Angular Gauge chart in flex

I have been using fusion charts in the past. Now I want to add an angular gauge chart like this one in my application:
I couldn't find any thing similar in flex.
Does any body know any charting library to get similar charts?

Can you just take the min and max from the data source feeding your line chart, build a separate line chart with start and end corresponding to those two points and y-value corresponding to your goal, and add a second series to the chart? You may need to build a custom lineSegmentRenderer if you want a dashed line but a thin, low-alpha line may look fine.

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    This issue was resolved with help from Ryan at Adobe tech
    support. For anyone else who's suffering from this problem, the
    resolution is that you need a valid Flex 2 w/Charting serial number
    to place in the file "<Flex 3 Builder
    Root>\sdks\2.0.1\frameworks\" on the line
    "charting=<serial #>".
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    Currently this functionality is not available but a good to have feature in future release. Probably you should look at contacting the BOBJ support team and post your idea in the specified site

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    Band 2 Lower value- upper value %   color = Green
    Band 3 Upper value to 100%  color =BLUE
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    Hi Ludek,
    Thanks for the reply.
    My question is not how to change/set the quality band at runtime from NET application.
    I am running the report on Business object server. So I have a crystal report with datasource as stored procedure.(No NET application)
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    band 1              range  0   to    70             
    band 2              range  70 to    90
    band 3              range  90 to    100
    Success Value percent  85%
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    band 2    color   green
    band 3    color   blue
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    APEX 3.1.1
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    In Anychart 5 it's called a Gauge. You can find a reference of the Anychart 5 xml here (different from Anychart 3):
    An example of a Gauge in Anychart 5: (the right is a Gauge you can get if you integrate Anychart 5, the left is a dial chart you get with APEX)

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    Hi Alex,
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    To summarize -- LineCharts appear to be badly broken in Flex 3 compatibility mode.
    If an Adobe developer would like to verify, here is my source, including an example of the data I'm using. I posted earlier today wondering what the situation is and give some more details there.
    Thanks, Peter ([email protected])
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <!-- charts/BasicLine.mxml -->
        width="1200" height="800" layout="absolute" >       
        <mx:Label id="titleLabel" x="30" y="10" text="Progress Chart for " fontSize="16" />
        <!--mx:Label id="measureLabel" x="688" y="25" text="Measure:" fontSize="12" width="67"/-->
        <mx:ComboBox id="measureCombo" x="300" y="14" width="300" dataProvider="{patientMeasureNames}"
                     editable="false" change="loadPatientData()" />   
        <mx:SolidColorStroke id="axisStroke"
                             caps="square" />
        <mx:SolidColorStroke id="tickStroke"
                             alpha="1" />
        <mx:SolidColorStroke id="minorTickStroke"
                             alpha="1" />
        <mx:SolidColorStroke id="dataStroke"
                             alpha="1" />
        <mx:Canvas id="chartCanvas" x="30" y="50" width="600" height="500" borderStyle="solid" >
            <mx:LineChart id="progressChart" x="10" y="10" width="550" height="450"
                          horizontalAxisStyleNames="{styleNames}" verticalAxisStyleNames="{styleNames}"
                          gutterBottom="10" gutterLeft="10" gutterRight="10" gutterTop="10" gridLinesStyleName=""
                    <mx:CartesianDataCanvas id="annotationCanvas" includeInRanges="true"  width="800" height="400"/>
                    <mx:DateTimeAxis id="hAxis" parseFunction="makeDateFromString"
                                     alignLabelsToUnits="true" displayLocalTime="true"
                                     title="" labelFunction="formatDateLabel" maximum="{maxDate}"
                                      /> <!--  -->
                    <mx:LinearAxis id="vAxis" interval="1" maximum="{this.maxValue}" title="" /> <!--  -->
                    <bwc:BwcLineSeries xField="date" yField="value" displayName="(measure)" stroke="{dataStroke}"
                                    width="700" height="350" lineStroke="{dataStroke}" radius="4"
                    <mx:AxisRenderer axis="{hAxis}"
                                     axisStroke="{axisStroke}" tickStroke="{tickStroke}" minorTickStroke="{minorTickStroke}"
                                     showLine="true" showLabels="true" labelRenderer="mx.charts.chartClasses.ChartLabel"
                                     placement="bottom" tickPlacement="cross" tickLength="5" fontSize="12"
                    <mx:AxisRenderer axis="{vAxis}"
                                     axisStroke="{axisStroke}" tickStroke="{tickStroke}" minorTickStroke="{minorTickStroke}"
                                     showLine="true" showLabels="true" labelRenderer="mx.charts.chartClasses.ChartLabel"
                                     placement="left" tickPlacement="cross" tickLength="5" fontSize="12"
            <!--mx:Legend id="chartLegend"
                       x="20" y="{chartCanvas.height - chartLegend.height - 20}"
                       dataProvider="{progressChart}" /-->
                import com.bewellcommunication.pvg.model.BackendService;
                import com.bewellcommunication.pvg.model.Utilities;
                import mx.charts.chartClasses.IAxis;
                import mx.charts.series.items.LineSeriesItem;
                import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
                import mx.collections.XMLListCollection;
                import mx.controls.RadioButton;
                import mx.controls.RadioButtonGroup;
                private var patientMeasureNames:ArrayCollection;
                private var patientMeasureIds:Array;
                private var dataVideoIds:Array;
                private var videoButtons:Array;
                private var patientData:XMLListCollection;
                private var maxDate:Date;
                private var maxValue:Number;
                private var styleNames:Array = new Array("axisStroke");
                private function initialization():void
                    var service:BackendService = new BackendService();
                    var xml:String = "<LoadPatientMeasures>"
                        + "\n<clientId>" + 2 + "</clientId>"
                        + "\n</LoadPatientMeasures>";
                    service.request(xml, loadPatientMeasuresFinish);
                public function loadPatientMeasuresFinish(re:ResultEvent):void
                    var xmlResult:XML = XML(re.result.valueOf().toString());
                    var error:String = xmlResult.error;
                    if (error != null && error != "")                   
                        trace(xmlResult.error + "Problem loading patient measures");        // PENDING: bwcAlert
                        this.patientMeasureNames = new ArrayCollection();
                        this.patientMeasureNames.addItem("(Select measure)");
                        this.patientMeasureIds = new Array();
                        var xmlMeasures:XMLList = xmlResult.measures.children();
                        for each (var xmlMeasure:Object in xmlMeasures)
                            var name:String = xmlMeasure.measureName;                        // PENDING: utils.makeSafe()
                public function loadPatientData():void
                    var measureIndex:int = this.measureCombo.selectedIndex;
                    if (measureIndex < 1)
                    var service:BackendService = new BackendService();
                    var xml:String = "<LoadPatientData>"
                        + "\n<clientId>" + 2 + "</clientId>"
                        + "\n<measureId>" + this.patientMeasureIds[measureIndex] + "</measureId>"
                        + "\n</LoadPatientData>";
                    service.request(xml, loadPatientDataFinish);               
                public function loadPatientDataFinish(re:ResultEvent):void
                    var xmlResult:XML = XML(re.result.valueOf().toString());
                    var error:String = xmlResult.error;
                    if (error != null && error != "")                   
                        trace(xmlResult.error + "Problem loading patient data");        // PENDING: bwcAlert
                        // re-initialize
                        // set data for graphing
                        this.patientData = new XMLListCollection(xmlResult.results.result);
                        this.dataVideoIds = new Array();
                        // calculate mins and maximums for axis spacing
                        var xmlResults:XMLList = xmlResult.results.children();
                        var minDate:Number = Number.MAX_VALUE;
                        var maxDate:Number = Number.MIN_VALUE;
                        var minVal:Number = Number.MAX_VALUE;
                        var maxVal:Number = Number.MIN_VALUE;
                        for each (var result:Object in xmlResults)
                            var date:Number = Number(;
                            var val:Number = Number(result.value);
                            if (!isNaN(val))
                                if (date < minDate)
                                    minDate = date;
                                if (date > maxDate)
                                    maxDate = date;
                                if (val < minVal)
                                    minVal = val;
                                if (val > maxVal)
                                    maxVal = val;
                            // also store the video id
                            var videoId:Number = Number(result.videoId);
                        // set scale max for each axis
                        this.maxDate = new Date(maxDate + ((maxDate - minDate) * 0.1));
                        this.maxValue = maxVal * 1.1;
                        // draw links to videos
                        var utils:Utilities = new Utilities();
                        utils.relinquishThenFinish(drawLinksToVideos, 500);
                private function drawLinksToVideos(e:TimerEvent):void
                    var rect:Rectangle = new Rectangle(0, 0, 99999, 99999);        // get all items
                    var items:Array = this.progressChart.getItemsInRegion(rect);
                    var i:int;
                    var rbg:RadioButtonGroup = new RadioButtonGroup(this.annotationCanvas);
                    this.videoButtons = new Array();
                    for (i = 0; i < items.length; i++)
                        var liveButton:RadioButton = null;
                        if (this.dataVideoIds[i] > 0)
                            var item:LineSeriesItem = items[i];
                            var radio:RadioButton = new RadioButton();
                   = rbg;
                            liveButton = radio;
                            radio.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, loadAndPlayVideo);
                            this.annotationCanvas.addDataChild(radio, item.xValue, item.yValue);
                        this.videoButtons.push(liveButton);    // one for each item
                private function loadAndPlayVideo(e:Event):void
                    var utils:Utilities = new Utilities();
                private function finishLoadAndPlayVideo(e:TimerEvent):void
                    // identify video to play
                    var i:int;
                    var target:int = -1;
                    for (i=0; target == -1 && i < this.videoButtons.length; i++)
                        var radio:RadioButton = this.videoButtons[i] as RadioButton;
                        if (radio != null && radio.selected)
                            target = i;
                    // play video
                    if (target > -1)
                        trace("play video: index=" + target + " id=" + this.dataVideoIds[target]);
                private function makeDateFromString(dateStr:String):Date
                    var dateNum:Number = Number(dateStr);
                    var date:Date = new Date(dateNum);
                    trace("date=" + date.toLocaleString());
                    return date;
                private function formatDateLabel(cur:Date, prev:Date, axis:IAxis):String
                    var label:String = cur.month + "/" + + " " + cur.hours + ":" + cur.minutes;
                    return label;
        import mx.charts.series.LineSeries;
        public class BwcLineSeries extends LineSeries
            public function BwcLineSeries()
            override protected function updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth:Number,
                var useWidth:Number = unscaledWidth;
                var useHeight:Number = unscaledHeight;
                /*if (isNaN(useWidth))
                    useWidth = 745.5;
                    useHeight = 365;
                super.updateDisplayList(useWidth, useHeight);

    @Jason Villmer,
    I believe the issue you're describing is
    There is a workaround listed in the bug report which should work (based on my testing), or you could probably set the direction and layoutDirection styles globally using a Style block.

  • 3D Chart in Flex (X, Y & Z Axis)

    Dear All,
    I am working on Flex charting stuff.
    I have to present many charts in 3D view (X-axis, Y-axis and Z-axis).
    I read and searched about flex charting but didn't get anything about chart presentation in 3 axis plan.
    Please help me by your thought OR idea about this.
    Thank you.
    Tejas Patel.

    I got and tried this lines of code but not executed successfully.
    What I had mistake here OR what missing?
    <mx:Application xmlns:mx="" xmlns:fc=" width="600" height="600" >
      [Bindable] public var place:Array = [
    {country: "India", north: 85, west: 25, east:40},
    {country: "USA", north: 53, west: 40, east:25},
    {country: "UK", north: 45, west: 32, east:45},
    {country: "Japan", north: 60, west: 25, east:39}
             @font-face{ src: url("assets/verdana.ttf"); fontFamily: myFont; }
             Column3DChart { fontFamily: myFont; fontSize: 10; }
    <fc:Column3DChart id="my3dchart" type="clustered" angleX="30" angleY="30" height="100%" width="100%" >
              <mx:CategoryAxis dataProvider="{place}" categoryField="country" />
              <mx:LinearAxis minimum="0" maximum="70"/>
                <fc:Column3DSeries dataProvider="{place}" yField="north" displayName="North">
                        <mx:SolidColor color="#EEEE00"/>
                <fc:Column3DSeries  dataProvider="{place}" yField="west" displayName="West">
                        <mx:SolidColor color="#CCCCFF"/>
                <fc:Column3DSeries  dataProvider="{place}" yField="east" displayName="East">
                        <mx:SolidColor color="#CC9900"/>
    <mx:Legend dataProvider="{my3dchart}"/>

  • How to dynamically add new line series to the line chart in flex?

    i need to add line series dynamically..and each line  series should have a different data provider...

    A chart can have only 1 dataProvider which in my case is an ArrayCollection.
    The chart will update every time the dataProvider changes if you use binding.
    So you have to write a function that periodically populates the ArrayCollection with data from the server and the chart will update automatically.
    'Using line charts' tutorial from Adobe:

  • Goal Line Chart in Flex

    Hello All,
      I'm creating a project that consists of flex chart componnents. However, client requires a goal line in the charts. I've googled allday on this and cant seem to find any samples. Is this even possible? If so, can you please lead me to the right direction.
    Kinda like this example..but just have the goal line horizontal.

    Can you just take the min and max from the data source feeding your line chart, build a separate line chart with start and end corresponding to those two points and y-value corresponding to your goal, and add a second series to the chart? You may need to build a custom lineSegmentRenderer if you want a dashed line but a thin, low-alpha line may look fine.

  • Export charts in flex

    How to export column and bar chart data into csv file in flex.

    If you are using custom fusion chart then see the link
    Else if you are using flex charts itself try this.
    Hope that helps you.

  • JSF gauges, charts

    What I need to do is to display a performance data for the server on the jsf page. Stuff like memory used, cpu usage, and so on. I want to use visual components like gauges or charts or something. Does anybody know of a component that will do that and where to get it? Your response is greatly appreciated.

    I'm also trying to do chart graphics.
    I haven't got anything working yet, but ChartCreator looks promising.

  • How to add line series dynamically to a line chart in flex?

    hi..i need to add line series dynamically to a line chart..depending on an array..the application is this..i have an array which stores the details of the users connected to an fmi server..the chart should display the bandwidth of each the users should be added and removed from the chart dynamically...

    1.I am giving you solution for dynamically adding values to the dropdown
    public void addValue( )  //Method Name in Component controller
        //@@begin addValue()
              IWDNodeInfo nodeinfo = wdContext.nodeNodeTestData().getNodeInfo();// Node should be map to the view's Node
              IWDAttributeInfo att = nodeinfo.getAttribute("VechileTypes");// Attribute by which dropdown in bound//
              IModifiableSimpleValueSet svSet = att.getModifiableSimpleType().getSVServices().getModifiableSimpleValueSet();
    2.   wdThis.wdGetLangCompController().addValue(); // call this method in the point where u want to add values to the dropdown.

  • Gauge chart percentage wont do 100%

    select PERCENT_COMPLETE value , 100 max_value from PROJSTAT.PERCENT_COMPLETE
    (sqlplus shows this as: 100,100)
    when I create a dial (percentage) graph it shows as 99%...
    it should be 100%..
    if I change it to 100,200 then it shows 50% which would be correct, so why doesnt it do 100% correct?

    thought the xml might help:
    <?xml version = "1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone = "yes"?>
            <title text_align="Center" position="Top" >
              <text>Gauge Percent</text>
              <font family="Tahoma" size="14" color="0x" />
              <fill type="Solid" color="0xffffff" opacity="0" />
              <border enabled="false"/>
              <corners type="Square"/>
          <axis radius="37" start_angle="85" sweep_angle="190" size="3" >
               <fill type="Solid" color="#292929" />
            <major_tickmark enabled="true" align="Center" length="10" />
            <minor_tickmark enabled="false" length="8" />
            <labels enabled="true" align="Outside" padding="6" text_align="Near" rotation="0" >
              <font family="Tahoma" size="10" color="0x000000" />
          <color_range start="0" end="30" align="Inside" start_size="60" end_size="60" padding="6" color="Red">
           <border enabled="true" color="Black" opacity="0.4"/>
           <label enabled="true" align="Inside" padding="34">
            <position valign="Center" halign="Center"/>
            <font bold="true" size="11"/>
           <fill opacity="0.6"/>
          <color_range start="30" end="70" align="Inside" start_size="60" end_size="60" padding="6" color="Yellow">
           <border enabled="true" color="Black" opacity="0.4"/>
           <label enabled="true" align="Inside" padding="34">
            <position valign="Center" halign="Center"/>
            <font bold="true" size="11"/>
           <fill opacity="0.6"/>
          <color_range start="70" end="100" align="Inside" start_size="60" end_size="60" padding="6" color="Green">
           <border enabled="true" color="Black" opacity="0.4"/>
           <label enabled="true" align="Inside" padding="34">
            <position valign="Center" halign="Center"/>
            <font bold="true" size="11"/>
           <fill opacity="0.6"/>
              <tooltip enabled="true">
                <format><![CDATA[{%Name}{enabled:False} - {%Value}{numDecimals:0,decimalSeparator:.,thousandsSeparator:\,}]]></format>
                <font family="Tahoma" size="10" color="0x" />
                  <position padding="10" />
              </tooltip >
            <label enabled="true" align="Outside" text_align="Near" >
              <font family="Tahoma" size="10" color="0x" />
              <position anchor="CenterTop" />
            <frame type="Auto" />
    </anychart>Edited by: Merlin128 on Oct 14, 2010 3:58 PM

Maybe you are looking for