ANN: uCalc Fast Math Parser 2.96 released

uCalc Fast Math Parser 2.96 was officially released this week.  uCalc FMP will allow your applications to evaluate math expressions defined at runtime.  uCalc FMP can work with LabVIEW using the uCalcWrp.dll wrapper DLL (included in the download).
  For more details see:
Product Overview
Main Features
What's New in v2.96
  Daniel Corbier
Author of uCalc FMP
Daniel Corbier

Unfortunately, currently uCalc doesn't have detailed documentation specifically for LabVIEW the way it does for other supported compilers.  However, there is a LabVIEW entry in the help file (uCalcFMP.chm), under Compiler Specifics (the LV entry directs you to a topic entitled Other Compilers).  There you will see the list of uCalc routines that are exported from the DLL.  This will help you determine the number of parameters and data types to use in your prototypes.
By the way, if the help file appears blank (as people occasionally report), simply right-click the uCalcFMP.chm file, and change the security setting to allow that file to be viewed.
Daniel Corbier

Similar Messages

  • ANN: uCalc Fast Math Parser 2.95 - better LabVIEW support

    uCalc Fast Math Parser 2.95 is now available.  With the help of a LabVIEW user, better support for LabVIEW was implemented in this version, in the form of a wrapper dll (uCalcWrp.dll).
    uCalc Fast Math Parser lets you evaluate math expressions defined at runtime.   I am not a LabVIEW user myself, but I'm told that LabVIEW has a parser, but uCalc has the advantage of being faster, and more flexible.
    See for details.
    Daniel Corbier

    Unfortunately, currently uCalc doesn't have detailed documentation specifically for LabVIEW the way it does for other supported compilers.  However, there is a LabVIEW entry in the help file (uCalcFMP.chm), under Compiler Specifics (the LV entry directs you to a topic entitled Other Compilers).  There you will see the list of uCalc routines that are exported from the DLL.  This will help you determine the number of parameters and data types to use in your prototypes.
    By the way, if the help file appears blank (as people occasionally report), simply right-click the uCalcFMP.chm file, and change the security setting to allow that file to be viewed.
    Daniel Corbier

  • UCalc Fast Math Parser for LabVIEW?

    Several customers have been using the uCalc math parser product with LabVIEW.  Recently one LabVIEW / uCalc user has attracted my attention to the fact that the new version of uCalc FMP is now harder to use with LabVIEW.  Direct support for LabVIEW was never figured into the design of uCalc.  It just so happened that the older uCalc version worked with it.  Now, I’d like to figure out if there are enough potential uCalc FMP users to make it worth adding direct support for LabVIEW.
    uCalc FMP lets you evaluate math expressions that are defined at runtime.  You can define functions, operators, and variables, and use them in your formulas.  The older version that is easier to use with LabVIEW can be found at (you won’t find the old version in the current download page for now).
    I myself have no experience with LabVIEW.  However, with some 3rd party help, the user who contacted me recently was able to interface the new uCalc version with LabVIEW.  Perhaps LabVIEW developers may want to weigh in.  Might you be able to create an “official” uCalc FMP wrapper for the current version of uCalc, or give some tips on what it would take for me to do it?
    Daniel Corbier

    In the previous DLL, I exported a series of functions such as an eval routine that returns the result of evaluating an expression, as in
    which would return 9; a routine to define functions as in
    ucDefineFunction("Area(length, width) = length * width")
    or variables as in
    ucDefineVariable("MyVar = 123") 
    plus a list of other routines.
    The new version was completely redesigned.  You can do a lot more.  However, one exported function named uCalc() encapsulates most of the component's functionality.  Instead of exporting many routines from the DLL, wrappers for routines like ucEval, ucDefineFunction, ucParse, etc., are defined in include files for the supported compilers.  On the surface, things run roughly the same for the supported compilers, despite the changes under the hood.  But apparently not so for LabVIEW.
    ucDefineVariable for instance, which previously was directly exported from the uCalc DLL is now defined as follows in the include file for Visual Basic (classic):
    Public Function ucDefineVariable(Definition As String, Optional ItemAddress As Long = 0, Optional ByVal t As Long = 0) As Long
       Dim ItemDef$
       ItemDef$ = "Var: " + Definition
       If ItemAddress Then ItemDef$ = ItemDef$ + " At " + Str$(ItemAddress)
       ucDefineVariable = uCalc(uc_Define, ItemDef$, 0, 0, 0, t)
    End Function
    By the way, what is the link to download the evaluation version of LabVIEW?  I found links for the tutorial.  And there's a "Test-Drive LabView" link that brings me to an online evaluation version.
    Daniel Corbier

  • Fast XML parser for java 1.1.8

    I have to following problem. I am using at the moment kxml2 to parse XML data and it could be faster.
    The data is parsed in a application running on different digiboxes, which use java version 1.1.8(IIRC).
    Anybody here who knows of a smallish but very fast XML parser which runs with java 1.1.8?

    Found this while browsing this forum:
    I'll try it when I get to work tomorrow. It says it is 1.1 compliant so It could be the
    thing I'm looking for.

  • Pls help. which java tool to use for math parser?

    hi there
    pls tell me which java tool and classes do i need to use to create a math parser for defferentiation functions. i googled the topic and only got confused. thanks in advance.

    sabbir736 wrote:
    hi there
    pls tell me which java tool and classes do i need to use to create a math parser for defferentiation functions. i googled the topic and only got confused. thanks in advance.You use a CAS (Computer Algebra System) for such a task: not Java. I recommend Maple or Matlab, or if you don't have any money to spend: you could try Maxima: I heard some good things about it.

  • Help on java math parser

    hi there,
    can anyone pls tell me where i can get some help on 'java programing for math parser'? if the answer is yes then pls tell me where.

    I don't know of a parser that's part of the standard java library, but surely there must be tons of stuff findable with Google. Have you tried to google this?

  • ANN: XML Parser for Java Release

    A new maintenance release of the Oracle Parser for Java is
    available for download. It has the following fixes and changes:
    Bug fixes for #893971, i.e XML parser cannot parse documents
    from InputStream;
    #900146 normalize() is wrong if the literal contains angle
    #898423, multiplicity info about elements enhancement.
    New API in the following Classes:
    1. oracle.xml.parser.ElementDecl
    -getParseTree( Returns the root Node of Content Model
    parse tree, which could then be traversed node by node using
    getFirstChild() and getLastChild() ).
    This is the fourth production patch release. Oracle XML Parser
    Oracle XML Team
    Oracle Technology Network

    The link has been fixed. You will go to the v2 download page
    now. Sorry for the inconvience.
    Oracle XML Team
    Oracle Technology Network
    Renilton Oliveira (guest) wrote:
    : I didn't find the file for version as well.
    : Renilton
    : Andrei Filimonov (guest) wrote:
    : : I tried to download XML Parser for Java v2 it seems that
    : v
    : : is available. Could you please give an exact URL for
    : v2
    : : download?
    : : Andrei Filimonov
    : : Oracle XML Team wrote:
    : : : The Oracle XML v2 parser is now available for download
    : as
    : : : an early beta release and is written in Java. It features
    : an
    : : : improved architecture over the Oracle XML v1 parser and
    : : : shown better performance on small to large XML documents.
    : It
    : : : will also be able to format the XML document according to
    : : : stylesheet, having integrated an XSLT processor.
    : : : Version 2 of the XML Parser for Java, besides
    : an
    : : : XSLT processor, has been re-architected from version 1.
    : : has
    : : : resulted in a number of changes to the class names
    : especially
    : : : those that support Namespaces. See v2changes.txt and
    : the .diff
    : : : difference files in the sample directory.
    : : : Oracle XML Team
    : : :
    : : : Oracle Technology Network

  • Need suggestion about a fast XML parser

    I have a program which needs to parse lots of XML files of sizes varing from few MBs to hundreds of MBs. It needs to parse the file in one-pass, and for which the SAX approach is best suited. I initially tried coding this program using the SAX parser provided by Java library, but it takes way-way too much time to parse the files. I then googled out Piccolo XML Parser, but it throws ArrayIndexOutOfBound exception. Furthermore, sometimes XML files could terminated prematurely.
    Can you suggest any SAX XML parser for this job?

    I am pasting here a trimmed version of my code..... sorry this is not the simplified and complete in itself version as the norm is.
    public Vector<String> search(String dumpfile, String srfor, int type, long size, boolean showTTH, boolean phpSerialize, String hubname) {
         Vector<String> results = new Vector<String>();
         try {
             SAXParserFactory factory = SAXParserFactory.newInstance();
             SAXParser parser = factory.newSAXParser();
             BufferedInputStream ubin = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(dumpfile));
    byte[2]); //To discard the starting BZ flag.
             CBZip2InputStream bin = new CBZip2InputStream(ubin);
             String line = null;
             int c=0;
             line = "";
             while((!='\n' && c!=-1) line = line + (char) c;
             String dnt = line;
             if (c==-1){// (line == null){
              return null;
             line = "";
             while((!='\n' && c!=-1) line = line + (char) c;
             if(c==-1)// (line == null)
              return null;
             if (!phpSerialize)
              results.add("Dump's Date and Time stamp: " + dnt + "\n==========================\n"+"hubname: " + line);
              results.add("$" + dnt +"\n"+"|" + line);
             if(hubname!=null && !line.trim().toLowerCase().contains(hubname.toLowerCase().subSequence(0, hubname.length()))){
              results.add("No hits.");
              return results;
             while((!='\n' && c!=-1);
             FilelistHandler handler = new FilelistHandler(srfor,type,size,showTTH,phpSerialize,hubname,results);
              parser.parse(bin, handler);
             }catch(org.xml.sax.SAXParseException saxe){
              results.add("No hits.");
         } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
             // TODO Auto-generated catch block
         } catch (IOException e) {
             // TODO Auto-generated catch block
         } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) {
         } catch (SAXParseException e) {
             // TODO Auto-generated catch block
             System.err.println("Line: "+e.getLineNumber()+"; Col:"+e.getColumnNumber());
         } catch (SAXException e) {
             // TODO Auto-generated catch block
         return results;
    private class FilelistHandler extends DefaultHandler {
         static final int USER = 0;
         static final int FILE = 1;
         static final int DIR = 2;
         static final int ANY = 3;
         static final int UNKNOWN = 4;
         private Vector<String> results;
         Vector<String> dirs = new Vector<String>();
         private String srfor;
         private int type;
         private int level = -1;
         private long size;
         private boolean showTTH;
         private boolean phpSerialize;
         private String hubname;
         private String currentUser;
         private String currentIP;
         public FilelistHandler(String Srfor, int Type, long Size, boolean ShowTTH, boolean PhpSerialize, String Hubname, Vector<String> res) {
             srfor = Srfor.trim().toLowerCase();
             type = Type;
             size = Size;
             showTTH = ShowTTH;
             phpSerialize = PhpSerialize;
             hubname = Hubname;
             results = res;
         public void startElement(String uri, String lname, String qname, Attributes attrs) throws SAXException {
             String result = null;
             long currsize = 0L;
             String TTH = "";
             String value = "";
             int currType = UNKNOWN;
             if (qname.equalsIgnoreCase("Directory")) {
              value = attrs.getValue("Name");
              currType = DIR;
             } else if (qname.equalsIgnoreCase("user")) {
              currentUser = attrs.getValue("username");
              currentIP = attrs.getValue("ip");
              currType = USER;
             } else if (qname.equalsIgnoreCase("File")) {
              value = attrs.getValue("Name");
              currsize = Long.parseLong(attrs.getValue("Size"));
              TTH = attrs.getValue("TTH");
              currType = FILE;
             if (currType == FILE || currType == DIR) {
              // Searching.
              boolean found = false;
              result = currentUser + ":" + currentIP + ":" + (currType == FILE && showTTH ? TTH + ":" : "") + getPwd(dirs);
              if (result.trim().toLowerCase().contains(srfor.subSequence(0, srfor.length())) || currType == FILE && TTH.equalsIgnoreCase(srfor)) {
                  found = true;
              if (type != ANY && currType != type)
                  found = false;
              if (size >= 0 && currType == FILE)
                  if ((size == 0 && currsize != size) || (size != 0 && (((double) (Math.abs(currsize - size))) / size) > 0.1))
                   found = false;
              if (found) {
                  if (!phpSerialize) {
                   if (currType == FILE)
                       result = result + "/" + value;
                  } else {
                   int index = 0;
                   result = serializeEntity(index++, currType == FILE ? "f" : "d");
                   result = result + serializeEntity(index++, currentUser);
                   result = result + serializeEntity(index++, currentIP);
                   if (currType == FILE && showTTH)
                       result = result + serializeEntity(index++, TTH);
                   result = result + serializeEntity(index++, getPwd(dirs));
                   if (currType == FILE)
                       result = result + serializeEntity(index++, value);
                   result = "a:" + index + ":{" + result + "}";
                  results.add(result); // ADDING THE RESULT.
         public void endElement(String uri, String lname, String qname) throws SAXException {
             if (qname.equalsIgnoreCase("Directory")) {
              dirs.remove(dirs.size() - 1);
         private String getPwd(Vector<String> dirs) {
             String pwd = "";
             for (String dir : dirs) {
              pwd = pwd + "/" + dir;
             return pwd;
         private String serializeEntity(int index, String s) {
             return "i:" + index + ";s:" + s.length() + ":\"" + s + "\";";
         public Vector<String> getParsedData() {
             return results;

  • ANN: XSQL Servlet Release Available

    Oracle is excited to announce the technology preview
    release of Oracle XSQL Pages and the XSQL Servlet with major
    new functionality.
    -----------------[ Download Info ]-------------------
    Click on "Software" to Download
    Click on "Release Notes" for Full Documentation
    XSQL Pages are server-side XML templates that make it easy
    to exploit the powerful combination of SQL, XML and XSLT to
    prototype and deploy dynamic, data-powered sites and web
    The XSQL Servlet installs into your favorite Java Servlet
    environment and works with your favorite relational database,
    making it dead easy to:
    -> Assemble XML "DataPages" from multiple SQL Query
    Results (including full support for Oracle8i's
    richly-structured XML Objects Views), local or remote
    XML resources, Stored Procedure Calls, etc.
    -> Transform the "DataPages" in the server using XSLT,
    optionally using stylesheets that are appropriate to
    the requesting client, including the ability to
    let the client to the stylesheet processing for IE5
    or other clients in the future that support this.
    Our online support forum for XML is at:
    The XSQL Servlet demos (included in the release) are
    installed on Oracle's OTN site and can be tested from the
    comfort of your browser before you download if you choose:
    This new release includes...
    More Documentation
    More extensive documentation and new tutorial material.
    New Demos
    New and enhanced demos with additional notes describing key
    points each demo is trying to illustrate.
    New API's and JavaDoc
    Programmatically process XSQL Pages from your own Java
    programs using a new XSQLRequest object, as well as write
    custom page "action handlers" with new JavaDoc and
    example code.
    New Features
    The <query> element from previous releases is now part of
    the xsql namespace and is referred to using the new
    <xsql:query> syntax in your XSQL Page. A new section details
    how to use <xsql:query> to produce XML query results with
    nested structure.
    Do DML and call stored procedures anywhere you need to in
    your XSQL Pages.
    Use parametrized XSLT Stylesheets and set the stylesheet
    parameter values from your XSQL Page.
    Automatically insert posted XML or HTML Form parameters into
    the database.
    Include arbitrary XML resources at any point in your page by
    relative or absolute URL.
    Include key information like HTTP Parameters, Session
    Variable values and Cookies into your XSQL Page for
    addressing them in your stylesheet.
    Include the results of one XSQL Page at any point inside
    another. This allows sophisticated combinations of multiple
    XML data sources and multiple XSLT transformations.
    Include the results of executing a stored procedure that
    makes use of the Oracle Web Agent (OWA) packages inside the
    database to generate XML.
    Invoke a user-defined action handler, implemented in Java,
    for executing custom logic and including custom XML
    information into your XSQL Page.

    That error message is outdated and should read:
    Cannot find XSQLConfig.xml in your server-side classpath. The error is definitely that it's not finding XSQLConfig.xml on your classpath. The likely cause is that you did not add the directory:
    to your CLASSPATH in the JRun Servlet Engine Java environment.

  • ANN: Spring 1.2 with TopLink Integration Released

    Version 1.2 of the Spring Framework has been released. New in the 1.2 final release is support for TopLink "out of the box". Prior to 1.2, TopLink support was an "add on" that was available on OTN. Now Spring ships with the integration code required to use TopLink as a persistence provider. TopLink 10.1.2 (9.0.4) and 10.1.3 (preview) are supported.
    To get started, try out the Pet Clinic sample app configured to use TopLink.
    NB: Spring doesn't include TopLink; it provides the necessary integration classes. You still need to download both Spring and TopLink.
    - Shaun
    Spring Home page:
    Spring 1.2 Announcement:

    Version 1.2 of the Spring Framework has been released. New in the 1.2 final release is support for TopLink "out of the box". Prior to 1.2, TopLink support was an "add on" that was available on OTN. Now Spring ships with the integration code required to use TopLink as a persistence provider. TopLink 10.1.2 (9.0.4) and 10.1.3 (preview) are supported.
    To get started, try out the Pet Clinic sample app configured to use TopLink.
    NB: Spring doesn't include TopLink; it provides the necessary integration classes. You still need to download both Spring and TopLink.
    - Shaun
    Spring Home page:
    Spring 1.2 Announcement:

  • ANN: DBPrism CMS 2.1.0 production released

    A long awaited new release of DBPrism CMS was released last month.
    This code base is a completed rewritten version of the previous one using native support of Oracle XMLDB and OracleJVM.
    DBPrism CMS is the first Open Source Database Oriented CMS using all native implementation of Oracle XMLDB repository 10gR2. It means that DBPrism CMS will provides powerful CMS functionality using two bigger players, Apache Cocoon presentation framework and Oracle XMLDB repository.
    The core code of the CMS is around of 960 lines of Java running as Stored Procedures, this code is called by Apache Cocoon presentation framework using DBPrism Generator.
    More information at:

    Can I ask you why the documentation doesn't mention any BUG fixes?
    Don't tell me that you haven't find any bugs?
    The XSLPROCESSOR package kills your session after you use it..

  • [ANN] XINS 2.0 Web Services framework released

    XINS 2.0 has been released.
    XINS is an open-source Web Services development framework.
    XINS accepts the following protocols: REST, SOAP, XML-RPC, XML, Yahoo! JSON and JSON-RPC.
    From the specification of the API written in simple XML, XINS generates:
    * Documentation of the specifications and implementations in HTML and OpenDocument format
    * Test forms, for testing your applications with a browser
    * Client-side Java code, supporting load-balancing, fail-over and time-out handling
    * Server-side skeleton
    * Web application (WAR file), compatible with servlet containers
    * WSDL, for SOAP-interoperability
    * SMD, for the Dojo toolkit
    * Unit test code, based on JUnit
    * Stubs, typically used for testing
    The 2.0 release adds the following features:
    * New protocols: Yahoo! JSON (with callbacks) and JSON-RPC (1.0 and 1.1)
    * Import of WSDL and XML Schema.
    * WSDL and SMD meta functions
    * Better integration with the Spring Framework, the Dojo toolkit and GWT
    * Examples with REST implementation, implementation in Groovy and with Dojo toolkit
    * Web site:
    * Features:
    * Demo:
    * User guide:
    * Primer:

    XINS 2.0 has been released.
    XINS is an open-source Web Services development framework.
    XINS accepts the following protocols: REST, SOAP, XML-RPC, XML, Yahoo! JSON and JSON-RPC.
    From the specification of the API written in simple XML, XINS generates:
    * Documentation of the specifications and implementations in HTML and OpenDocument format
    * Test forms, for testing your applications with a browser
    * Client-side Java code, supporting load-balancing, fail-over and time-out handling
    * Server-side skeleton
    * Web application (WAR file), compatible with servlet containers
    * WSDL, for SOAP-interoperability
    * SMD, for the Dojo toolkit
    * Unit test code, based on JUnit
    * Stubs, typically used for testing
    The 2.0 release adds the following features:
    * New protocols: Yahoo! JSON (with callbacks) and JSON-RPC (1.0 and 1.1)
    * Import of WSDL and XML Schema.
    * WSDL and SMD meta functions
    * Better integration with the Spring Framework, the Dojo toolkit and GWT
    * Examples with REST implementation, implementation in Groovy and with Dojo toolkit
    * Web site:
    * Features:
    * Demo:
    * User guide:
    * Primer:

  • ANN: WS Structure Tools 2.0 is released

    West Street Consulting is pleased to announce the release of its Structure Tools plugin, version 2.0. This version includes a new modeless attribute editor that significantly speeds up the process of editing attribute values, with a variety of amenities such as multiple element support, alphabetization, and tokenized values. The software is not free; however, a fully-functional shareware version is available for you to try it out. For more information, please visit
    Russ Ward

    Hi Jeff,
    do you know why there is no 3.2.0 release on official Eclipse Linux Tools archive page ( or who maintains this?
    Thanks a lot,

  • ANN: Jeffrey Zeldman's Web Standards Advisor released

    WebAssist is proud to announce the release of Jeffrey
    Zeldman's Web
    Standards Advisor, a tool to help web designers reap the
    benefits of web
    standard compliant sites. Built in collaboration with Jeffrey
    Zeldman, the
    leading authority on web standards, this Adobe Dreamweaver
    includes full HTML and CSS validation as well as checks a
    wide range of web
    standard issues.
    Key features:
    * Access W3C HTML and CSS validators from within Dreamweaver
    * Validates linked, imported, embedded or inline CSS
    * Checks 9 different microformats
    * Reviews single page, multiple pages or entire site
    * Advises on a range of web standard issues, from classitis
    to deprecated
    * Go directly to the code for any reported issue
    * Full HTML report, suitable for printing
    * Advice on what's nonstandard and how to bring it into
    compliance from
    Jeffrey Zeldman, author of Designing with Web Standards.
    Works with Dreamweaver CS4, Dreamweaver CS3, and Dreamweaver
    8 on both Macs
    and PCs.
    Jeffrey Zeldman's Web Standards Advisor is only $49.99
    ($34.99 upgrade for
    owners of Super Suite and Web Designers Suite).
    For more information, visit
    To check out Jeffrey Zeldman's thoughts on the subject:
    Best - Joe
    Joseph Lowery
    VP of Product Management, WebAssist -
    Author, Dreamweaver CS3 Bible -

    WebAssist is proud to announce the release of Jeffrey
    Zeldman's Web
    Standards Advisor, a tool to help web designers reap the
    benefits of web
    standard compliant sites. Built in collaboration with Jeffrey
    Zeldman, the
    leading authority on web standards, this Adobe Dreamweaver
    includes full HTML and CSS validation as well as checks a
    wide range of web
    standard issues.
    Key features:
    * Access W3C HTML and CSS validators from within Dreamweaver
    * Validates linked, imported, embedded or inline CSS
    * Checks 9 different microformats
    * Reviews single page, multiple pages or entire site
    * Advises on a range of web standard issues, from classitis
    to deprecated
    * Go directly to the code for any reported issue
    * Full HTML report, suitable for printing
    * Advice on what's nonstandard and how to bring it into
    compliance from
    Jeffrey Zeldman, author of Designing with Web Standards.
    Works with Dreamweaver CS4, Dreamweaver CS3, and Dreamweaver
    8 on both Macs
    and PCs.
    Jeffrey Zeldman's Web Standards Advisor is only $49.99
    ($34.99 upgrade for
    owners of Super Suite and Web Designers Suite).
    For more information, visit
    To check out Jeffrey Zeldman's thoughts on the subject:
    Best - Joe
    Joseph Lowery
    VP of Product Management, WebAssist -
    Author, Dreamweaver CS3 Bible -

  • [ANN] Maven Kodo Plugin 4.0.0 Released

    The maven-kodo-plugin team is pleased to announce the Kodo Plugin 4.0.0-EA2
    Maven plugin for Solarmetric's Kodo JDO implementation
    Changes in this version include:
    New Features:
    o This version requires Kodo 4.0.0-EA2 jars. Please note that this version is
    in an early stage.
    To automatically install the plugin, type the following on a single line:
    maven plugin:download
    For a manual installation, you can download the plugin here:,
    Have fun!
    -The maven-kodo-plugin team

    Thanks! We'll add a link in our documentation.

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