Apple mail is restored, but not showing up in my mail 5.2

My apple mail is finally working after 3 days of outage. IHowever,  can no longer get my mail on the apple mail 5.2 on my iMac. I can see the mail online and on my iphone. not sure what settings have been changed. anyone know what may have been bungled in my settings?


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    jennjc wrote:
    Thanks for responding. I did go thru all of the trouble shooting suggestions and none of them worked. The final suggestion was to uninstall iTunes and then check to make sure no support programs remained. I searched my c drive and none of them could be found. Then I reinstalled iTunes. Is this right?
    I want very hard here to avoid splitting hairs with you but with the way you worded your post I feel it best that I attempt to sumarize what must be done AFTER uninstalling the itunes program. In the articles that I listed for you it talks about unstinalling all other associated programs as a part of itunes. Those programs MUST be uninstalled and then as part of downloading a new copy of itunes then installed along with the new copy of itunes. If you are saying that you did uninstall iTunes, and then after that uninstalled all other associated programs then yes you are now ready to download and install a new copy of itunes.
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    Good luck Friend.

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    I had same problem last night with a movie rental not showing up under the 'Rented' tab in iTunes/Movies on my iMac: as I had no other rentals, there was no 'Rented' tab at all.
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    Anyway, I hope this helps anyone experiencing similar issues with movie downloads.

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    How to reset iPod
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    You have the display set in Extended Desktop mode with the MacBook as the main screen. The Menu Bar and Dock will be on the MacBook display and your background screen on the TV but you can move the cursor onto the TV screen.
    In System Preferences>Display on the MacBook screen there should be an Arrangement tab when you have the MacBook hooked up to the TV and both screens working. When you click the Arrangement tab do you see two monitors side by side? One of them will have a Menu Bar at the top. Just click on the Menu Bar and drag it to the second monitor. That will make the second monitor your main screen.
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