Anybody who wants to moderate an IO working program - come on do it

It just works -- help to improvr
run it first then try to understand
The project is to be submitted before april 15th - I discovered java around August last year
My programing background only Pascal - 4 years ago
For a novice - I'm really getting results... not in clean programming...sorry
// legend
//~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ will mean a new file, another file or the end of the file
//^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ will mean read this instruction
// ok lets go
//^^^^^^^^^ The following code is written in notepad and saved as test.bat
// this file can be saved in jdk/bin as test.bat
//~~~~~~~~~ begin file > test.bat
keytool -delete -alias mykey -keystore "C:\Program Files\JavaSoft\JRE\1.3.1\lib\security/cacerts" -storepass changeit
jar cvf myoscillo.jar newoscillo13.class
del c:\windows\.keystore
keytool -genkey -alias mykey -keypass tarachand -dname "cn=test" -storepass tarachand
jarsigner -signedjar hellosigned.jar -storepass tarachand myoscillo.jar mykey
keytool -export -alias mykey -file mykey.cer -storepass tarachand
keytool -import -file mykey.cer -keystore "C:\Program Files\JavaSoft\JRE\1.3.1\lib\security/cacerts" -storepass changeit
del newoscillo13.class
//~~~~~~~~~ end file > test.bat
//^^^^^^^^^ save the following file as datafile.txt in jdk/bin
//~~~~~~~~~ begin file > datafile.txt this file consists of data ranging from 0 to 300
140 162 340 45 300 300 60 200 20 300
100 16 2 45 300 3 50 64 250 220     
100 360 20 390 40 50 25 10 0 294
230 200 309 140 162 310 45 300 300 60 200 20
//~~~~~~~~~ end file > more data must be added I've given u just this few
//^^^^^ Heres the main program. save it as in jdk/bin
//~~~~~~~~~~ begin
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.applet.Applet;
import java.util.*;
import java.lang.*;
import java.text.*;
public class newoscillo13 extends Applet implements Runnable {
     Thread timer;// thread to produce a delay before repainting
     int delay = 1000;// delay between readings in ms
     boolean initialiser = true;
     String[] nowdate = new String[13];
// defining the oscilloscope coordinates variables
     int screentop = 36;// where the oscillo grid starts
     int screenright = 55; // where the oscillo grid starts
     int screenheight = 400; // size of oscillo
     int screenwidth = 480;// size of oscillo
     int numofcolumns = 12;
     int numofrows = 10;
     int rowheight = screenheight/numofrows;
     int grid = screenwidth/(numofcolumns*5); // grid size
     int numofpoints = 61;
     int[] measuredval = new int[numofpoints +1]; // this array will contain the points to display on the oscillo
     int originx = screenright; // pixel coordinates 5
     int originy = (screentop+screenheight/2);// pixel coordinates 2 + 320/2 = 162
     int xmax = screenright + screenwidth;
     int ymax = screentop + screenheight;
     Color lineColor = Color.white;
     Color gridColor =;
     Color oscilloBgnd =;
     Color fontColor =;
     Color borderColor =;
     Color measuredvaldispbgnd =;
// start programing
     public void init() { }
// starting paint
     public void paint(Graphics g){
     for (int i=screenright; i< screenright+screenwidth+1; i= i+grid*5) {
     g.drawLine(i,screentop,i,screentop+screenheight);}//vertical lines on oscillograph
     for (int i=screenright; i< screenright+screenwidth+1; i= i+grid) {
     for (int i=screentop; i< screentop+screenheight+1; i= i+screenheight/10) {
     g.drawLine(screenright,i,screenright+screenwidth,i);}// horizon lines on oscillograph
     for (int i=screentop; i< screentop+screenheight+1; i= i+screenheight/50) {
// reading a text file > datafile.text placed in c:\jdk1.3.1\bin
int [] measuredval = new int[numofpoints +1];     
int measuredvalue;
try {
RandomAccessFile f = new RandomAccessFile ("c:\\jdk1.3.1\\bin\\datafile.txt", "r");
int dataarraysize = 0;
String s;
          while ( (s=f.readLine()) != null )                          {
               StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(s);
                              while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
                    measuredvalue = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken());
                    if (dataarraysize < numofpoints +1) measuredval[dataarraysize] = measuredvalue;
                    if (dataarraysize>numofpoints) {
                    measuredval[numofpoints] = measuredvalue;
                    for (int k =1; k <= (numofpoints -1); k++) measuredval[k] = measuredval[k+1];
                         }     // end while
                         }     // end try
catch (Exception e) {System.out.println("Execption in constructor readertext13: "+e); } // end catch
               for (int a = 0;a<=(numofpoints -1);a++){
               if (measuredval[a] < 0) measuredval[a] = 0;
               if (measuredval[a] > screenheight) measuredval[a] = screenheight;
// display date and temperature horizontally below the oscilloscope
     SimpleDateFormat now1 = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy hh:mm:ss");
     Date now = new Date();
     String nowstring = now1.format(now);
     g.fillRect(screenright - 4,ymax+5+40,screenwidth+8,20);
     int val = measuredval[numofpoints-1];
     g.drawString(""+nowstring +" Temperature = "+val+"�C", screenright+10,ymax + 20+40);
// x axis labelling - temporary
SimpleDateFormat axisdate = new SimpleDateFormat("mm:ss");
Date noww = new Date();
while (initialiser) {
for (int ii = 0; ii<13;ii++) nowdate[ii] = axisdate.format(noww);
initialiser = false;}
// labelling x axis - time for each column
for (int nw = 0;nw<12;nw++){
nowdate[nw] = nowdate[nw + 1]; }
nowdate[12] = axisdate.format(now);
int wn = 0;
while (wn <12) {
g.drawString(nowdate[wn], screenright wn*40 - 17 ,screentopscreenheight+20);
g.drawString(nowdate[wn+1], screenright +(wn+1)*40-17 ,screentop+screenheight+20);
wn = wn +2;}
g.drawString(nowdate[12], screenright + numofcolumns*40-17 ,screentop+screenheight+20);
// label y axis
     //labeling vertical axis
     for (int n = 0;n<11;n++) {
     int gridlabel = (screenheight - n*40);
     g.drawString(""+gridlabel+"�C", screenright - 45,screentop+screenheight*n/10 +4);
// title label
     g.drawString("Graph of temperature measured against time at which it was measured", screenright+7, 18);
// end label axes
     // draw another graphic , vertical display
     g.fillRect(xmax+10,screentop,16,screenheight+4 );
     // above are fixed rectangles below is a pulsating rectangle depending on val
     int zerotemp = screentop + screenheight + 2;
     int temperature = screenheight - val;
// end draw another graphic--------------------------------------------------------------
// graphic display of temperature -- this is most important, the movie
     originx = screenright;
     originy = screentop + screenheight - measuredval[0];
// draw 10 line segments     
     for (int i = 1; i <= (numofpoints -1);i++){
     g.drawLine(originx,originy,originx+grid,screentop + screenheight - measuredval);
// the starting point is originx, originy
// the lowest point of the oscillograph is taken as 0, so screentop + screenheight
// the end point of the line is originx+grid,screentop + screenheight - measuredval[i]
// the above coordinates become the next starting point
     originx = originx+grid;
     originy = screentop + screenheight - measuredval[i];
// ending paint
public void destroy() {  }
public void start() {
timer = new Thread(this);
public void stop() {
timer = null;
public void run() {
Thread me = Thread.currentThread();
while (timer == me) {
try {
Thread.currentThread().sleep(delay);// wait for delay ms
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
System.out.println("Exception in method run: "+e);
// start update to avoid flickering of the image
private Image offScreenImage;
private Dimension offScreenSize;
private Graphics offScreenGraphics;
public final synchronized void update (Graphics g) {
Dimension d = getSize();
if((offScreenImage == null) || (d.width != offScreenSize.width) || (d.height != offScreenSize.height))
offScreenImage = createImage(d.width, d.height);
offScreenSize = d;
offScreenGraphics = offScreenImage.getGraphics();
offScreenGraphics.clearRect(0, 0, d.width, d.height);
g.drawImage(offScreenImage, 0, 0, null); }
// end update ton avoid flickering
}// end applet
//~~~~~~~~~~ end
//^^^^^^^^^ now the html part
//~~~~~~~~~ save as newoscillo13.html
<OBJECT classid="clsid:CAFEEFAC-0013-0001-0000-ABCDEFFEDCBA"
codebase=",3,1,0" WIDTH=600 HEIGHT=600>
<PARAM NAME = CODE VALUE = newoscillo13 >
<PARAM NAME = ARCHIVE VALUE ="hellosigned.jar" >
<PARAM NAME="type" VALUE="application/x-java-applet;jpi-version=1.3.1">
//~~~~~~~~~ save as newoscillo13.html in jdk/bin
//^^^^^^^^^ go to dos > go to C:\jdk1.3.1\bin>
//^^^^^^^^^ type test and then enter
//^^^^^^^^^ wait to type yes and then enter
// go back to windows, make sure java plug in advanced tab has c:\program files\javasoft\jre1.31
now you can execute the html file newoscillo13.html and please it would be fantastic to
send me your comments and suggestions to improve the program.
I'm suzanne available at [email protected]

Here are my suggestions:
1) Get rid of the signing stuff -- you don't need it if you make the changes as I documented in the code posted below. Java applet can read any data file as long as the files are kept under the same document or code base -- notice that filename is specified without a path (i.e., it's relative). This makes it easier to deploy on the web
2) Since you do not need to sign the applet, you don't need to create a jar file.
3) Since you are not using anything special like swing, use the modified HTML shown below and you'll not have to worry about downloading Java plugin because the modified code will work with IE's native JVM version 1.1.4 and NN's native JVM version 1.1.5 -- should you make additions to the code, make sure that you're not calling methods implemented by Sun after the versions described.
If this helps, give me the Dukes.... If you have more questions, ask!
PS: The changes have been tested with the appletviewer, IE5, IE5.5, NN4.79 and NN6.2
<APPLET CODE="newoscillo13.class" CODEBASE="." width=600 height=600></APPLET>
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.applet.Applet;
import java.util.*;
import java.lang.*;
import java.text.*;
import*;        //<---------- V.V.
public class newoscillo13 extends Applet implements Runnable {
   Thread timer;
   // thread to produce a delay before repainting
   int delay = 1000;
   // delay between readings in ms
   boolean initialiser = true;
   String[] nowdate = new String[13];
   // defining the oscilloscope coordinates variables
   int screentop = 36;
   // where the oscillo grid starts
   int screenright = 55;
   // where the oscillo grid starts
   int screenheight = 400;
   // size of oscillo
   int screenwidth = 480;
   // size of oscillo
   int numofcolumns = 12;
   int numofrows = 10;
   int rowheight = screenheight/numofrows;
   int grid = screenwidth/(numofcolumns*5);
   // grid size
   int numofpoints = 61;
   int[] measuredval = new int[numofpoints +1];
   // this array will contain the points to display on the oscillo
   int originx = screenright;
   // pixel coordinates 5
   int originy = (screentop+screenheight/2);
   // pixel coordinates 2 + 320/2 = 162
   int xmax = screenright +
   int ymax = screentop +
   Color lineColor = Color.white;
   Color gridColor =;
   Color oscilloBgnd =;
   Color fontColor =;
   Color borderColor =;
   Color measuredvaldispbgnd =;
   // start programing
   private URL Codebase;     //<---------- V.V.
   public void init() {
      Codebase=getCodeBase();     //<---------- V.V.
   // starting paint
   public void paint(Graphics g) {
      for (int i=screenright; i< screenright+screenwidth+1; i= i+grid*5) {
      //vertical lines on oscillograph
      for (int i=screenright; i< screenright+screenwidth+1; i= i+grid) {
      for (int i=screentop; i< screentop+screenheight+1; i= i+screenheight/10) {
      // horizon lines on oscillograph
      for (int i=screentop; i< screentop+screenheight+1; i= i+screenheight/50) {
      // reading a text file > datafile.text placed in c:\jdk1.3.1\bin
      int [] measuredval = new int[numofpoints +1];
      int measuredvalue;
      try {
//       RandomAccessFile f = new RandomAccessFile ("c:\\jdk1.3.1\\bin\\datafile.txt", "r");
* Comments by V.V.
* disk files are random but streams from network are not.  Since the data is being read sequentially anyway,
* the modifications shown below will allow you to read the data file without the need for the applet to be signed
         URL url=new URL(Codebase,"datafile.txt");                       //<---------- put file in same directory as the class file ---- V.V.
         InputStream in;                                                 //<---------- V.V.
         URLConnection connection=url.openConnection();                  //<---------- V.V.
         in=connection.getInputStream();                                 //<---------- V.V.
         BufferedReader f=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in)); //<---------- V.V.
         int dataarraysize = 0;
         String s;
         while ((s=f.readLine()) != null ) {
            StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(s);
            while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
               measuredvalue = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken());
               if (dataarraysize < numofpoints +1) measuredval[dataarraysize] = measuredvalue;
               if (dataarraysize>numofpoints) {
                  measuredval[numofpoints] = measuredvalue;
                  for (int k =1; k <= (numofpoints -1); k++) measuredval[k] = measuredval[k+1];
         // end while
      // end try
      catch (Exception e) {
         System.out.println("Execption in constructor readertext13: "+e);
      // end catch
      for (int a = 0;a<=(numofpoints -1);a++){
         if (measuredval[a] < 0) measuredval[a] = 0;
         if (measuredval[a] > screenheight) measuredval[a] = screenheight;
      // display date and temperature horizontally below the oscilloscope
      SimpleDateFormat now1 = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy hh:mm:ss");
      Date now = new Date();
      String nowstring = now1.format(now);
      g.fillRect(screenright - 4,ymax+5+40,screenwidth+8,20);
      int val = measuredval[numofpoints-1];
      g.drawString(""+nowstring +
         " Temperature = "+val+
         "�C", screenright+10,ymax +
      // x axis labelling - temporary
      SimpleDateFormat axisdate = new SimpleDateFormat("mm:ss");
      Date noww = new Date();
      while (initialiser) {
         for (int ii = 0; ii<13;ii++) nowdate[ii] = axisdate.format(noww);
         initialiser = false;
      // labelling x axis - time for each column
      for (int nw = 0;nw<12;nw++){
         nowdate[nw] = nowdate[nw +
      nowdate[12] = axisdate.format(now);
      int wn = 0;
      while (wn <12) {
         g.drawString(nowdate[wn], screenright wn*40 - 17 ,screentopscreenheight+20);
         g.drawString(nowdate[wn+1], screenright +(wn+1)*40-17 ,screentop+screenheight+20);
         wn = wn +2;
      g.drawString(nowdate[12], screenright +
         numofcolumns*40-17 ,screentop+screenheight+20);
      // label y axis
      //labeling vertical axis
      for (int n = 0;n<11;n++) {
         int gridlabel = (screenheight - n*40);
            "�C", screenright - 45,screentop+screenheight*n/10 +4);
      // title label
      g.drawString("Graph of temperature measured against time at which it was measured", screenright+7, 18);
      // end label axes
      // draw another graphic , vertical display
      g.fillRect(xmax+10,screentop,16,screenheight+4 );
      // above are fixed rectangles below is a pulsating rectangle depending on val
      int zerotemp = screentop +
         screenheight +
      int temperature = screenheight - val;
      // end draw another graphic--------------------------------------------------------------
      // graphic display of temperature -- this is most important, the movie
      originx = screenright;
      originy = screentop +
         screenheight - measuredval[0];
      // draw 10 line segments
      for (int i = 1; i <= (numofpoints -1);i++){
         g.drawLine(originx,originy,originx+grid,screentop +
            screenheight - measuredval[ i ]);
         // the starting point is originx, originy
         // the lowest point of the oscillograph is taken as 0, so screentop + screenheight
         // the end point of the line is originx+grid,screentop + screenheight - measuredval
         // the above coordinates become the next starting point
         originx = originx+grid;
         originy = screentop +
            screenheight - measuredval[ i ];
      // ending paint
   public void destroy() {
   public void start() {
      timer = new Thread(this);
   public void stop() {
      timer = null;
   public void run() {
      Thread me = Thread.currentThread();
      while (timer == me) {
         try {
            // wait for delay ms
         catch (InterruptedException e) {
            System.out.println("Exception in method run: "+e);
   // start update to avoid flickering of the image
   private Image offScreenImage;
   private Dimension offScreenSize;
   private Graphics offScreenGraphics;
   public final synchronized void update (Graphics g) {
      Dimension d = getSize();
      if ((offScreenImage == null) || (d.width != offScreenSize.width) || (d.height != offScreenSize.height)) {
         offScreenImage = createImage(d.width, d.height);
         offScreenSize = d;
         offScreenGraphics = offScreenImage.getGraphics();
      offScreenGraphics.clearRect(0, 0, d.width, d.height);
      g.drawImage(offScreenImage, 0, 0, null);
   // end update ton avoid flickering
// end applett

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    - See:    
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    iPhone and iPod touch: Charging the battery
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    I was a newbie like 4 months ago. i have some skills
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    Apparently there is nothing in Verizon's order processing system that tells reps that there is no charge for Cable Card installations, so they often quote the $79 fee because that is the standard charge for technician to come out. As far as I can tell (and there have been lots of posts about cable card installs), no one has in fact been charged the $79 fee..

  • Who wants to be a billionaire ?

    Im busy desinging a game...Who Wants To Be A Billionaire...but
    could someone explain why the following won't draw the Round Rectangles that i ask to be drawn...
    // Main Application Class
    import java.awt.*;
    import BuildCanvas.*;
    public class User
    public static void main (String [] args)
    MakeWindow userInterface = new MakeWindow ();
    userInterface.setSize (800, 600);
    userInterface.setLocation (100, 100);
    // The MakeWindow Class
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.lang.*;
    class MakeWindow extends Frame
    Button finalButton, fiftyButton, phoneButton, askButton, retireButton;
    MenuItem quitItem, newGameItem, helpItem, aboutItem, greenItem, blueItem;
    public MakeWindow ()
    super ("Who Wants To Be A Billionaire");
    // Create the menu items.
    newGameItem = new MenuItem ("New Game");
    quitItem = new MenuItem ("Quit Billionaire");
    helpItem = new MenuItem ("Help");
    aboutItem = new MenuItem ("About");
    // Create the menus.
    Menu mainMenu = new Menu ("File");
    Menu helpMenu = new Menu ("Help");
    // Place the menu items in the menus.
    mainMenu.add (newGameItem);
    mainMenu.add (quitItem);
    helpMenu.add (helpItem);
    helpMenu.add (aboutItem);
    // Place the menus into the menu bar.
    MenuBar myMenus = new MenuBar ();
    myMenus.add (mainMenu);
    myMenus.add (helpMenu);
    setMenuBar (myMenus);
    setBackground (;
    pack ();
    show ();
    // Call button method.
    makeButton (finalButton, 180, 550, "Final Answer");
    makeButton (fiftyButton, 270, 550, "50 / 50");
    makeButton (phoneButton, 360, 550, "Phone Friend");
    makeButton (askButton, 450, 550, "Audience");
    makeButton (retireButton, 540, 550, "Retire");
    remainingButtons ();
    } // MakeWindow constructor.
    private void remainingButtons ()
    // Creates windows for Money Ladder and Answer Boxes.
    Graphics g = getGraphics ();
    g.setColor (;
    g.fillRoundRect (200, 200, 300, 300, 7, 7);                    //**** This Code doesnt work
    g.fillRoundRect (100, 300, 50, 100, 7, 7);                    //**** This Code doesnt work
    g.fillRoundRect (100, 200, 50, 200, 7, 7);                    //**** This Code doesnt work
    // Creates, positions + sets size of buttons.
    private void makeButton (Button currentButton, int posx, int posy, String buttonText)
    currentButton = new Button (buttonText);
    add (currentButton);
    currentButton.setSize (80, 20);
    currentButton.setLocation (posx, posy);
    } // makeButton method.
    have i forgotten to call something ?
    please help me asap.

    I took the liberty to make some change, (the black rectangles overlaps)
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    class MakeWindow extends Frame
         Button   finalButton, fiftyButton, phoneButton, askButton, retireButton;
         MenuItem quitItem, newGameItem, helpItem, aboutItem, greenItem, blueItem;
    public MakeWindow ()
         super ("Who Wants To Be A Billionaire");
         addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter()
        {     public void windowClosing(WindowEvent ev)
              {     dispose();
    // Create the menu items.
         newGameItem = new MenuItem ("New Game");
         quitItem    = new MenuItem ("Quit Billionaire");
         helpItem    = new MenuItem ("Help");
         aboutItem   = new MenuItem ("About");
    // Create the menus.
         Menu mainMenu = new Menu ("File");
         Menu helpMenu = new Menu ("Help");
    // Place the menu items in the menus.
         mainMenu.add (newGameItem);
         mainMenu.add (quitItem);
         helpMenu.add (helpItem);
         helpMenu.add (aboutItem);
    // Place the menus into the menu bar.
         MenuBar myMenus = new MenuBar ();
         myMenus.add (mainMenu);
         myMenus.add (helpMenu);
         setMenuBar (myMenus);
         setBackground (;
    // Call button method.
         makeButton(finalButton,180,550,"Final Answer");
         makeButton(fiftyButton,270,550,"50 / 50");
         makeButton(phoneButton,360,550,"Phone Friend");
         makeButton(askButton,450, 550,"Audience");
    // Creates, positions + sets size of buttons.
    private void makeButton(Button currentButton, int posx, int posy, String buttonText)
         currentButton = new Button(buttonText);
         currentButton.setSize (80, 20);
         currentButton.setLocation(posx, posy);
    public void paint(Graphics g)
         g.setColor (;
         g.fillRoundRect (200, 200, 300, 300, 7, 7); //**** This Code doesnt work
         g.fillRoundRect (100, 300, 50, 100, 7, 7); //**** This Code doesnt work
         g.fillRoundRect (100, 200, 50, 200, 7, 7); //**** This Code doesnt work
    public static void main (String [] args)
         MakeWindow userInterface = new MakeWindow ();
         userInterface.setSize (700, 600);
         userInterface.setLocation (10, 10);

  • Who has Final Cut Studio 2 working perfectly?

    Does anyone here have Final Cut Studio 2 working perfectly across the board? Meaning..All the effects, sound loops, templates, media...etc all show up with no problems except the occasional crash here and there.
    I am about to reinstall the OSX from scratch to install Final Cut Studio properly. Also....I plan to install all of the option media on a seperate hard drive.
    Any suggestions? Advice?

    For starters, I know its an error on my part. I am not talking about isntalling an upgrade. I recenlty brought Final Cut 2 academic. I know Final Cut Studio when it comes to the actual editing process, I just need help with the installation process.
    My Final Cut Studio is is still very very usable...I prodcued an entire pageant with it. I just want it to work perfectly. In Motion...some of the media is missing, in soundtrack, some of the music files are missing.
    When I installed updates for Final Cut and Motion.....motion started crashing and certain effects stopped showing up in Final Cut. I solved the Fianl Cut Problem, but still have hte missing media problem in motion.
    Also, I installed all the optional media on my internal hard drive. 120 to be exact. Now I am down to 2 gig of space.
    I am goign to buy a portable hard drive and store the optional media on there along with video, render files, etc.
    What I am asking is....for the people who have Final Cut Studio 2 working properly...can you guys tell if you installed any final cut studio updates...if so which ones....also, what version of the OSX are you guys running.
    I am really not frustrated are mad....I know it's error on my am trying to get it right.

  • Who wants a Venice Core A64? In stock now!!

    Anyone want one? They in stock now!!
    So who wants a venice core A64? Its capable of running 4X512 @ 1T/full speed and has SSE3
    SSE3 and capable of doing 4X512mb @ full speed/1t

    Quote from: brianstretch on 06-March-05, 04:49:49
    Your first link doesn't work and the second one doesn't list the Venice cores. I'm going to guess that they got pulled in a hurry. Still, maybe we'll see them soon on this side of the pond.
    Yeah they got pulled :( I posted on about three forums, so I think they noticed a huge surge in traffic lol. Never mind, they cant be long. The manin benefit being support for SSE3 and a improved memory controller which allows all four dimm slots to be filled with double sided ram @ full speed +1T.

  • I want what's app to work on my iPad air

    Surely  if what's app doesn't work on iPad this is something that could easy be changed! There must be a lot of people who want to be able to use it the same as there iPhone,
    There seems to be a lot of apps that you can't get on the iPad that you can on your iPhone . I can't understand why this is... I want my iPad to be a mirror of my iPhone so I can see things better with a bigger screen.

    The why is very simple. The maker of the app chooses to only make a phone version. Contact them and suggest  a lot of people would like a iPad version.

  • I have an external drive - WD My Passport FOR MAC. I want to format it to work on both mac and windows. Which format do you think I should use? Will either one cause damage to the files on the hard drive?

    I have an external hard drive - WD My Passport FOR MAC. I want to format it to work on both mac and windows. I also want to be able to connect it to my TV and watch movies.
    I read up and I think I am supposed to use exFAT or FAT32? I also saw MS-DOS. Which format should I should use? Will any of them cause damage to the files on the hard drive?
    My little memory stick uses MS-DOS and it works on both mac and windows.
    Please can you just tell me a little about each and suggest which one to use.
    I know how to change it once you tell me so don't waste your time writing about changing it.

    Will any of them cause damage to the files on the hard drive?
    If you need to carry large files (e.g., larger than about 4GB) back and forth, you may need ExFAT. Otherwise MS-DOS works for smaller files.
    The Mac can Read, but not write Windows New Technology File System (NTFS) without an add-on program such as Paragon NTFS.

  • In the report level user wants two persons against each work center.

    Hi Experts,
    Please let me know the solution, I have provided scenario below.
    check the query which the user is referring to report:
    Work center     Person
    KNE33102     44003850
    According to the user, the names for the Work centers should be as follows:
    Work center          Person
    KNE33102         44003850,
    KNE33102        44003603
    I have check the data in T-code-CR03, each work center getting two persons, as can be shown below.
    Work center        Person
    KNE33102           44003850,
    KNE33102           44003603
    In RSA3 it can be seen that both the records are being extracted
    Work center     Start date     End date     Person
    KNE33102     09.02.2009     31.12.2009     44003850
    KNE33102     09.02.2009     31.12.2009     44003603
    In BI , when checking in PSA, it can be seen that the data is also being loaded to BI (Two persons loaded against Work center-KNE33102)
    Work center     Start date     End date     Person
    KNE33102     09.02.2009     31.12.2009     44003850
    KNE33102     09.02.2009     31.12.2009     44003603
    But when loading to the Info Object, one person has deleted. Because of this, in the report level displaying one person.
    Note:-Please let me know what is the procedure, in the report level user wants two persons against each work center.

    As you said in your post the data has mentioned up to 2009. can you try execute the query till to date .

Maybe you are looking for


    Dear QM Experts, The case is like this, 1.     I am using manual inspection lot of origin 89. 2.     Prepares an inspection plan under usage 3. 3.     This inspection plan has 3 operations and under each operation there are several MICs defined. 4.  

  • Blue border around text in iBooks Author

    Hello everyone - I have a question that I believe is a stupid setting I can't remember how to deselect. I have a Blue border around all text in my ibooks author file. It looks like this: PLEASE tell me how to get rid of it - if not, what it IS!!! Tha

  • Accessing Members in Another Class

    How would I access a member from another class? In the actionPerformed method, I want to be able to access objects such as filemenu in the Main class. Here's most of my code: class fileEvent implements ActionListener {     public void actionPerformed

  • Add Redio Buttons

    Hi All, Please Help me to add Redio buttons to my selection screen** Thanks.

  • The Help Tab (OSX ML) where you search for something does not work

    If I click "Help" and then search "expand" it will show me where expand is. But in CS6 when I clicked it the command would go through and pull up the page to expand pixels. Instead, I have to go find it. It works in every other Adobe app I use except