APEX Navigation

I'm working on web site using Oracle APEX, in this web site I have some public pages like Home, About Us and Contact Us, I also have application page that require a user name and password to submit. The question is how can I remove the Logout link from the public pages like Home and keep this link for the application pages only.

Is the logout link in the navigation bar? If so, edit the logout navigation bar entry and set the condition type to 'Current Page is NOT in Expression 1 (comma delimited list of pages) and in Expression 1 enter the page numbers for Home, About Us and Contact Us.

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    The full statementI am using is:
    Any ideas?
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    Try to append void(0); behind the statement so it looks like

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    Version: APEX 4.2

    Why not call navigation.popup instead of navigation.popup.url then? popup.url does have the hardcoded values, but it just calls popup anyway. Nothing stops you from doing the same:
    Use "winLov" if you want to keep that same popup.url functionality of overriding the same opened window. If you do not provide name the url will open in a new window every time.
    The width and height values are hardcoded in popup.url, but they are not in .popup. There are only defaults in a default object there, and will be overridden when you provide an object with these parameters to the function.

  • Firefox3 slow performance with APEX apps

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    I've been using Firefox 3 to develop an APEX app (my first). Today, I see that every time I navigate in an APEX form (e.g. Next or Prev row), the HD light on my laptop's docking station glows for a second. After some snooping, I see that FF3 uses a local SQLLite DB to capture URL history. The glowing light makes sense, since each Next/Prev click on the form changes the URL to include the new value for the primary key of the form's underlying table -- new URL, new write to the history. And since SQLLite reportedly syncs every write to disk, I get a glowing HD light with every form nav click.
    Anyone else noticed this rather annoying behavior? Any thoughts on resolving (other than switching browsers!)?

    Hi John,
    You must be using a different version of Google -- I didn't see that one! It turns out that I had my FF3 kept history cranked to 90 days, like I had in FF2. Only now there's apparently a huge performance penalty for that setting.
    The plugin worked, as dropping the history time apparently did a "DELETE FROM" instead of a "TRUNCATE...DROP STORAGE" and the SQLLite DB was still >25MB. The plugin's compact function dropped it to 240KB and now my APEX navigation is back to acceptable performance.
    Just what I need -- yet <em>ANOTHER</em> high-maintenance database ala SQL Server that I need to take care of! :_|

  • Do APEX themes have page-size limits?

    APEX 4.2
    I have an application that uses theme 2. On one page I have several regions that display updateable items populated with SQL.  One particular region shows a tabular report that contains a combination of updateable and non-updateable items.  This region will show no more than 15 rows.  In one case I know that 22 rows should show.  The pagination links do nothing.  That is, nothing happens when I click the NEXT link or select the next X of Y from a list.
    I saw on a not-too-related posting that suggested that a theme for an application can restrict page size.  Is this true?
    I've spent two days on this problem, and I have gotten nowhere.
    Can anyone suggest what else I should look for?

    Thanks for the response.
    I have tried what you have suggested several times, and nothing worked.
    I am now seeing an error in the Firefox error console:
    Error: TypeError: tabular.gChangedItems is undefined
    Source File: http://localhost:8080/i/libraries/apex/minified/widget.tabular.min.js?v=
    When I click on the Source File link (above) I see:
    apex.widget.tabular={},function(tabular,report,$,undefined){function _highlightCheckedRow(a,b,c){b.checked?(report.gStyleChecked[a]&&$(b,apex.gPageContext$).closest("tr").children("td").css("background-color",report.gStyleChecked[a]),report.gRowActive[a][c]="Y"):(report.gStyleChecked[a]&&$(b,apex.gPageContext$).closest("tr").children("td").css("background-color",""),report.gRowActive[a][c]="N",$("#check-all-rows",apex.gPageContext$).prop("checked",!1))}function _setModified(a){var b=!1,c=$x_FormItems($x("report_"+a)),d=c.length,e=tabular.gChangedItems.length;for(var f=0;f<d;f++)tabular.gTabFormData[f]!==c[f].value&&c[f].name!=="X01"&&($x_Class(c[f],"apex-tabular-highlight"),b=!0);for(var g=0;g<e;g++)$x_Class(tabular.gChangedItems[g],"apex-tabular-highlight"),b=!0;return b}tabular.gNewRowDatePicker="",tabular.init=function(a,b){var c,d,e;c=$.extend({beforeRow:null,afterRow:null},b),tabular.gTabFormData=[],tabular.gErrItems=b.errorItems,tabular.gChangedItems=[],tabular.gNewRows=0,tabular.gTabFormRegionID=a,tabular.gTabFormReportID="report_"+a,tabular.gTabForm=$("#init_row_"+a,apex.gPageContext$).parent(),tabular.gTabFormDefaultBG=$("#init_row_"+a,apex.gPageContext$).children("td").css("background-color"),tabular.gTabFormInitRow=b.beforeRow+$("#init_row_"+a,apex.gPageContext$).html()+b.afterRow,b.initialPageLoad&&(tabular.gInternalRegionId=b.internalRegionId,tabular.gUnsavedMsg=b.unsavedMsg,tabular.gAjaxEnabled=b.ajaxEnabled,$(apex.gPageContext$).on("apexbeforepagesubmit",function(){$("input[name$=NOSUBMIT]",$("#"+tabular.gTabFormRegionID,apex.gPageContext$)[0]).each(function(){$x_disableItem(this,!0)}),$("#init_row_"+a,apex.gPageContext$).remove()})),$("#init_row_"+a,apex.gPageContext$).remove(),d=$x_FormItems($x(tabular.gTabFormReportID)),e=d.length;for(var f=0;f<e;f++)$(d[f]).attr("autocomplete","off"),d[f].name!=="X01"?tabular.gTabFormData[f]=d[f].value:tabular.gTabFormData[f]="0";$("#"+tabular.gTabFormRegionID,apex.gPageContext$).on("click","input.row-selector",function(){_highlightCheckedRow(tabular.gInternalRegionId,this,$(".row-selector",apex.gPageContext$).index(this))})},tabular.checkAll=function(a){$("input[name=f01]",$("#"+tabular.gTabFormRegionID,apex.gPageContext$)).each(function(b){$(this).prop("checked",a.checked),_highlightCheckedRow(tabular.gInternalRegionId,this,b)})},tabular.pad=function(a,b){var c=""+a;while(c.length<b)c="0"+c;return c},tabular.paginate=function(a,b){function c(){tabular.gAjaxEnabled?report.paginate(tabular.gInternalRegionId,b):apex.navigation.redirect(b)}_setModified(a)?confirm(tabular.gUnsavedMsg)&&c():c()},tabular.sort=function(a,b){function c(){tabular.gAjaxEnabled?report.sort(tabular.gInternalRegionId,b):apex.navigation.redirect(b)}_setModified(a)?confirm(tabular.gUnsavedMsg)&&c():c()},tabular.addRow=function(pNewRowVals,pNewRowMap,pDispTypeMap){var lItem,lNewRowIndex,lItemsIterator,lNewRowIdentifier,lItems=$x_FormItems($x(tabular.gTabFormReportID)),lItemsCount=lItems.length,lNewRow=tabular.gTabFormInitRow,lNewRowDatePicker=tabular.gNewRowDatePicker,lErrorItemsCount=tabular.gErrItems.length;tabular.gNewRows=tabular.gNewRows+1;for(lItemsIterator=0;lItemsIterator<lItemsCount;lItemsIterator++)tabular.gTabFormData[lItemsIterator]!==lItems[lItemsIterator].value&&lItems[lItemsIterator].name!=="X01"&&tabular.gChangedItems.push(lItems[lItemsIterator]);lNewRow=lNewRow.replace(/_0000/g,"_"+tabular.pad(tabular.gNumRows+tabular.gNewRows,4)),lNewRow=lNewRow.replace("p_element_index=\" + escape ('0')","p_element_index=\" + escape ('"+(tabular.gNumRows+tabular.gNewRows)+"')"),lNewRow=lNewRow.replace(/\$_row/g,tabular.gNumRows+tabular.gNewRows),$(tabular.gTabForm).append(lNewRow),$("#"+tabular.gTabFormRegionID,apex.gPageContext$).contents().find(".nodatafound").hide(),lNewRowDatePicker.length>0&&(lNewRowDatePicker=lNewRowDatePicker.replace(/_0000/g,"_"+tabular.pad(tabular.gNumRows+tabular.gNewRows,4)),eval(lNewRowDatePicker)),lNewRowIndex=tabular.pad(tabular.gNumRows+tabular.gNewRows,4),$(":input[id^=f][id$=_"+lNewRowIndex+"]",apex.gPageContext$).change(function(){$("#fcud_"+lNewRowIndex,apex.gPageContext$).val("C")});for(var lErrorItemIterator=0;lErrorItemIterator<lErrorItemsCount;lErrorItemIterator++)tabular.gErrItems[lErrorItemIterator].length>0&&$("#"+tabular.gErrItems[lErrorItemIterator],apex.gPageContext$).addClass("apex-tabular-form-error");if(pNewRowMap)for(var i=0;i<pNewRowMap.length;i++)lNewRowIdentifier=tabular.pad(tabular.gNumRows+tabular.gNewRows,4),$("#fcud_"+lNewRowIndex,apex.gPageContext$).val("C"),$("#"+pNewRowMap[i]+"_"+lNewRowIdentifier,apex.gPageContext$).val(pNewRowVals[i][tabular.gNewRows-1]),pDispTypeMap[i].indexOf("RADIO")>=0&&$("[name="+pNewRowMap[i]+"_"+lNewRowIdentifier+"_NOSUBMIT"+"]",apex.gPageContext$).each(function(){$(this).val()===pNewRowVals[i][tabular.gNewRows-1]&&$(this).prop("checked",!0)}),pDispTypeMap[i].indexOf("SIMPLE_CHECKBOX")>=0&&$("#"+pNewRowMap[i]+"_"+lNewRowIdentifier+"_01",apex.gPageContext$).each(function(){lItem=$x(pNewRowMap[i]+"_"+lNewRowIdentifier+"_01"),lItem.value===pNewRowVals[i][tabular.tabular.gNewRows-1]&&$(this).prop("checked",!0)});lItems=$x_FormItems($x(tabular.gTabFormReportID)),lItemsCount=lItems.length;for(lItemsIterator=0;lItemsIterator<lItemsCount;lItemsIterator++)lItems[lItemsIterator].name!=="X01"?tabular.gTabFormData[lItemsIterator]=lItems[lItemsIterator].value:tabular.gTabFormData[lItemsIterator]="0"}}(apex.widget.tabular,apex.widget.report,apex.jQuery),apex.widget.report.tabular=apex.widget.tabular;
    I searched Google for TypeError: tabular.gChangedItems is undefined but received no hit.
    Can anyone suggest what to do next?

  • Pass values between pages

    Hello experts!
    I am trying to pass value between two pages without page submit.
    I set item value from first page to session state by dynamic action. Then I am trying to pass this value to second page, I use button which redirects to second page and sets item value on second page with value from first page.
    But approach this does not woks as I expected. The value from the first page is not passed to the second page when I click on button. Value is passed to the second page only if I:
    1. set some value to item on first page (e.g. XX);
    2. click on button which redirects to the second page;
    3. get back to first page;
    4. set some new value to the item (e.g. YY);
    5. click on button;
    6. then the first value from session state is passed to sthe econd page (value XX)
    Could anybody tell me where I make a mistake, or what is wrong in my solution?
    Test appl.
    workspace: kurintest
    username: [email protected]
    passwd: kurintest
    appl: 9027 pass_value
    Thanks in advance!

    Jiri N. wrote:
    Hello experts!
    I am trying to pass value between two pages without page submit.
    I set item value from first page to session state by dynamic action. Then I am trying to pass this value to second page, I use button which redirects to second page and sets item value on second page with value from first page.
    But approach this does not woks as I expected. The value from the first page is not passed to the second page when I click on button. Value is passed to the second page only if I:
    1. set some value to item on first page (e.g. XX);
    2. click on button which redirects to the second page;
    3. get back to first page;
    4. set some new value to the item (e.g. YY);
    5. click on button;
    6. then the first value from session state is passed to sthe econd page (value XX)
    Could anybody tell me where I make a mistake, or what is wrong in my solution?A redirect button and it's target URL&mdash;including items to be set and their values&mdash;are rendered on page show, in this case before <tt>P2_ITEM1</tt> has a value. Look at the page source when the page is first rendered:
    <input type="button" value="Button1"onclick="apex.navigation.redirect(&#x27;f?p=9027:3:11397156385140::NO:RP,3:P3_ITEM1:&#x27;);" id="P2_BUTTON1"  />No value substituted for <tt>&P2_ITEM1.</tt> in the URL.
    Why do you want to navigate between these pages without a page submit? As APEX has to render page 3 anyway, why not submit and branch?

  • Display PDF in Region

    I am trying to grab a pdf from a blob column in a table and display it in a pl/sql dynamic region, with mixed results..
    On the Oracle hosted instance of APEX, under the following credentials:
    Workspace: Homeworld
    User: Demo
    Password: demo
    I have an application called PDF Display Issue (# 74691).  On page 2 of the app I upload a file (hopefully a PDF) to my table (APP_HELP).  On page 3 I have a pl/sql Dynamic Region with the following code:
    v_mime VARCHAR2 (48);
    v_length NUMBER;
    v_file_name VARCHAR2 (2000);
    v_lob_content BLOB;
        SELECT mime_type,
               DBMS_LOB.getlength (blob_content)
          INTO v_mime,
        FROM APP_HELP;
        OWA_UTIL.mime_header (NVL (v_mime, 'application/pdf'), FALSE);
        HTP.p ('Content-length: ' || v_length);
        WPG_DOCLOAD.download_file (v_lob_content);
    However when I run page 3, I get a jumbled mess of characters displayed to the screen versus the PDF that was uploaded earlier..
    Usually I do PDF downloads via a report so I am wondering if the code I am using is not viable in APEX 4.x
    If anyone can take a look and offer up a suggestion I would be appreciative...
    Thank you,
    Tony Miller
    LuvMuffin Software
    Ruckersville, VA

    Yes you can open popup window.
    I did copy your sample page 4 to new ID. Just that I do not mess your examples.
    Then added entry "Display PDF in popup" to your sample page 1 list.
    That list entry url target is

  • Can interactive report size be controlled?

    I have an interactive report. I know the region size grows based on the number of rows I asked to display. However, what I really want is to set the region size and instead of it growing if they ask for lots of rows I would like to have a scroll bar appear so that the report height remains constant. I don't like having them have to navigate using the Apex navigation because it is easier to just drag the scroll bar up or down as desired.

    Check out Kiran's response in this post, courtesy of Jari
    Re: How to freeze Headers of tabuar report and Forms in APEX 4.1

  • #TITLE# template translation

    I'm trying to get the #TITLE# text passed into a label to be read from jQuery but it's adding an edit link as part of the #TITLE# translation and I can't seem to find a way to stop that.  I believe this is only in dev builder mode but I would like to use this in a template so the regular region title can be used instead of hardcoding one for each region but no idea how to turn that off...
    Template code:
    <label for="#REGION_STATIC_ID#Div">#TITLE#</label>
    How this results in HTML:
    <label for="jQueryPopupDiv">Edit Question<a class="eLink" title="Edit" href="javascript:apex.navigation.popup.url('f?p=4000:<snip>);">
    <img src="/i/e.gif" alt="Edit" class="eLink" /></a></label>
    Anyone have any ideas?

    nferreri wrote:
    To read the Title of the region in javascript so it can be transferred to the title of a jquery modal dialog.  The label is irrelevant to the problem, that was just where I was going to stick it but I haven't even gotten that far yet to notice if it was going to be a problem or not using $("label[for='<id here>']").  I realize labels are used for form elements usually but didn't realize it was a hard constraint.  Even if it's just a tag attribute it doesn't really matter because the value translated from #TITLE# is adding in that extra href for the builder edit link.  No matter where I put it it's going to translate the same way.
    Just tested that current code and it works fine:  alert($("label[for='jQueryPopupDiv']").text());   I don't think jquery cares about what a label is put on.
    No it doesn't, but I, WHATWG, W3C, and lawyers for disability activists who can sue you do. Use headings for region titles, not labels.
    I guess it's not a big deal as it doesn't display the link in there but I was just being picky about the underlying source html.   The href is still in there, regardless of it working or not.  My question was how to prevent it from being put there.
    It's controlled by a setting in the application definition. Switch from Available with Edit Links to Available.

  • Classic Report + jQuery help me understand

    Hi All, need some help to understand couple of things
    I had a theoretically small thing to achieve on one of my APEX page (inline editing of one column).
    Classic report allow me to select a named LOV as a type of the column, and using ajax i was able to update changes into database.
    But the method i have achieved this functionality totally blocked me.
    Here how I did it:
    1) I have assign a static id to my report region (Move)
    2) In Element Attributes on that column i add on change event onchange="javascript:save(this);" 3) In function save() i have next record to select the value and primary key to be able to update the change in the database
    function save(pThis) {
    var newVal = pThis.value;
    var currIndex = $('select[name="'+pThis.name+'"]').index($x(pThis.id));
    currIndex  = currIndex + 1;
    var myid = $("#report_Move table.uReport tr:eq("+currIndex+") td[headers='PK_ID']").text();
    ... ajax call here is ususal using myid as PK and newVal
    }My HTML generated by APEX:
    <section class="uRegion  clearfix" id="Move" aria-live="polite">
      <div class="uRegionHeading">
        <h1>Test<a class="eLink" title="Edit" href="javascript:apex.navigation.popup.url('f?p=4000:374:1058298648647::::P374_ID,FB_FLOW_ID,FB_FLOW_PAGE_ID:5508319451889760,555,6');"><img src="/i/e.gif" alt="Edit" class="eLink"></a></h1>
        <span class="uButtonContainer">
      <div class="uRegionContent clearfix">
        <div id="report_5508319451889760_catch"><table class="uReportContainer" id="report_Move" summary="">
    <tbody class="uReportPagination">
    <tbody class="uReportBody">
    <table summary="Test" class="uReport uReportStandard">
    <thead><tr><th align="left" id="PK_ID">PK_ID</th><th align="left" id="USER_NAME">USER_NAME</th><th align="left" id="CART_DATE">CART_DATE</th><th align="left" id="SELECTED">SELECTED</th><th align="left" id="EDIT_LINK">Edit Link</th></tr></thead>
    <tr><td headers="PK_ID">1210161455014</td><td headers="USER_NAME"><label for="f01_0001" class="hideMeButHearMe">USER_NAME</label><select name="f01" onchange="javascript:test(this);" id="f01_0001"><option value="0"></option><option value="11">SHELF 1</option><option value="12">SHELF 2</option><option value="13">SHELF 3</option><option value="14">SHELF 4</option><option value="15">SHELF 5</option><td headers="CART_DATE">05-DEC-12</td><td headers="SELECTED">Y</td><td headers="EDIT_LINK"><a href="#"><img src="/i/edit_big.gif" alt=""></a></td></tr>
    <tr><td headers="PK_ID">1210161455009</td><td headers="USER_NAME"><label for="f01_0002" class="hideMeButHearMe">USER_NAME</label><select name="f01" onchange="javascript:test(this);" id="f01_0002"><option value="0"></option><option value="11">SHELF 1</option><option value="12">SHELF 2</option><option value="13">SHELF 3</option><option value="14">SHELF 4</option><option value="15">SHELF 5</option><td headers="CART_DATE">05-DEC-12</td><td headers="SELECTED">N</td><td headers="EDIT_LINK"><a href="#"><img src="/i/edit_big.gif" alt=""></a></td></tr>
    <tr><td headers="PK_ID">1210161455013</td><td headers="USER_NAME"><label for="f01_0003" class="hideMeButHearMe">USER_NAME</label><select name="f01" onchange="javascript:test(this);" id="f01_0003"><option value="0"></option><option value="11">SHELF 1</option><option value="12">SHELF 2</option><option value="13">SHELF 3</option><option value="14">SHELF 4</option><option value="15">SHELF 5</option><td headers="CART_DATE">05-DEC-12</td><td headers="SELECTED">Y</td><td headers="EDIT_LINK"><a href="#"><img src="/i/edit_big.gif" alt=""></a></td></tr>
    <tr><td headers="PK_ID">1210161455017</td><td headers="USER_NAME"><label for="f01_0004" class="hideMeButHearMe">USER_NAME</label><select name="f01" onchange="javascript:test(this);" id="f01_0004"><option value="0"></option><option value="11">SHELF 1</option><option value="12">SHELF 2</option><option value="13">SHELF 3</option><option value="14">SHELF 4</option><option value="15">SHELF 5</option><td headers="CART_DATE">05-DEC-12</td><td headers="SELECTED">N</td><td headers="EDIT_LINK"><a href="#"><img src="/i/edit_big.gif" alt=""></a></td></tr>
    <tr><td headers="PK_ID">1210161455032</td><td headers="USER_NAME"><label for="f01_0005" class="hideMeButHearMe">USER_NAME</label><select name="f01" onchange="javascript:test(this);" id="f01_0005"><option value="0"></option><option value="11">SHELF 1</option><option value="12">SHELF 2</option><option value="13">SHELF 3</option><option value="14">SHELF 4</option><option value="15">SHELF 5</option><td headers="CART_DATE">05-DEC-12</td><td headers="SELECTED">N</td><td headers="EDIT_LINK"><a href="#"><img src="/i/edit_big.gif" alt=""></a></td></tr>
    <tr><td headers="PK_ID">1210161455031</td><td headers="USER_NAME"><label for="f01_0006" class="hideMeButHearMe">USER_NAME</label><select name="f01" onchange="javascript:test(this);" id="f01_0006"><option value="0"></option><option value="11">SHELF 1</option><option value="12">SHELF 2</option><option value="13">SHELF 3</option><option value="14">SHELF 4</option><option value="15">SHELF 5</option><td headers="CART_DATE">05-DEC-12</td><td headers="SELECTED">N</td><td headers="EDIT_LINK"><a href="#"><img src="/i/edit_big.gif" alt=""></a></td></tr>
    <tr><td headers="PK_ID">1210161455021</td><td headers="USER_NAME"><label for="f01_0007" class="hideMeButHearMe">USER_NAME</label><select name="f01" onchange="javascript:test(this);" id="f01_0007"><option value="0"></option><option value="11">SHELF 1</option><option value="12">SHELF 2</option><option value="13">SHELF 3</option><option value="14">SHELF 4</option><option value="15">SHELF 5</option><td headers="CART_DATE">05-DEC-12</td><td headers="SELECTED">N</td><td headers="EDIT_LINK"><a href="#"><img src="/i/edit_big.gif" alt=""></a></td></tr>
    <tr><td headers="PK_ID">1210161455007</td><td headers="USER_NAME"><label for="f01_0008" class="hideMeButHearMe">USER_NAME</label><select name="f01" onchange="javascript:test(this);" id="f01_0008"><option value="0"></option><option value="11">SHELF 1</option><option value="12">SHELF 2</option><option value="13">SHELF 3</option><option value="14">SHELF 4</option><option value="15">SHELF 5</option><td headers="CART_DATE">04-DEC-12</td><td headers="SELECTED">N</td><td headers="EDIT_LINK"><a href="#"><img src="/i/edit_big.gif" alt=""></a></td></tr>
    <tr><td headers="PK_ID">1210161455010</td><td headers="USER_NAME"><label for="f01_0009" class="hideMeButHearMe">USER_NAME</label><select name="f01" onchange="javascript:test(this);" id="f01_0009"><option value="0"></option><option value="11">SHELF 1</option><option value="12">SHELF 2</option><option value="13">SHELF 3</option><option value="14">SHELF 4</option><option value="15">SHELF 5</option><td headers="CART_DATE">03-DEC-12</td><td headers="SELECTED">Y</td><td headers="EDIT_LINK"><a href="#"><img src="/i/edit_big.gif" alt=""></a></td></tr>
    <tr><td headers="PK_ID">1210161455008</td><td headers="USER_NAME"><label for="f01_0010" class="hideMeButHearMe">USER_NAME</label><select name="f01" onchange="javascript:test(this);" id="f01_0010"><option value="0"></option><option value="11">SHELF 1</option><option value="12">SHELF 2</option><option value="13">SHELF 3</option><option value="14">SHELF 4</option><option value="15">SHELF 5</option><td headers="CART_DATE">03-DEC-12</td><td headers="SELECTED">Y</td><td headers="EDIT_LINK"><a href="#"><img src="/i/edit_big.gif" alt=""></a></td></tr>
    <tr><td headers="PK_ID">1210161455006</td><td headers="USER_NAME"><label for="f01_0011" class="hideMeButHearMe">USER_NAME</label><select name="f01" onchange="javascript:test(this);" id="f01_0011"><option value="0"></option><option value="11">SHELF 1</option><option value="12">SHELF 2</option><option value="13">SHELF 3</option><option value="14">SHELF 4</option><option value="15">SHELF 5</option><td headers="CART_DATE">03-DEC-12</td><td headers="SELECTED">Y</td><td headers="EDIT_LINK"><a href="#"><img src="/i/edit_big.gif" alt=""></a></td></tr>
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    </section>Is there any other more elegant solution to achieve this inline editing? because this one is relaying on theme on uReport class, on things that i can't control.
    Also can you tell me please if table.uReport is correct or table.uReportStandard is correct? How to address the class in jQuery if in HTML it is "uReport uReportStandard"?
    Thanks a lot

    There is probably nothing wrong with the logic board. The panic was certainly not caused by the manufacturing defect common in that model.
    Remove the Sophos product by following the instructions on this page. If you have a different version, the procedure may be different.
    Back up all data before making any changes.

  • Table/tree table refresh issue

    I create a table and tree table, we see the refresh happen when adding or deleting a row. We are trying to reach the following behavior:
    1) when adding a row, it should add (before or after or END) and scroll to that location and put focus on that row. In a simple case where we do not have to scroll down to some page, this should present minimal refresh
    2) Deleting a row or multiple rows, should present minimal refresh
    3) we don't want to fetch at all for ADD and delete rows. Only in pagination scrolling we should fetch.
    Does anyone have the similar requirement for the behavior of Table /Tree table?
    how do you achieve that ?

    there is no other way as a complete page refresh with the normal APEX trees. But you could use an javascript library instead like JQuery or ExtJS.
    More details here: [http://apex-at-work.blogspot.com/2009/08/apex-navigation-concepts.html|http://apex-at-work.blogspot.com/2009/08/apex-navigation-concepts.html]
    or here: [http://www.e-dba.com/uk/f?p=105:1|http://www.e-dba.com/uk/f?p=105:1]
    or here: [http://bassistance.de/jquery-plugins/jquery-plugin-treeview/|http://bassistance.de/jquery-plugins/jquery-plugin-treeview/]
    Best regards,

  • Oracle Apex 4.0: Changing #WELCOME_USER# at Navigation Bar

    In my case, I am logging into the system using user_id. However, as it is a numerical id, in navigation bar it is showing as "Welcome 1". I am using database authentication for login.
    I have a table where mapping of user_id & user name exists.
    I want to display user name instead of user id. e.g. "Welcome <User_lastname>, <User_firstname>".
    Can I call database while each page loads? Any suggestions.

    maybe this helps Nov-tech
    You can change the #WELCOME_USER# by using calling this plsql code in page:
    apex_application.g_flow_owner := 'OWNER_NAME';
    OWNER_NAME = Name of the user which you want to set
    Kartik(from APEX 4:   #WELCOME_USER# substitution string
    you can also check this here : (how to change welcome message
    Cheers Blacksev

  • Change of Color on Tabbed Navigation List (Apex 4.1)

    Dear Friends,
    I am using apex 4.1
    I have a list on page 0 which is "Tabbed Navigation List" and there are three pages running on it.
    I want to change the color of the button when i click on the specific button.
    Can any1 help me in this regards. I will be obliged.

    I have a list on page 0 which is "Tabbed Navigation List" and there are three pages running on it.
    I want to change the color of the button when i click on the specific button.
    Not clear enough.
    Different Themes render Tabbed navigation lists in different way. Take a look at the Tabbed Navigation List template on Page 0. You will need to customize this template to achieve what you want.

  • Apex Menu Navigation

    Can Someone please provide some pointers how the navigation menu is built on the apex charts demo app? I'm interested in a Navigation menu on the left and clicking on each link is bringing up the desired demo page. I didn't take note whether each link is pointing to a different page, but the initial impression seems to be the menu links are calling the same page.
    Thank you,

    Hello Shravan,
    The menu links on that page are pointing to different pages in the app. If you want to create a navigation like that, set the page template to one with a left sidebar (No Tabs - Left Sidebar, No Tabs - Left and Right Sidebar.....).
    Create a list under the Navigation section in shared components. On the page add a list region and select the source as the list you created under shared components.
    On the edit page for the region, set the Template to "Navigation Region" and Display Point to "Page Template Region Position 2" under the section "User Interface".
    Set "List Template Override" to "Vertical Unordered List without Bullets" under the section "Source".

  • Using APEX to create a navigation application using Oracle Maps/Google Maps

    Hi Guys,
    Does anyone know if there are any tutorials out there which would show me the basis to create a navigation application with Oracle Maps/Google Maps in APEX?
    I have found tutorials that show me how to get the map onto APEX and to view it but I cant find anything else that would give me a more in-depth tutorial
    Thanks in advance for your help

    I hope that this link might help

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