Am i missing something here? Hashtable problem

this executes, but doen't remove the value for some odd reason, am i just not seeing something? this is really annoying me
            if (this.planListeners.contains(listener)) {
                logger.finer("Removed PlanListener");

public V remove(Object key)
Removes the key (and its corresponding value) from this hashtable. This method does nothing if the key is not in the hashtable.
Specified by:
remove in interface Map<K,V>
Specified by:
remove in class Dictionary<K,V>
key - the key that needs to be removed.
the value to which the key had been mapped in this hashtable, or null if the key did not have a mapping.
NullPointerException - if the key is null.
at least browse it next time...

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    Yours is a very long post and I have failed to understand what your issue is...
    Too many words for me I'm afraid...
    See here for the Correct way of putting iTunes onto an External Drive...

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    845PE Max2 mobo
    3 HDD(Don't think brand/capacity matters here)
    1 DVD ROM drive
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    I sure hope this isn't covered somewhere else in the forums, but I really didn't see MY exact problem anywhere.
    I appreciate any and all help that you folks can provide!
    Mike Wells

    Your MOBO does not seem to be on the list as compatible with SATA Plextor optical drives. Of course, you could use a PCI card (SATA) in your machine.
    Here are links to Plextor's MOBO compatability list:
    Plextor 712SA - Serial-ATA (SATA) Compability List
    PX-716SA - Serial ATA Compatibility List

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    Okay, I get dummy of the month award.
    I think I've answered my own question-with a little more chutzpah= SMART Playlists, a perfectly programable, tunable list--that keeps on giving (or gathering--"set it and forget it")
    So, #1, typical newcomer jerk error--"moving to fast".
    I never bothered to figure out what a Smart Playlist was, OR when I read it, I didn't see how it could work for me, sheer disconnect. Infomation overload. "Babe in the woods" syndrome
    #2. less egregious error, I didn't pick up everyone of the new features in Verision 7 right off, or press beyond the DEFAULT settings.
    I was troubled that I couldn't browse by album art as in MUSIC. Well, that's the Default view in Music.
    The default view in Playlist is "plain vanilla" -- just tunes.
    So a little INTELLIGENT poking around did the trick.
    End of discussion. I think I'm good to go, and more impressed than ever with this brilliant, wizardy, visually gorgeous, supremely helpful "toy" ("tool" to you guys with the green eye shades).

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    Can Cocoa be used to create apps that can access mysql with the framework provided by apple's developer tools or does one need something else?
    A curious beginner with emphasis on beginner

    The source code for MySQL should come with lots of examples for writing clients. The documenation has all the functions you will need. It has been a few years since I worked on a MySQL client in C. Keep in mind, this is only one way to do it. There are easily 50 or 60 different ways to talk to MySQL. I'll give you a "stream of consciousness" answer...
    So, if I wanted to re-learn MySQL, the first thing I would do is look for a connect function. The docs have an example:<pre>
    MYSQL mysql;
    if (!mysqlrealconnect(&mysql,"host","user","passwd","database",0,NULL,0))
    fprintf(stderr, "Failed to connect to database: Error: %s\n",
    You create a MySQL object for the connection, initialize, set some options, and connect using all the normal parameters that should be already defined in your MySQL database.
    As long as I'm here, I may as well put in a disconnect. Hmm, there is no disconnect, but there is a mysql_close() function. It is so simple they don't provide an example.
    Next I want to do some query. Again, this function is simple there is no example. It is just <pre>int mysql_query(MYSQL *mysql, const char *query)</pre>. I already know how to construct a SQL statement so that is no big deal. I still need to figure out how to get data out of my query...
    This one looks a little harder. The function "mysqlstoreresult" looks promising. The docs say this returns the entire set of results for a query. There is another function "mysqluseresult" that deals with results one record at a time. I guess that would be useful for large data sets.
    Now I that I have the results, I need some function to do something with it. I found "my_ulonglong mysqlnum_rows(MYSQLRES *result)." That looks pretty easy. But I don't just want a count. I want the actual data. What about "mysqlnumfields"?
    MYSQL_RES *result;
    unsigned int num_fields;
    unsigned int num_rows;
    if (mysqlquery(&mysql,querystring))
    // error
    else // query succeeded, process any data returned by it
    result = mysqlstoreresult(&mysql);
    if (result) // there are rows
    num_fields = mysqlnumfields(result);
    // retrieve rows, then call mysqlfreeresult(result)
    else // mysqlstoreresult() returned nothing; should it have?
    if (mysql_errno(&mysql))
    fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
    else if (mysqlfieldcount(&mysql) == 0)
    // query does not return data
    // (it was not a SELECT)
    num_rows = mysqlaffectedrows(&mysql);
    And at this point, I'm starting to lose interest. But I think that is a pretty good start. It looks like there are about 70 functions to use. You will need no more than 15 of them. Just remember to disconnect when you are done. Remember to call "mysqlfreeresult". Just take it one step at a time.

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    No, basic Nokia phones do not, and have never had a function to easily send audio messages universally. SMS is a carrier feature and uses a very basic transfer mechanism and works only for short, 160-character messages. Through software, some phones later allowed you to type longer messages that the device then broke up seamlessly and sent as multiple SMS messages. MMS is another carrier service developed to be able to transport multimedia like audio and pictures. Again, very basic transfer and usually slow and low quality. Both of these are again, operator services. Your iPhone can send those messages to non-iPhone users using standard carrier services.
    On the other hand, your iPhone Messages app uses your iPhone data plan - not unlike your home Internet service - to transfer audio, video and images through Apple's iMessage service. Other services exist that do something similar - WhatsApp for example - which also requires both the sender and recipient to use their app for the service to work.
    As for email, Meg is correct. Your email provider is the first line of defense against spam. You should adjust your filters. That said, iOS Mail app had a delete all function, but not in places where it can do more harm than good - i.e. the Inbox. It is present only in the Junk and Trash folders where, presumably, your email provider or you have already been through some decision making process and deemed those emails acceptable to be deleted en masse.

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