Any word from Apple on replacement iPod firmware?

Like many others, I made the mistake of updating my 60GB iPod to version 1.1 firmware. After doing that, I ran headlong into all of the bugs (video playback losing sound, backlighting, refusal to load higher res videos, etc.)
Has anyone talked to Apple tech support to find out when Apple will be issuing new firmware?
I'd really like to get the new remote with FM radio, but it requires version 1.1 firmware and I am not willing to lose the ability to play all of the videos that I've encoded. Nor do I want the ability to download higher res videos taken away (since the higher res videos look much better over the video output to a TV).
This is my first Apple product. Is Apple always to slow to acknowledge and fix bugs? Given all of the problems with the update, it should have been pulled days ago, but it's still there and it keeps messing up people's iPods. It cost me two hours of time. Doesn't Apple care when their customers are having that kind of experience?

Thanks for the reply.
I believe that there are many iPod owners who will either not buy the remote or who will return it in frustration after they learn what the 1.1 firmware does to their iPods.
If buggy software followed by days of dead silence (in response to the ensuing complaints) is typical of Apple, I am completely befuddled by their cult-like following. As I mentioned before, this is my first Apple product. I expected that paying a premium price ($400 for a portable music player is a premium price) would get me a brilliantly designed product and top-quality support. Instead, I get firmware updates which cripple the product and Apple doesn't even have the courtesy to acknowledge the problems and remove the buggy software from its web site.

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