Android Lollipop Galaxy Tab S 10.5 (LTE)

Is there any news on when the Telstra Tab S LTE will get Lollipop? 

I received the update notification yesterday, but I had too many files on the device so I  had to cancel LOL. It's downloading now and it'll be fun to see what changes lay ahead in my Galaxy Tab.
YES I'm in Australia. To force the update go to Settings, About Device and in right screen tap Update Now.  
It will warn you of the large data transfer and recommends you be connected to Wifi before downloading. Good luckRFx wrote:
The Lollipop update for Galaxy Tab S 10.5 Wi-Fi only version has not even been released for Australia as yet.  The Android 5.0.2 version for the Wi-Fi device has already been released in a number of other countries and should not require telcos involvement in the update release process. There should no excuses in this case. Samsung Australia it would seem just cannot be bothered releasing timely device updates to its customers.  As for the release of the LTE version, I hope you are a very patient person!  

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    Go to Solution.

    Hi Arturoe,
    This is something that I have forwarded to relevant team. They are working for a fix but unfortunately, no release date set yet.
    For now, you can change the default theme in the device to another theme and it should be resolved.
     - Official Sony Xperia Support Staff
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                                            var cameraUI:CameraUI = new CameraUI();
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                                            // TODO Auto-generated method stub
                                            trace("picture received");
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                                            if (CameraRoll.supportsAddBitmapData)
                                                      var bitmapData:BitmapData = new BitmapData(loaderInfo.width, loaderInfo.height);
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                                                      var stream:FileStream = new FileStream()
                                            , FileMode.WRITE);
                                                      var j:JPEGEncoder = new JPEGEncoder();
                                                      var bytes:ByteArray = j.encode(bitmapData);
                                                      //dispatchEvent(new CameraEvent(CameraEvent.FILE_READY, file));

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    Network Information
    Security Mode: WPA/WPA2-Personal(PSK)
    Wireless mode: 11+b+g+n

    Hello daystrom5!
    I know it's aggravating not being able to connect to your WiFi network with your Galaxy Tab.  I would like to assist with getting you connected.
    I would like to suggest a few troubleshooting steps.  First, disable the mobile network data.  Then, I would like for you to turn "ON" WiFi.  Last, follow these steps to correctly Setup the WiFi Connection.  Just ensure the appropriate authentication protocol is set, matching the WiFi security protocol of your home WiFi network.  You should now be able to connect to your home WiFi network.
    Please let me know how this works out for you.
    Follow us on Twitter @VZWSupport

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    The native Android Youtube player does a much better job of handing video playback than embeded flash in a browser.

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    YouTube link

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    I ran the install log and I'm including the contents to see if you can make any sense of it
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    just fine. I appreciate your taking a look at this.
    Starting app install of file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/Andrew.esposito/Desktop/ r
    UI SWF load is complete
    UI initialized
    Unpackaging to C:\Documents and Settings\Andrew.esposito\Local Settings\Temp\flaA2.tmp
    unpackaging is complete
    application is bound to side-by-side version 1.0
    application is bound to this version of the runtime
    app id ROI-CalculatorAir3
    pub id 579DB9134D64DA8D12906F2BE8761198D0983B68.1
    Application not located
    Waiting for user confirmation
    User confirmed action: install
    creating native installer in: C:\Documents and Settings\Andrew.esposito\Local Settings\Temp\flaA3.tmp
    native installer creation complete
    Starting install
    Destination for installed application is C:\Program Files
    Beginning install
    Installing C:\Documents and Settings\Andrew.esposito\Local Settings\Temp\flaA3.tmp\setup.msi
    Execution complete; beginning commit phase
    Commit complete
    Re-launching application from C:\Program Files\ROI_CalculatorAir3\ROI_CalculatorAir3.exe
    starting cleanup of temporary files
    application installer exiting

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    users reporting that the game automatically closing after opening and randomly crashing.
    the first error that happens a lot is :
    Native crash at /system/lib/egl/
    in /system/lib/egl/ (eglMakeCurrent+204), /system/lib/egl/ (eglMakeCurrent+144)
    Build fingerprint: 'samsung/degaswifiue/degaswifiue:4.4.2/KOT49H/T230NUUEU0ANH1:user/release-keys'
    Revision: '3'
    pid: 21365, tid: 21365, name: mygame >>> <<<
    signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr e7cb7b04
    and dump of registers state , backtrack, code around pc and lr
    the other error happens less :
    java.lang.IllegalStateException: eglMakeCurrent failed EGL_BAD_CONTEXT
    at android.view.HardwareRenderer$GlRenderer.createSurface(
    at android.view.HardwareRenderer$GlRenderer.createEglSurface(
    at android.view.HardwareRenderer$GlRenderer.initialize(
    at android.view.ViewRootImpl.performTraversals(
    at android.view.ViewRootImpl.doTraversal(
    at android.view.ViewRootImpl$
    at android.view.Choreographer$
    at android.view.Choreographer.doCallbacks(
    at android.view.Choreographer.doFrame(
    at android.view.Choreographer$
    at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(
    at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
    at android.os.Looper.loop(
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
    my guess it's some how related to Marvell processor or to implementation of the driver on Android 4.4
    any one experience this problem?
    any suggestions for solution?
    Thank you,

    Same problem here with AIR SDK
    Build fingerprint: 'samsung/degas3gxx/degas3g:4.4.2/KOT49H/T231XXU0ANJ4:user/release-keys'
    Revision: '3'
    pid: 4090, tid: 4090, name: .mygame >>> <<<
    signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 010203a4
      r0 00000001 r1 00000000 r2 00000000 r3 00000000
      r4 726c7d18 r5 73ffca58 r6 73ac67f8 r7 7fda9c68
      r8 7fda9c68 r9 7fda9c68 sl 811219b8 fp bebfc3fc
      ip 010203a0 sp bebfc300 lr 726dc72c pc 726dc764 cpsr 200e0010
      d0 7463656a624f6563 d1 ffffffff00000043
      d2 000030c200000072 d3 00000a0100003065
      d4 0000000100000001 d5 0000000000000020
      d6 0000058700000000 d7 0000000100000000
      d8 0000000000000000 d9 0000000000000000
      d10 0000000000000000 d11 0000000000000000
      d12 0000000000000000 d13 0000000000000000
      d14 0000000000000000 d15 0000000000000000
      d16 ffffffffffb3b4c0 d17 0001328ffdb768d2
      d18 0000000000000000 d19 0000000000000000
      d20 0000000000000000 d21 0000000000000000
      d22 0000000000000000 d23 0000000000000000
      d24 0000000000000000 d25 0000000000000000
      d26 0000000000000000 d27 0000000000000000
      d28 0000000000000000 d29 0000000000000000
      d30 0000000000000000 d31 0000000000000000
      scr 6000001b
      #00 pc 00006764 /system/lib/egl/ (eglMakeCurrent+204)
      #01 pc 00006728 /system/lib/egl/ (eglMakeCurrent+144)
    code around pc:
      726dc744 e1922003 1a000025 e3550000 0a000023 
      726dc754 e594c02c e35c0000 1a000003 ea000025 
      726dc764 e59cc004 e35c0000 0a000022 e155000c 
      726dc774 1afffffa e59731c8 e3530000 1a00000f 
      726dc784 e59831c8 e3530000 1a00000c e5963020 
      726dc794 e3530000 1a000026 e5963028 e3530000 
      726dc7a4 0a000001 e1550003 0a000194 e5953008 
      726dc7b4 e3530000 0a00002b e1560003 0a000029 
      726dc7c4 e59f37e0 e1a00004 e5863004 ebfffe55 
      726dc7d4 e3a00000 eaffffc4 e3550000 0a0000fd 
      726dc7e4 e59f37c4 e1a00004 e5863004 ebfffe4d 
      726dc7f4 e3a00000 eaffffbc e59f37b0 e1a00004 
      726dc804 e5863004 ebfffe47 e3a00000 eaffffb6 
      726dc814 e59f279c e59f179c e08f2002 e08f1001 
      726dc824 e282203c e3a03e51 ebfff359 e1a00006 
      726dc834 eaffffad e5962008 e59f377c e1520003 
    code around lr:
      726dc70c e5932014 e3520000 0a000004 e5922010 
      726dc71c e3520000 15930028 11a0e00f 112fff12 
      726dc72c e2773001 33a03000 e2782001 33a02000 
      726dc73c e1120003 1a000025 e1922003 1a000025 
      726dc74c e3550000 0a000023 e594c02c e35c0000 
      726dc75c 1a000003 ea000025 e59cc004 e35c0000 
      726dc76c 0a000022 e155000c 1afffffa e59731c8 
      726dc77c e3530000 1a00000f e59831c8 e3530000 
      726dc78c 1a00000c e5963020 e3530000 1a000026 
      726dc79c e5963028 e3530000 0a000001 e1550003 
      726dc7ac 0a000194 e5953008 e3530000 0a00002b 
      726dc7bc e1560003 0a000029 e59f37e0 e1a00004 
      726dc7cc e5863004 ebfffe55 e3a00000 eaffffc4 
      726dc7dc e3550000 0a0000fd e59f37c4 e1a00004 
      726dc7ec e5863004 ebfffe4d e3a00000 eaffffbc 
      726dc7fc e59f37b0 e1a00004 e5863004 ebfffe47 

  • Where i can get Flash player for Android device such as Samsung galaxy tab 2.0?

    Well, folks, my question is : where I can download Flash player for Android OS ? I have a Samsung galaxy tab 2.0 7'' and I tried to download that player from anywhere but that was a waste of time. The "downloaders" in the android market Don't Work. So please, help me find out where I can get this player. I know that Adobe doesn't support Android but I'm sure there Is a way. 

    Hi jerry3D,
    Flash Player for Android is no longer available. For more information, see here: date.html
    Android users can still download and install Flash Player from the Archived Flash Player Versions page on the Adobe website.
    Please refer :
    Please see this page for a list of all certified devices:Flash Player Certified Devices

  • My Android galaxy tab 10.1 is unable to dowload adobe flash player, tell me how to correct this prob

    my Android galaxy tab  cannot download adobe flash player please help

    Try installing the Flash Player manually. Check the below post for further details.

  • Android Camera really choppy on Samsung Galaxy Tab

    Hi guys,
    I'm building an AIR Application for Android devices and I'm using the Camera.
    I found a really strange behaviour. When I first start the app and the camera initializes, I get around 1fps(!).
    If I then press the home Button and klick on the app icon again, it's all good and I get the full framerate.
    This same behaviour also occurs within the Tour de Mobile Flex app when I start the Raw Camera part.
    As soon as I press home and then return to the app, everythings fine...
    Anybody out there having the same issues and maybe a soulution?
    Help is highly apreciated.

    Just so you don't think you're the only one, we've created an app as well with Adobe Air and we're using the Galaxy Tab as well, and we're getting worse framerates than you!  We're getting about 1 frame every 15 seconds.
    I can do the same as you.  I hit the home button, and bring the app back into the foreground, and we get the full framerate back as well.  I do not have a solution either.

  • Not finding flash in samsung galaxy tab 2 7.0 with android 4.0... where can i find flash player?

    hi, i just bought a galaxy tab 2 7.0 with android ice cream but i don't find adobe flash player
    where do i find it?

    The list of Adobe certified devices can be found here:
    It does not look like the Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 7.0 is an officially supported device. Also, on the page above I found the following statement.
    "Please note: Flash Player will not be certified for any device OS beyond Android 4.0.x." Ice Cream Sandwich is version 4.1.

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    Hi Minkalue2,
    Is the behavior limited to images on the SD card? Do images stored on the device's internal storage work?

Maybe you are looking for

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