AMD 2500+ whith readon 9800 pro

AMD 2500+ (333mhz) whith hercules readon 9800 pro
the question is of the amd can handel the readon (the readon must do good whith this proccecor else it is wasted mony)
i realy think it can handel the readon
(i'm sorry if this message is a little bit of topic)

I believe that it definetely could handle the job in style!

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  • MSI KT4AV-L w/ Radeon 9800 Pro at 8x Lockups!

    I have the latest 4 in 1 drivers, and the latest Catalyst drivers and it seems that whenever I try running 3DMark2001SE it locks up almost immediately.   Now if I use SmartGART to lower my AGP from 8x to 4x it runs flawlessly.  Though I can't help feeling that there is some sluggishness in the video.  I actually think that my old 4x GeForce 3 Ti500 ran smoother! (I had that on a Soyo Dragon Plus motherboard)
    System configuration:
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    Radeon ATI 9800 Pro
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    If you don't have an actual solution, then please don't post. Thank you for your input.
    Not a good way to get help.
    Welcome to the world of "new" technology, it takes a little time to get it perfected. As mentioned earlier in the thread, 8X has no perfomance advantage over 4X, and 8X is causing problems, that disappear by using 4X. Until ATI and/or VIA can develop a cure, you have 2 choices:
    1. Run 8X mode, and live with the problems.
    2. Run 4X mode, and have no problems, and no loss in performance.
    (Steps down from soapbox)

  • Amd 2500+ Or P2,4?

    whith one should i buy? i cant find a review anywhere to comare these 2,
    is there someone who knows a good review? whith 3dmark test and things like that? becose i realy dont know if i have to take the AMD 2500+ (333Mhz) or the P4 2,4Ghz (800mhz)
    (im going to use a readon 9800pro 128mb video card)
    please help me
    humm this is a nice smilie  

    my xp2400+ was faster than a friends ibm computer with a p4 2.4ghz.
    on most test my cpu was faster but his cpu was faster on some tests.
    used performance test to check it.
    and now i have my cpu overclocked  :D he will not have a chance
    go with amd is all i say.
    i had both intel and amd and i like amd more because they can be overclocked more and are MUCH more stable than a intel cpu based motherboard.

  • [Athlon64] MSI K8T NEO-V : incompatibility with ATI RADEON 9800 PRO

    I read all the subjets on this forum about Radeon problems with MSI K8T NEO motherboard.  Most of the peple can't use their graphic card in all situations.
    My PC is :
    -MSI K8T NEO-V
    -AMD-64 3200
    -Power : 400W
    -ATI RADEON 9800 PRO
    -1 Go DDRAM (2x512 in single channel)
    -Hercules Digifires 7.1
    I bought a new MSI K8T NEO-V with AMD 64.
    The problem is that I can't use the computer in the games with AGP 8X even if I try to enable-disable all the options possibles in BIOS and Windows (fast write ...) : The computer freeze (screen disapear as if there was no video signal), reboot or return to Windows disabling the accelerated mode.
    But in AGP 4X, all the game run without problem with all setups of BIOS !!!
    I tried all the drivers (the new and the old drivers).  Even if all are updated, it freeze.
    There are no BIOS update for my motherboard. I saw that some people had BIOS update for compatibility with some Radeon cards ...
    So, I don't know how to repair the problem because AGP 8X is AGP 8X and not 4X, and my Radeon run fine on other computer, and nothing say that Radeon 9800 pro don't run on this motherboard.
    Does someone have the solution to make it work ? Does a new BIOS or driver update exist somewhere for Radeon cards ?

    What Bas said about 30+ amps on the 12v rail does have merit. Even if you don't use it now there may come a time when you want to upgrade the system and certainly you won't want to buy yet another PSU then. A High end vid card now takes almost as much as the CPU to operate. Now days the 12v rail is the most important. Past systems regulated everything off the 5v railk and 12v was used mostly for powering drive motors. Now though the MB's use the 12v line to regulate all the voltages for the CPU, Chipset and other features as does the Vid cards. 3.3 volt lines are used for memory so we hardly use any 5v nowdays.
    You have an older viod card and that does not eat much 12v but if you upgrade the most likely peice will be the vid card. You could go through this whole thing all over again if you are not careful to plan for that now with a new PSU purchase.
    If the computer shop gives you a bunch of bull about power needs havbe them stop by the forum and we can help set them straight on this. There is more than enough data from MSI and historical data here that suggests that 16a on the 12v rail is certainly not enough. Hey I am not trying to sell you anything. I am just trying to help you get it right. The computer shop is the one trying to sell you something we just feel they are selling the wrong junk.

  • ATI Radeon 9800 Pro Wierd Lines    Bad Card     --   The solution

    After updating my Computer to 10.4.8, I frequently had odd lines and Weird Colored Shapes dancing across my screen. Restarting was the only thing that solved the problem but It started becoming more frequent as time went on, Every 30 minutes having to do a restart. The Graphics card is the Retail ATI 9800 Pro 256 Special Edition 8x AGP, the card is 6 months old.
    I bought a Replacement 9800 and the problem was solved. I sent the damaged one to ATI/AMD and it took them two weeks to send me a new one. A lot of people are having the same problem, Don't waste you time trying to sleuth it like I did, just pull it and send it in for repair. ATI/AMD were pretty easy to deal with, I didn't even have to show them proof of purchase.
    G5 Dual 2Ghz   Mac OS X (10.4.8)   3.5 GB of Ram

    As has been stated above, the 9800 has heat issues in most Mac towers. I was politely told I didn't know what I was talking about, but I'm afraid I do and those who choose to ignore the hundreds of posts about this issue do so at their own risk. If you have a warranty, that's nice.
    The Arctic Cooling Silencer 1 (Rev. 2) is a good brand of GPU cooler. It's your call, put a better cooler on the card or get another card. For $25 and 10 minutes work I'd put a cooler on it and see how it works.
    BTW, a properly flashed PC 9800 is a very nice card and works the exact same as a Mac Edition. I have several.
    Until the RoHS compliant ATI Mac Edition cards are available, it is VERY hard to find a better video card. The ATI x800xt 256MB is the best card for performance and it will push a 30" display - for over $300. Most vendors are saying 3 weeks availability and have been saying that for 6 months.

  • Installed 9800 Pro Radeon are drivers need?

    Greetings Apple Discussions:
    Just installed a PC flashed 128MB 9800 Pro Radeon, Zalman VF700 VGA cooler and upgraded the stock PSU to 450W. Everything went well. I also have a PCI slot exhaust cooler.
    I am considering using Thomas Perrier's AtIccelerator II to reasonably increase the processor & memory frequencies.
    The stock processor & memory frequencies read as (processor 351MHz)(Memory 324MHz). How much is a safe increase from these values?
    Also do I need to update the ROM drivers?
    I am running Leopard 10.5.2
    I would appreciate if anyone could help me with these issues.

    Hi again-
    The Zalman will do a good job of keeping the 9800 cool. I have a Zalman 900Cu on a 9800 (in a GE), and the card never shows any sign of heat related problems.
    I set mines to 389 and 344 respectively. Everything appears cool.
    Stability and reasonable temperatures, no artifacts, that's what you need. Like I said, all chips are a bit different, so the limit is only found through trial and error. With the cooling mods, you won't need to worry about the heat killing the card.
    How useful is the ATI Displays Panel?
    If you want to rotate the display, the display control panel will support this. Also, the extension allows scaling, controls for the S-video, and Open GL overides for gaming. It is worth having in your system.
    that the intake vent holes behind the case fan were clogged with dust/lint. I could only clean these vent holes thoroughly by removing the case fan. I am assuming these are intake holes.
    Yes, those are intake holes. The air comes in through a gap at the bottom of the acrylic side panel, then through the holes in the steel case. They can get really nasty, so it's good to keep an eye on them. Also, good to keep dust buildup around/under the Tower to a minimum.

  • [Radeon] 9800 Pro crashes all the time

    I took my friends MSI 9800 pro, which is the one that shows up as a 9800 xt in windows xp. I have a soyo k7VME motherboard. I installed the card, installed the newest catalyst drivers, and then installed BF2. I fire it up, single player works fine, so I play multiplayer. It runs great for 5-10 minutes and then freezes, my screen goes crazy and I have to restart. I thought it was a PSU problem at first, because I only had a 350watt with  12v@16A, so I upgraded to a 450 watt with 12v@30A... I figured the problem would go away, but no it still crashes, and not just in BF2. CS:Source crashes too, after running fine for about 20 minutes. It just freezes, the sound starts glitching. Next I thought it was overheating. The card kind of felt hot to the touch, so I put a 20 inch desk fan next to my case and brought the case temp down to about 35 degrees, cpu is running at about 50, celcius (amd xp 3000+). I don't have the card overclocked or anything, and it ran find in my friends computer, but he never really stressed it and only had agp 4x. Last I thought it was a driver problem, so I reformatted XP and installed fresh drivers. First I tried MSI's drivers, then the latest catalysts, then the catalysts before the latest. Still crashes, I don't think its a heat problem and my motherboard worked fine with my old Geforce 4 Ti 4600. I have no idea whats wrong now.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated. This card ran fine before in my friends Dell, and I ran a geforce 4 ti 4600 in this same pc with a crappy PSU before.

    I'm using an Aspire Concord 450watt PSU, supposed to have 30A on the 12V line... I just bought it, and I'm thinking about RMAing it because 11.36 isn't cutting it.
    And there is no problem with my cpu, its been running this hot for a year and its expected, I have a small microATX case with bad airflow, but I've confirmed that it isnt a cooling problem on the 9800 pro. I took off the case door and put a 20 inch desk fan next to it and tried it on high, and this was after I took the card apart and applied some arctic silver 5 to the GPU. Still crashed, and the case and CPU temp dropped a massive amount because of the huge fan. I've reformatted about 5 times now, installed fresh drivers, done everything I can think to do. Last straw I'm going to test it in a friends PC who has an identical card, and if it crashes there I'm gonna RMA this power supply.
    I'm thinking its a bad card though, its about a year old and I've read the capacitors on the MSI cards are flimsy compared to other versions of the 9800 pro.

  • K7N420 Pro - ATI Radeon 9800 Pro

    I was PM'd earlier with a ATI Radeon 9800 Pro / K7N420 question. He's got a similar setup to mine, so I thought I'd put it to you guys (I'm also quite curious).
    If there's anyone on the forums with a similar setup to mine (see signature below) that can give me any info on possible issues with an ATI Radeon 9800 Pro on the K7N420?
    I would also be grateful if anyone through past experience (or otherwise) can give me any idea of the possible 3DMark 2001SE scores using this MoBo/graphics card combination. (I'm getting around 8000 with my present ATI Radeon 8500 & and AMD 1800+ XP).
    Any input would be greatly appreciated.
    Axel :D

    Don't all rush at once  :D
    Axel  :D

  • ATI Radeon 9800 pro+ KT4AV-L

    Yo i purcased a ATI 9800 pro today and i had problems with 8x agp so i put it on 4x then i played counterstrike. So i saw some strange problems the game runs on 80 fps okay thats good. But the game stil lags not lag because of the fps but just a strange lag. so i tried a higher Hz but it on 70 Hz but stil the same problem. what could it be help me.  
    Mobo: MSI KT4AV-L
    RAM: Corsair 2x 256 ddr pc 2700
    GPU: Sappire ati radeon 9800 pro
    HD: maxtor 120 gb 8 mb cache
    CPU: AMD Athlon XP 2800+
    PS: unnamed 300 W

    PROBLEM SOLVED i just had to turn on vsync from the control panel lol  

  • ATI Radeon 9800 Pro and kt4 ultra

    i was curious to know of any problems with the Kt4 ultra motherboard and the Radeon 9800 pro??
    my system constantly crashes back to the desktop, or completely locks when i play Command & Conquer Renegade.
    there are also some "misdrawn?" walls in the game also,...
    i have all the latest drivers for the motherboard and the card,(including the released today catalyst drivers from
    i have also tried the drivers from, but same thing happens,...
    this is truly aggreviating...  
    some system specs:
    kt4 ultra
    antec 380 true ps
    2500+ barton running at 11.5*173 @ 30c idle, 33c full load
    corsair 2*256 3200LL
    built by ati radeon 9800 pro 128mb
    ive read where you can increase the agp voltage to try and fix the problem...and i also saw where one guy was just going to buy another motherboard b/c of the issues...
    any help is truly appreciated

    FWIW, in case anybody is reading this thread in future and has problems with this Board and this card, I can report that I have now(at my second attempt) successfully installed a Radeon 9800 Pro on MY kt4 uLTRA motherboard.
    As noted above, I purchased a new Antec True Power unit, prior to installing for a 2nd time.   I am not sure whether that was necessary, but it certainly didn't hurt.  The successful installation process was as follows:
    1) Download the latest catalyst drivers from ATI
    2) Set monitor to lowest possible standard  (640 x 480, 16 colours if possible - in my case my digital monitor could not be set lower than 800 x 600)
    3) Uninstall drivers for existing video card
    4) Replace video card
    5) Install ATI drivers 
    6) restore settings on monitor to maximum.
    At that point, after restarting the computer, I had a CLI.exe error.   After Googling for this problem, I discovered that I needed to download Net 1.1 from Microsoft.  After downloading and installing that additional program, Radeon 9800 Pro is now working perfectly.

  • Msi KT6 Delta + 9800 pro

    Hi everybody, I have searched the forum without much luck.
    I have a
    Amd 1700+
    1 Gb Ram Kingston
    80 GB Seagate and so on
    I have recently bought a Powercolor Radeon 9800 Pro because my Geforce 2 was a little old. With the latest Catalyst drivers and Omega drivers I still only get 11000 in 3d Mark 2001, my games should have a higher fps then they have, and Counter-strike looks ugly and has huge FPS Drops.
    I have heard things about AGP 8X and different things but havent got a solution yet.
    Does anyone know a solution to my problem, the 9800 pro should perform better, or I will have to return the card back, thanks

    That could be your problem. You MUST uninstall drivers before installing new ones. If you can't delete all old video card drivers, I think better do a complete new Win. install. to be sure nothing has being left.
    Also, is not good idea to seat Sound card next to AGP Card. Have you look in Device Manager if there is a IRQ sharing ?
    "I have read the KT4AV L Bulk + Radeon 9800pro = bad but there it seemed like the threadstarter had a poor psu, which should not be it in my case..."  Why are you so sure if you don't know how many AMPS your gives to 3.3v. 5v. and 12v. ? Fredrik Åsenius told you where you can find it.

  • Getting two Displays to Work on a Radeon 9800 Pro Mac Special Edition

    Hi Folks
    I am reallt having difficulties here. Let me explain:
    1. I have a Power Mac G5 (2004) Dual 2GHz WITH 2GB Ram (
    1. I have just purchaed two 24" Dell Displays that come with DVI and VGA leads ( t1&sku=59234).
    2. I have also purchaed Radeon 9800 Pro Mac Special Edition 256 DDR (
    3. I want to connect both displays to my 9800. One of them can go into the DVI port, but what do I need to get the other monitor working on the 9800? I presume I will need some kind of adapter?
    I have spent literally hours, and hours seaching forums and google to find the answer to this.... just can't find the solution.
    If anyone can help I would be indebted.
    Thank you so much.

    Hey Hatter
    Thats great. I have already bought the 9800 so unfortuantly Im committed. I managed to get it for about $200 brand new so I felt that was a reasonable price.
    I have pruchased the following adapter -
    Thanks so much for the advance....your a star mate!!

  • Stock Radeon 9800 Pro card from a G5--- Will it work in my G4 Quicksilver?

    I am thinking about purchasing a stock Radeon 9800 Pro card that came with certain G5 machines and use it in my G4 Quicksilver 867mhz machine. I heard that this works. Is it true? Can I download the drivers from the ATI website? Are there any issues I should be aware of? Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks.

    If it is the OEM 9800 Pro, then it is an 8x AGP, backwards compatible to 4x AGP.
    Your QS is 4x AGP, and the card should work.
    Drivers are here:
    The 9800 is a great card!
    G4AGP(450)Sawtooth, 2ghz PowerLogix, 2gbRAM, 300gbSATA+160gb HD, ATI Radeon 9800   Mac OS X (10.4.8)   Pioneer DVR-109, LaCie 160gb, 23"Cinema Display, Ratoc USB2.0, Nikon Coolscan

  • Radeon 9800 pro 256mb hanging on blue screen

    I'm deep in the waters of frustration right now, and am hoping someone here might have the answer.
    About 3 months ago I was looking for a video card for me to run motion. I saw the 9800 mac special edition with 128mb video ram had rave reviews. At that time ATI was not making them. So I turned to eBay...
    I purchased a card that was advertised as a Mac 9800 pro special editing 128mb. I later found out it was a flashed pc card. The ebay seller told me the card worked fine on all his mac's that he tested it on.
    The problem I was having was the machine boots up, I see the grey screen with the Apple logo and spinning wheel. I see the blue screen where normally I see the login progress bar loading the OS. But with this card I only see the blue screen. I hear the hard drive churning, so I am assuming it is still loading the OS, but I cannot see anything. I can reboot in safe mode and the video card works fine.
    Well... I assumed it was the fault of the card and that it was flashed. I returned the card to the ebay seller, who sent me another one, same results with that one. I returned the card to the seller and he refunded my money.
    I put the money toward the just released Radeon 9800 Pro Mac Edition 256mb card. I just got it a couple days ago and am experiencing the same problems. I have tried everything... everything I know and still can't get the card to work? Here is a list of what I have done:
    With the flashed card:
    1. Shut off computer and unplugged it. Removed OEM video card and installed ATI 9800 card. Plugged the power supply cable for the card into the computer power supply cable and hard drive.
    Problem Occurs: When starting up, the grey screen comes up with the Apple on it, then the screen turns blue, where I typically would see the progress bar of the system loaded up before the user login screen. I only see a blue screen at this point but can hear the hard drive working for about a min.
    2. Restarted the computer in safe mode.
    3. Logged in as Admin user and opened the ATI preference pane to verify it sees the card.
    When the ATI preference pane was loaded the following error message occured:
    A startup problem has occured.
    Cannot connect to ATI TVOut Kernal Extension. Some features are not available.
    Clicked OK and the ATI preference pane appears.
    4. Close the preference pane and reinstalled ATI Displays 4.5.6. Restarted computer.
    Problem Occurs
    5. Restarted computer holding down AppleOption+PR to clear PRAM. Cleared the PRAM 4 times in a row, by allowing the chime to happen 4 times.
    Problem Occurs
    6. Shut computer down. Disconnected the DVI plug for the cinema display and connected a VGA CRT monitor. Started computer.
    Problem Occurs
    7. Shut computer down, disconnected the VGA CRT monitor. Reconnected DVI plug and restarted computer.
    Problem Occurs
    8. Started the computer in safe mode. Logged into admin account. Opened the ATI Preference pane.
    When the ATI preference pane was loaded the following error message occured:
    A startup problem has occured.
    Cannot connect to ATI TVOut Kernal Extension. Some features are not available.
    Closed preference pane.
    Went to ATI site and downloaded:
    Ran the updater.
    Restarted computer.
    Problem Occurs.
    9. Restarted the computer in safe mode. Changed the login preference pannel to automatically log into the administrator account. Restarted computer, waited for the blue screen, then walked away for about 2 hours with the computer on blue screen, hoping the system was loading or doing something.
    Problem Occurs.
    10. Put in the TechTools Pro CD, hoping to run some tests on the video card from the cd. When booting from the CD OS...
    Problem Occurs.
    11. Enabled Root user. Logged in as root and installed ATI Displays 4.5.6 from there. Restarted computer.
    Problem Occurs.
    12. Shut down computer and installed old video card.
    13. On an internal hard drive in the computer. Wiped the drive and formatted it. Installed 10.4.1 on the drive. booted up into the drive, installed ATI drivers, shut down computer, installed 9800 pro video card, booted up.
    Problem Occurs.
    With the new 9800 for Mac ATI card with 256mb:
    With original card, install drivers, repairpermissions, shut down, install new card
    Set to restart in single user, give 5 min to see if ATI monitor startup item in user starteputems loads
    Hooked VGA & DVIt in together, both showed blue screen
    Reset NVRAM via open firmware
    Reset cuda button
    Take battery out, wait at least 10 min, re-install new battery, press cuda button
    Reinstall ATI update 4.5.6
    Reset nvram from open firmware
    In ATI control panel, selected 'Force Single Display Operation'
    Change display scaling to 50%
    Download latest Mac OS update from apple & reinstall

    I get dizzy just thinking about it.
    I have tried installed a brand new OS, 3 different times on a different Hard Drive, still the card doesn't work.
    I had one person suggest that it may be the card is not communicating with the OS Window Drawing module? (excuse my ignorance of what that is really called. I just know there is some program, possibly in the kernel, that is responsible for drawing out the OS windows.)
    How can we rule out that it is a bad AGP slot?
    •The slot works fine with my 9000.
    •It works in safe mode with the 9800.
    •I have installed a brand new OS, three different times, still doesn't work.
    •I have used Apple Hardware test to test my hardware, the AGP slot didn't report any problems.
    I am assuming that the AGP slot is working. Although I worry about it a bit, because by now I have swapped cards in it about 50 times in my troubleshooting.
    Here is a link to a complete list of everything I have tried:

  • S-Video not working on ATI Radeon 9800 Pro????

    I've had this ATI Radeon 9800 Pro in my MDD dual 1.25 G4 for a little while with two VGA monitors. I recently got rid of the secondary monitor and moved a 27" flat screen tube TV next to the computer. As I always do, I've got to start tinkering. I remembered that my Radeon has both VGA, DVI, and an S-Video outputs. I simply ran an S-Video from the card to the TV. I can't seem to get it to work. I had never used the ATI control panels so I went ahead and downloaded and installed it. It won't "detect" the TV in the Mac2TV control. What the heck am I doing wrong???? I emailed ATI and they just sent me a form reply to a dead link saying that my system is unstable. UGH!
    Any tips would be great.
    Thanks much,

    Well, I figured out that if I reboot and only have the s-video attached and no monitors to the VGA or DVI it will work. It dedicates the TV as the primary screen. However, not the best picture. I can't find any information if both the s-video and VGA or DVI can operate at the same time. I'm also doing a little more research with ATI to see if they actually have a true component output from either the VGA or DVI. I had bought a DVI to what I thought was supposed to be component but it was actually RGB component and just gave a distorted image. If I can get that to work, I think it would be a better image along with being able to run both the monitor and the TV as the secondary.

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