Apache: hiding the complete url

I want that my url is not shown competely when I load an internal page in portal.
Can anyone help me?
Thank you

Thank you Tom for your answer,
but it's better if I explain my problems with an example:
- the main page that I want became my portal home page has Url:
"http://ntoracle.akros.it/servlet/page?_pageid=90&_dad=portal30&_schema=PORTAL30&_mode=3" and I think it doesn't correspond to a real page on my server because it's built dinamically.
So I have create a new address
"www.portal.akros.it" and redirect it to the previous address and this functions correctly but the redirection implies that the full "terrible" address is shown.
I'd like that every internal page shows the short url url "www.portal.akros.it".
Thank you

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    Hi All,
    I want to give the below link in mail which is sent from workflow, so on click of it, the user will be able to open the particular opportunity directly.
    XXXXX here is GUID of the Opportunity of 32 character.
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    Edited by: Gali Kling Schneider on Jul 11, 2011 9:47 AM

    Hi Sanjay,
    As suggested, I have split the URL into 3 links in WF container having the initial values as below.
    Link1 -> <sys_host>.%3Fcrm-object-type%3DBT111_OPPT
    Link2 -> %26crm-object-action%3DB %26crm-object-keyname%3DGUID
    Link3 -> %26crm-object-value%3D
    In the mail activity, I have given the link as: &LINK1&&LINK2&&LINK3&&GUID&
    &GUID&-> GUID of the opportunity.
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    Kindly advice.
    Edited by: Gali Kling Schneider on Jul 11, 2011 9:48 AM

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    Hi! first of all, thank you so much for your help.
    I don't know about that panel you are talking about.
    what I do is RIGHT CLICK, INTERACTIVE, NEW HYPERLINK, and a window pops up, where I paste the address (images).
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    Thanks in advance.

    you can have a look into this code:SET ESCAPE ON
            ref1 VARCHAR2(1000 CHAR) := 'http://www.google.com/search?hl=en\&q=oracle';
            ref2 VARCHAR2(1000 CHAR) := 'http://www.google.com/search?hl=en\&lr=\&q=new+%2B+features+%2B+in+%2B+oracle+%2B+10g';
            FUNCTION hextodec( h IN VARCHAR ) RETURN NUMBER
                    h2 VARCHAR2( 150 );
                    i NUMBER( 10 );
                    j NUMBER( 2 );
                    d NUMBER;
                    h2 := LTRIM( h, '0' );
                    d := 0;
                    FOR i IN 1 .. LENGTH( h2 )
                            SELECT DECODE( SUBSTR( h2, i, 1 )
                                    , '0', 0, '1', 1, '2', 2, '3', 3, '4', 4, '5', 5
                                    , '6', 6, '7', 7, '8', 8, '9', 9, 'A', 10
                                    , 'B', 11, 'C', 12, 'D', 13, 'E', 14, 'F', 15 )
                                    INTO j
                                    FROM DUAL;
                            d := 16 * d + j;
                    END LOOP;
                    RETURN d;
            END hextodec;
            FUNCTION strip(samplevalue IN VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2
                    finalvalue VARCHAR2(1000 CHAR) := samplevalue;
                    decimalvalue NUMBER(2);
                    pospct NUMBER;
                    extract VARCHAR2(2 CHAR);
                    finalvalue := SUBSTR(finalvalue ,INSTR(finalvalue ,'\&q='));
                    finalvalue := SUBSTR(finalvalue ,4);
                    if (INSTR(finalvalue ,'\&')-1 > 0) then
                            finalvalue := SUBSTR(finalvalue ,1,INSTR(finalvalue ,'\&')-1);
                    end if;
                    finalvalue := REPLACE(finalvalue ,'+',' ');
                            pospct := INSTR(finalvalue ,'%');
                            EXIT WHEN pospct = 0;
                            extract := SUBSTR(finalvalue ,pospct+1,2);
                            finalvalue  := SUBSTR(finalvalue ,1,pospct-1) || chr(hextodec(extract)) || SUBSTR(finalvalue ,pospct+3);
                    END LOOP;
                    RETURN finalvalue;
            DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE( hextodec('2B'));

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    I might be wrong but I don't think that the BPEL is aware of the URL of the endpoint choosen by the load-balancer (That is the purpose of the load-balancer).
    So I would advise you to check the load-balancer monitoring to know (or add a data in the response that let you identify the endpoint reached ?).

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  • Hiding the hyperlink  URL in a DataGrid

    Hi All,
        i am new to the development of .net iviews for the Portal.we have a table that consists of the links to the different reports, i am displaying this contents in a Datagrid using hyperlinkcolumn of the grid.when the user clicks on the hyperlinkcolumn a new explorer will open with particular report.here the problem is my manager dont want the url to be appeard at the bottom of browser when user places mouse over that hyperlink column.
      if any one can let me know how to hide the url, that will be very helpful to me.

    Hi Murali,
    I've often heard people suggest Microsoft built the DataGrid as a control for use in their demos to promote .NET - it's nice but not terribly useful in its native form. I'd probably have to agree with that point of view.
    About the only way you can really achieve what you want is to catch the ItemDataBound event of the DataGrid control and add the relevant JavaScript attributes there. The ItemDataBound event fires as each item within the data source is being bound to the DataGrid, creating the contents of each row in the grid. With this event we're able to modify the HTML output as it's being created for output to the browser.
    Note that the ItemCreated event does a similar thing and is fine to use in this scenario, provided you don't want access to the underlying piece of data being bound to the grid, because it's not available at that point. For this reason, I'd suggest you use the ItemDataBound event so if you need to add data-related information in later on (such as changing the status message to a text description of the link that's stored in your data source) you can.
    Anyway, here's some sample code (written in VB.NET) that would do the trick; put this in your component's code-behind file:
        ' dgdTest is the name of the DataGrid control; change this to the name of your control.
        Private Sub dgdTest_ItemDataBound(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As DataGridItemEventArgs) Handles dgdTest.ItemDataBound
            If e.Item.ItemType = ListItemType.Item Or _
                e.Item.ItemType = ListItemType.AlternatingItem Or _
                e.Item.ItemType = ListItemType.SelectedItem Then
                ' For each row that is output, add the onmouseover HTML attribute
                Dim cell As TableCell = e.Item.Cells(0) ' <--- change the index to the appropriate column index for your DataGrid
                If Not (cell Is Nothing) Then
                    ' TableCell generated for the row of data exists
                    Dim link As HyperLink = CType(cell.Controls(0), HyperLink)
                    If Not (link Is Nothing) Then
                        ' HyperLink control added for the HyperlinkColumn exists
                        link.Attributes.Add("onmouseover", "window.status=' '; return true;")
                        link.Attributes.Add("onmouseout", "window.status=''; return true;")
                    End If
                End If
            End If
        End Sub
    You'll need to set the index on the <i>e.Item.Cells(0)</i> above to the relevant zero-based index of the column that's your HyperlinkColumn; I've used zero here as the first column in the DataGrid.
    Note that we also check the Cells and Controls collections are valid objects to avoid a NullReferenceException.
    You'll also need to change the name of the DataGrid control in the method declaration to the relevant name of your control.
    Having said all this, have you considered other alternatives to the DataGrid? If you're just displaying data and not using the editing, paging or sorting features of the control, I prefer to use the Repeater. It gives you total control of the HTML that's output and would eliminate the need to stuff around with the ItemDataBound event in this scenario.
    Hope this helps.

  • Complete URL of the page

    Hi All,
    Does any one know how can I get the complete URL of the page using inbuilt API's.
    For example, If I am on page:
    Is there any way I can get this using API's.
    request.getRequestURI() doesn't solve the purpose.
    Any ideas?

    request.getRequestURI() gives you everything up to the query string. So
    append to this reqeust.getQueryString().
    "Mark" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:3ef3125e$[email protected]..
    Hi All,
    Does any one know how can I get the complete URL of the page using inbuiltAPI's.
    For example, If I am on page:
    Is there any way I can get this using API's.
    request.getRequestURI() doesn't solve the purpose.
    Any ideas?

  • Complete URL of an iView Component !!

    Environment : EP 6.0 Sp2
    Following is the complete url of an iview ...
    I am using the following code to get the url ...
    IPortalUrlGenerator portalGen = null;
    IUrlGeneratorService urlGen = (IUrlGeneratorService)componentRequest.getService(IUrlGeneratorService.KEY);
    ISpecializedUrlGenerator specUrlGen2 = urlGen.getSpecializedUrlGenerator(IPortalUrlGenerator.KEY);
    if (specUrlGen2 instanceof IPortalUrlGenerator)
       portalGen = (IPortalUrlGenerator) specUrlGen2;     
    String strUrl = new String();          
    if (portalGen != null)
       strUrl = portalGen.generatePortalComponentUrl(componentRequest, "ComponentName.default");
    with the above code, the url I am getting ( in strUrl vaiable) is ...
    How can I get the url part "<servername>:<port>" so that I append it to the above string to get the complete url of the portal component or is there any other way to get a complete URL of a component ??
    I appreciate your help !!

    Use the HttpServletRequest object to get the bits you need:
    String strUrl = "/blah/blah";
    HttpServletRequest srq = componentRequest.getServletRequest();
    String url = srq.getScheme()+"://" +
         srq.getServerName() + ":" +
         srq.getServerPort() ;
    response.write (url + strUrl);

  • Safari: Display complete URL in search/URL Bar

    OS/X 10.10.1
    Safari 8.0
    How do I make Safari always display the complete URL in the search bar and not just the abbreviated domain name?
    bill plunkett

    Safari > Preferences > Advanced > Smart Search Field:
    Checkmark the box beside "Show full website address".

  • Complete URL in unstructured UI Template?

    Is it possible to retrieve complete url in unstructured UI Template in Oracle Portal 10.1.2?
    I would like to pass it on as a parameter to pl/sql:
       v_complete_url varchar2(4000);
       v_complete_url := <some magic code to get url here>;
    </ORACLE>I have searched the forums, but have been unable to find a solution to this.
    Can anyone help?

    Unfortunately the code above did not reveal the complete url, for some reason the parameters were left out (PPE interfering?)
    The solution was to use owa_util to get all the parameters, unfortunately this method does not guarantee the order of the parameters, thus making it difficult to reconstruct the complete url. Anyway, I have worked around the problem, and are now using the following code (yes, I know i doesn't actually DO anything yet :-)):
          param_string varchar2(2000);
          l_names owa.vc_arr;
          l_values owa.vc_arr;
          portal.wwpro_api_parameters.retrieve (l_names, l_values);
          htp.p('host:    '||owa_util.get_cgi_env('HTTP_HOST'));
          htp.p('script:  '||owa_util.get_cgi_env('SCRIPT_NAME'));
          htp.p('path:    '||owa_util.get_cgi_env('PATH_INFO'));
          htp.p('query:   '||OWA_UTIL.GET_CGI_ENV('QUERY_STRING'));
          for i in 1..l_names.count loop
             htp.p('p: '||l_names(i) || '=' || l_values(i));
          end loop;
          when OTHERS then
            htp.p('<!-- unstructured UI template code blew up! -->');

  • Get complete URL

    How would I get the complete URL of my page, including all the data after the '?' ?
    I've tried request.getRequestURL, but it only returns the main URL. By this I mean, if the complete URL was
    http://forum.java.sun.com/post!default.jspa?forumID=45getRequestURL only returns
    http://forum.java.sun.com/post!default.jspa Thanks!

    Check out the other methods on the request class.
    The method getQueryString() will get the rest of the URL you are missing.

  • I can not load my yahoo email. I get the following message: "Not Found The requested URL /mc/showMessage was not found on this server. Apache/2.2.9 (Debian) mod_jk/1.2.26 PHP/5.2.6-1+lenny4 with Suhosin-Patch etc... (too many characters for your ? page

    Can't log into yahoo email. I get the following message: "Not Found The requested URL /mc/showMessage was not found on this server.

    OK here is the problem I am having with this.. It might be related to my own machine but I need help where to look..
    on the command line using mintty on XP I have this:
    $ nslookup us.mg6.mail.yahoo.com
    Non-authoritative answer:
    Server: Wireless_Broadband_Router.home
    Name: any-ycpi-uno.aycpi.b.yahoodns.net
    Aliases: us.mg6.mail.yahoo.com, geoycpi-uno-deluxe.gycpi.b.yahoodns.net
    HOwever when I look in firebug for where the ip for the above domain is this is what I get: clearly not listed above..
    Let's check the aliases
    $ nslookup geoycpi-uno-deluxe.gycpi.b.yahoodns.net
    Non-authoritative answer:
    Server: Wireless_Broadband_Router.home
    Name: any-ycpi-uno.aycpi.b.yahoodns.net
    Aliases: geoycpi-uno-deluxe.gycpi.b.yahoodns.net
    $ nslookup geoycpi-uno.gycpi.b.yahoodns.net
    Non-authoritative answer:
    Server: Wireless_Broadband_Router.home
    Name: any-ycpi-uno.aycpi.b.yahoodns.net
    Aliases: geoycpi-uno.gycpi.b.yahoodns.net
    where is this ip comming from.. why isn't firefox using native DNS lookup?
    When I do a reserve lookup on that ip it points to nationalnet.com as the top SOA..
    any ideas?

  • Apache virtual hosting and URL prefixes

    I am having a bit of trouble with processing PHP after
    setting up a virtual server on apache.
    This is the setup:
    Apache is installed and the document root is "C:\Program
    Files\Apache Group\Apache2\htdocs" which was originally set as
    localhost as well
    Virtual hosting is to be set up for "C:\WEBSITES\mysite" This
    directory, you will note,is outside the htdocs directory.
    I edited the httpd.conf file as follows to set up a virtual
    DocumentRoot "C:\WEBSITES\mysite"
    ServerName mysite.local
    I didnt forget to remap localhost either ..........
    DocumentRoot "C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache2\htdocs"
    ServerName localhost
    the hosts file got tweaked too to include this: localhost mysite.local
    Everything was restarted and hey presto localhost still
    processes PHP properly but mysite doesnt.
    I am pretty sure i've set the url prefix wrong. The DWeaver
    help files refer to an IIS setup. Could anybody fill me in on what
    to put in this line and why. Any other pitfalls in setting this up
    would also be kindly received
    PS - port 80 is the listening port if it helps.

    All I did when I set up Apache was to set the document root
    to what I
    DocumentRoot "C:\webserver"
    and I put my documents in the "webserver" directory. I did
    this cause the
    htdocs directory path is way long .. it works fine.
    Mine is localhost:8080 cause I have IIS on 80 but I don't see
    where it
    should matter.
    Nancy Gill
    Adobe Community Expert
    Author: Dreamweaver 8 e-book for the DMX Zone
    Co-Author: Dreamweaver MX: Instant Troubleshooter (August,
    Technical Editor: DMX 2004: The Complete Reference, DMX 2004:
    A Beginner's
    Guide, Mastering Macromedia Contribute
    Technical Reviewer: Dynamic Dreamweaver MX/DMX: Advanced PHP
    Web Development
    "mark81" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:[email protected]...
    >I am having a bit of trouble with processing PHP after
    setting up a virtual
    > server on apache.
    > This is the setup:
    > Apache is installed and the document root is "C:\Program
    > Group\Apache2\htdocs" which was originally set as
    localhost as well
    > Virtual hosting is to be set up for "C:\WEBSITES\mysite"
    This directory,
    > you
    > will note,is outside the htdocs directory.
    > I edited the httpd.conf file as follows to set up a
    virtual server.
    > <VirtualHost>
    > DocumentRoot "C:\WEBSITES\mysite"
    > ServerName mysite.local
    > </VirtualHost>
    > I didnt forget to remap localhost either ..........
    > <VirtualHost>
    > DocumentRoot "C:\Program Files\Apache
    > ServerName localhost
    > </VirtualHost>
    > the hosts file got tweaked too to include this:
    > localhost
    > mysite.local
    > Everything was restarted and hey presto localhost still
    processes PHP
    > properly
    > but mysite doesnt.
    > I am pretty sure i've set the url prefix wrong. The
    DWeaver help files
    > refer
    > to an IIS setup. Could anybody fill me in on what to put
    in this line and
    > why.
    > Any other pitfalls in setting this up would also be
    kindly received
    > PS - port 80 is the listening port if it helps.

  • How do I create a submit button for my form? I would like it to send the completed PDF to an email address

    Hi everyone,
    I recently upgraded to Adobe XI and I can't find a "submit by email" button for my form. I created a button and tried to set up some actions but, I can only get the button to direct the user to a URL. How do I make it send the completed PDF to our designated company email address? I'm not too familiar with JAVASCRIPTS so I haven't tried that plus I heard it may not work with users with adobe reader.
    Any help would be appreciated.

    Thanks for the input. I think you might have a different version of LiveCycle than the copy I have since it looks a little different. However, I found the answer in Adobe help. I had to type "mailto:" before the email address to indicate it's an email and not a URL. See below.
    To collect form data as attachments to email, type mailto: followed by the email address. For example, mailto:[email protected]

Maybe you are looking for