Anychart bullet graph

anychart bullet graph []
does not come with the apex version of anychart
it's basically a bar chart but with different possible scales
I am wondering whether anyone has implemented a free alternative to this
even html5 might be an option
used versions :
APEX, anychart 5.1.3 that came with it

generally you have Horizontal Bullet Chart component in Xcelsius then why u are go for technique,i didn,t get the meaning of As i understand it two comparative measures is not supported for 4.0 or 4.1.
Edited by: S R Prasad Reddy on Aug 24, 2011 5:06 PM

Similar Messages

  • Anychart bar graphs - Can we map colors to customer IDs in JSON/XML dynamically?

    We are using the Anychart bar graphs to show our customers data. We need to be able to map colors to customer IDs, so that anytime we use a bar chart a customer will aways be the same color.
    Example: if one view shows 3 customers  (cust ABC is maroon, XYZ is yellow and DXA is blue) and a second view, because of the data, shows 12 customers, that if 2 that are in the first view are also showing they would have the same colors as they did in the first view (cust ABC is still maroon and cust DXA is still blue and if XYZ is not in the second view then Yellow would not be present)
    Is there a way to map the colors to the customers in an XREF table then build the JSON or XML dynamically and use that in the graph each time?
    I have found the Anychart site and it looks like it is possible but was wondering if anyone has done it? Otherwise it looks like it is going to be to time consuming to read everything I would have to read.
    Thank you,

    thanks for passing this link Stijin,
    i already used this, but we need at least full explanation in how to build OBIE presentations layers and its physical and logical datas , and how to write codes using Java scrips and html codes using OBIE presentation on statistics text.
    if any of you just can link me link regarding to workshop lab's documentations and files regarding to OBIEE integrated to Mapviewer.
    with fully respect and love to you all,
    Yusuf Felemban

  • Multiple series on anychart line graph?

    I want to set up an anychart line graph from a query which returns a result set something like:
    abc 01/01 10
    abc 02/01 20
    abc 03/01 10
    cde 05/01 10
    cde 06/01 20
    So, in the above I want a series for part abc and part cde. I know I can add another series but that has two problems:
    1) The number of distict parts can vary - there might be 2, or might be 20 depending on the parameters used.
    2) Adding a new series means duplicating pretty much the same query manu times (with a restriction on part number) - this is very inefficient!
    Is it possible to add multiple series "programatically"?

    Ah, I never saw the number 10 anywhere.
    You don't need to process the NaN with mathscript. It is sufficient to add the NaN to the data going to the graph terminal. Even if mathscript gets an NaN, you can probably test how it is handled.
    What does the mathscript node actually do? If it is just doing some scaling, it probably will not matter, but if it would do e.g. a linear regression, it would probably give unexpected results.
    LabVIEW Champion . Do more with less code and in less time .

  • Anychart - Anyway to map colors to customer IDs

    We are using the Anychart bar graphs to show our customers data. We need to be able to map colors to customer IDs, so that anytime we use a bar chart a customer will aways be the same color.
    Example: if one view shows 3 customers  (cust ABC is maroon, XYZ is yellow and DXA is blue) and a second view, because of the data, shows 12 customers, that if 2 that are in the first view are also showing they would have the same colors as they did in the first view (cust ABC is still maroon and cust DXA is still blue and if XYZ is not in the second view then Yellow would not be present)
    Is there a way to map the colors to the customers in an XREF table then build the JSON or XML dynamically and use that in the graph each time?
    I have found the Anychart site and it looks like it is possible but was wondering if anyone has done it? Otherwise it looks like it is going to be to time consuming to read everything I would have to read.
    Thank you,

    The pins don't stay there, but you can bookmark pin positions, and then drop a pin on the desired customer's location by selecting the customer from the bookmarks list.

  • Gauges for Excel-PowerPivot

    I'm searching free cost gauges for Excel 2013 + PowerPivot like a speedometer, thermometer and so on.
    For now, I haven't found anything of interest.
    Any helps to me please? Thanks

    Hi pscorca,
    Have you already considered trying to create your own gauges through methods such as these?
    It's likely that you'll need to combine Excel
    Cube Functions with these methods to achieve the dynamic behaviour that we expect from Power Pivot dashboards and reports.
    Michael Amadi
    Please use the 'Mark as answer' link to mark a post that answers your question. If you find a reply helpful, please remember to vote it as helpful :)
    Website:, Twitter:

  • APEX 402 and AnyChart graphing

    I am new to APEX 402, about 3 days, and have been playing around a bit and need some help.
    I have a screen with 3 lists, e.g L1, L2 and L3.
    I want to design a screen that when the user selects an entry from each list it then creates a graph. The graph is no major problem.
    My problem is that if the user selects a differnt value from the lists I need to redraw the graph.
    I have played about with hide/show functionality but that is not redrawing graph and also a button to display the graph but that didnt work out.
    Anybody help with this issue

    Got this sorted.

  • Creating multiple Line Graph having common values..

    I've created one application process for creating Multiple Line Graph.
    And i've integreted two tables in this graph, where values may be common for both the tables. In this case, for common values, instead of getting overlapped I'm getting scattered graph(its totally abnormal). Please help me if you 've any idea about this issue.....?
    Please go through the App Process and the output of the SQL query.
    In output of the query, in the NAME column "Feb-2010" is common.
    This is the SQL query OUTPUT:_
    TABLE 1
    Sept-2009 100
    Oct-2009 95
    Nov-2009 98
    Feb-2010 97
    TABLE 2
    Jan-2010 93
    Feb-2010 100
    Mar-2010 98
    Application Process :_
    OWA_UTIL.mime_header ('text/xml', FALSE);
    HTP.p ('<?xml version = "1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone = "yes"?>');
    HTP.p ('<anychart>');
    HTP.p ('<settings>');
    HTP.p ('<animation enabled="True"/>');
    HTP.p ('</settings>');
    HTP.p ('<charts>');
    HTP.p ('<chart plot_type="CategorizedVertical">');
    HTP.p ('<data_plot_settings default_series_type="Line">');
    HTP.p ('<line_series>');
    HTP.p ('<marker_settings>');
    HTP.p ('<marker type="None" />');
    HTP.p ('<states>');
    HTP.p ('<hover>');
    HTP.p ('<marker type="Diamond" />');
    HTP.p ('</hover>');
    HTP.p ('</states>');
    HTP.p ('</marker_settings>');
    HTP.p ('<tooltip_settings enabled="True">');
    HTP.p ('<format>Year {%Name}{enabled:false} {%SeriesName} - {%Value}{numDecimals:0}%</format>');
    HTP.p ('</tooltip_settings>');
    HTP.p ('<effects enabled="True">');
    HTP.p ('<drop_shadow enabled="False" />');
    HTP.p ('<bevel enabled="true" distance="1" blur_x="2" blur_y="2" />');
    HTP.p ('</effects>');
    HTP.p ('<line_style>');
    HTP.p ('<line thickness="3" /> ');
    HTP.p ('</line_style>');
    HTP.p ('</line_series>');
    HTP.p ('</data_plot_settings>');
    HTP.p ('<chart_settings>');
    HTP.p ('<title enabled="true">');
    HTP.p ('<text>Avg. %App. Uptime per month </text>');
    HTP.p ('</title>');
    HTP.p ('<axes>');
    HTP.p ('<y_axis>');
    HTP.p ('<title>');
    HTP.p ('<text>Value</text> ');
    HTP.p ('</title>');
    HTP.p ('<scale minimum="90" maximum="101" major_interval="1" />');
    HTP.p ('<labels>');
    HTP.p ('<format>${%Value}{numDecimals:0}</format>');
    HTP.p ('</labels>');
    HTP.p ('<axis_markers>');
    HTP.p ('</axis_markers>');
    HTP.p ('</y_axis>');
    HTP.p ('<x_axis tickmarks_placement="Center">');
    HTP.p ('<title enabled="False" /> ');
    HTP.p ('</x_axis>');
    HTP.p (' </axes>');
    HTP.p ('</chart_settings>');
    HTP.p ('<data>');
    HTP.p ('<series name="'|| ||'">');
    FOR MonthlyValueRecord IN (select NAME,VALUE
    HTP.p ('<point name="'|| ||'" y="'|| MonthlyValueRecord.value ||'" />');
    HTP.p ('</series>');
    HTP.p ('</data>');
    HTP.p ('</chart>');
    HTP.p ('</charts>');
    HTP.p ('</anychart>');
    htmldb_application.g_unrecoverable_error := true;
    Edited by: user12873839 on Apr 9, 2010 3:58 AM
    Edited by: user12873839 on Apr 9, 2010 4:02 AM
    Edited by: user12873839 on Apr 9, 2010 8:00 AM

    Help Needed Urgent.....
    That is one surefire way to not get any help and certainly not urgently. I suggest that you amend the title of your post to something that reflects the actual issue. This will also help anyone with similar issues to find the thread.
    When posting code please put {noformat}{noformat} (with the curly brackets and the word code in lower case) above and below it to preserve formatting like this...
    SELECT *
    FROM emp
    This will be displayed on the forum like this...SELECT *
    FROM emp

  • The ability to customize line attributes in a line graph (3 series)

    Hello all,
    I have a line graph page that plots three lines (series 1, series 2, series 3).
    line 1 - upper boundary of a confidence interval
    line 2 - actual estimate
    line 3 - lower boundary of a confidence interval
    Visualize three lines running along the axis. If the estimate line dips above the upper line or below the lower line, then that would indicate a problem for us to investigate.
    It looks pretty but the end user wants the upper and lower boundaries to be 'dotted' lines instead of solid to help differentiate it from the estimate. Currently, I don't have any control over the line attributes using the built in wizard. Anybody know how I could customize the display so that lines 1 and 3 would be dotted while leaving line 2 as a solid line?
    Thanks for any help.

    James -
    You are going to need to use Custom XML for this task
    This link outlines (among other things) how create a process to create XML to replace the #DATA# in the Custom XML: Re: Chart with 2 Y Axis
    In addition to this, the following link is useful in seeing how the page process can work:
    Next, you will need to create a new line style in your Custom XML (not the #DATA# tag portion, but the Custom XML of the chart) Here are a couple of references that may help: and
    Once you have defined a style in your custom XML, then your page process will need to make decisions about what style to use and apply the correct style to the appropriate lines.
    I know this process is quite confusing at the beginning, however, with a little practice, it becomes much easier.

  • 2D Line Graph Question

    I have a 2D line graph that I built. At some points in the graph where the lines intersect the number values displayed on the graph get bunched up and it is hard to read. Is there a way to fix that? This is APEX 3.2 on Oracle database. Thanks

    You basically have only a couple of options here:
    First, turn off the labels and possibly turn them into Hints. They wouldn't show on the chart, but when the user held over the data point, a tool tip would appear showing them the valuable.
    Second, adjust elements of the chart. What you are really looking at here is that your data set is causing this specific issue and not the charting engine or anything like that. You could try to manually change the axis max and min to get more spacing, or you could adjust the height of the chart to get more spacing, but this may not be a viable option. You could have one set of labels above the plotted line and another set of labels below the plotted line that way the values do not overlap with anything. However, from a conceptual standpoint, it will be difficult to determine in code which line should have values above and which should have values below. When your data set changes, you may end up with labels in the wrong place if you hard code where they are at.
    The current XML reference can be found at: however, that is for anychart 5. I'm looking for the link to the earlier versions...
    You can use this to create custom xml where you can adjust the position of the labels.
    Finally, you do not want expand the height of the chart between two points on the Y axis. That would change the structure of the chart and the visual properties of the chart and the shape of the data would be askew. You cannot do this for good reason. You can though use a logrithmic scale. In most cases though, this is not a practical solution. Data sets need to have very specific characteristics in order to be able to merit a logrithmic scale. Most queries require a simple linear scale.

  • Anychart Issue

    I have an apex 4.0.1 website with multiple Anychart graphs but I'm receiving a security error when attempting to access. The website is host to approximately 300 users of which i have not heard of a single complaint, however, i, the developer am getting the below security error on my home machine running Windows 7 (regardless of browser). It works fine on my laptop running Windows XP however.
    This error displays on every chart on the website:
    Flash Security Error:
    AnyChart cannot be launched due to Flash Security Setttings violation.
    I've read about crossdomain issues but since it works for other users i didnt think that is the issue. Has anyone encountered this before? Is there some conflict on my personal machine? I've tried changing Flash security settings and browser security settings but nothing has worked and I'm stuck. Please help.
    I'm happy to provide any further info that may help solve this.
    Thanks in advance.
    Edited by: user6440722 on Mar 19, 2011 5:32 PM

    I'm also running into this issue.
    Here's some info on our setup:
    Apache 2x webserver in front with SSL-cert etc, available "from the outside", proxypass to a OHS apex-install only available on our lan.
    Charts work great whilst accessing through our local server, but accessing the charts from the outside doesn't.
    I've tried reading the suggested documentation from the errormessage, and it proposes I create an XML-file and put on the SSL-server.
    For testing purposes I've tried with the following xml
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <!DOCTYPE cross-domain-policy SYSTEM "">
    <allow-access-from domain="*" secure="false" />
    This still did not do the trick. Any suggestions?
    Best regards,

  • Can I display XY Graph data as Dynamic Data?

    Hi all,
    I have an application that treats XY Data, i.e. data with the X axis
    gaps not constant (because the trigger is external and it has the
    interval not constant), and I would like to use some of the utilities
    related to Dynamic Data. I don't know if that's possible but I suspect
    that Dynamic Data must have constant X axis gaps. Can anyone confirm
    that point? Or the possibility of transforming that data? How could I
    do that?

    If you already have the data as two separate arrays (an x array, and a y array), then just use the XY Graph and a bundle node to plot it. If you want to use the Dynamic Data type that was introduced in LV 7, then just use the To DDT conversion bullet. You can also use an interpolate routine to "shift" the x values around, but it doesn't sound like you want to do that.

  • Anychart 5 pointClick problem

    Hi all,
    I am creating a graph manually using following code :
    <div id="DynamicaBarGraphGauge"></div>
    <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
    function DynamicaBarGraph2()
    var DynamicaBarGraph3 = new AnyChart('/i/flashchart/anychart_5/swf/OracleAnyChart.swf');
        DynamicaBarGraph3.width = "150";
        DynamicaBarGraph3.height = "150";
    DynamicaBarGraph3.addEventListener('pointClick', onDynamicaBarGraphClick2);
        var DynamicaBarGraphData2 = new htmldb_Get(null,$x('pFlowId').value,'APPLICATION_PROCESS=gauge01',0);
        gReturn = DynamicaBarGraphData2.get();
    function onDynamicaBarGraphClick2(e)
    // Read point name;
    // Read point value;
    // You can add onclick even here using the values name and value
    </script> alert( returns object object so it is <> null
    alert(value) and alert(name) return undefined
    so how can I get the value and name : the chart is a gauge circular chart
    this is the code for my page process :
    OWA_UTIL.mime_header ('text/xml', FALSE);                                             
    htp.p('    <anychart>');                               
    htp.p('        <margin all="0"/>');                           
    htp.p('        <gauges>');                           
    htp.p('            <gauge>');                       
    htp.p('                <chart_settings>');                   
    htp.p('                    <title><text>MPH Speedometer</text></title>');               
    htp.p('                    <chart_background enabled="true">');
    htp.p('                      <fill enabled="true" type="Solid" color="gray" opacity="0" />');
    htp.p('                          <corners type="Rounded"/>');               
    htp.p('                    </chart_background>');               
    htp.p('                </chart_settings>');                   
    htp.p('                <circular>');                   
    htp.p('                    <axis radius="50" start_angle="90" sweep_angle="180" >');               
    htp.p('                        <scale minimum="0" maximum="120" major_interval="20" minor_interval="5"/>');           
    htp.p('                        <scale_bar enabled="false"/>');           
    htp.p('                        <labels enabled="true">');           
    htp.p('                            <font bold="true" />');       
    htp.p('                            <format>{%Value}{numDecimals:0}</format>');       
    htp.p('                        </labels>');           
    htp.p('                        <minor_tickmark enabled="false" />');           
    htp.p('                        <color_ranges>');           
    htp.p('                            <color_range start="0" end="40" color="Green"/>');       
    htp.p('                            <color_range start="40" end="80" color="Orange"/>');       
    htp.p('                            <color_range start="80" end="120" color="Red"/>');       
    htp.p('                        </color_ranges>');           
    htp.p('                    </axis>');               
    htp.p('                    <pointers>');
    htp.p('                        <pointer type="needle" value="80" color="#B32424" name="eyscma">');
    htp.p('                          <label enabled="true" align="Outside" text_align="Near" >');
    htp.p('                            <format><![CDATA[{%Value}{numDecimals:0,decimalSeparator:.,thousandsSeparator:\,}]]></format>');
    htp.p('                            <font family="Tahoma" size="10" color="0x000000" />');
    htp.p('                            <position anchor="CenterTop" />');
    htp.p('                            <background enabled="true">');
    htp.p('                              <border enabled="false" />');
    htp.p('                              <fill enabled="true" type="Solid" opacity="0" color="gray"/>'); 
    htp.p('                            </background>');
    htp.p('                          </label>');
    htp.p('                        </pointer>');            
    htp.p('                    </pointers>');               
    htp.p('                </circular>');                   
    htp.p('            </gauge>');                       
    htp.p('        </gauges>');                           
    htp.p('    </anychart>');
    END gauge01;at the top of my page I have : (any other does not work)
    <script src="/i/flashchart/js/AnyChart.js"  type="text/javascript" > </script>

    thx to firebug I fixed the problem

  • Images still not updated -- graphs dont show!

    APEX was upgraded to 3.2.1 (from 3.0.X) and the image folder was with it. By updating the image folder many graphs didn't work because they've been built with the Integration kit syntax. I did most the steps here:
    Now I did the second steps although the HTTP server is on a separate server to the database...looking at APEX the images havent updated...they're still using the old files which were removed in the "Create Graph" window and graphs made already don't display (bad syntax). Ideas?

    updated with an older version of the standard charts :/

  • Anychart 5.1 installation

    For the database 10g that I administer, the software Anychart 5.1 from the company (temporarily unavailable) is used for the charts and it is working quite well.
    I recently made the upgrade of this database into 11g (a test database for now, but soon to become a production database) and I tried to install Anychart 5.1, until now without any success.
    I followed the installation guide, placing the files at c:\program files\Anychart 5.1 and placed anychart.
    I replaced the AnyChart.js and AnyChart.swf files in the images/flashchart directories (the js file in the flashchart/js directory and the swf file in the flashchart/swf directory)
    In the original database, I have Adobe Flash Player 11 Active X, Adobe SVG Viewer 3.0, AnyChart Flash Chart Component. I have all of this in the new station computer
    Then I ran the apxldimg.sql script
    But the result is not what I am expecting:
    When I make a right click on the graph on the database; I see that the Anychart version is #5.1.2.
    I can save the chart as an image, and print the chart. All is OK. Apex version in is 3.1
    Now, on the 11g database, I still have despite all my efforts "Error - No chart data available"
    Initially, the Apex version was 3.2 but I checked with the installation of 3.1 and it worked well, except for the graphs.
    Additionnaly, when I make a right click on the Error No chart data available, I see that the following informations:
    Anychart 3.3
    version is 3.3 build #130 @ 07.02.27
    I can't print the chart and I can't save the (missing) chart as an image.
    What can I do to complete the installation of Anychart 5.1 so that it works like in database ?
    Thanks in advance!

    I assume you're talking about this page -
    Take a look through those steps listed on that page, if you're still having problems, drop us a mail to [email protected] and we will help you out.
    Author of Pro Application Express:
    REWARDS: Please remember to mark helpful or correct posts on the forum, not just for my answers but for everyone!

  • Anychart 5.1.2 legend color issue

    I have installed AnyChart 5.1.2 and tested it. The charts works fine, but the legend displayed other colors how the graphs.
    On the site where integration Kit samples, are the same issue.
    The site:
    displayed on the left chart different colors between legend and graphs.
    Can me help someone?

    I have the same problem with the Trialversion of Anychart 5.1.3.
    Wrong colors within the legend is a major problem and prevents usage in production environments.
    see [Similar Thread|]

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