Aperture unstable with 10.6.4 and Safari

After upgrading to 10.6.4 I noticed a marked decline in the stability of Aperture 3.0.3. Not so much with day-to-day usage, but during stress testing with my 500MB panoramas.
Don't get me wrong, I am generally very happy with this version, but the errors I am experiencing now damage the database, which is a first for me.
Most problems occur when using a brush on a large image. Several things can happen:
1) kernel panic in the ATI driver,
2) becoming sloooow (screen refresh >1h and counting),
3) claiming all available RAM and paging until the system HD runs out of space (>500GB),
4) just hangs, waiting for some "lost semaphore"?
After a forced quit and a restart I get the message that the database is inconsistent and has to be rebuild. This rebuild usually results in multiple previews for the same picture in the browser, which is a bit scary.
Some other weird behaviour:
1) albums are empty in the browser until some other project is selected, on return the previews are back again.
2) unable to start the external editor, it just hangs. This always happens when I am using a brush with my Wacom and by accident press the button on the stylus (should really reprogram that).
And now for the strange part of this story. When I quit Safari, all these problems disappear (except the ATI driver crashes, but these did also occur in 10.6.3). I really don't get this... how?
Looks like some problem with task management, because I also see some problems with other heavy multi-core applications (enblend), but I don't see what is so special about Safari in this regard.
Anyone else seeing this?

After a whole day of intensive Aperture use, I still stand by my earlier conclusion: Safari 5 has a bad influence on the stability of AP. I experimented with other CPU en memory hogging applications, and AP never flinched. A whole day without a crash or hang.
This morning I opened Safari on an other desktop (spaces) and started editing a large 500MB image: skin smoothing brush with color overlay, H/S and edge sharpening already applied; Aperture went down in flames almost immediately. Same action after quitting Safari: very slow but still alive.
I also noticed that sometimes when zooming on an image or switching to-and-from full screen, the screen will flash some trash from de GPU memory in view. This trash is clearly identifiable as remains from web pages I visited. Again, only with Safari active.
With atMonitor I have tried to see if there is some fight going on over resources. Ap3 makes heavy demands on the GPU en VRAM, but not as much as I expected with all the openCL hype. Some adjustments are executed on the GPU, but most dominate the CPU. Even the brushes won't max out the GPU, with one exception: the color overlay. The VRAM utilization never exceeded 50%.
Now, Safari is a different story. On its own is was easy to push it to 100% GPU and VRAM utilization. Just go to Top Sites or browse some history or bookmarks in Cover Flow. Or leave a page open that has some nice animated ads. Apple is really serious about browser speed.
Aperture never handled a shortage of free RAM very gracefully, maybe it is the same with VRAM.

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    Hi Jo,
    If I'm interpreting this correctly, the Word file downloads correctly, but when you open it in Pages, the link(s) which your instructor has embedded in the Word file are not correctly translated into Pages.
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    If you are operating behind a proxy server, maybe this will help.
    With regards to crashes from behind a proxy server, I came up with a work around!
    I have been using Automatic proxy configuration using a .pac file. That seems to be causing the error.
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    proxy.sun.ac.za Port :####
    I have put this into my System Preferences for all connection types, manually. This is found under, System Preferences: Built-in Ethernet: Configure Manually...
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    Dump question, but have you pickup the correct update e.g. for 64bit? ==> http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=91672C7C-614B-404C-850C-377541E93C18&displaylang=en
    "This comes inside SP1 for vista 64, as noted with my other system during the build. "
    Better double check it.
    Install all four memory sticks and do a memory check with >>Memtest86<< 1st, ensure that no error(s) will comes during testing.
    Also how about that?:
    Quote from: BOSSKILLER on 07-April-08, 23:55:36
    Remove your OC then see how its goes.
    "When the system boots in single channel mode (only 2 or 6gb of ram meaning 1 or 3 sticks installed into the 4 slots) its' rock stable.  When it boots into dual channel mode (2 x 2 sticks or 2 x 4 sticks) extemely unstable. "
    That means, timings are too tight, or they need a bit more vcore help, or some of the memory stick has failure.
    "MSI P7N SLI Platinum - MS-7380 - Bios 2.0 on Vista Ultimate 64-bit - all updated."
    That BIOS is not for your board, you should use 1.xx

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    You can see in that screenshot that a lot of browser.gesture.pinch prefs have an empty string as their value and thus won't have any effect.
    You can restore some zoom feature by modifying the values of the related prefs on the <b>about:config</b> page via the right-click context menu.
    * browser.gesture.pinch.in -> <b>cmd_fullZoomReduce</b>
    * browser.gesture.pinch.in.shift -> <b>cmd_fullZoomReset</b>
    * browser.gesture.pinch.out -> <b>cmd_fullZoomEnlarge</b>
    * browser.gesture.pinch.out.shift -> <b>cmd_fullZoomReset</b>
    You may want to toggle this pref (I don't know what effect this has):
    * browser.gesture.pinch.latched -> <b>false</b>
    *pinchy: https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/pinchy/

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    My initial reason do consolidate the libraries was to eliminate the "referenced" portion fo the Aperture library that refernced the iphoto originals
    One for the Consolidate Masters command.
    By importing the Library you brought over everything, lock stock and barrell, and your Aperture library still points to those referenced masters in the iPhoto Library.

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    The second problem lies with the subscriptions feature of the YouTube app. When I tap the subscriptions button, not all of them show up. I've tried finding a video by the user I want to subscribe to, tapping 'More From', followed by 'Subscribe,' but this brings up the error message 'YouTube not avaliable.' Subscribing to any other channel from the app works fine.
    Thanks - any help with either porblem would be greatly appreciated! I don't really want to go to the Apple store, and my free telephone support that came with the iPad finished some time ago.

    OMG Apple, I'm am fed up with this stupid YouTube problem I paid $500 for my iPad if not more, and I expect better! I cannot view official music videos, episodes and I can't even view 2 out of 10 videos I search for. stop trying to make people buy from your stupid iTunes store and let them be able to view all videos on YouTube. Anyone who asks me if I'd recommend and iPad, you know what I say? Its not worth the money because the reason I got an iPad was being able to have freedom just like a pc and clearly I don't have that. They ask me; can an iPad do everything a pc can do, and I say no it can't, all because I can't view videos properly on YouTube. I'm 15 and saved for an iPad and it took me 2 years, $500 I regret spending!
         Kind regards

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    I'm finding that Muse doesn't work well in older browsers, since it uses technology they don't understand. I think if we design sites in Muse, we're assuming that viewers are using newer browsers.

Maybe you are looking for

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