AP Subledger Accounting Options R12

What setups do I have to perform in the Accounting Setups Manager for AP module. I didn't do any of the setups, but fully setup AP. After creating an invoice when I try to validate it, I get this error:
"subledger accounting options setup is not complete for this ledger. KBE Ledger and application: Payables. Please run the Update Subledger Accounting Options program before creating any events for this ledger and application."
I've tried running the program but the same error shows up. What are the required setups I have to perform?

I was able to select that option thank again. Now I have another issue, maybe you can help me if you are still online...
After validating my invoice when I try to pay and create accounting, the following error shows up :
Online accounting could not be created for this transaction. Please inform your system administrator that the create Accounting Program has entcountered an internal error.
I had experienced the same error on vision instance too....Do you know what this is caused by?

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    There could be many reasons:
    1. You have posted Special GL Transactions to vendor, which is a subledger A/c. In such a case, system would post to different reconciliation accounts.  Check for totals of all the reconciliation a/c
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    Hi Maya,<o:p></o:p>
    Do you see this behavior on multiple machines or single machine?<o:p></o:p>
    Try removing the accounts and recreating it again with "Choose an account" option and check if that helps<o:p></o:p>
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    HI Vikas,
    If it is not too late..check the SAP note # 176067.
    Atleast, it might help some one else working on a similar issue.
    Hope this helps.

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    Get Sharepoints...
    You can make your own Guest Account/Group/Share/whatever.

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    Hi Pascal,
    Firstly double-check that nightly user upkeep is running on your post offices. This process removes deleted accounts from personal address books.
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    OS X Mavericks v10.9 or later: Choose Apple () > System Preferences. Click iCloud, then click Account Details. Make sure the phone number listed under Verification number is correct. If not, enter another phone number.
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    You've come across the chicken & egg problem.
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    Unfortunatey LDAP is not an authentication protocol.
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  • Difference between recon and subledger accounts

    what is the difference between   subledger account and reconciliation account.
    I heard the below stmts, and i am littel confused,  can some one explain me in more detail, what it means.
    The vendor number is also used as subledger number in financial accounting,
    In subledger accounting the total  liabilities are updated per vendor.
    Recon accountis a GL account which maps companies liabilities towards several vendors in the GL accounts.
    When an invoice is done for a vendor, the recon accountmay be updated but how does the system, but how the system know exact amount for one specific vendor, when the recon account is for several vendors.
    Edited by: vinay k on Feb 11, 2009 5:46 PM

    When you are posting to a vendor, then entries will go and sit in vendor account. You can view the vendor balances in transaction code FBL1N. Parallelly, what system will do it will post to a reconciliation account which is attached to a vendor.
    Let us take a business scenario, you do not have any foreign vendors and all are local vendors, hence you have created a single reconciliation account 200000 and attached this to all vendors.
    Vendor 1 - Balance - GBP 10
    Vendor 2 - Balance - GBP 20
    Vendor 3 - Balance - GBP 30
    At the same time if you see the balance of GL Account 200000 in FS10N - it will be 60 (10 + 20 + 30)
    Let us take another example, you have foreign vendors as well as local vendors. Reconciliation account for local vendors is 200000 and foreign vendors it is 210000
    Vendor 1 - Assigned with reconciliation account 200000 - Balance - GBP 15
    Vendor 2 - Assigned with reconciliation account 200000 - Balance - GBP 25
    Vendor 3 - Assigned with reconciliation account 200000 - Balance - GBP 10
    At the same time if you see the balance of GL Account 200000 in FS10N - it will be 50 (15 + 25 + 10)
    Vendor 4 - Assigned with reconciliation account 210000 - Balance - GBP 32
    Vendor 5 - Assigned with reconciliation account 210000 - Balance - GBP 22
    If you see the balance of GL Account 210000 in FS10N - it will be 54 (32 + 22)
    Meaning that whatever is being posted to Sub-Ledger Accounts (for examples vendors or customers) will always be in sync with General Ledger Accounting with the help of RECONCILIATION ACCOUNT.
    Hope this example clear your doubts.

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    What should I do? I've been searching this problem around the web and thru this Communities too and I haven't seen another similar problem.
    ¡Thanks for the support!

    Settings > General > Restrictions > (Allow Changes) Accounts > Allow Changes

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