Analog input using Daqmx

 i m using Labview 2011 but don;t have the Daqmx in my labview and i want a examples in basis of usb62589
regads upasana

1. Please post in the Hardware forums
2. There is no USB-62589
3. Why don't you install DAQmx and look for examples?

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    Hello everybody,
    I have some problems with a PCI 6023E Card. I`m using Lab View 7.1 on Windows 2000.
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    sorry i had a problem thats the rest of the message
    Sub VI "DAQmx Assistant_DAQmx Create AI Channel (sub).vi"
    i get the same message when i try to use the DAQmx Assistant for
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    I hope you can help me
    best regards

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    There are a couple example program online and in LabVIEW that I think you’ll find useful. You might want to consider just writing out a tab-delimited spreadsheet file that Excel can read rather than writing it out to Excel directly as this requires learning ActiveX and Microsoft’s Common Object Model.
    In LabVIEW, see the Write to Text in C:\Program Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW 7.1\examples\file\smplfile.llb. Writes simulated, timestamped data to a text file in ASCII format that can be read by spreadsheet applications.
    Online, you can look at:
    Stream Scaled Data (Voltages) to a Spreadsheet File
    Chart Analog Data from File, Using the Cont Acq to Example
    Hope this helps. Best of luck!

  • Usb 6009 multiple analog inputs

    I am currently attempting to sample two different analog inputs at different sampling rates using a USB 6009.  I keep getting the 'resource reserved' error and am wondering if this is not possible using this DAQ.  Questions:
    1.  Does creating two analog input channels on the device cause this error?
    2.  Is it possible to sample at different rates on channels created in the same task?  (i am trying to 'slow down' the second analog input to display switch points to a customer)
    3.  Running multiple analog inputs using independent timing would be better achieved by switching to a higher end DAQ?  If so which would you recommend?
    I have attached my vi.  Thank you in advance for your help. 
    I surf therefore I am....
    Attachments: ‏27 KB

    The DAQ boards only have 1 timing clock for the analog inputs/outputs.  So you can only have 1 sample rate on a given card.  I would recommend just sampling at the highest of the desired rates in a single task.
    There are only two ways to tell somebody thanks: Kudos and Marked Solutions
    Unofficial Forum Rules and Guidelines

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    Thanks in advance. 

    Hello Yzhi,
    You can acquire from the DMM and the analog inputs using two parallel tasks. The simplest way is to configure one DAQ Assistant for the AI channels, and another DAQ Assistant for the DMM channel. Be aware that the DMM is a software-timed single-point measurement (no hardware waveform acquisition), so you can't tightly synchronize the DMM with the Analog Inputs.
    Here is a screenshot demonstrating how to acquire from all three channels. You could also run the DMM in a separate loop so it doesn't slow down AI.
    Good luck and let us know if you have any other questions.
    Charles Y.
    National Instruments
    myDAQ acquire two AI and DMM.jpg ‏196 KB

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    Hi lamela,
    again I have to ask: HOW does the string look like? Is it so hard to provide an exact example of your received string???
    I think the string is showing one value from the two inputs
    Are you sure or are you guessing? How can we tell what you might "think" when you aren't able to provide examples?
    You wrote you send values from the Arduino using the command "println(value1, value2)", but now you "think" you only receive ""value1" in LabVIEW?
    Get your data communications clear! (And learn to provide meaningful examples!)
    Edit after your edit:
    my code to serial print two inputs: Serial.println(Voltage, Current);
    Even if I print separately: Serial.println(Voltage);
    The first command is completely different then the second part! In the first you should receive two values in one line, in the 2nd one you receive one value per line: You need to adapt your string parsing to these strings!
    Again: send both values in one line. Use the LF as termchar. Separate the values by some separator char like comma. Check the received string for validity. Use some error checking in your VI.

  • Displaying multiple analog input channels using DAQmx READ commands.

    I am using a NI USB-6009 module in a hydraulic load test stand.  I want to read multiple analog voltage inputs and display them on my front panel.  Using DAQmx commands or DAQ assistant, LabVIEW will only let you have one READ command for the analog inputs.  Can someone point me to an example or give me some ideas on being able to display at least 3 analog inputs?  Thanks.

    With the DAQ Assistant, when you get a list of 'Supported Physical Channels', look at the bottom of the window. It says "<Ctrl> or <Shift> click to select multiple channels. When you use the DAQmx Create Channel and have a physcial channel control/constant, click the little arrow on the right side of the control/constant, select browse and use the same <Ctrl> or <Shift> click technique. If you want to enter the channels manually, the format is Dev1/ai0:2 for consecutive or Dev1/ai0,Dev1ai3 non-consecutive channels.

  • How do I acquire multiple signals in the NI cDAQ 9172 using 2 analog input modules?

    Hi everyone,
    Is anyone familiar with using the NI cDAQ 9172?  This is my first time using it and I am not sure what exactly I am doing wrong... Alone with a NI 9233 analog input module, it works great.  I can grab my 4 signals from each channel and go.  However, when I add another analog input module to the mix, it gets an error.  It looks like it is reading only one and not the other.  It bombs at one of the DAQ start task and read task.
    Basically, the block diagram is just a double of the one 9233 working alone.  Is there something needed for input to make the 9172 working?  Any ideas?
    Any help is much appreciated.  Thanks!!

    Hi Jud,
    Both threads are correct.  The cDAQ-9172 has a single analog input timing engine, so both of your analog input modules will need to be in a single task.  The other VI you referenced shows one analog input task (with channels added from two modules) as well as an analog output task.  Analog output has a separate timing engine from analog input, so both of those can run in parallel independent tasks.
    The beginning of this thread is a good example; a single DAQmx Create Task followed by a DAQmx Create Virtual Channel for channels from each module.  Also, Getting Started with NI-DAQmx will give you the fundamentals for data acquisition, though I don't know how many of their examples use CompactDAQ.

  • Multiple inputs and outputs using DAQmx VIs

    I am fairly new with the LabView programming language.  I have a few training books that I have been reading, and I have been following online tutorials and reading the forums.  However, I have come to a problem where I don’t see a clear solution.  I am using LabView 2009 (9.0f3) and DAQmx VIs.
    I am using a NI 9172 chassis PLC, with two 9201 AI cards, 9217 AI RTD card, 9472 DO card, 9263 AO card, and two 9237 AI Bridge cards.
    I am reading eight analog inputs with the 9201 cards, two analog RTD inputs with the 9217 card, three digital outputs with the 9472 card, three analog outputs with the 9263, and eight analog inputs with the 9237 cards.
    I wrote a simple program to test one digital output task, two of the analog output tasks, and a single analog input task.  I put all of them in the same while loop, and it worked perfectly.  However, when I add analog input tasks to the same loop, I get an error 200022.    So I tested each sensor individually by changing the channel before each run.  I searched error 200022 and found that this is because I cannot start another analog input task until the previous one ends.  With this said, I don’t know how to acquire an analog voltage in the same task as an analog RTD voltage.  Both inputs take different constants in the start task DAQmx icon.
    Attached is my test program.  It is titled “Test All”. This is the program I used to test the various sensors.  I tested the input sensors one at a time, and it worked fine.  A few tasks are written just to test functionality, and will be added to later.  The data is only displayed on the screen.  I will add triggers and data write to disk functions later.  This program works now, but if I add more analog inputs, it will generate the 200022 error.
    Can someone show me how to correctly write the code for multiple inputs and outputs using DAQmx?  All training materials and tutorials I can find all show a single input or single output, not multiples of each.  Thanks for looking.
    Attachments: ‏32 KB

    Hi RandyC,
    The Knowledge Base article Using Different Types of DAQmx Global Channels in the Same Task goes into a little more depth of what Bryan is talking about, and it also includes some example code to help show what to do.
    Hope that helps,

  • How to use counter output pulses to trigger analog input?

    Hello all,
    I hope the kind people using this forum can help me, a lowly beginner LV programmer! I have been attempting to create a VI that produces a user defined number of TTL pulses, separated by every n seconds. Each TTL would be outputted to a stimulator, which in turn generates its own TTL. Using the stimulator-generated TTL, I would like to trigger finite analog data acquisition (e.g. for every TTL, trigger the collection of a data sweep that contains 4000 samples (collected at 4000 Hz), with 1000 samples collected pre-trigger. I would like to also be able to see each data sweep as it is triggered on a chart. As I understand things (lots of online/book/forum reading), I should be using the counter output to generate my TTL pulses, and syncing each counter produced TTL with analog input, as well as using a reference trigger. Also, the AI part should be started first, so that I don' t miss any counter outputs. If it matters, I also need to use one of the AI channels to acquire the TTL, so I can see my stimulator-induced responses to the stimulator in time.
    I am able to generate the TTL pulses from the counter output, but I am having a problem with the AI part. I am unsure how to sync the counter output with AI. Also, since I need to acquire pre-trigger samples, I would be needing to acquire samples continuously, but when I set 'continuous samples' on daqmx timing, the VI doesn't work (hence why's its set to 'finite samples').
     I hope someone out there can help, as I have been at this for what seems ages, with limited success. I am using a USB-6259 and LabView v8.2. Thanks!
    RC001 ‏49 KB

    Due to the fact that analog tasks themselves are not retriggerable, a
    pulse train produced by a counter is always used as the sample clock
    for the analog input task in order to recreate a retriggerable effect
    for analog input. This can be done by creating a finite pulse train set
    to retriggerable using the DAQmx Trigger Property Node, or the pulse
    train could be continuous and just be gated by another signal. Neither
    of these methods can be properly applied in hardware to create a
    retriggerable reference trigger. You can however implement something
    similar in software by just stopping and restarting your reference
    triggered analog input task within a loop. There will be some delay
    between when the task is stopped and restarted, as these events require
    software intervention, but if there is enough time between when each
    trigger signal is generated, there should not be any noticeable delay
    or missed samples.
    I have attached an example of this!
    Mark B
    ===If this fixes your problem, mark as solution!===
    RC001 ‏25 KB

  • NI DAQmx Digital Output Trigger To Start Analog Input Task

    Hi everyone.  I am using the NI DAQmx VIs to set a digital output line low (boolean '0').  I want to begin reading an Analog Input voltage (Start Analog Input Voltage reading task) right after the digital output line is set low.  I am using the DAQmx Start Trigger (Digital Edge).vi to try and do this.  I have the digital edge to trigger off a falling edge since the digital output line is being set low.  I am using "do/SampleClock" as the source into the DAQmx Start Trigger (Digital Edge).vi.  
    I don't have the DAQ card (PXI 6229) since someone else is using it but I wanted to write up the SW so that when it becomes available I can have SW to try out.
    I have attached the VI.  Am I setting up this VI correctly?
    Trigger AI Task Off DO ‏32 KB

    I think you are going to have to wire that Digital Output to a PFI line on the card with the Analog Input(s).  You then trigger on that PFI line.
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  • Newbie, Would like to use analog input and graph

    I was using the "Real Time" example in Labview 2011 and got it all set up using the random input it comes with. I have a USB-6008 that is set up and I can see the signal in MAX. The big question is how the heck do I get the vi to work with the analog input? If someone could modify the vi and add the AI0 as the input I would really appricate it!!
    Soil ‏15 KB

    trimixdiver1 wrote:
    Aside from me adding the gage and bar graph, its the same as the example. Ive added the AI (purple) channel but I guess I need to add some Daqmx stuff to allow it to connect to the strip chart.
    Wheres the analog in channel?  Is this something you haven't posted yet?  Make your changes, then post when you are ready.
    Reese, (former CLAD, future CLD)
    Some people call me the Space Cowboy!
    Some call me the gangster of love.
    Some people call me MoReese!
    ...I'm right here baby, right here, right here, right here at home

  • Use virtual channel name as input to DAQmx Write? LV8 and DAQmx

    I've created a task for digital output that contains 8 named channels using the DAQmx Create Channel VI in Labview. Is it possible to use the channel name as an input to the DAQmx Write VI to reference the desired channel? I tried wiring a string with the channel name to the "task/channels in" input but I get a -200428 error that says the Value passed to the Task/Channels In control is invalid.
    The help "name to assign" input for the DAQmx Create Channel VI says
       If you use this input to provide your own names for the virtual channels, you must use the names when you refer to these channels
       in other NI-DAQmx VIs and Property Nodes
    OK, so how do you use the name assigned in other VIs?

    I think that there may be some confusion here about the difference between local and global virtual channels.  First of all, please take a look at the following knowledge base:
    Physical Channels, Virtual Channels, and Tasks in NI-DAQmx
    As discussed in this KB, local global channels are created inside a task, and they only apply to that task.  In the help file for the DAQmx Write VI, the "task/channels in" description says "if you provide a list of virtual channels, NI-DAQmx creates a task automatically."  When you wire a string to this input, a new task is being created, and unless the channel name that you wire in is a global virtual channel (listed in MAX), you will get the error 200428 that you mentioned.  This is because that virtual channel that you are specifying is local to another task and is not associated with this new task. 
    One solution to this issue is to use the DAQmx Save Global Channel VI to save your local virtual channel as a global virtual channel before calling DAQmx Write.  Once this is done, you can then wire the same string constant to the "task/channels in" input of DAQmx Write or other DAQmx VI's. 
    The help text is still correct, but is only applicable in certain situations.  For example, if you create and name an analog input local virtual channel with DAQmx Create Channel, you could then use this channel name as the source input to a DAQmx Trigger VI configured for an analog edge start trigger.  You could also use that channel name as the input to the "ActiveChans" DAQmx Channel Property, which would enable you to modify the properties of that particular channel. 
    Hopefully this information is helpful to you.

  • Read spreadsheet file for Analog Out Profile using DAQmx

    I am trying to read a .txt file in, then output the Analog out profile (Daqmx) vs. time.  The first column is time is (ms) in .001 sec increments.  The second column is the Analog out voltage I want to output.  I want to read the profile in, and ouput the a Analog out voltage incrementing in .001 sec intervals (or whatever the time increments are in the .txt file).  The problem I am having is, it reads in the whole file and outputs it in a fraction of a sec, instead of incrementing by the time.  I attached a screen shot of what I have.  Any help would be great. Thanks 
    screen shot read.jpg ‏75 KB

    You are reading the timing but not doing anything with it. You've specified Analog Wfm 1Chan NSamp for the DAQmx Write but you did not create the waveform data type. Use the Build Waveform function on the Waveform palette and wire in your array to the Y (waveform component) input and the time interval to the dt input.
    Message Edited by Dennis Knutson on 04-06-2006 08:56 AM
    Build Waveform.JPG ‏6 KB

  • Measuring mV using analog input

    I am using an analog input of a Ni-DAQ 6025E card. I can measure a 5V signal. If it is 5V on the voltmeter, then it is 5V on the graph of amplitude Vs time. However a 0.5V signals comes as an oscilating signal of between o and 1.5V. Do I need to calibrate the graph? If so, how do I do that?

    Hi labview1958,
    I would recommend doing what LV_Pro recommended and try using the device in Measurement and Automation Explorer (Start > All Programs > National Instruments > Measurement and Automation Explorer). 
    First test the device there (by using a test panel) and see if you are
    getting the measurements that you are expecting. 
    I would also check out some of the related pages here to see if you can get some information that might help you better develop your system.
    The program that was posted will probably work, but it's not really the best way to do what you are trying to do. 
    If you have LabVIEW 7.0 or higher then you can use DAQmx which is much
    easier to use for new users.  I recommend that you simply use the
    DAQ Assistant Express VI to configure your system.  You can access
    that by going into your Block Diagram on a New VI, right click and go
    to Functions > Input > DAQ Assistant.  You can now
    quickly configure your measurements exactly as you like, test the way
    it functions and then use those signals in your application.
    Best of luck getting this together,
    Training and Certification
    Product Support Engineer
    National Instruments

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