Apple Persistent State Encryption

I just noticed in my keychain there is a password for " apple persistent state encryption " Can anyone tell me what this is for ?

Hi Michael
Used by the persistent state feature to encrypt window snapshots to ensure privacy. It is changed frequently.
I did do a get info and to tell the truth I did not understand the above info. In fact I goggled it and got no clear explanation either. Does it have to do with lion's resume feature or the full disk encryption implantation. Could you please elaborate ?

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    Hi Michael
    Used by the persistent state feature to encrypt window snapshots to ensure privacy. It is changed frequently.
    I did do a get info and to tell the truth I did not understand the above info. In fact I goggled it and got no clear explanation either. Does it have to do with lion's resume feature or the full disk encryption implantation. Could you please elaborate ?

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    columns class_id(primarykey),class_name,priority,institute_id
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    public Collection findByAllPrimaryKey(Integer institute_id)
    throws FinderException, RemoteException;
    //collection is returning class_id,class_name through class stcakey and in parameter
    //is institute_id
    My bean is:
    public class StcaBean implements javax.ejb.EntityBean {
    public int class_id;
    public String class_name;
    public int institute_id;
    EntityContext ctx=null;
         public Collection ejbFindByAllPrimaryKey(Integer pk)throws FinderException
              Connection con = null;
                   con = getConnection();
                   PreparedStatement ps=con.prepareStatement("select class_id,class_name from ims_class_mst where institute_id = ?");
                   ResultSet rs=ps.executeQuery();
                   LinkedList queryMatches=new LinkedList();
                        StcaKey stcakey=new StcaKey(rs.getString(1),rs.getString(2));
                   return queryMatches;
              }catch(SQLException sqle)
                   throw new EJBException(sqle);
                   }catch(SQLException sqle)
         private Connection getConnection()
                   Context context = new InitialContext();
                   DataSource datasource = (DataSource) context.lookup("java:comp/env/jdbc/SyllabusDB");
                   return datasource.getConnection();
              }catch(javax.naming.NamingException namingexception)
                   throw new EJBException(namingexception);
              }catch(java.sql.SQLException sqle)
                   throw new EJBException(sqle);
    public int getClassId() {
    return class_id;
    public String getClassName() {
    return class_name;
    public void setEntityContext(EntityContext ctx) {
    public void unsetEntityContext() {
    public void ejbLoad() {
    // Not implemented.
    public void ejbStore() {
    // Not implemented.
    public void ejbRemove() {
    // Not implemented.
    My remote interface is
    public interface Stca extends javax.ejb.EJBObject {
    public int getClassId() throws RemoteException;
    public String getClassName() throws RemoteException;
    My primary key class is:
    public class StcaKey implements
    public String class_id;
    public String class_name;
    public StcaKey() {}
    public StcaKey(java.lang.String class_id,java.lang.String class_name) {
    this.class_id = class_id;
    this.class_name = class_name;
    public boolean equals(Object obj) {
    if (obj instanceof StcaKey)
    StcaKey otherKey = (StcaKey) obj;
    return ((class_id.equals(otherKey.class_id)) && (class_name.equals(otherKey.class_name)));
    return false;
    public int hashCode() {
    return ((class_id+class_name).hashCode());

    Implement Load and Store methods .Data will be persisted.
    -Viren Jasani

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    Hi ,
    Please find the xml and the screenshot.
        <CE_1_Text>Where pt. will be transported to \T\ where &#x10;&#x1;famly can wait:</CE_1_Text>
      <OBX_4_ObservationSubId />
        <CE_0_Identifier />
      <OBX_7_ReferencesRange />
      <OBX_8_AbnormalFlags />
      <OBX_9_Probability />
      <OBX_10_NatureOfAbnormalTest />

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    Hello MichaMuc,
    I found some steps to help resolve the "Activation: failed" error messsage you are getting on your Apple TV:
    Restart your base station or router. Sometimes this is done by turning the router off for a few seconds, and then on again, but check the documentation provided by the manufacturer.
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    To reset your Apple TV perform a factory restore.
    You can find the full article here:
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    Thank you for posting in the Apple Support Communities. 
    Sheila M.

  • ADF Mobile: Apple App Store: Encryption Registration Number for Sqlite

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    Hi, Mike, here is our response on this question. First thank you for your inquiry around Apple AppStore’s Encryption Export question. The exact question from Apple’s iTunesConnect portal is “Have you added or made changes to encryption features since you last uploaded a binary for this product?”. While we will do our best to suggest an answer based on our understanding of the situation, ultimately any answer that relates to an Apple process or website needs to come from Apple.
    Our understanding of the question is that it pertains to the functionality or features of the application you developed using Oracle ADF Mobile and Apple iOS SDK, not to the capabilities of the development tools nor the framework. Furthermore, the question focus on changes between previous (there may be none) and current version of the application. Therefore, for the following scenarios:
    •     V1– no encrypted database nor secured SSL communication to the backend services.
    o     Based on our understanding of the question, the answer would be “No” as you have not added any encryption feature.
    •     V2 – adds encrypted local database and/or secured SSL communication to backend service
    o     Based on our understanding, the answer would be “Yes” as there are changes in the encryption features
    •     V3 – same database encryption and SSL communication as v2.
    o     Based on our understanding, the answer would be “No” as there is no change in the encryption features between v2 and v3.
    Hope this helps, and please let me know if you have any questions.
    Joe Huang

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    tell application "Terminal"
         do shell script "su"
    end script
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    I haven't been able to find any information on this ... can anyone help?

    It would have been handy to mention that the app. already uses the [Swing Application Framework (JSR 296)|]. The blurb of the framework has a series of feature, one of which is.
    - Support for managing and loading resources, like strings, formatted messages, images, colors, fonts, and other types common to desktop applications.
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    Tim Howells

    Save the tab number in a cookie and read the cookie on page
    to get the current tab:
    var varname = tp1.getCurrentTabIndex();
    (tp1 beein the var name of your tabbed panels)
    For the load listener have to include spryDOMUTILS.js
    and u can fire it usin this code
    Spry.Utils.addLoadListener(function(){ save stuff to cookie
    I have also created a onUNLOADlistener (that scripts get
    fired when people leave the page.
    open Spry DOMUtils.js and go to line 262 and this code under
    (or search for addLoadListener = function(handler)
    Spry.Utils.addUnLoadListener = function(handler)
    if (typeof window.addEventListener != 'undefined')
    window.addEventListener('unload', handler, false);
    else if (typeof document.addEventListener != 'undefined')
    document.addEventListener('unload', handler, false);
    else if (typeof window.attachEvent != 'undefined')
    window.attachEvent('onunload', handler);
    The onUnloadListener can be activated by
    Spry.Utils.addUnLoadListener(function(){ save stuff to cookie
    I also have a Spry.Utils.Cookie handler if u need it. message
    me, Than ill post it.
    I hope this covers your question,

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    You need to contact support:
    Enter country and select bottom contact support link on the left on the next page that loads.

  • Persistent AES encryption decryption

    I m using AES actually indirectly throuch the's jar files and I have a problem.
    The encryptiona and decryption works fine as long as the virtual machine is not shut down, but when the machine is started fresh then the decryption of strings doesnt return the same results.
    Now is there a way where i can make it persistent across machine shutdowns, because i have a customer DB and I want to kep the names (for ex.) consistent throughtout.
    Any sample code or alternative methods wud be highly appreciated

    Serialize the secret key to the filesystem after it is generated (this would best be done with a separate, small, standalone application). Somehow protect this key. One idea would be to have a password suplied at server startup. Use the password to create a PBE key that would decrypt the secret key. (The one disadvantage to this is that you will not be able to launch the server in a shell script without also storing the password, kind of defeating the point). Once the key is decrypted, read it in from your application for normal use.
    - Saish

  • Keychain adds logins w/o permission

    On restart, my computer adds five login permissions to my keychain (I have been deleting them for I haven't given them permission to be added, and when I click on them, almost no info is given as to why they were added and nothing as to what they do).
    Apple Persistent State Encryption
    Public key:
    Private key:
    Unauthorized certificate (red "x"):
    Unknown certificate: "Unable to display this certifcate. The data does not appear to be a valid certificate" (repeated 3x).
    Why are the Public and Private Keys recognized as valid when the certifcate with the same code name is said to be invalid? Why do these keep appearing even if I delete them? Are they viruses?
    Thanks for your help.

    Thank you Kevin, that does seem to match my symptoms and I have made the change suggested. Just incase that page becomes unreachable by others, here is the part of the page that applies to this:
    Receive event error 3760 and 6398 on SBS 2008
    Issue was caused by incorrect Auto Close option for ShareWebDb database
    1. On the SBS 2008 server, click Start -> All Programs -> Microsoft SQL Server 2005, right click SQL Server Management Studio Express and choose run as administrator.
    NOTE: You must run it as administrator to perform steps below.
    2. In the Server Name box, type \\.\pipe\MSSQL$Microsoft##SSEE\sql\query, click connect.
    3. Expand Database node and right click the ShareWebDb then choose properties.
    4. Click Options in the left pane, in the right pane, please check whether the Auto Close option is set to True, if so, please change it to False.

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