Any way to "lock" iPhone Apps?

I purchase and download a LOT of apps. I notice that a majority of the updates associate with the apps either don't apply to me or apply unnecessary, or in many cases unwanted, changes.
I don't want to be forced to update an app so the new cycle of ads can be installed. I don't want to lose my VolumeSnap on my Camera+ app. I don't want to lose my multiple file upload function of Pixelpipe etc. etc. and unfortunately etc.
Is there a way we can lock the apps in their current state so that we can click that Update All button on the top right of the Updates screen in the App Store app without having to cycle through each one individually?
As a side note, can we enable app download queuing already?

Not possible.
Download one by one is forced.
No queue available either.

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    Settings -> general -> restrictions -> Deleting Apps = OFF
    Do not give him the restrictions passcode of course.

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    This may help: iOS: Understanding multitasking.
    If you turn OFF multi-taskng, your toddler won't be able to "swipe" between Apps.
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    Justarius362 wrote:
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    No, you cannot prevent turning off Forwarding in the Messages app, nor prevent deleting messages.

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    Only if you have an iPhone backup from the time before you deleted the app. App data and settings are part of the backup, but iTunes replaces the existing backup with a new one when you sync. Only backups used to restore the phone will not be replaced and marked with a time stamp.
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    you can't reverse the process, once you accepted there is no other way, if you sync it to your itunes library in your computer it will automatically update the updated app as well.
    What you can try though is delete the app from your iPad and try syncing it to your itunes library but if you set up iCloud it may update the app automatically

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    Hey dbaechtel,
    There is a way to do this however you will need to put your Decoration Free Label within a structure.  Check out the following KnowledgeBase article below for more information:
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    Chris LS
    National Instruments
    Applications Engineer
    Visit for step-by-step help in setting up your system.

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    and here is an apple script to toggle the lock on Dock on/off. Paste it into Script Editor and save it as an application.
    <pre style="
    font-family: Monaco, 'Courier New', Courier, monospace;
    font-size: 10px;
    margin: 0px;
    padding: 5px;
    border: 1px solid #000000;
    width: 720px;
    color: #000000;
    background-color: #ADD8E6;
    overflow: auto;"
    title="this text can be pasted into the Script Editor">
    set x to do shell script "defaults read contents-immutable"
    if (x is equal to "0") then
    do shell script "defaults write contents-immutable -bool true; sleep 1; killall Dock"
    do shell script "defaults write contents-immutable -bool false; sleep 1; killall Dock"
    end if
    on error
    do shell script "defaults write contents-immutable -bool true; sleep 1; killall Dock"
    end try

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