTHERS.
    ENDMODULE.                 " USER_COMMAND_0100  INPUT
    Edited by: Srinivas Kalluri on Jan 31, 2012 4:49 PM

  • Date field not updated when select on F4 value on editable ALV Grid

    Can some one look into this to see what was wrong.
    I have a report that display fields extracted from a ZTable and display on an ALV Editable Grid.
    The data are displayed as read only mode for these fields:
    Field A -   type char20 and have a search help available.
    Start Date - type dats
    End Date - type dats.
    Field B
    Field C ...
    When user select to add new record,  Field A, Start Date and End Date must be editable, the rest are read only.
    On field A because there is search help available, I have no problem select data on F4 pull down menu and the data is updated on the grid.
    But on field start date and end date, there is F4 menu and when you pull down, it shows the calendar date.  But when I select the date to change, it acts like nothing happens.  I run the debug mode and found out that in function module 'F4IF_FIELD_VALUE_REQUEST', after you select the date field, I got the return code irc = 8 from line 305 of this FM.
    Here is what I did.
    I build field catalog similar like BCALV_EDIT04  (add table type lvc_t_styl to each extracted record to indicate which field will be  editable.
    In the PBO,  I build field catalog and set style as enable for these fields:
          i_structure_name = p_struct
          ct_fieldcat      = p_t_fieldcat.
    LOOP AT p_t_fieldcat INTO ls_fcat.
        CASE   ls_fcat-fieldname.
           when 'Field_A'.
               ls_fcat-ref_table = 'ZTABNAME'.
            ls_fcat-ref_field = 'FIELD_A'.
            ls_fcat-edit = 'X'.
            MODIFY p_t_fieldcat FROM ls_fcat.
       when 'START_DATE' or 'END_DATE'.
        ls_fcat-style = CL_GUI_ALV_GRID=>MC_STYLE_enabled.
             MODIFY p_t_fieldcat FROM ls_fcat.
    Just curious, I copied program BCALV_EDIT_08 to ZBCALV_EDIT08 and make field booking date as editable to test.  When I select to change booking date from F4 menu pull down, the new date is populated to the screen field.  So what was wrong between my program and BCALV_EDIT_08?  Thanks for your help.  I am stuck on this problem for 2 days and could not figure out what was wrong.

    not sure why you use that FM for date filed , you just need in the field catalog make sure that are use a date field of reference , anyway check program BCALV_EDIT_01

  • Detail region does not refresh when selecting from a drop-down list in master region

    I am using DW CS3 and have updated to version 1.6.1 of Spry.  Using an XML dataset, I am able to create a Spry table as the master region that links to a detail region that displays a small JPG graphic.  It works fine in this format (clicking on a row displays the correct graphic).  However, my table has 80 rows and requires the user to do too much scrolling. So I changed the master region to a drop-down repeat list, but the graphic does not change when a new selection is made in the drop down list.  Listed below is the code produced when I used the insert Spry Repeat List.  I got the same results when adding a spry:setrow="dsChartNurse".  I also tried -- onclick="dsChartNurse.setCurrentRow('{ds_RowID}');" -- which again made no difference.
    When I removed children from the spry:repeat, the master region displayed as a two column list of all 80 items in a drop-down list format.
    <div spry:region="dsChartNurse">
           <select name="select" spry:repeatchildren="dsChartNurse">
             <option value="{name}">{name}</option>
    <div id="image" spry:detailregion="dsChartNurse">
       <img src="{dataimage}" align="center" style="margin:50px 0 0 0"width="320" height="164" />
    Thanks so much to anyone who can help correct my code in order to have a drop-down list display information correctly in the detail region.

    Thanks for the quick reply.  I did solve the problem I was having by changing from onclick to onchange in the master region.  But, now I have another problem with, of course, IE.  I just put in online at  When opened in IE, the drop down list displays the last entry, but the image is for the first in the list.  Thanks again for your help.

  • ADFf 11g, view does not refresh when model changes

    I am really missing something about adf faces (jdev
    I have a web app, with jspx, tabpanels and pojo data controls.
    Since there is a complex logic to open new pages/tabs, sometimes I have to open new pages/tabs programmatically, and also sometimes I have
    to refresh the model behind pages/tabs programmatically.
    When I say "programmatically" I mean that the model refresh is not started by an user action on the webpage, but is started by logic in the model layer
    (say, for example, you receive a JMS message and you want to reload the content of an entire page).
    I can succesfully update the model, using debug println I can see the model is updated, but there is no way I can update the view.
    I tryed with the "addPartialTarget" code and so on, but it does not work.
    I've also bought and read "Oracle JDeveloper 11g Handbook" and "Oracle Fusion Developer Guide", but I can't find anything that can help me.
    Can someone explain me: what am I missing? I am sure there is some concept in ADF Faces I missed: this framework is too
    big not to offer what I need, so I miss something for sure.
    I hope to get an answer, I hope Shay reads this too.
    Thanks all.

    Active Data Services (chapter 20 in the book) is what would allow you to synchronize the screen with the model changes. The problem you face is because the data you see is what is stored in the iterators of the binding layer. An alternative solution to using ADS is to use an af:poll component that refreshes the display component when the model has changed. For this your model exposes a method that returns a time stamp that changes whenever the data has changed. Upon af:poll expiring, it calls a managed bean method, which - through the ADF binding layer - checks for the time stamp and compares it with a local saved copy (whenever the time stamp has changed, the client side will e.g. write it to the viewScope or pageFlowScope). If the time stamp has changed, the managed bean re-executes the method populating the iterator for the UI components and then issues a partial refresh of the component(s). Instead of PPR'ing each component in turn, you can try setting the ChangeEventPolicy property of the iterators to ppr"
    This should solve the problem. The latter example is also explained in chapter 20, but for ADF BC

  • Exchange 2010 SP3 - RU3 RU4 Public Folders issues ( not refreshing ) when grouping by Categories for "(None)" Group

    After installing Exchange 2010 SP3 RU3, I had an issue in Public Folders, once having group by categories in Outlook, the Group of "(None)" categories is not refreshing when changing flag... I also installed RU4 but nothing changed, any reason

    From your description, the group with none categories won’t fresh when changing flag in Category view. If I misunderstood, please point it out.
    As you can in the View tab as below, there is Category as well as Flag: Start date or Due Date. It means that grouping per color categories is more or less different from that
    grouping by flag.
    Should you need more assistance, feel free to tell me.
    Rebecca Tu
    TechNet Community Support

  • Image does not refresh when I undo

    This seems only to happen when using my Wacom. A lot of friends have the same problem.
    The viewport/canvas does not refresh when undoing a paint stroke done with my Wacom Intuos4 Wireless. But when I make a new paint stroke or zoom in or something else that requires the viewport to refresh it looks correct. I am using Photoshop CS5.1 (Production Premium CS5.5). I am running Mac OS X Lion on a MacBook Pro 13" 2011.
    Anyone else having this issue? It seems like a nasty bug to me.

    OK, I have done some testing and this happens on three friends computers. What we have in common is Wacom Tablets (different kinds, intous3, intuos4, bamboo and intuos4wl), Photoshop CS5.5, OS X Lion and Macbook 13" 2011.
    However, another friend just bought a new intuos4wl for his Macbook Pro 15" late 2008 (MacBook Pro5,1) thats running Snow Leopard. So far this seems to only happen with wacoms + cs5.5 + lion. And another friend is running CS5 on a MacBook Pro 13" 2011 without problems.
    I would say that the problem is PS CS5.1 in conjunction with Lion and Wacom tablets. Scratch what I said earlier about external monitors.

  • My hp4530s wifi switch does not enable when selected

    hp4530s with windows 7 prof. The wifi switch does not enable when selected in mobility manager in the control panel. The option is shown, however is grayed out and does not enable the wifi

    When was the last time that WIFI worked on the HP4530s?  If you aer using a dock, then remove the laptop from the dock.
    You can check the status of the WIFI adapter in Device Manager.  You should have something similar to the below image if your model is equipped with WIFI.
    The HP Support Assistant and also be used to troubleshoot network issues.
    Look under the Internet and Security topics in HPSA for the adapter.
    Try diagnostics under the My computer tab in HPSA
    HP DV9700, t9300, Nvidia 8600, 4GB, Crucial C300 128GB SSD
    HP Photosmart Premium C309G, HP Photosmart 6520
    HP Touchpad, HP Chromebook 11
    Custom i7-4770k,Z-87, 8GB, Vertex 3 SSD, Samsung EVO SSD, Corsair HX650,GTX 760
    Custom i7-4790k,Z-97, 16GB, Vertex 3 SSD, Plextor M.2 SSD, Samsung EVO SSD, Corsair HX650, GTX 660TI
    Windows 7/8 UEFI/Legacy mode, MBR/GPT

  • Web-I Report taking lots of time to refresh when filters changed

    In BO XI 3.1 Web-I report is taking lot of time to refresh when any changes are made in edit query mode on the filters.
    When the query is runned for the first time it runs well, but if we make any changes in the filters pane, it is taking lots of time to refresh, and when we cancel the query web-i server is not releasing the server resources (CPU, Memory)
    Did anyone face this kind of a problem, and resolved it.
    Please let me know your thoughts
    Thank you

    why do you need 100K rows in your reports? Is there a way to consolidate/aggregate your data on the database?
    Comparing sqlplus and BOBJ is a little bit unfair. Let me explain you why:
    sqlplus starts displaying data after the query returns the first results. I am sure that if you measure the time that sqlplus needs to display ALL rows, this should be way more than just 10 secs.
    On the other hand BOBJ will display something as soon as the first page can be created. Depending on the way your report is structured, it may be the case that the WebI server should first get ALL rows in order to be able to display the first page of your report. This is for example the case if you let the total number of pages being displayed or if you display total sums already at the header of your report or if you have added a chart based on your data also in the header of your report. Of course, after the first call the report will be cached (and thus fast to be displayed) until you change again the parameters values for your query.
    Since you do not display (or do you use this function in a variable or a formula, maybe?) the total number of pages in your report, I can only assume that you either trying to display total sums (or other kinds of aggregated values) or a chart in the first page of your report. Can you confirm this?

  • Hi, I have iphone 4s and is up to date with ios7 but when I change my ring tone again ring the default ring tone

    Hi, I have iphone 4s and is up to date with ios7 but when I change my ring tone again ring the default ring tone
    in the setting shows the ring tone i,ve chosen

    I have been on chat and a telephone conversation with my internet provider SHAW.CA and they cannot seem to assit.
    I do appreciate your replies. When you talk about Exchange Server, do you mean"Microsoft Exchange" because that is what I used to set up mail on iPhone? I also tried iCloud, but i did not like the way you have to choose sending  "from" each time you send an email. I currently use 2 accounts,one for business, one personal.
    In response to your above reply; I went to "mailbox" - sycronise account", but nothing happened.
    Am I missing some other setting perhaps. I did "enable mobile" on internet provider webmail.

  • IPad2 iBooks , when selected enlarges to full screen, as if it is going to

    iPad2 iBooks , when selected enlarges to full screen, as if it is going to open, then the screen turns black, momentarily, then returns to default screen with icons for the applications.
    Vut eez happening?????

    This sounds like a corrupt file or app.
    Try these steps:
    1- try opening a different book
    2- reset iPad by holding down home & power buttons for 10 seconds until the apple appears
    3- delete and reinstall iBooks, then re-sync your books from iTunes.
    Hope this helps...

  • Windows 10 - Skype not respond when I change language with Grave accent

    Windows 10 - Skype not respond when I change language with Grave accent 

    Switching languages quickly in Windows 10 with the current version of Skype is a known issue.  Hopefully a future update will address the problem.

  • Can we translate in captivate 7? I Have tried and changed the Caption and Notes. Can we change the on screen text of te normal slides, interactive call out boxes, screen recording slides and quizzes? If yes, please let me know the process.

    Can we translate in captivate 7? I Have tried and changed the Caption and Notes. Can we change the on screen text of te normal slides, interactive call out boxes, screen recording slides and quizzes? If yes, please let me know the process.

    Of course! Here ya go
    For the record, I did create a new project with only two slides to try and duplicate the issue. I had the same problem. I unchecked the Mouse Click Sound check box, republished and the slide auto advanced. I'm wondering if a default sound file was somehow moved or deleted? I discussed uninstalling and reinstalling C7 onto my laptop, but that's a frustrating solution haha

  • Report does not refresh when link to page

    I have a report on page 1 with a column link to a report on page 2.
    The link sets items on page 2.
    If I use the 'Page in this Application' from the column link, the items on page 2 are set and the report is automatically refreshed.
    If I use the 'URL' in the column link, the items are set but the report on page 2 is not refreshed. I have more than 3 items to pass via the link so I have to use the URL. The url syntax is correct - if I click a Go button on page 2 the data refreshes fine.
    I have the same problem when clicking a tab that I have set to clear the page items - the tab clears the cache on the target page but the data in the report is not refreshed until I click the go button.
    The items on page 2 are select lists and text (always submit when enter pressed).
    How can I get the report on page 2 to auto refresh without the user having to click the Go button?
    Message was edited by: kgamble

    I can't post the pages (site reasons) but here's the debug.
    All the item values are set correctly to what I want but at point 041 - I get the custom "no rows returned error". If I click the refresh button (essentially a submit with go) the date appears.
    I am now using the link set up to go to 'Page in Application' with clear cache and 3 item variables set and reset pagination ticked and the request of Go (its the same result without the request and the pagination unticked).
    Any ideas?
    0.00: S H O W: application="129" page="8" workspace="" request="Go" session="8392008407576157812"
    0.02: Language derived from: FLOW_PRIMARY_LANGUAGE, current browser language: en-gb
    0.02: alter session set nls_language="ENGLISH"
    0.02: alter session set nls_territory="UNITED KINGDOM"
    0.02: NLS: CSV charset=WE8MSWIN1252
    0.02: ...NLS: Set Decimal separator="."
    0.02: ...NLS: Set NLS Group separator=","
    0.02: ...NLS: Set date format="DD-MON-RR"
    0.02: ...Setting session time_zone to dbtimezone
    0.02: NLS: Language=en-gb
    0.02: Application 129, Authentication: CUSTOM2, Page Template: 3508132500492586
    0.03: ...Supplied session ID can be used
    0.03: ...Application session: 8392008407576157812, user=PENTESTER
    0.03: ...Determine if user "KGAMBLE" workspace "1728921676563485" can develop application "129" in workspace "1728921676563485"
    0.03: Session: Fetch session header information
    0.03: Saving g_arg_names=P8_IDR and g_arg_values=Y
    0.05: ...Session State: Save "P8_IDR" - saving same value: "Y"
    0.05: Saving g_arg_names=P8_STATUS and g_arg_values=Outstanding
    0.05: ...Session State: Save "P8_STATUS" - saving same value: "Outstanding"
    0.05: Saving g_arg_names=P8_SECTION and g_arg_values=P
    0.05: ...Session State: Save "P8_SECTION" - saving same value: "P"
    0.05: ...Metadata: Fetch page attributes for application 129, page 8
    0.05: Fetch session state from database
    0.05: Branch point: BEFORE_HEADER
    0.05: Fetch application meta data
    0.05: Authorization Check: "4732024931692101" User: "PENTESTER" Component: "PAGE"
    0.06: Clear cache: request=RP
    0.06: ...Resetting pagination for page
    0.06: Clear cache: request=8
    0.06: ...Clearing Cache for Page 8
    0.06: Nulling cache for application "129" page: 8
    0.08: Saving g_arg_names=P8_IDR and g_arg_values=Y
    0.08: ...Session State: Saved Item "P8_IDR" New Value="Y"
    0.08: Saving g_arg_names=P8_STATUS and g_arg_values=Outstanding
    0.08: ...Session State: Saved Item "P8_STATUS" New Value="Outstanding"
    0.08: Saving g_arg_names=P8_SECTION and g_arg_values=P
    0.08: ...Session State: Saved Item "P8_SECTION" New Value="P"
    0.08: Computation point: BEFORE_HEADER
    0.08: Processing point: BEFORE_HEADER
    0.09: Show page template header
    0.09: Computation point: AFTER_HEADER
    0.09: Processing point: AFTER_HEADER
    0.11: Authorization Check: "4732329087693375" User: "PENTESTER" Component: "parenttab"
    0.13: Authorization Check: "6131220670151932" User: "PENTESTER" Component: "parenttab"
    Home New Complaint
    Existing Data
    Logout |
    Complaints Complainants
    0.14: Region: Complainant Search
    Complainant Search
    SD Number
    NI Number
    0.16: Region: criteria_go
    0.16: Item: P8_GO BUTTON
    0.17: Item: P8_ROWS COMBOBOX Number of complaints per page 10 15 20 30 50 100 200 500 1000 5000
    0.17: Region: Complaint Search
    Complaint Search
    The list of complaints must match ALL of these specified search criteria:
    0.19: Item: P8_END PICK_DATE_DD_MON_YYYY
    0.20: Authorization Check: "4733005669696056" User: "PENTESTER" Component: ""
    0.20: Item: P8_TARGET COMBOBOX
    Target -- All -- Acknowledgement In Target Acknowledgement Target not Met Acknowledgement Pending Final Response In Target Final Response Target not Met Final Response Pending
    0.22: Item: P8_RECUR COMBOBOX
    Recurrent? -- All -- YES NO
    0.22: Item: P8_PAY_E COMBOBOX Ex Gratia/Interest
    Payments -- Select -- YES NO
    0.23: Item: P8_IDR COMBOBOX
    Type of Complaint -- All -- IDR Other Complaint
    0.23: Item: P8_STATUS COMBOBOX Status -- All -- Outstanding Completed 01-Jan-2007 05-Feb-2007 05-Mar-2007 12-Feb-2007 12-Mar-2007 15-Jan-2007 22-Jan-2007 26-Feb-2007 29-Jan-2007
    0.23: Computation point: BEFORE_BOX_BODY
    0.23: Processing point: BEFORE_BOX_BODY
    0.25: Region: Complaints List
    Complaints List
    0.25: show report
    0.28: Authorization Check: "4733005669696056" User: "PENTESTER" Component: "COLUMN"
    0.28: determine column headings
    0.28: activate sort
    0.38: parse query as: GENERAL1
    0.38: binding: ":P8_NI_SEARCH"="P8_NI_SEARCH" value=""
    0.39: binding: ":P8_SD_SEARCH"="P8_SD_SEARCH" value=""
    0.39: binding: ":P8_SURNAME"="P8_SURNAME" value="AA"
    0.39: binding: ":P8_START"="P8_START" value=""
    0.39: binding: ":P8_END"="P8_END" value=""
    0.39: binding: ":P8_SECTION"="P8_SECTION" value="P"
    0.39: binding: ":P8_STATUS"="P8_STATUS" value="Outstanding"
    0.39: binding: ":P8_TARGET"="P8_TARGET" value=""
    0.39: binding: ":P8_IDR"="P8_IDR" value="Y"
    0.39: binding: ":P8_RECUR"="P8_RECUR" value="AA"
    0.39: binding: ":P8_PAY_E"="P8_PAY_E" value="X"
    0.41: print column headings
    0.41: rows loop: 15 row(s)
    There are no complaints matching the criteria. Please double check all the criteria in the boxes above.
    0.42: Computation point: AFTER_BOX_BODY
    0.42: Processing point: AFTER_BOX_BODY

  • Schedule lines are not modified when i change the requested delivery date

    i have a issue when i am created sales order with requested delivery date 10.11.2011
    and the same is copied in to item schedule lines as a 10.11.2011
    before saving the order i change the requested derlivery date to 11.11.2011
    this new requested delivery date is not dopied to schedule lines at item level (still is having 10.11.2011)
    can any one tell me this is system standard behaviour or can we correct this
    Thanks and Regards

    Hi DevarapalliKK,
    I tried this solution & problem is solved.
    --Go to VA01 & enter the material & qty
    --Select the line item in VA01 & click on Edit
    --Select Fast Change of & click on Delivery date & mention the Delivery date as 11.11.2011. & click on copy.
    --Check the request delivery date in header level in sales tab it will change to 11.11.2011 & also check the Schedule lines in Item level the date will be 11.11.2011 & Save it.
    Please let me know if your problem is solved

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