Apple applications relaunch on their own

After updating my wifes iMac from Snow Lepoard to Mavericks I have three applications that restart on their own when I quit them. The 3 apps are messages, calendar and app store. Have run disk utility and system is ok and also rebuilt the permissions with no luck.
After quitting these apps after 4 or 5 times they will finally stop re-launching

HI Addienyc,
have you check to see if "double-click a window's title bar to minimize is enabled"? if so have you tried disabling it?
the setting can be found in apple menu, system preferences, appearance

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    You might have a 3rd party plugin that isn't compatible with Safari 4.0.4. Go here for help...
    Safari add-ons can cause performance issues or other situations
    If you are using a USB hub, try disconnecting and restarting with just your keyboard and mouse connected.
    From the Safari Menu Bar, click Safari / Empty Cache. When you are done with that...
    from the Safari Menu Bar, click Safari / Reset Safari. Select the top 5 buttons and click Reset.
    Mac OS: Web Browser Quits Unexpectedly or Stops Responding
    Also, you could download and install the 10.5.8 combo update (PowerPC) available here.
    It contains fixes that might help. Then repair disk permissions.
    Quit any open applications/programs. Launch Disk Utility. (Applications/Utilities) Select MacintoshHD in the panel on the left, select the FirstAid tab. Click: Repair Disk Permissions. When it's finished from the Menu Bar, Quit Disk Utility and restart your Mac. If you see a long list of "messages" in the permissions window, it's ok. That can be ignored. As long as you see, "Permissions Repair Complete" when it's finished... you're done. Quit Disk Utility and restart your Mac.

  • Background Applications minimize on their own

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    Namely, When I am multitasking or working in two windows at once, say Pages on one side of the screen and firefox on another side of the screen, the application that is not currently active will often disappear from the screen and is either minimized or requires a reclick on the dock icon to re-appear on the screen.
    I am up to date on all updates and have had this issue for quite a while.
    Does anyone have an idea why this is happening or how to fix it. It would make my life so much easier as I multitask all the time and having one application randomly quit is very annoying.

    HI Addienyc,
    have you check to see if "double-click a window's title bar to minimize is enabled"? if so have you tried disabling it?
    the setting can be found in apple menu, system preferences, appearance

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    11:22 (7 minutes ago)
    to AppleSupport
    Dear Sir/Madam Since  the wifi is not coming ON how can I open this diagnostic on the iphone  4S am using and having problem with wifi behaving in erratic manner. 
    Am  a professional engineer for projects and am 68 yrs old. At one time was  looking after a production line manufacturing I C's in semiconductors  manufacturing company of the US.
    Have four apple products, one hp laptop and one DELL professional computer at home is used by only two members me and my wife.
    Wife  prefers working on ipad2 or ipad mini while traveling and has iphone 4.  Am using iphone4S with laptop and Dell computer, No apple product is  more than two years old.
    Am having the problem in using wifi on the 4S after it  was upgraded to the latest ios as per the recommendation by your  software of my iphone 4S 
    The wifi card hangs up at  it's own will and even a visit to your authorized service center in  Delhi has not able to help me although they have reverted the ios back  to the
    one supplied with the set. Am a user and not a computer expert but it looks like the wifi card is  not able to some times take the load while working which could indicate  the wifi card is getting heated up.   
    My daughter  who is Masters in 3D Animation is an ardent fan of apple products  working at present in Canada was also gifted by me a 4S about 4 months  back. My daughter-in-law is using iphone4 and an ipad for her professional  works along with a Dell PC in the US. While my son is a fan of samsung  products and does not like an apple product. 
    So in a family we have 7 apple products except MAC laptop/PC. 
    But the fact is, this problem with 4S has  really shaken me up and now it seems your products are deteriorating in  quality while demanding the best pricing structures. 
    Since  this is purely the device and the software of apple problem you may  please replace this set with new one as neither have any time to push  you/ request you after your service centre
    in Delhi told me yesterday this cannot be repaired.   
    The  serial No of my set is DN*****TC0 and was bought from an authorized  dealer and so were the other products from the same dealer in Delhi.  This set is still in showroom condition and
    was never used without a protective cover. 
    Ashok Dhingra
    D E E Hons B E Tech MBA
    Vasant Kunj Delhi
    <Personal Information Edited by Host>

    11:22 (7 minutes ago)
    to AppleSupport
    Dear Sir/Madam Since  the wifi is not coming ON how can I open this diagnostic on the iphone  4S am using and having problem with wifi behaving in erratic manner. 
    Am  a professional engineer for projects and am 68 yrs old. At one time was  looking after a production line manufacturing I C's in semiconductors  manufacturing company of the US.
    Have four apple products, one hp laptop and one DELL professional computer at home is used by only two members me and my wife.
    Wife  prefers working on ipad2 or ipad mini while traveling and has iphone 4.  Am using iphone4S with laptop and Dell computer, No apple product is  more than two years old.
    Am having the problem in using wifi on the 4S after it  was upgraded to the latest ios as per the recommendation by your  software of my iphone 4S 
    The wifi card hangs up at  it's own will and even a visit to your authorized service center in  Delhi has not able to help me although they have reverted the ios back  to the
    one supplied with the set. Am a user and not a computer expert but it looks like the wifi card is  not able to some times take the load while working which could indicate  the wifi card is getting heated up.   
    My daughter  who is Masters in 3D Animation is an ardent fan of apple products  working at present in Canada was also gifted by me a 4S about 4 months  back. My daughter-in-law is using iphone4 and an ipad for her professional  works along with a Dell PC in the US. While my son is a fan of samsung  products and does not like an apple product. 
    So in a family we have 7 apple products except MAC laptop/PC. 
    But the fact is, this problem with 4S has  really shaken me up and now it seems your products are deteriorating in  quality while demanding the best pricing structures. 
    Since  this is purely the device and the software of apple problem you may  please replace this set with new one as neither have any time to push  you/ request you after your service centre
    in Delhi told me yesterday this cannot be repaired.   
    The  serial No of my set is DN*****TC0 and was bought from an authorized  dealer and so were the other products from the same dealer in Delhi.  This set is still in showroom condition and
    was never used without a protective cover. 
    Ashok Dhingra
    D E E Hons B E Tech MBA
    Vasant Kunj Delhi
    <Personal Information Edited by Host>

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    Are you referring to startup? That would be the new feature called Resume. You can deal (disable) with it several ways: ation-resume-feature/?tag=mncol;title

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    it works great! but I'm wondering if apple is making one and will it be pressure sensitive?

    Ah, but the key word is "require" - leaving hm some wiggle room. Apple could start selling their own styli and claim that it's different from a Tablet PC because the latter require a stylus and the iPad just "can" use one. :-)
    That being said, Apple seems happy to let 3rd party developers take over items such as this.

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    What is wrong and how do I fix it?? I much prefer using Safari and I'm dying because I can't get into the iTunes store!!

    Hi and welcome to Discussions,
    Firefox is one of the few applications that maintain their own 'Proxy'-settings and do not use the general 'Proxy'-settings of OSX like all the other apps you mentioned to not work.
    Check the Proxy-settings of Firefox against the general OSX ones.
    Hope it helps

  • We have multiple devices in our family.  On each iPad/iPhone each user has their own apple id for iMessage, Facetime and icloud, but we all sign in to the same apple id for itunes.  When one of my kids comments on my shared photostream, it shows my name??

    We have multiple devices in our family.  On each iPad/iPhone each user has their own apple id for iMessage, Facetime and icloud, but we all sign in to the same apple id for itunes.  When one of my kids comments on my shared photostream, it shows my name and not theirs as the commenter.  How do I fix that?

    Go to System Preferences --> Create a New User in Users & Groups
    Decide on whether to setup as Admin or Standard User.
    Switch to the New User by logging out under the Apple in the Menu Bar or use Fast User Switching
    Fast User Switching allows other users to leave current applications and windows open. Depending on RAM, you might need to log out rather than use FUS.

  • I have a iPhone and iPad on one iTunes account, I have recently bought two further I touches fir the kids , should I set them up with their own apple ids and the can I transfer purchases through all devices

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    Hi jhyiesla,
    Im not sure wether I got you right or not. But my advice/s would be as follows:
    These steps help you get rid of old apps you downloaded years ago and you do not use anymore.(Also frees space on your mac after emptying the trash)
    1) go to iTunes and delete all applications in it. Make sure to move them to trash! Do not empty your trash yet. Its your backup if step 3 doesnt appear.
    2) connect both your devices(one after each other) and make a backup. !!!Dont press the Sync button, press the Back Up Now Button
    3) Then it asks you if you want to backup applications as well. Confirm. (This is how apps get transferred manually)
    4) Then Sync your devices... The first time it might be, that there are some additional apps loaded to your devices you dont want to.. delete them on your Device (not iTunes) and after that you should be good every time you sync again.
    5) now you can empty your trash on your mac.
    - You should regularly connect your devices with iTunes to make sure they are backed up. (Even if you have activated iCloud backup, the iTunes backup is more proper i.e.. Apps)
    - If you hate scrolling through a list of apps in iTunes, you can re/install apps directly on iOS not via iTunes. I absolutely never go to the "Applications" section in iTunes. I install and delete apps directly on iOS.

  • Can I put more than one user under one Apple ID account. I want to let other family members use imessage on their own Apple device. Or is there another way to get this end result?

    Can I put more than one user under one Apple ID account. I want to let other family members use imessage on their own Apple device. Or is there another way to get this end result?

    You can seach the net for solutions like this one another idea is to use a PC as the control and fit that with a wireless card and set up a ad hoc wireless network that the Apple TV uses. 

  • HT201084 My family shares one Apple ID on multiple devices.  How do I switch everyone over to their own Apple ID without having to erase their iphones and ipads?

    My family currently shares one Apple ID on multiple devices and has for quite awhile.  How do I switch everyone over to their own Apple ID and the Family Sharing without having to erase their iphones and ipads?

    Thank you again for your time, GB.
    I set up individual Apple ID's for my children so that they could have their own Apple ID on their individual iPad minis (gifts from grandparents last year).  When I go to iCloud under Settings, I see my Apple ID listed at the top, then my children's listed under Family Sharing.  So the device is still using my Apple ID for iCloud, iTunes, etc., correct?
    To "assign" their own Apple ID to their own iPad mini, I would need to "Sign Out" from my Apple ID.  When I attempt to do so, I receive a warning that all of the Documents and Data will be lost/deleted. 
    So, instead of doing this, I figured out that I could do what you suggested.  Signing in using a child's Apple ID will allow her/him to use Game Center, FaceTime, and Messages just fine.  However, using their Apple ID for iTunes & App Store proved to be a problem:  Purchased Music and Movies appeared in iTunes, but my Purchased Apps did not appear.  Some Apps even disappeared, e.g. Proloquo4Text (a $99 app to help my son speak with his iPad).
    So I reverted to using my Apple ID for iTunes & App Store, and I get everything that I want, EXCEPT for the iCloud storage for each Apple ID.
    So that's when I started wondering how Family Sharing was really benefiting me ~ It was a lot of work (deleting apps to allow space to download iOS 8, etc) without any benefit that I can see.  UNLESS I find a means to allow me to sign in each iPad's iCloud account with a different AppleID, then perhaps restore the Documents and Data from a backup?  Would that work?

  • Help!  i have one apple id but 2 game center accounts.......each mini has their own but now they seem to obtain the same game center!

    i have one apple id.
    i have 2 mini ipads with different game center id's but same apple id...
    each ipad has their own email address setup, even though they can see all 3 email address...
    why does the game center id no longer keep its own game center id?

    Hi Jamesdwills,
    Welcome to the Support Communities!
    If you are using the same Apple ID on both devices, the Game Center profile should be the same.
    Check out this information from the iPad User Guide.  Try signing out of the Game Center on both devices and then sign back in with the correct Apple ID:
    Using Game Center
    Game Center settings - iPad User Guide
    Game Center settings
    Go to Settings > Game Center, where you can:
    Sign out (tap your Apple ID)
    Allow invites
    Let nearby players find you
    Edit your Game Center profile (tap your nickname)
    Get friend recommendations from Contacts or Facebook
    Specify which notifications you want for Game Center. Go to Settings > Notifications > Game Center. If Game Center doesn’t appear, turn on Notifications.
    Change restrictions for Game Center. Go to Settings > General > Restrictions.
    - Judy

  • Is it possible to have your whole family on one apple id or is it better to have each person have there own? If each has their own does each id have to buy their own music and apps? How does find my iphone work with one apple id or two?

    Is it possible to have your whole family on one apple id or is it better to have each person have there own? If each has their own does each id have to buy their own music and apps? How does find my iphone work with one apple id or two? also I am going to be going off to college soon should I make an itunes id for my self and how will I get all the music from the old id?

    Is it possible to have your whole family on one apple id or is it better to have each person have there own?
    Yes, it is possible. 1 apple ID can be associated with up to 10 devices.
    If each has their own does each id have to buy their own music and apps?
    Yes, all purchases are non-transferable.
    How does find my iphone work with one apple id or two?
    Every device associated with one apple ID through Find my iPhone is tied to that Apple ID; Find my iPhone will work in the same way with up to ten devices associated with one apple ID. You cannot enable Find my iPhone for one device across two apple IDs
    I am going to be going off to college soon should I make an itunes id for my self and how will I get all the music from the old id?
    If you have authorized a computer with the old apple ID, you can transfer old media purchased through the old to other devices via iTunes. This doesn't mean the media purchases through the old apple ID it transferred to the new account. If you plan to make future purchases and don't wish to share them with others, make your own apple ID.

  • We are using one apple ID and password for 5 devices. I would like to know how to give my children their own apple ID to use on their I touches. Can I do this without them loosing all their contact details, music and games? Any help much appreciated.

    We Have set up 5 differNet apple devices ( iPhones, I touches and iPad) so that they all use the same apple I'd and password. I would now like to give each family member their own apple I'd and password. Can I do this without loosing any of the data on each persons gadget? Thanks!

    I think I will do this.  I will use my apple ID and set face time and message to work independently.  That solves one problrem.  My other problem and maybe my bigger problem is that if I am using my apple ID, how do I iflter all of this so that my kids don't see my contacts, get my apps, etc. ?

  • HT204053 Is it possible to have two (or more) different icloud mail accounts (not alias) under the same apple id? If not what is you best advice for all family members to have their own e-mail and still share the purchases under the same apple id. Thanks

    Is it possible to have two (or more) different icloud mail accounts (not alias) under the same apple id? If not what is you best advice for all family members to have their own e-mail and still share the purchases under the same apple id. Thanks

    mannyace wrote:
    Thanks for the response.
    So I basically won't run into any trouble? I
    There should be no issues. Its designed to work like that.  You don't change Apple IDs just because you get a new device.
    mannyace wrote:
    Thanks for the response.
    Is there any chance that the phones can fall out of sync?
    Unlikely. But nothing is impossible.   Though I don;t see how that would happen. As long as both are signed into the Same Apple ID / iCloud Account they will be N'Sync. (Bad Joke)
    mannyace wrote:
    Thanks for the response.
    If I get a message or buy an app or take a photo on the iPhone 5, how do I get those things onto the iPhone 6?
    If you buy an App, you have 2 ways to get it to the iPhone6: If Automatic Downloads is enabled in Settings->iTunes & App Store, it will automatically download to the iPhone 6 when you buy it on the 5 and vice versa if you buy it on the 6, it will download to the 5.
    Alternatively, you can simply go to the App Store App->Updates->Purchased and look for the App there and download it. Purchased Apps will not require payment again. i.e They'll be free to download to the iPhone 6 once purchased.
    SMS Messages will sync over using Continuity as long as they are on the same Wifi network. Otherwise, restoring the iPhone 5 backup to the iPhone 6 will transfer all messages received up until the backup was made onto the iPhone 6.
    Images, can be transferred either through Photo Stream
    My Photo Stream FAQ - Apple Support
    Or any Cloud service you want such as Dropbox, or One Drive.
    mannyace wrote:
    Also, something i forgot to ask initially: Should I update the iPhone 5 to iOS 8 first or does that not matter?
    If you want the Continuity features as explained above you need to update the iPhone 5 to iOS 8. Otherwise its not all that important.

Maybe you are looking for