Any magic way to convert "PC" folders to iPhoto Albums?

I've been using a PC for years to manage my photos and now I have thousands of pictures organized in hundreds of folders.
When I loaded my pictures in iPhoto, it was considered as one Album...
I don't want to spend days redoing everything. Is there any way to create albums based on directory information?
Many thanks

If you drag your PC folder containing photos into the Album pane of iPhoto that folder will be imported both as an Event and as an album as seen in this video.
TIP: For insurance against the iPhoto database corruption that many users have experienced I recommend making a backup copy of the Library6.iPhoto (iPhoto.Library for iPhoto 5 and earlier) database file and keep it current. If problems crop up where iPhoto suddenly can't see any photos or thinks there are no photos in the library, replacing the working Library6.iPhoto file with the backup will often get the library back. By keeping it current I mean backup after each import and/or any serious editing or work on books, slideshows, calendars, cards, etc. That insures that if a problem pops up and you do need to replace the database file, you'll retain all those efforts. It doesn't take long to make the backup and it's good insurance.
I've created an Automator workflow application (requires Tiger or later), iPhoto dB File Backup, that will copy the selected Library6.iPhoto file from your iPhoto Library folder to the Pictures folder, replacing any previous version of it. It's compatible with iPhoto 6 and 7 libraries and Tiger and Leopard. Just put the application in the Dock and click on it whenever you want to backup the dB file. iPhoto does not have to be closed to run the application, just idle. You can download it at Toad's Cellar. Be sure to read the Read Me pdf file.
Note: There now an Automator backup application for iPhoto 5 that will work with Tiger or Leopard.

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    If you need to Transfer photos from iPod to PC,I have a method for your reference,I suggest you use iStonsoft iPod to Mac Transfer software to copy photos from iPod to Mac,a professional software,Not only can you quickly Copy pictures from iPod to Computer,but also can save a lot of trouble and time
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    Step 2. Connect iPhone with Mac
    Step 3. Hit "Photos" to scan photos from iPod to Mac
    Step 4. Click "Photos" button to transfer photos from iPod to Mac
    Step 5. Wait a while,you will success Transfer these photos from iPod to Mac
    How to Transfer/Copy Photos/Pictures from iPod to Mac computer

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    Install NTFS 3G
    If you were going to be reading and writing to a NTFS System Partition, you might have to worry about the instability messing up the operating system.  However, you are reading/writing from a non system, backup device so you don't have to worry about screwing up an operating system.
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    949767 wrote:
    Is there any way to convert PDF document in to Tiff format with inbuilt IBR features?
    In our Webcenter Portal app, we create the PDF document with the content of ADF pages and check it in UCM using RIDC api.
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    You could take a shot through the link above.
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    949767 wrote:
    Is there any way to convert PDF document in to Tiff format with inbuilt IBR features?
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    You could take a shot through the link above.
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    This insert the rows contents after the table instead of being before:
    for (var r = app.selection.length - 1; r >= 0; r--) {
        for (var t = app.selection[r].rows.length - 1; t >= 0; t--) {
            for (var u = app.selection[r].rows[t].cells.length - 1; u >= 0; u--) {
                for (var c = app.selection[r].rows[t].cells[u].paragraphs.length - 1; c >= 0; c--) {
                    app.selection[r].rows[t].cells[u].paragraphs[0].move (LocationOptions.AFTER, app.selection[r].rows[t].parent.parent.storyOffset.parent.insertionPoints.nextItem( lection[r].rows[t].parent.parent.storyOffset));
                    if (c != 0)
                        app.selection[r].rows[t].parent.parent.storyOffset.parent.insertionPoints.nextItem( lection[r].rows[t].parent.parent.storyOffset).contents += "\r";
                if (u != 0) {
                    app.selection[r].rows[t].parent.parent.storyOffset.parent.insertionPoints.nextItem( lection[r].rows[t].parent.parent.storyOffset).contents += "\t";
                else {
                    app.selection[r].rows[t].parent.parent.storyOffset.parent.insertionPoints.nextItem( lection[r].rows[t].parent.parent.storyOffset).contents += "\r";
    for (var r = 0; r < app.selection.length; r++) {
        for (var t = app.selection[r].rows.length - 1; t >= 0; t--) {
            app.selection[r].rows[t].remove ();

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      <Unique 1001019>
      <Pen 15>
      <Fill 7>
      <PenWidth  1.0 pt>
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    Error 7103,
    Regarding Note A and Note B... The Downsample dropdowns list three variations of Downsampling TO, each corresponding to a different downsampling method. When you select one of the Downsampling TO options, then the pixels per inch box allow you to specify the dpi of the downsampled image, the one after the downsampling.
    When you select Off, which means do NOT downsample, then the pixels per inch box is meaningless. Maybe it would be a nice interface feature to disable it, but that is another issue. In any event, OFF ignores any value in pixels per inch.
    Whenever you import an image into your publishing program (FrameMaker, InDesign, or whatever) and scale it, one can think of the scaled image as having a physical dpi, the number of pixels per physical inch on the "paper." When you specify downsampling in Distiller, the number you specify is most likely less than the physical dpi of the image in the document. It is probably meaningless to specify a number that is larger. I am guessing (and this is a guess) that Distiller does not UPsample images. I have never tested it.
    I use 1200 for image recovery.
    I assume you are talking about recoverying an image embedded in (copied into) the publishing document. I believe it is sufficient simply to turn downsampling off to create a PDF with the image at the resolution as embedded in the document.
    No, one of the settings is to Determine Automatically, which uses the resolution of the image IN the PDF.
    Where is that found?
    It is NOT in Distiller. It is in Acrobat Professional. (It may or may not be in Acrobat Standard or Acrobat Reader; I do not have them, so do not know.)
    The original poster wanted to recover an image copied into a Frame document file. My method is to create a PDF using a Distiller joboption with ALL downsampling and ALL compression OFF. Presumably the image is put into the PDF with all the pixels it has in the Frame file.
    THEN in Acrobat PROFESSIONAL, export the image with the setting Determine Automatically. I am presuming (never tested it) this exports ALL the pixels that the image has in the PDF file.

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    Okay, there are a few ways to do this using older versions of ForTheRecord's player software.  Probably the most direct is (if you the ability to run Windows or to access a machine running Windows), download and install the older version 5.4.2 (the file is named Player542setup.exe) at -old-version-player542setupexe
    Once you install this player, you should be able to play your trm file.  When you click on the "Save a Copy to" button (just to the left of the rewind button on the player, it will bring up a small window with options that include "Save format" and you can select "Windows Media" which will save the file to .wma format.  This might be enough for you.  I however, prefer working with mp3 files and then take the wma file and convet it using All2MP3.
    I wish you luck.  This company is not only Mac hostile, but they appear to be desperately clinging to an older business model that rewards tricks and gimmicks and fake excuses to keep their "propriatry" and inferrior software limitations - so that they can hold clients hostage.  Anyway.... 
    I too have not come across this in some time.  I run a small business administering law firms and a staff of paralegals and we all generally use Macs and have virtually no problem with any service these days.   Whether it is our large prominent client or our small sole practitioner - Macs have been our choice - and this headache with trm files is a rareity.  Thankfull, the software the Court's normally use allows a straight to mp3 conversion, unlike this second intermediate step we have to take with your files. 
    Good luck.  

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    Buy a cheap older Mac like an iMac.
     Cheers, Tom

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