Any good websites with SharePoint on a Firefox Mac problems

I am trying to get SharePoint to work on my MAc with Firefox 3.6.6, and I am of course encounterintg heaps of problems. I am establishing the SharePoint system via a PC with Explorer, which of course works fine:-)
I would like to achieve enough functionality through Firefox in Sharepoint, but many features are disabled and I am looking for a site where these issues are adressed!, they won numerous awards from Cisco IP telephony users group. Very attractively priced as well. With PhoneTop Messenger you can do:
Text messages to phones and email groups
Audio paging to phone groups
Push surveys and Amber alerts
Soon you will be able to push alerts issues by National Weather Service -- pushed to phone groups...
PhoneTop Alers pushes out EAS alerts to phone and email groups -- EAS stands for US Emergency Alerts System, which uses FM/AM radio to broadcast emergency notifications to general public based on geographic areas.
PhoneTop K-12 allows teachers to take attendance on IP phones.

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    thanks so much David. i wanted you ask you something about browse windows if you know...
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    function myScript(thisObj) {
              function myScript_buildUI(thisObj) {
                        var myPanel = (thisObj instanceof Panel) ? thisObj : new Window("palette", "STREAMLINE OLIVE!", [0, 0, 300, 300]);
                        res="group{orientation:'column', alignment:['fill', 'fill'], alignChildren:['fill', 'top'],\
                               findStr: StaticText { text:'please enter the exact names of the following render Layers:', alignment:['left','center'] }, \
                               findRow: Group { \
          alignment:['fill','top'], \
          findStr: StaticText { text:'Olive colour:', alignment:['left','center'] }, \
          findEditText: EditText { text:'', characters:20, alignment:['fill','center'] }, \
                              findRow: Group { \
          alignment:['fill','top'], \
          findStr: StaticText { text:'Olive occlusion:', alignment:['left','center'] }, \
          findEditText: EditText { text:'', characters:20, alignment:['fill','center'] }, \
                                findRow: Group { \
          alignment:['fill','top'], \
          findStr: StaticText { text:'Browse for movie:', alignment:['left','center'] }, \
          findEditText: EditText { text:'', characters:20, alignment:['fill','center'] }, \
                        myPanel.grp = myPanel.add(res);
                        myPanel.grp.minimumSize = myPanel.grp.size;
                        myPanel.onResizing = myPanel.onResize = function () {this.layout.resize();}
                        return myPanel;
              var myScriptPal = myScript_buildUI(thisObj);
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    Not sure about links but I have been using a really useful book with loads of good examples. That is if u have the cash or u are near a Uni/library
    McCarty, B & Cassady-Dorion L (1999) Java distributed objects: the authoritative solution

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    From the Safari Menu Bar click Safari/Preferences then select the Security tab. Click: Show Cookies. Select your bank site then click Remove. From the same Menu click the Autofill tab. Click the Edit button next to: Other forms. Select your bank site, click Done.
    Relaunch Safari. If you still have problems with that site, open Keychain Access (Applications/Utilities)
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    You may need to empty the Safari cache and Reset Safari too.
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    From the Safari Menu Bar, click Safari / Reset Safari. Select the top 5 buttons and click Reset.

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    Multifox: <br /> <br />
    Cookie Swap extension: <br /> <br />
    Cookie Pie extension: <br />

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    The plural of anecdote is not data. Of course you'll hear horror stories here. There is no substitute for a good backup/restore strategy. If you can't handle backup and secure storage of data and passwords, than FileVault is not for you.
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    Hello Brian,
    I will leave it to you to decide whether the ones at the bottom of the Where to Find Links to Things About iChat FAQ are "good."
    If you just want to test your camera, see the Want to Test your iSight With Another Person? FAQ.

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    Hmmm, what makes you think there is a compression issue?
    Some users have noticed gibberish pages full of symbols from Google and Twitter because a preference was corrupted. These threads address that issue:
    * [ Gmail is not loading; only showing gibberish]
    * [ Gibberish loading on certain websites]
    * [ network.http.accept-encoding keeps resetting and won't lock]

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    The above seems to match in style and color scheme. If these work, that'd be my recommended choice.
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    Thanks y'all,

    I never tried those, but I currently use this wireless smart one and I really like it so I'd recommend it:
    A proud Sony User since 2002
    If I was helpful to you, thank me by Kudos

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    -Compatible with Snow Leopard
    -Mic included
    -High quality (smallest webcam isn't highest quality, I know this, but highest you can get for the size)
    -Not junky looking
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    I just bought an osCommerce template and I'm looking for a
    company that can do this for me.
    However, if anyone here is really good at designing website,
    I would be willing to work with you.
    We can work out the details.
    Thanks a lot.

    Send a copy of the template with a list of changes you want
    (use the appropriate characters for AT & DOT)
    "textbookb" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:g41ou0$jqg$[email protected]..
    > Hey,
    > Does anyone know any good websites that customize
    > I just bought an osCommerce template and I'm looking for
    a company that
    > can do
    > this for me.
    > However, if anyone here is really good at designing
    website, I would be
    > willing to work with you.
    > We can work out the details.
    > Anyways,
    > Thanks a lot.

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