Animated rollover

What's the best way to achieve the following:
I'd like the user to move the cursor over part of the screen,
then a
small animation pops up (not the same size as the 'hot'
area). Then when
you move your cursor off the hot area, and the animation
fades out. And
I'd like it to fade out from the point it's at in the
Hope that makes sense.
And happy new year to all.

Thanks for the reply and samples.
I actually thought of using a film loop and exchanging cast
members like:
What I was thinking (comparing to the above example), is you
move the cursor over
the black, and then the 'wipe right' appears and then starts
animating. I guess the
film loop could be made to include the black (larger
I didn't know you could fade a film loop. I've tried changing
the Blend in the
Property Inspector. It doesn't work can you explain how your
film loop fade works?
I'm not very Lingo savvy. I don't know what 'the actorList'
is that you used.
What's the difference between 'blend' and 'blendLevel'?
On your last example, swapping one sprite when you rollover
another, from what I
understand, you're switching the cast member associated with
the sprite right? The
problems I've seen when trying to switch say an invisible
shape member with a film
loop is
- sometimes you don't get alignment right
- sometimes the film loop stretches so does not maintain its
correct proportions.
Anyway, with your demos, I think I can get the rollover
animation happening. Could
probably make the fade happen on a rollover off, but still
not all the way yet.
What I want to happen is
- you rollover, and the film loop animation starts I can do
- you move off and it starts fading out. Guess I could have a
static version behind
the film loop and make it fade out to that.
- Once it's fully faded out, it switches to the static
version. This is needed so
you don't have a looping faded out animation happening.
Maybe, the best way would be to somehow have the film loop on
screen but paused on
the first frame. First frame would not show animated part.
Then when you rollover
it, it unpauses, animation appears and starts playing. When
you move off, the film
loop fades out. Then I guess I'd need a static version of the
graphic behind so it
fades to the right background. Once it is faded out, pauses.
Once you rollover the
film loop a second time, it jumps to frame 1, resets (not
faded out) and starts
playing again.
Is it possible to pause and play and jump to a frame in a
film loop? If so, how?
Sorry my reply was long. Was thinking and testing your files
while writing. Thanks
again for your help.

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    Hi Lily,
    Thanks for highlighting other items which are not supported in Responsive projects. For now we can consider that the features which are disabled(grayed out/Inactive) in UI for Responsive Project, are not available for Responsive Project.
    A quick list of features that are not supported:
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    2) Line shape and free polygon.
    3) Drag and Drop Interaction.
    Thanks and Regards

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    I've look at the site but am not sure what you mean. 1st I
    don't know what the music bar is. Are you talking about the menu
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    this.mcAboutus.onRollOver = function() {
    this.mcAboutus.onRollOut = function() {
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    Originally posted by:
    mcAboutusover should be a movieclip that has your over
    animation and it should have a stop() on its last frame. it should
    be placed on your _over frame in mcAbousus' timeline. you should
    then use:
    Ok, so I have my main timeline, in it has my
    mcAboutus>> then inside that I have three labels. _up which
    has the static text then on frame 5 I have the _over which has the
    keyframe for the mcAboutusover, this animation is 90 frames, then I
    have on frame 10, the _off for the RollOut state, and I have a 10
    frame animation on that one. I still can't get it to continue on
    after the initial rollover, the button still dies down.
    I am going to redo everything in a presentation timeline,
    based on Total Training and see if that helps my problem out any,
    and will get back to you tomorrow with more info. Thanks

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    at web design)?
    Thanks again

    Perhaps I am understanding something wrong, or perhaps I am
    explaining my situation wrong.
    Everything you have said so far works the way you explained
    it, but here is why it does not work in my situation:
    If I set the right value to 20% (for example), than the layer
    will be 20% from the right side - which is fine in theory, but as
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    moves as well (because it is remaining 20% away from the edge). The
    result is that the layer moves "on top" of other elements of my
    page. The same for the top value - if I set it a certain %, and
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    left side - which means my layer starts to move off of the right
    side of my canvas.
    I hope that gives a clearer image of my situation.
    Oh, and thanks again for all the help
    EDIT Here is a little animation I made that shows the
    problem by simulating different browsing sizes. Color Red is my
    menus/headers etc. Blue Gradient is my background (behind my
    canvas). The little text block in center is my Layer. Black is
    outside of the window area.
    This is with my right value set to an X number of pixels. But
    the situation would be similar if I set it to have a left px value,
    or a left/right % value (only it would move the other way).

  • A bit more help with conditions

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    1. Once the button is rolled over, clicking will switch between a word symbol and it's definition
    2. Due to the above, I also need two rollOut  states as well.
    I made a run at both, with the results posted here:
    There are definitely some bugs, I am just not sure where to go from here. I see that if you mouse over and interact, then get off, when you go back onto the button, it is still in the same pattern (has not reset) and that needs to happen.
    Also, on the first click, nothing happens... a second click is required to get the switch to happen. Below is my code thus far:
    btn_disHit.buttonMode = true
    btn_disCase.buttonMode = true
    btn_disCase.buttonState = "on";
    btn_disHit.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, disToggleClick);
    btn_disHit.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, disToggleOut);
    btn_disHit.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, disOver);
    function disOver (e:MouseEvent):void{
        btn_disCase.gotoAndPlay ("disOver");
    function disToggleClick (e:MouseEvent){
        if (!e.currentTarget.toggle){
            btn_disCase.gotoAndPlay ("disClick")
        else {
            btn_disCase.gotoAndPlay ("disClickB")
    e.currentTarget.toggle = !e.currentTarget.toggle;
    function disToggleOut (e:MouseEvent){
        if (!e.currentTarget.toggle){
            btn_disCase.gotoAndPlay ("disOutB")
        else {
            btn_disCase.gotoAndPlay ("disOut")
    e.currentTarget.toggle = !e.currentTarget.toggle;

    I do see that I need to set an if (on this frame, go to this frame) type of condition, rather than the current target, I guess I am just not sure how to code a conditional to recognize which frame it is in to go to the other, rather than using current target?

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    Yes, Captivate 7. I'm re-working an old Dreamweaver HTML CBT program to bring it up to today's standards using Captivate. I previously had small cartoon hands pointing to the right or left to click to go to the next or previous slide.The pointing hands are static, but on rollover I had an animated gif of the pointing hand moving in the direction it pointed. I'm certain I can figure out a workaround, just wanted to see if there was a built-in way to have an animation be the 'over' state.

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    fireworks or showing when exported dreamweaver. any idea how to fix
    it? many thanks

    If you're using Dreamweaver, the easiest thing is to do your
    rollovers there. Export your two images from Fireworks, then use
    Dreamweaver's menu:
    Insert > Image Objects > Rollover Image
    It's a snap.
    Fireworks is a graphics program that can export HTML for
    mockups and prototypes. It is not a visual Web development tool.
    When you switch from making graphics to making pages, switch from
    FW to DW.

  • Animated gif on multiple rollover buttons ?

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    Somehow when I put this together the animation only works for the
    first time I do the MouseOver. - the anim gifs are not looping I
    want them to restart every time I have a MouseOut and MouseOver.
    I get this to work if i dont put in preload images as default
    but then I will have problems with delays instead. Do anyone know
    how to solwe this problem in an easy simple to explane kind of way
    Greetings from Sweden !

    I want to use animated gifs as MouseOver in rollover buttons.
    Somehow when I put this together the animation only works for the
    first time I do the MouseOver. - the anim gifs are not looping I
    want them to restart every time I have a MouseOut and MouseOver.
    I get this to work if i dont put in preload images as default
    but then I will have problems with delays instead. Do anyone know
    how to solwe this problem in an easy simple to explane kind of way
    Greetings from Sweden !

  • Loss of rollover behavior with animated GIF

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    I found out that it works better to import the animated GIF's through dreamweaver.
    It is now working.

  • Rollover Animation Problem

    So im creating a flash website and for some reason my
    rollover on some of my buttons is acting up.
    If you try the first blue one, it works fine but by the end,
    the purple and yellow, only one star appears! I have no clue whats
    going on! :(

    You probably need to clean up your star animations. You
    probably notice all of the Tween #'s that are in the library. Those
    are usually generated when something isn't being done right in
    timeline tweens... they get automatically created to fill in
    undefined spaces--though I don't know the true cause of it. Chances
    are you tried using the png version of it without creating it as a
    graphic symbol, which led to all kinds of others of it being
    generated as symbols.
    You should be able to create all of your star animations
    using just one star graphic. Take the png and put it on the stage.
    Right click it and select Convert to Symbol... then select Graphic
    as the symbol type.
    Then take that symbol and replace each instance of what you
    use in the smallStarRollover mc with that symbol, at both ends of
    the tween, sizing and rotating it as needed. Then see if it works
    any better.
    You should probably do the same for the StarRollover mc.
    Once you have those changes, delete all of the Tween #
    graphics that involve the star and run the file. You'll know you
    did it correctly if no new Tweens show up.

  • Rollover animation and click combination problem

    Hey everyone....thanks in advance for the help
    I'm trying to edit an old Flash 8 in CS4, so I'm using AS2.0
    My problem is I have a menu bar that animates on screen from left to right on load
    and then it animates and plays a sound on rollover. I can't for the life of me get it to be able to hyperlink properly. I've gotten it to hyperlink on click, but then the rollover effect stops working. I've gotten it to hyperlink and rollover, but then the background covers up the's frustrating the heck out of me!
    Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

    change its timeline rollover/rollout animation to use actionscript only to animate it.

Maybe you are looking for