Another album artwork question

hey sorry guys, ok i got to pasteing this artwork in the things,and i accidently pasted the wrong artwork for a song,so i put the right one in, but it didnt replace it, it just put both of them there,but i dont want the wrong artwork on that song, and i cant figure out how to get that other artwork off of there..anyhelp, or is this the stupidest flaw itunes could have made

Did you try highlighting the file in your library, going under File, then Get Info, then Artwork? If both pictures are displayed side by side, highlight the one you don't want and click delete.

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    Thank you in advance for your time.

    To clarify, do you mean that in iTunes the artwork is fine, but on the iPod it isn't there?
    Have you tried REMOVING the tracks from the iPod then resyncing them back on?

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    So, as another test, I uninstalled iTunes, then checked the hard drive again.
    All the icons have now turned into Quicktime icons, which leads me to believe that when you look at your music in finder, it shows the icons related to your default music player.
    So, my next step is to find a new default player, and maybe my album covers will show up again.

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    The artwork is stored in Music/iTunes/Artwork.
    iTunes handles everything in that folder when iTunes adds it to the database.
    This info is maintained in the iTunes library file in the iTunes folder.
    iTunes will not do anything by copying or pointing to the artwork folder in your folder.
    Unless you are both using the same iTunes library file, you will need to get your own artwork.
    I put the iTunes Music Library
    Do you mean the iTunes music folder?
    Here's a way to do what you want.
    Move your *iTunes folder* to the shared directory.
    Open iTunes holding Option and select *Choose existing library*.
    Select the iTunes library file in the Shared directory.
    Everything should work fine.
    Quit iTunes.
    Move the *iTunes music folder* from /User/Shared/Music directory into the *iTunes folder* you moved into the Shared directory.
    Start iTunes. Everything should work.
    Quit iTunes.
    Log into your wife's account.
    Start iTunes holding the Option key, select *Choose existing library* and select the *iTunes library file* in the iTunes folder you moved into the Shared directory.
    Everything should be there including all artwork.
    Each user needs to quit iTunes before the other user can open it.
    Shouldn't be a problem since you are using the same computer.

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    I validate the feed and see the
    <itunes:image href="" />
    The feed url is
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    Thank you!

    The URL you give is of your web page. Your feed is at
    and your iTunes Store page is at
    Your image is correctly referenced in the feed and exists on your server. It can take some days for an image to appear in the Store; sometimes the process seems to get stuck and it can take quite a long time. You've done your part correctly and I'm afraid there isn't really anything further you can do about it.
    If you ever decide to change the artwork you need to give the image a different filename because of the cacheing, otherwise the Store won't know it's changed.

  • Album Artwork Question

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    Yes you can.
    Select the first song so it is highlighted, press shift and select the last song. All of the songs in between should be highlighted.
    Right click on one of the highlighted songs and select "get info"-select yes you want to edit multiple tracks.
    In the popup window, drag the image to the artwork window and select apply.

  • Itunes Album Artwork Question

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    I have noticed this on the Mac also. Especially noticeable when two tracks are next to each other in alpha order. This is a recent issue, as have not seen it until recently.
    Perhaps is some confusion when iTunes looks for artwork and there are several versions of artwork at the search site.
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    In the search field in iTunes, type in the name of the album.
    All the songs in the album should appear. Click one of them. Now go to edit-->select all.
    All the songs in that album should be highlighted.
    Right click one, making sure that all stay highlighted. Go to get info. Click yes to the message the appears.
    On the right side of the window that appears is an area for album art. Right click the box and go to paste. The album art should now appear there. Check the box next to the artwork box. Click OK.
    Those songs should now have that piece of artwork.

  • Transfer Album Artwork to another computer?

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    1) C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\My Documents\My Music\iTunes\Album Artwork\Download
    2) C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\My Documents\My Music\iTunes\Album Artwork\Local
    and ALSO in:
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    4) C:\Documents and Settings\MYUSERNAME\My Documents\My Music\iTunes\Album Artwork\Local
    To backup/transfer to another computer, which of these 4 folders do I need? Why are there 4? How can I combine to 1 or 2? Do I simply copy folders from one computer to another? Which folder(s)? My iTunes library is on an ext hard drive, but the album artwork is on the C drive. I backup/transfer the itunes library by connecting my ext hard drive to the 2nd computer, and hit "Add Folder to Library", but don't know how to properly transfer the artwork folder(s). Thanks for the help!

    Hi Pete,
    You would copy the entire iPhoto Library folder to the other computer. Put the iPhoto Library folder in the Pictures folder of the other computer (make sure there is no library with the same name in the Pictures folder. If there is rename it.
    Does the other computer have the same version of iPhoto? does the other computer already have photos in the library.
    What do you want to do if there is another library on the other computer?
    Copy iPhoto Library folder from one Mac to another
    -If the library is small enough, burn the ENTIRE iPhoto Library folder to CD/DVD.
    Drag the iPhoto Library folder from the CD/DVD to your Pictures folder of the iMac.
    -If the computers are networked, copy the ENTIRE iPhoto Library folder to the Pictures folder of the other Mac.
    -If you have an iPod, copy the ENTIRE iPhoto Library folder to the iPod. Connect the iPod to the other computer and copy the iPhoto Library folder to the Pictures folder of the other Mac.
    -If you have a firewire cable, copy the ENTIRE iPhoto LIbrary folder to the Pictures folder of the other Mac
    Things to keep in mind:
    -If the usersnames are different you might have to set the permissions on the iPhoto Library folder to Read/Write for the new user. Check the "apply to enclosed items" at the bottom of the "get info" window.
    -If there is another iPhoto Library folder on the other Mac, change it's name so it doesn't get replaced by the iPhoto Library folder you are copying into the Pictures folder...or....drag it to another place on your hard drive.

  • Another artwork question

    Is there a way to add the artwork yourself. Alot of my songs has the Artist/Album. When I go to "Get Album Artwork" it won't post 'em. (it did on 1 song though) I guess itunes has to have the album in the store or something, huh?
    I marked my other question as "sloved" and now I have some other questions

    If you don't have an account or don't want to create one, here are a couple of other methods.
    First off, make sure you have "show album art" enabled in iPod options.
    Highlight a song or album in iTunes, then right click on it and select the "get album artwork" option.

Go to Google Image Search and type in the artist/album name and click on search images. 

Double click on a picture you like, then at the top of that page click on "see full size image". 

When you get that image, simply copy/paste it into the space for album artwork in iTunes. 

Make sure you select the album in the browser of iTunes before you copy/paste. 

You'd be surprised what Google Images can bring up. There are literally millions, and even obscure album artwork can be found.
    In the unlikely event that Google can’t find an image, you can also get artwork from Amazon.
    If you’re happy using images from Amazon, and don’t want to copy/paste, then iTunes Art Importer is a nice free program to do it for you.

  • Album artwork...2 questions

    Question 1
    i was able to browse album covers flow on itunes when it was first released. I recntly tried to do it and got the 'unable to browse album artwork on this computer' mesage.
    I went through the 'how to fix it' on this board, by updating the drivers, geting the latest version of itunes, etc, but still nothing. PLEASE HELP,
    Question 2
    Can I browse the album cover flow (like a jukebox) of my ipod music on itunes? (my ipod is not insync with my comptuer)
    Thank you for you help.

    i got these songs from my CD and transfered them to my Ipod before putting the album work with the song, the next day when i was free i put all the album art with the songs but when i play my songs the album art doesn't show up but when i open i-tunes it appears. anyway to fix this?
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  • Album Artwork Folder Question

    I have iTunes set to have all of my music files on an external harddrive. I also use Backup to backup my iTunes settings to my Dot Mac account. I've noticed that I am routinely running out of space on my backup folder and decided to see what was going on. I discovered the "Album Artwork" folder on my local harddrive and realized that it was over 300 MB in size and that this was the problem.
    I have searched through the forum and saw that people recommended using Doug's "Embed Artwork" AppleScript. Before I install the script I just wanted to find out if after running it the files in the "Album Artwork" folder will be deleted or if I will have to delete them manually after running the script.
    PowerBook G4/1.67GHz   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

    You can use the script from Doug, but if you're tight on space, that won't help in your situation.
    Instead of only one picture for an entire album, a picture will be embedded in every track of that album.
    Every track with embedded artwork will increase in size, consuming a lot more space in total than a picture stored in the 'Album Artwork' folder.
    Once the picture is embedded in all associated files, iTunes should remove the one in the 'Download' folder, but in my experience doesn't always do that.
    You might also take a look inside the 'Album Artwork' folder.
    The 'Download' folder contains the artwork downloaded from the 'iTunes Store'.
    The 'Local' folder contains the pictures which are used for the 'Cover Flow' feature. These are duplicates of other pictures and stored there for quick access. This folder can be much larger in size than the 'Download' folder. and does not need a backup in my opinion.
    If you delete the 'Download' folder, iTunes will create a new one on the next run and store pictures in it again when using 'Cover Flow'.
    If you try this, you will notice that it behaves rather sluggish the first time (when you have a lot of embedded artwork), because it has to get all pictures from the music files. iTunes then stores a copy in the 'Local' folder for quick access.
    17' iMac 800 MHz, 768 MB RAM, 200 GB HD, DL burner   Mac OS X (10.4.8)   iTunes 7.0.2

  • Album Artwork on iPod question?

    I know that you can import pictures to use as album artwork in iTunes, and I did that for all of the albums that didn't have album artwork pictures. However, when I did that, it would take the songs that I put pictures on there, right off of my iPod. If I took the imported pictures off of iTunes and left if blank, it would put the songs (and blank album artwork) back onto my iPod. Can someone help me?

    Hmm when you import them
    do you drag and drop? if so, that may be the problem.
    try and save the picture and then import it and see if that works

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