Animated Handwritten Text

Is there a plugin, or another way, to make text appear to be handwritten on the screen.  That is, animated, as thought someone is writting across the screen. The client....

I've been posting this advice for decades, might not apply to your situation so ignore.
If you need to simulate handwriting, it's really hard. If all you need to do is reveal glyphs from left to right, that's easy; a simple mask will do the job.
Here's how we did it in the olden days: we put a camera under a piece of glass and had someone write on the glass with a paint pen. Then we used that tape (tape!) to key a black line. That experience, and the fact that I am avid fountain pen user, has honed my handwriting reveal skills to unimaginable heights. Use a script typeface or photograph real handwriting. Then get ready for many interesting hours of mask animations. You will need dozens of masks.
The trick is to realize that handwriting is nonlinear and requires what is known as lifts. The pen comes off the page and the hand moves before the pen contacts the page again. You lift between words, some glyphs, and to dot or cross some characters. Some characters take much more time to draw that others. If all of your masks move at the same pace the effect is obviously fake.

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    Sure - easily one of the most asked about animated effects on
    this forum - search the forum first
    and you would have found a link to this:
    hope it helps
    Chris Georgenes
    Adobe Community Expert
    oxonian wrote:
    > I've recently found that Illustrator does a good job of
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    Ensure that the text you are adding the Text Animation to is only one line long.

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    Now, I have not used actual handwriting, but the concept is the same with a "handwriting font," as with the actual handwriting.
    I use a series of Layer Comps in Photoshop, and Import those into Premiere Pro (will be essentially the same for AE). I start with the completed graphic, and then add a Layer Mask that covers everything up. Usually, I will just "paint in" this Layer Mask, so that I can get a rough idea of layout of the text. [If you scan is picking up background, such as the paper, things get a bit more tricky.]
    Then, I hit the X button, to switch my colors for "painting out" that mask, starting with the first stroke, and working up to having no mask holding back, or hiding the text. Where strokes cross over each other, you have to give consideration for how that handwriting would appear, if one had shot a video of it, and at the cross-overs, the removal of the mask will be more complex, so as to not reveal any of the next stroke too soon. It can be a bit tedious, but can produce a good result.
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    Good luck,

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    best would be you would create your sentence "fanbase" and break down the single letters into objects by selecting the whole textfield and pressing CTRL+B, convert everyone of them into single movieclips or graphics and tween them accordingly.

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    My last answer today, want to go to bed (11pm), very tired.
    Choose Insert, Text Animation. Default style is Aquarium, but if you scroll down in the long list you'll find Typing Text and it is working very well (tested it before answering).
    FMR = Full Motion Recording. When using Automatic Capture, and have a scrolling or dragging movement, CP will switch automatically to FMR and you get sort of a video slide (red line in the axis of the timeline of that slide). A tip: default setting is 16-bit which gives an awful quality, change it immediately to 32-bit (Preferences, Recording, Video Demo - don't worry setting is used both for Video Demo and FMR). It is the only situation where FMR, which was the only video possible in previous versions, is still used. A better quality can be had with the new Video Demo mode for a recording slide but work flow is a bit more cumbersome because you have to stop the Automatic capture (being aware when CP should switch to FMR), then insert a Recording Slide, Video Demo, and then add additional Automatic Capture slides.

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    Can be done either way ( and others as well)
    From Photo Shop one would produce the Layer so one could have individual Control of the components. eg Opacity of the black rectangle and fades on the text.
    Same could be done with multiple titles created in PPPRO.
    Similar layers technique in After Effects composition then brought back into PPRO
    AEFX would be the most powerful for any composting and animation sophistication and control.

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    ... and here's another way to skin that cat: use the Write On effect.  You can animate the brush thickness in Write On.  Very handy.  Use it as a track matte.

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    Chris and Trish Meyer describe a few methods here.
    You can find other suggestions by searching for 'text ticker', etc.
    As Mylenium says, the built-in Autoscroll - Horizontal animation preset may be enough for your purposes.

  • Animating png text in After effects

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    You are going to run into problems with the intersecting lines that need to be addressed by splitting the layer when the stroke crosses the intersections. The technique is relatively simple. The more complex your text and the more overlapping lines you have the more time consuming it is.
    First add your text layer to the timeline (by the way the PNG you supplied is way too big. You could crop it so it was just exactly the size of the text), then add a Red solid to the comp and set the blend mode to Screen. You will be able to see the text through the solid. Now with the pen tool carefully trace a mask path over the text layer. Once the trace is complete add stroke to the solid layer and adjust the width of the stroke so that it is wide enough to cover all of the text. Animate the in or out point so that the stroke traces over the text, then set the stroke to On Transparent. Now use the stroke layer as a track matte for the text layer. As the stroke reveals the text there will be places where it crosses the lines of the text and spoils the effect. At each crossing point you need to add a mask to cover the intersections. I do this while scrubbing through the timeline and make my masks just big enough to cover the spoiled intersections. You set the masks to subtract or check the invert box. When you're done you'll have a bunch of holes in your text layer. Here's how you fix that.
    Scrub through the timeline until the stroke comes to the first mask. Select both the track matte and the text layer and press Ctrl/Cmnd + Shift + D to split the layer. Move forward one frame and delete the mask that is causing the hole. Move forward until the stroke appears on the other side of the hole, split the layer and delete the mask causing the hole. Repeat until you have all of the problems solved.
    Here's a start on the project using your supplied PNG file. I did the first few crossings for you so you can see how it's done. I only drew a few of the masks on the text. You'll have to do the rest. One more thing, You'll see an extra path on the Track Matte layer that is not covering anything. This stroke is there to give the pen time to move from the first mask over the S to the next letters. Adjusting the length of this stroke is an easier way to fine tune the timing than animating the end point of the stroke.  Enjoy.
    One more note, I probably would have just used a text layer in AE for this job. There's nothing special about the PNG file that couldn't have been done more efficiently with a text layer.

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    Please indicate the versions of WORD and Acrobat. Also, tell us just how you are creating the PDF. It may be that Deepak's suggestion works, but he has also made an assumption about how you are creating the PDF.

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    I'm not sure if this is the way to go, but with no programming skills I would love it to work.
    Thanks, Maurits

    Even if you did have the programming skills, I'm not certain animated PDF form fields would be feasible, or desirable. InDesign > PDF animations are Flash based, and somewhat a backward step with respect to supporting technologies and viable deployment. If anything, you'd want to be exploring the possibilities of doing what you envision using HTML 5, or at least JQuery, which I know can be used to animate within form fields.

  • Animating Pictures or Text Captions

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    Is there any way of getting more animation of Text Captions or pictures, other than simply fading them in?  I know there is the option of setting up and using the 'Text Animations' but I find the text formatting options very limited.  Notwithstanding this text issue, what about having pictures entering with a little more pizazz?
    Any help would be most appreciated and if anyone from Captivate Development are reading and this isn't possible - can we have it for the future... including making the Text Animations feature more versatile with respect to text formatting - or am I just missing something here?
    Many thanks in advance
    Kind regards

    Hi there
    Captivate can seem limiting at times. But mostly, I think it's more of a "Can't see the forest for all the darn trees in the stupid way!" issue.
    Perhaps if you could articulate exactly how you would like to "jazz it up", we might suggest alternatives or using other features to help.
    What you described seems to be a bit on the "fuzzy nebulous" end of the spectrum.
    Cheers... Rick
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