An odd choice

Hello to all!
I am looking to run FCS1 or FCE4 on a new machine. Unusually my options are to buy a new 20" Imac for £800 (apologies to dollar users) or an (obviously) second hand MDD G4 1.25GHz for £125.
I have worked extensively on PCs with Avid but want to migrate now. The Imac would double as a home computer and only be used for DV or possibly HDV footage. I will purchase a MacPro in the future for an HD feature when it goes into post.
The question is then as a newbie to FCP would you get a very old G4 and tap your fingers waiting for renders or purchase a glorius but impractical edit computer because you'll use it for other things?
PS - I know I can't upgrade an Imac and I'm limited to one firewire bus etc. This is really a query for people who do SD work on an Imac or old G4 and have experience to share.
Many thanks,

I've been running FCS2 on an iMac (previous generation) and editing DV for about 6 months now and have had no problems. If you buy one now you'll most likely be getting the new generation which means the base models are faster than mine currently is, and you can put more memory in it. All said, I think if it's a decision between an iMac or an older computer, I'd go for the iMac.

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    iBook   Mac OS X (10.4.3)  

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    Mac: Bind Request
    Domain: SASLBindinprogress
    Mac: ACK
    Domain: SASLBindinprogress
    Mac: ACK
    Domain: Bind Result = Fail; StrongAuthRequired
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    iBook   Mac OS X (10.4.3)  

  • Multiscreen Preview for iPhone Retina Does Not Match iPhone Retina Itself

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    Thanks for your reply! I did set the resolution value, but, instead of the 'or' clause, I used two different links for the retina vs. mobile style sheets. That worked perfectly on several (actual, not simulated) devices on a site I had done for a previous client. However, I will try it using the 'or' clause. In fact, I copied the media queries for this new site from that earlier site. Multiscreen preview did not accurately reflect the iPhone Retina option from the drop-down menu for either site.
    Multiscreen for Smart Phone works most of the time, and I find that to be very helpful. However, if DW's multi-screen does not simulate the retina display, I wonder why Adobe included "iPhone Retina" in the Multiscreen drop-down menu at all. (I don't mean to criticize Adobe for it, but it does seem an odd choice to include a feature in a menu when the feature doesn't really work.)
    Anyway, thanks very much for your helpful reply.

  • IPhoto Exporting Quality Size dpi etc. etc. Confused?

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    JPEG Quality:
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    If I wanted to it professionally printed, I wanted a resolution of 300dpi, and if I wanted a rough print version for
    my home/business printer then I would probably be OK with 150dpi.
    Now I can export from iPhoto as JPEG and I am no longer given the resolution options (72 or 150 or 300dpi etc.)
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    0. This would lead me to believe that I should choose Low for ALL web or computer screen uses - as this will result in the
    smallest possible file size - which in turn will reduce loading speeds for websites. Is this correct?
    Unhelpfully, the iphoto Manual does not explain what these Quality Options mean and therefore I have no idea why or when I should
    choose one over another.
    1. Can someone out there who really knows their stuff, demystify this for me ?
    What do these Quality Options mean, what dpi is assigned to each, and why and when should I coose one over another?
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    a good size for  one particular design's revolving banner photos is 980 wide by 656 high - and I am assuming that these are pixel dimensions.
    My photos from various sources are inevitably greater than this - and in some cases I might want to re-frame a portrait
    photo into a landscape shape. To do this I use the Edit and Crop facility in iPhoto. And I make sure that the photo is edited to
    the dimensions I want first.
    iPhoto retains the full size photo in it's library, and I can always get it back after cropping if I wish
    (by duplicating and reverting to origonal). However once cropped, it helpfully appears to EXPORT the cropped size.
    The EXPORT function allows me to chose a JPEG's Size (by which I assume it means pixel width vs height)
    2. Can someone tell me the exact effect/meaning of choosing any one of the following - in other words what do these mean or
    put another way what pixel size am I choosing for:
    Full Size
    3. And am I choosing just the Height size or the Width size and what happens to the other dimension? And how does it
    decide? And what are the Heigh or Width sizes allocated to these rather odd choices (Small, Medium, Large, Full Size.)
    4. I am assuming that Small must equal a specific Width for a landscape photo, and in that case does it keep the height as it was, or does it constrain the proportions on the basis of the Width it has allocated to Small?
    There is a fifth option, but again, it is unclear as to what exactly it does, and I would like help here too! (Sorry, but this is driving me demented!)
    Within Custom, I have three choices:
    5. What happens to the Height if I define the Width option? Or similiarly, what happens to the Width if I define the Height option?
    6. What on earth does Dimensions mean when it only gives me one dimension to define?
    Will it try and make a portrait picture square for example? Is it editing here?
    Sorry this is so long, but I would really like to NAIL this - and I suspect I am not the only one!
    All I am trying to do is to create the optimized output for the purpose I intend to use a picture for - really simple  - or is it?
    Thanks to anyone who can have a go at this..... Michael

    OK I've got it! - Thanks a thousand - and for anyone who wants a Quick Summary, here it is:
    1. Cropping a photo in iPhoto sets the Aspect Ratio
    Despite what it appears to do, cropping a photo in iPhoto does not affect the photos’s height or width. It does affect it’s Aspect Ratio - or shape (for example 6 x 4 ), and what is visible within that shape - but not the width or height. Note the absence of inches or cm or meters there. It also affects the content of the picture - or rather which area of the picture is visible (which is the ‘cropped’ area).
    So it is OK to Crop the photo in iPhoto, but this should not be confused with the idea that you are cutting the photo into a specific dimension (width or height) - to do that you need the Export facility in iPhoto where you choose a JPEGs Size.
    2. JPEG Size
    Once the Aspect Ratio is determined (the shape) of the visible area of the picture - the Custom Size Option in the Export Facility can be used to select either the Width or the Height. Obviously if you chose the width, then that measurement will pre-determine the height as iPhoto will calculate the height needed to retain the Aspect Ratio you have set when you cropped it.
    If you don’t crop, it will calculate based on the initial Aspect Ratio (shape) of the original photo.
    Full Size is exactly that: the image at the dimensions imported from the camera. The others allow you to scale the image. Each reduces the size by about 33% or thereabouts.
    Full Size = 100% of the Imported from the camera Dimensions
    Large = 66% of the imported Dimensions
    Medium =  44% of the imported Dimensions
    Small = 29% of the imported Dimensions
    As a rule of thumb a 3000 x 2000 (approx) image will reduce to 640 x 480 with the Medium setting
    Thumbnails can be generated using the Export and then Web Page function, rather than the File Export function.
    Otherwise, you can use the Custom setting  to specify an Exact width or an Exact height (and of course the Aspect Ratio will determine the other dimension NOT specified.)
    3. JPEG Quality
    JPEG Quality is setting the compression of the file which will affect the file size (not the picture Dimensions or the Aspect Ratio), but it will also affect the Quality of the visual image. So here you are seeking to minimise the file size while not losing acceptable visual quality.
    Which you choose depends on what you're using the image for... Web site? Start at Low and work from there, if the quality is poor or visually unacceptable, choose a higher quality.
    If you are Archiving go for max. The rest - trial and error...
    4. For a deeper understanding of these issues
    1. Read the thread below AND/OR
    2. Take a look at this: The Myth of DPI. AND
    3. This:
    Clarity Rules! - And  many many thanks to Terence Devlin for the lesson...

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    Retrieval and display of original record
    Retrieval and display of saved record
    We have tried with setting of "keeporgmultibyte", "set char_convert off", "ODBC User Specified Character Set cp850", unfortunately nothing worked.
    Please see below for details of our ASE.
    ODBC Driver Installer: Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise PC Client 12.5.4 GA
    ASE ODBC Driver Version:
    ISQL -V

    I don't have any direct experience configuring ASE for use with Korean text, however cp850 seems like an odd choice for Korean.  I would expect utf8 (particularly if data in other languages were being stored as well) or cp949. Korean Character Set.
    I don't think version has anything to do with your issue, but why on earth would you still be running on 12.5.4?
    End of Life Notice for Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 12.5.X End of Life Notice: Database Management - Sybase Inc

  • A problem about saving the picture control'image in a child VI.

    i want to use 'export image' method to get a picture control'image,so ,i have a child VI to use method 'export image',and a main VI to using the child VI,but when i run the main VI,there is no image is saved on the disk ,but if i open the child VI'frontpanel,then,i run the main VI,the image is saved on the disk,i want to know the reason why i can not get the image,when i run the main vi without the child 'frontpanel or blockdiagram is opened.
    Go to Solution.
    Attachments: ‏11 KB ‏7 KB

    The behavior that Simon describes is not a hard and fast rule, and the Export Image method used to be a bit of an exception.  It would supposedly update the controls of unopened FPs that used the method.  Reality never quite matched what was described in the documentation if I recall.
    If you pore over the detailed help you discover that this method works fine in SubVIs with some controls and not others.  Look at the characteristic 'Loads the Front Panel Into Memory', for a Picture control it is 'No', for a Waveform Graph, for instance, it is 'Yes'.  Caveat:  Relying on this level of detail to be correct in the LV help is a bit risky.  Best to try it yourself.  Not loading the FP is a good hint that the method is not going to behave in a SubVI.
    As to the problem at hand, a Picture Indicator is an odd choice to me to use this method.  You have VIs in the Picture palette to convert pictures to image data and then export the image data to a PNG or JPG or BMP file directly.  Anything you would draw and then export could be exported directly without drawing.

  • Missing

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    but it is complaining of missing library although i have wxgtk installed ..

    Alternatively, he, or she, could use the following completely compliant PKGBUILD, which will be in the AUR in a couple of minutes:
    # Contributor: Tom K <[email protected]>
    pkgdesc="C++ IDE built specifically to meet the most demanding needs of its users"
    build() {
    cd $startdir/src
    svn co $_svntrunk/$_svnmod --config-dir ./ -r $pkgver
    cp -r $_svnmod $_svnmod-build
    cd $_svnmod-build
    ./configure --prefix=/usr
    make || return 1
    make DESTDIR=$startdir/pkg install
    find $startdir/pkg -name '*.la' -exec rm {} ;
    The only signicant problems with yours are the absence of libtool-slay, and an odd choice of prefix for ./configure. The rest of the changes are to achieve compliance with the CVS/SVN guidelines for AUR packages.

  • Somebody correct my code Iam trying to create an applet which connects  DB

    This is throwing many mistakes iam trying to create an applet like an airplace booking which shows combo box of the available aircrafts and when selected it should show the no of available seats
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    //<applet code=Aircraft_Booking width=500 height=500></applet>
    public class Aircraft_Booking extends JApplet
    JLabel           lblStdId;
    JLabel          lblStdSeats;
    JLabel          lblStdAircraft;
    JComboBox      jcmbStdAircraft;
    JTextField      jcmbStdSeats;
    JTextField      jcmbStdId;
    JPanel           panel;
    //Member Function/
    public void init()
    panel = new JPanel();
    lblStdId          =      new JLabel("Aircraft Booking");
    lblStdSeats =      new JLabel("No of Available Seats");
    lblStdAircraft =     new JLabel("Choose your Aircraft");
    //txtStdId     =     new JTextField(5);/
    String p = "Select * from Aircraft where aircrafttypeid";
    /*Initialize and load the JDBC-ODBC Bridge driver*/
    /*Establish a connection with a data source*/
    Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:MyDataSource", "sa", "");
    /*Create a Statement object to process the SELECT statement*/
    Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
    /*Execute the SELECT SQL statement*/
    ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(str);
    jcmbStdAircraft = new JComboBox(p);
    //Add all components to panel/
    //Add Panel to JApplet/

    When running an Applet connections can only be established back to the originating machine unless you have changed the security configuration of the client machine.
    This means that you would only be able to connect to the database on the server from which the applet was loaded.
    Contrariwise the JDBC-ODBC driver will try to connect to the database on the local machine. So I can't see that working unless this was your intention and you have made the appropriate security config changes - but in such a circumstance Applets are a rather odd choice of environment.

  • A problem about saving crm order

    Hi Expert,
        I creat a Web Dynpro Component in my local object,
        the Web Dynpro read the "analysis content" of issue from CRM, -
    It works fine,
        however, when I changed the "analysis content" of issue and save it to CRM, -
    an exception is throwed,
        I don't know why.
        I think the web dynpro component is created as local object, so it can't save data to CRM, isn't it?
        Below is the source code, I add some comment.
        Can anybody give me some suggestion?
        Thank you very much!
    Best Regards,
      DATA lr_im_proxy TYPE REF TO cl_ags_esd_issue_mgmt_proxy.
      DATA: lv_analysis    TYPE string.
      CREATE OBJECT lr_im_proxy
          iv_guid         = ls_data-header_guid
          iv_process_type = cl_dswp_ci_constants=>slfi.
      wd_comp_controller->ar_im_proxy = lr_im_proxy.
      wd_comp_controller->ar_im_proxy->get_long_text(    "-- it works fine, the analysis of issue management are returned
          ev_analysis    =  lv_analysis
          iv_analysis    = 'hello world2!'
         iv_analysis    =  lv_datas_edit
      wd_comp_controller->ar_im_proxy->save(           "---- while save the content of issue to CRM, an exception occurs
         EXCEPTIONS                                                        "---- Perhaps the web dynpro compoent is created in local object,
            ex_error    = 1                                                  "----  So it can't save the content to CRM?
           OTHERS      = 2
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.   "---- sy-subrc = 1, an exception is throwed

    The behavior that Simon describes is not a hard and fast rule, and the Export Image method used to be a bit of an exception.  It would supposedly update the controls of unopened FPs that used the method.  Reality never quite matched what was described in the documentation if I recall.
    If you pore over the detailed help you discover that this method works fine in SubVIs with some controls and not others.  Look at the characteristic 'Loads the Front Panel Into Memory', for a Picture control it is 'No', for a Waveform Graph, for instance, it is 'Yes'.  Caveat:  Relying on this level of detail to be correct in the LV help is a bit risky.  Best to try it yourself.  Not loading the FP is a good hint that the method is not going to behave in a SubVI.
    As to the problem at hand, a Picture Indicator is an odd choice to me to use this method.  You have VIs in the Picture palette to convert pictures to image data and then export the image data to a PNG or JPG or BMP file directly.  Anything you would draw and then export could be exported directly without drawing.

  • Change print template type to use in different way?

    A family member created a print template in my Lightroom5.5 (picked sizes/grid, strokes, etc.) and it seems to have been created as a "Picture Package" because I have saved it, placing it within the "User Templates" folder during the Save process. Now I am asked to fill it with 25 selected images and these are in the sliding image picker at the bottom of the LR interface. (Can't remember the name of that lower panel...) But what surprised me is that this new template layout cannot be used as a "Contact Sheet." Here's what I see on the screen:
    -I have the layout displayed.
    -The chosen grid has all the same (first) image displayed
    -"Picture Package" is highlighted in the "Layout Style" panel
    -I click "Contact Sheet" in the "Layout Style" panel
    -The view immediately changes to a single panel filling the chosen paper size.
    -I go to the Template Browser and click my desired template again,
    -but it does not fill from the selected images
    Is this possible? What an odd choice for the UI designer. I don't remember not having the flexibility to switch the way the print template was "filled" before LR5.x  --  I believe I did this in earlier versions.
    I searched Adobe documentation. They write about templates as having the stores characteristic of "contact sheet" or "Package" or "Custom", which is new to me. They did not describe a part of the customization at which the user creates a layout as a "contact sheet" or "Picture package" or "Custom". If I start out and create a layout, then decide I want to use that template as a "contact sheet" after I make it, there seems to be no way to save it in a different category of template. So on deadline I find that the workflow is not clear and the documentation does NOT EXPLAIN what to do (or just say: you can't do this, which would be honest and helpful.)
    I tried to re-save it as a different "Type" ("Category"?) ...and there seemed no way to do this. I am now going to build another screen with the 25 panels and, no surprise, it must be initiated as a "custom" which is how I believe it was done before.
    I am sure someone knows what I am doing wrong. but I spent this time writing out the details so someone at Adobe *might* catch this and talk to the documentation elves. How can we be 5 [major]versions into this and have the workflow/documentation exhibit these holes?

    Hi Suresh:
    This is what I would do.
    Here is the demo...Hope this will help.
    BHAVESH@oracle10> create table suresh(created_date date, attribute1 varchar2(20));
    Table created.
    BHAVESH@oracle10> desc suresh
    Name Null? Type
    BHAVESH@oracle10> insert into suresh values (sysdate,to_char(sysdate,'yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:SS'));
    1 row created.
    BHAVESH@oracle10> insert into suresh values (null,to_char(sysdate,'yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:SS'));
    1 row created.
    BHAVESH@oracle10> select * from suresh;
    01/01/2009 11:24:08 AM 2009/01/01 11:01:08
    2009/01/01 11:01:28
    BHAVESH@oracle10> -- please notice my nls_date_format is mm/dd/yyyy hh:mi:ss AM
    BHAVESH@oracle10> -- which can be changed to anything...use alter session or on windows..using registry..or on server
    BHAVESH@oracle10> -- ....using nls_date_format init parameter.
    BHAVESH@oracle10> alter session set nls_date_format = 'DD-MM-YYYY';
    Session altered.
    BHAVESH@oracle10> select * from suresh;
    01-01-2009 2009/01/01 11:01:08
    2009/01/01 11:01:28
    BHAVESH@oracle10> -- however, this may not work for you.
    BHAVESH@oracle10> -- so, you can convert the date in the format you want
    BHAVESH@oracle10> select to_char(created_date,'DD-MM-YYYY') as converted_date, ATTRIBUTE1 from suresh;
    01-01-2009 2009/01/01 11:01:08
    2009/01/01 11:01:28
    BHAVESH@oracle10> -- now use the decode function
    BHAVESH@oracle10> ed
    Wrote file afiedt.buf
    1* select s.*, to_char(decode(created_date,null,to_date(ATTRIBUTE1,'yyyy/mm/dd hh:mi:ss')),'dd-mm-yyyy') as new_date from suresh s
    BHAVESH@oracle10> /
    01-01-2009 2009/01/01 11:01:08
    2009/01/01 11:01:28 01-01-2009
    If your date format is different under the attribute1 column, then you have to write a PL/SQL function to handle different date formats under the same column of different column!
    - Bhavesh

  • Running a Media Query from MultiScreen Preview Head Section Issue

    I'm working on a dynamic web application from localhost that uses php/mysql. Aside from the dynamically-relate files bug error message (it appears even when the files are being included properly), the site is working fine in live view and navigates fine when I ctrl/command+click.
    When I click on "Multiscreen Preview" the site shows and navigates in Tablet, Phone, Desktop without issues - but all look the same when the site should look differently in Android and IOS browsers (we've tested on the hardware). However, when I click "Media Queries..." to run some queries, I recieve a dialogue that says "Your current document does not contain a head section. A head section is required to run this command." I cannot access Media Queries to further simulate an android or iOS browser environment (as the site is designed to look differently but looks the same in all multiscreen previews in DW).

    Thanks for your reply! I did set the resolution value, but, instead of the 'or' clause, I used two different links for the retina vs. mobile style sheets. That worked perfectly on several (actual, not simulated) devices on a site I had done for a previous client. However, I will try it using the 'or' clause. In fact, I copied the media queries for this new site from that earlier site. Multiscreen preview did not accurately reflect the iPhone Retina option from the drop-down menu for either site.
    Multiscreen for Smart Phone works most of the time, and I find that to be very helpful. However, if DW's multi-screen does not simulate the retina display, I wonder why Adobe included "iPhone Retina" in the Multiscreen drop-down menu at all. (I don't mean to criticize Adobe for it, but it does seem an odd choice to include a feature in a menu when the feature doesn't really work.)
    Anyway, thanks very much for your helpful reply.

  • Multiple inheritance, delegation and syntactic sugar

    Given that delegation of an interface to a class member gives you most of the effect of multiple inheritance, why isn't there any syntactic sugar in the language to make this easy?
    For example, you could have:
    class B extends A implements I delegate i { I i = new IAdapter(); }
    The semantics is simple: for each method in each delegated interface, if there is no method with that signature defined in the class then create one with a body that delegates the call to the given member. If there is an ambiguity from multiple interfaces, just flag it at compile time so that the programmer must add an explicit method.
    This doesn't impact the class file format as it isn't doing anything that can't be done longhand in the code. It would even provide some protection from interface changes, as a recompile would pass the problem on to the delegate (which would likely inherit from some standard adapter class which would be modified at the same time as the interface).
    Why isn't this done (apart from because MI is inherently evil and just suggesting this addition means I'm a bad person). It would make the language a tiny bit bigger, but at least when people ask why Java doesn't have proper MI you could answer 'it does and you do it like this' with an almost straight face.

    The only problem with this is that with multiple
    delegates it kinda falls apart.
    When yourFunc() is called on an instance of A, which
    function is called?original> If there is an ambiguity from multiple interfaces, just flag it at compile
    original> time so that the programmer must add an explicit method.
    My suggestion was that if there is any ambiguity then no delegation is made, forcing the programmer to do it manually.
    Normally in Java it's no big deal when multiple
    interfaces have the same methods in them.Actually, I find it a bit of an odd choice by the language designers allowing same signature functions defined in different interfaces to not generate a name clash. Normally this indicates that there is, or soon will be, a bug. I can't think of any situation where this is good programming - if you want the method to exist in both interfaces then it should be defined in a third and inherited into both. This makes it clear that it really is the same method.
    Not saying that delegates are a bad idea, but simple
    examples don't prove that delegates are a worthwhile
    feature to add.The point is that delegation is a commonly used pattern, and is almost always trotted out as a good way of getting most of multiple inheritance. The comments so far are about the problems with this pattern, not with my suggestion to make it easier to use.

  • XDCam HD/Prores/DigiBeta and my head hurts!

    I have been doing research and have drawn some of my own conclusions but some input from those more experienced than myself would be gratefully received.
    I have a interview shot on XD Cam Disc 1080/25p winging its way to me, usually we Shoot in Digi Beta and HDV is the only HD format we have had the pleasure?!? of using thus far.
    I will be hiring a XDCam reader (probably D1) so I can transfer the files.
    Q1/ Do I/Can I transcode straight to Prores using Log and Transfer or do I have to do this using Compressor afterwards?
    Q2/ Is it worth transcoding to Prores as this is a stand alone interview and shouldn't need to be mixed with any other footage?
    Q3/ We are going to have the situation more and more where crews say "sorry no Digibeta" or "that'll cost you more". I can see my HD footage coming to be in all flavors (but hopefully 1080/25p).
    Due to this I see Prores as our most likely way forward as quite often the different footage will be put into one program.
    I was looking at getting a AJA io and then hiring decks depending on what the footage is shot on and go directly to Prores that way. But I understand that you might be stuck with 29.97 frame rate when playing into the AJA through HDMi?
    Opinions on best workflow going forwards would be gratefully received, my head hurts.
    John E

    Hey John
    XDCAM HD is a fully supported FCP native camera codec, no need to fear it at all ... if you like you can edit it directly in to a ProRes timeline and get full quality realtime previews, or you can edit it native and set rendering to ProRes for faster results with better potential quality if doing a lot of effects work, or you can just edit and render native ... its all very easy and has been since around FCP 5.1.2. When you've locked edit you can export as Uncompressed, ProRes or whatever other delivery codec you prefer (including XDCAM HD although that would be an odd choice).
    I will be hiring a XDCam reader (probably D1) so I can transfer the files.
    Not a good idea as the D1 is SD only I think ... get a U1 if you can, or rent a player "deck" like the PDW-F30 or better.
    Q1/ Do I/Can I transcode straight to Prores using Log and Transfer or do I have to do this using Compressor afterwards?
    No need whatsoever to do it all (see above). But if you did want to do it anyway then you would have to do it post import ... no direct to ProRes transcode on ingest with XDCAM HD (XDCAM EX yes, XDCAM HD no).
    Q2/ Is it worth transcoding to Prores as this is a stand alone interview and shouldn't need to be mixed with any other footage?
    Not worth it at all unless your goal is to hoover up disc space and man hours unnecessarily.
    Q3/ We are going to have the situation more and more where crews say "sorry no Digibeta" or "that'll cost you more". I can see my HD footage coming to be in all flavors (but hopefully 1080/25p).
    Due to this I see Prores as our most likely way forward ...
    ProRes as intermediate is fine. As for hiring decks, if you are imagining your future needs then you should really be assuming tapeless ingest/workflows rather than anything tape based, that said an AJA Io HD (not AJA Io) would be a great device to have on hand as would Matrox MXO2 and other I/O devices ... and no, I think you have misinterpreted that frame rate restriction, its not the case at all.
    Hope it helps

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