3D Chart in Flex (X, Y & Z Axis)

Dear All,
I am working on Flex charting stuff.
I have to present many charts in 3D view (X-axis, Y-axis and Z-axis).
I read and searched about flex charting but didn't get anything about chart presentation in 3 axis plan.
Please help me by your thought OR idea about this.
Thank you.
Tejas Patel.

I got and tried this lines of code but not executed successfully.
What I had mistake here OR what missing?
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" xmlns:fc="http://www.adobe.com/2006/fc width="600" height="600" >
  [Bindable] public var place:Array = [
{country: "India", north: 85, west: 25, east:40},
{country: "USA", north: 53, west: 40, east:25},
{country: "UK", north: 45, west: 32, east:45},
{country: "Japan", north: 60, west: 25, east:39}
         @font-face{ src: url("assets/verdana.ttf"); fontFamily: myFont; }
         Column3DChart { fontFamily: myFont; fontSize: 10; }
<fc:Column3DChart id="my3dchart" type="clustered" angleX="30" angleY="30" height="100%" width="100%" >
          <mx:CategoryAxis dataProvider="{place}" categoryField="country" />
          <mx:LinearAxis minimum="0" maximum="70"/>
            <fc:Column3DSeries dataProvider="{place}" yField="north" displayName="North">
                    <mx:SolidColor color="#EEEE00"/>
            <fc:Column3DSeries  dataProvider="{place}" yField="west" displayName="West">
                    <mx:SolidColor color="#CCCCFF"/>
            <fc:Column3DSeries  dataProvider="{place}" yField="east" displayName="East">
                    <mx:SolidColor color="#CC9900"/>
<mx:Legend dataProvider="{my3dchart}"/>

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    Hi Alex,
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    To summarize -- LineCharts appear to be badly broken in Flex 3 compatibility mode.
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    Thanks, Peter ([email protected])
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <!-- charts/BasicLine.mxml -->
        width="1200" height="800" layout="absolute" >       
        <mx:Label id="titleLabel" x="30" y="10" text="Progress Chart for " fontSize="16" />
        <!--mx:Label id="measureLabel" x="688" y="25" text="Measure:" fontSize="12" width="67"/-->
        <mx:ComboBox id="measureCombo" x="300" y="14" width="300" dataProvider="{patientMeasureNames}"
                     editable="false" change="loadPatientData()" />   
        <mx:SolidColorStroke id="axisStroke"
                             caps="square" />
        <mx:SolidColorStroke id="tickStroke"
                             alpha="1" />
        <mx:SolidColorStroke id="minorTickStroke"
                             alpha="1" />
        <mx:SolidColorStroke id="dataStroke"
                             alpha="1" />
        <mx:Canvas id="chartCanvas" x="30" y="50" width="600" height="500" borderStyle="solid" >
            <mx:LineChart id="progressChart" x="10" y="10" width="550" height="450"
                          horizontalAxisStyleNames="{styleNames}" verticalAxisStyleNames="{styleNames}"
                          gutterBottom="10" gutterLeft="10" gutterRight="10" gutterTop="10" gridLinesStyleName=""
                    <mx:CartesianDataCanvas id="annotationCanvas" includeInRanges="true"  width="800" height="400"/>
                    <mx:DateTimeAxis id="hAxis" parseFunction="makeDateFromString"
                                     alignLabelsToUnits="true" displayLocalTime="true"
                                     title="" labelFunction="formatDateLabel" maximum="{maxDate}"
                                      /> <!--  -->
                    <mx:LinearAxis id="vAxis" interval="1" maximum="{this.maxValue}" title="" /> <!--  -->
                    <bwc:BwcLineSeries xField="date" yField="value" displayName="(measure)" stroke="{dataStroke}"
                                    width="700" height="350" lineStroke="{dataStroke}" radius="4"
                    <mx:AxisRenderer axis="{hAxis}"
                                     axisStroke="{axisStroke}" tickStroke="{tickStroke}" minorTickStroke="{minorTickStroke}"
                                     showLine="true" showLabels="true" labelRenderer="mx.charts.chartClasses.ChartLabel"
                                     placement="bottom" tickPlacement="cross" tickLength="5" fontSize="12"
                    <mx:AxisRenderer axis="{vAxis}"
                                     axisStroke="{axisStroke}" tickStroke="{tickStroke}" minorTickStroke="{minorTickStroke}"
                                     showLine="true" showLabels="true" labelRenderer="mx.charts.chartClasses.ChartLabel"
                                     placement="left" tickPlacement="cross" tickLength="5" fontSize="12"
            <!--mx:Legend id="chartLegend"
                       x="20" y="{chartCanvas.height - chartLegend.height - 20}"
                       dataProvider="{progressChart}" /-->
                import com.bewellcommunication.pvg.model.BackendService;
                import com.bewellcommunication.pvg.model.Utilities;
                import flash.events.TimerEvent;
                import mx.charts.chartClasses.IAxis;
                import mx.charts.series.items.LineSeriesItem;
                import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
                import mx.collections.XMLListCollection;
                import mx.controls.RadioButton;
                import mx.controls.RadioButtonGroup;
                import mx.rpc.events.ResultEvent;
                private var patientMeasureNames:ArrayCollection;
                private var patientMeasureIds:Array;
                private var dataVideoIds:Array;
                private var videoButtons:Array;
                private var patientData:XMLListCollection;
                private var maxDate:Date;
                private var maxValue:Number;
                private var styleNames:Array = new Array("axisStroke");
                private function initialization():void
                    var service:BackendService = new BackendService();
                    var xml:String = "<LoadPatientMeasures>"
                        + "\n<clientId>" + 2 + "</clientId>"
                        + "\n</LoadPatientMeasures>";
                    service.request(xml, loadPatientMeasuresFinish);
                public function loadPatientMeasuresFinish(re:ResultEvent):void
                    var xmlResult:XML = XML(re.result.valueOf().toString());
                    var error:String = xmlResult.error;
                    if (error != null && error != "")                   
                        trace(xmlResult.error + "Problem loading patient measures");        // PENDING: bwcAlert
                        this.patientMeasureNames = new ArrayCollection();
                        this.patientMeasureNames.addItem("(Select measure)");
                        this.patientMeasureIds = new Array();
                        var xmlMeasures:XMLList = xmlResult.measures.children();
                        for each (var xmlMeasure:Object in xmlMeasures)
                            var name:String = xmlMeasure.measureName;                        // PENDING: utils.makeSafe()
                public function loadPatientData():void
                    var measureIndex:int = this.measureCombo.selectedIndex;
                    if (measureIndex < 1)
                    var service:BackendService = new BackendService();
                    var xml:String = "<LoadPatientData>"
                        + "\n<clientId>" + 2 + "</clientId>"
                        + "\n<measureId>" + this.patientMeasureIds[measureIndex] + "</measureId>"
                        + "\n</LoadPatientData>";
                    service.request(xml, loadPatientDataFinish);               
                public function loadPatientDataFinish(re:ResultEvent):void
                    var xmlResult:XML = XML(re.result.valueOf().toString());
                    var error:String = xmlResult.error;
                    if (error != null && error != "")                   
                        trace(xmlResult.error + "Problem loading patient data");        // PENDING: bwcAlert
                        // re-initialize
                        // set data for graphing
                        this.patientData = new XMLListCollection(xmlResult.results.result);
                        this.dataVideoIds = new Array();
                        // calculate mins and maximums for axis spacing
                        var xmlResults:XMLList = xmlResult.results.children();
                        var minDate:Number = Number.MAX_VALUE;
                        var maxDate:Number = Number.MIN_VALUE;
                        var minVal:Number = Number.MAX_VALUE;
                        var maxVal:Number = Number.MIN_VALUE;
                        for each (var result:Object in xmlResults)
                            var date:Number = Number(result.date);
                            var val:Number = Number(result.value);
                            if (!isNaN(val))
                                if (date < minDate)
                                    minDate = date;
                                if (date > maxDate)
                                    maxDate = date;
                                if (val < minVal)
                                    minVal = val;
                                if (val > maxVal)
                                    maxVal = val;
                            // also store the video id
                            var videoId:Number = Number(result.videoId);
                        // set scale max for each axis
                        this.maxDate = new Date(maxDate + ((maxDate - minDate) * 0.1));
                        this.maxValue = maxVal * 1.1;
                        // draw links to videos
                        var utils:Utilities = new Utilities();
                        utils.relinquishThenFinish(drawLinksToVideos, 500);
                private function drawLinksToVideos(e:TimerEvent):void
                    var rect:Rectangle = new Rectangle(0, 0, 99999, 99999);        // get all items
                    var items:Array = this.progressChart.getItemsInRegion(rect);
                    var i:int;
                    var rbg:RadioButtonGroup = new RadioButtonGroup(this.annotationCanvas);
                    this.videoButtons = new Array();
                    for (i = 0; i < items.length; i++)
                        var liveButton:RadioButton = null;
                        if (this.dataVideoIds[i] > 0)
                            var item:LineSeriesItem = items[i];
                            var radio:RadioButton = new RadioButton();
                            radio.group = rbg;
                            liveButton = radio;
                            radio.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, loadAndPlayVideo);
                            this.annotationCanvas.addDataChild(radio, item.xValue, item.yValue);
                        this.videoButtons.push(liveButton);    // one for each item
                private function loadAndPlayVideo(e:Event):void
                    var utils:Utilities = new Utilities();
                private function finishLoadAndPlayVideo(e:TimerEvent):void
                    // identify video to play
                    var i:int;
                    var target:int = -1;
                    for (i=0; target == -1 && i < this.videoButtons.length; i++)
                        var radio:RadioButton = this.videoButtons[i] as RadioButton;
                        if (radio != null && radio.selected)
                            target = i;
                    // play video
                    if (target > -1)
                        trace("play video: index=" + target + " id=" + this.dataVideoIds[target]);
                private function makeDateFromString(dateStr:String):Date
                    var dateNum:Number = Number(dateStr);
                    var date:Date = new Date(dateNum);
                    trace("date=" + date.toLocaleString());
                    return date;
                private function formatDateLabel(cur:Date, prev:Date, axis:IAxis):String
                    var label:String = cur.month + "/" + cur.date + " " + cur.hours + ":" + cur.minutes;
                    return label;
        import mx.charts.series.LineSeries;
        public class BwcLineSeries extends LineSeries
            public function BwcLineSeries()
            override protected function updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth:Number,
                var useWidth:Number = unscaledWidth;
                var useHeight:Number = unscaledHeight;
                /*if (isNaN(useWidth))
                    useWidth = 745.5;
                    useHeight = 365;
                super.updateDisplayList(useWidth, useHeight);

    @Jason Villmer,
    I believe the issue you're describing is http://bugs.adobe.com/jira/browse/SDK-26940.
    There is a workaround listed in the bug report which should work (based on my testing), or you could probably set the direction and layoutDirection styles globally using a Style block.

  • Using Flex 3D Charts in Flex Builder 3

    Hi all,
    has anyone successfully used the Flex 3D Charts library in FlexBuilder 3?
    The component is at
    http://www.adobe.com/cfusion/exchange/index.cfm?event=extensionDetail&loc=en_us&extid=1047 990
    and having trawled back there was some chatter about the library back in 2007, but few people seemed to have got it to work.
    I can draw a blank chart area (ie carefully not adding a data series to the chart) but as soon as a series is added I get an error starting
    Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
        at com.adobe.flex.extras.charts.series::Column3DSeries/describeData()[C:\perforce\depot\flex \components\FlexComponents\com\adobe\flex\extras\charts\series\Column3DSeries.as:870]
    with a whole load of stack trace following on. This happens whether I use MXML or create at runtime in an AS class.
    I notice that the library only claims compatribility with FB 2.0 but had hoped there would be backwards compatibility.

    We have added 3d versions of the charts to our Spark based Flex charting framework : http://blog.flexicious.com/post/Flexicious-30-Release-Flex-Spark-Charts-with-Skinning-Supp ort.aspx

  • Bar chart with current date in X axis

    I have attached a vi that I hoipe somebody can help with.
    If you look at the vi, there are two bars showing.
    1.How can I attach the current date to the X axis.
    For instance.....suppose the first bar (far left) was produced with data from yesterday...then the X axis would indicate yesterdays date.
    The next bar was produced from data obtained today, so would show todays date.....etc
    An array of dates is not suitable, as no prior date knowledge is assumed......just the current date when the bar was graphed.
    2. Can the date be vertical....or even fancier....on a 45 degree slope, upwards and to the right
    Thank you and best regards
    Go to Solution.
    Bar chart.vi ‏16 KB

    Hi, this will plot what ever data you got with the current date on the X Axis. But remember that since this is a graph, any new value plotted will erase the previous one. Dont have LabVIEW 9 otherwise would have checked your VI out. This plots each value with the current date.
    LabVIEW 8.2,8.6,2009...still learning
    Date Plot.png ‏16 KB

  • How to dynamically add new line series to the line chart in flex?

    i need to add line series dynamically..and each line  series should have a different data provider...

    A chart can have only 1 dataProvider which in my case is an ArrayCollection.
    The chart will update every time the dataProvider changes if you use binding.
    So you have to write a function that periodically populates the ArrayCollection with data from the server and the chart will update automatically.
    'Using line charts' tutorial from Adobe: http://livedocs.adobe.com/flex/3/html/charts_types_08.html#243339

  • Goal Line Chart in Flex

    Hello All,
      I'm creating a project that consists of flex chart componnents. However, client requires a goal line in the charts. I've googled allday on this and cant seem to find any samples. Is this even possible? If so, can you please lead me to the right direction.
    Kinda like this example..but just have the goal line horizontal.

    Can you just take the min and max from the data source feeding your line chart, build a separate line chart with start and end corresponding to those two points and y-value corresponding to your goal, and add a second series to the chart? You may need to build a custom lineSegmentRenderer if you want a dashed line but a thin, low-alpha line may look fine.

  • Line Chart Problem, multiple point in X axis

    I need to create a line chart , with many data points between two points in the X-Axis.
    For example,
    for month january my reading is 4,3,5,2,8
    for month feb my reading is 1,5,3,5,2
    I need only two points in X axis, which are january and feb and all the reading should come in gaph.
    I am attaching a picture of the graph i required. Can any one help me how should i fill the arraycollection or XML in order to get the graph.

    Here is a script which will illustrate how to conditionally display the X-axis label on a line chart:
    DROP TABLE tmp_test_data;
    CREATE TABLE tmp_test_data
    (date_stamp DATE,
      value      NUMBER);
      FOR i IN 1 .. 233 LOOP
        -- get a random integer between 1 and 100
        INSERT INTO tmp_test_data
         (date_stamp, value)
        VALUES (TRUNC(SYSDATE)-i, dbms_random.VALUE(1,100));
      END LOOP;
    SELECT NULL link, CASE WHEN MOD(day,7) = 0 THEN day ELSE NULL END label, value
      FROM (SELECT date_stamp, value, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY date_stamp) day
             FROM tmp_test_data a
             WHERE date_stamp >= TRUNC(SYSDATE)-90
             ORDER BY date_stamp) b
    ;There may be a better way to do this. I know this will work.

  • Angular Gauge chart in flex

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    I couldn't find any thing similar in flex.
    Does any body know any charting library to get similar charts?

    Can you just take the min and max from the data source feeding your line chart, build a separate line chart with start and end corresponding to those two points and y-value corresponding to your goal, and add a second series to the chart? You may need to build a custom lineSegmentRenderer if you want a dashed line but a thin, low-alpha line may look fine.

  • Graph / Chart show system time in X-Axis.

    I try to plot the temperature graph/ chart with respect to my system time. The problem is that the if i select the relative time it starts from 00:00 and if i select absolute time it always starts from 05:00 in 24Hrs.
    I need X-Axis Chart/Graph show my system time and in Y- Axis it show the Temperature value which is received from serial port.
    Temperature Recorder.vi ‏100 KB

    First I am very thankful to you for your kind cooperation. As I am beginner
    my questions may be the unintelligent.
    I have tried it and now the system time shows in graph. I have also a time
    sync problem. After initializing graph with the time being the value of time
    does not match with system time. Some time it is faster with respect
    to system clock and some time it is slower with respect to system clock. I
    observed it is slow when the data of graph is 1 byte long and when the data is
    2 or 3 bytes long it goes fast.
    The another problem is the chart Y-Axis Interpret HEX value (00 to FF) means 0-255
    points only. My data is ASCII string with 4 characters like ‘9562’. Every character
    will show the weightage as shown in attached file. I want to use the same ASCII
    string to the input of graph for single point. Instead of HEX value (00 to FF).
    And the another help from your side can you send me the book name or softcopy of LAB
    View tutorial (Easy understandable).
    data.JPG ‏79 KB

  • Creating chart with "Time Scale" on group axis

    I am using Visual Studio 2005 with Crystal Reports (ver 10.2) and I would like to create a report with a "Date axis line chart". The group axis of the chart should act as a timeline, so I selected "Show Time Scale" in the general options of the group axis. I'll give you a short example of the input data:
    It is just a simple table with 2 columns. In the first column there is a timestamp (X/group axis), in the second column an integer value (Y/data axis) that represents a status of something:
    col1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . col2
    2012-01-01 00:00:00 . . . . 2
    2012-01-01 01:00:00 . . . . 1
    2012-01-01 09:00:00 . . . . 3
    2012-01-02 12:00:00 . . . . 1
    .... and so on.
    As you can see, the differences between the timestamps are not equal. Therefore I have selected the "Time Scale" option to get the values placed correctly on the timeline. When I execute it, the line is shown correctly, but the group axis has just one label per day. I would like to have one per hour, but I did not find any way to realize it. Is it possible to change the division of the group axis? In the tab "scales" of the options dialog you can only select "Day", "Month" and "Year" for the base unit. Is there any way to change the base unit from day to hour?

    This being more of a design question I asked the CR design guys for some guidance / comment. (BTW., you posted to the correct / prefered forum here as you're using the bundled CR). Anyhow, the answer I got is not particularly encouraging.
    We looked at the stand-alone / full version of CR but only confirmed that  there is no other options than Day, Month or Year for this type of chart - even in the full CR designer.
    Suggestions that did come up:
    - Create a SQL Query that generates the missing data. Unfortunately, it would be up to you to figure this out...
    - Use the subreport technique to fill the missing time. ( I have attached a sample report with some explanations )
    If you have more questions, I'd recommend creating a thread in the [SAP Crystal Reports Design|SAP Crystal Reports, version for Visual Studio; forum. Quote this thread and see if they can provide further assistance.
    Follow us on Twitter http://twitter.com/SAPCRNetSup
    Got Enhancement ideas? Try the [SAP Idea Place|https://ideas.sap.com/community/products_and_solutions/crystalreports]

  • Crystal Report XI create Gannt chart by quarter or display x axis quarters

    Hello all, I have just about given up on this one.  I thought it would be simple.
    I have a database that i need to report on by quarter.  It has a project name and implementation date.  All I need to do is display the project name and the date in will implement.  I have this part working. I need to convert the x axis to display by quarter instead of month year.  Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated.

    it seems to me that you would have to probably create a conversion formula to convert the dates into quarters and then use the formula in your chart vs. the actual date.

  • Bar chart with hyperlink values in X-Axis in XIR2

    Hi folks,
    I am trying to create a bar chart which shows values for 2 measures using one dimension in the X-axis. I want an hyperlink associated with the values in the X-axis because I want to implement the ability of drilling through to another report when I click any of those values. That second report will show information filtered by the value of the dimension I clicked on.
    I was reading a bit about it and it looks like it is not possible. The workaround provided was to make a table aside the chart and implement that behaviour in the table, not in the chart.
    Anyone of you could confirm this? Any of you has another ideas?
    Thanks a million
    J. Russell

    Hi Arif,
    That is one of the work-arounds I have in mind.
    Thanks for your answer
    J. Russell
    Edited by: John Russell on Aug 26, 2009 10:59 AM

  • Export charts in flex

    How to export column and bar chart data into csv file in flex.

    If you are using custom fusion chart then see the link
    Else if you are using flex charts itself try this.
    Hope that helps you.

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