Apple Script "do when pressed" command?

hey guys i need the right command that would activate a script once i press F1 (for example)
So it should be smthg like:
If F1 is pressed Then
     tell application "System Events"
          keystroke "123"
          keystroke tab
          keystroke "134"
     end tell
     do nothing
end if
and i save the script under what?
     I need it to work either in text edit- pages- safari.... ect... (wherever there's a text box)

To run a terminal command it is usually sufficient to use do shell script. So for your command it would be
do shell script "networksetup -setdnsservers Wi-Fi"
note if the command requires administrator privileges you would need to do
do shell script "command"  with administrator privileges
will prompt for the password when the script is run.
do shell script "command" user name "me" password "mypassword" with administrator privileges
will store the password and username in the script. More convenient but much less secure.
See do shell script in AppleScript

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    Sounds like a trackpad issue.  Try changing  the trackpad preferences for sensitivity or speed.  If that fails delete the preference file that the trackpad uses.  I don't know which one it will be as I don't have a trackpad.  Go to the form for your particular Mac, Macbook Pro, iMac, Macbook, etc. and ask there for which preference file to delete.
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    Command-H hides the document.  Command-Tab brings you back to Microsoft Word.  Your document isn't lost.  You just simply switched to the Finder.  In Microsoft's infinite wisdom, they didn't make command-H the same as minimize, and hence why you are probably lost.  It doesn't minimize the window to the dock, which would make it easier to access.   Don't use command-H unless you really want to hide and switch applications.  This discussion explains alternatives.

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    Best Regards,

    To run a terminal command it is usually sufficient to use do shell script. So for your command it would be
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    note if the command requires administrator privileges you would need to do
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    do I need that DVD? or can I upgrade to the newest version, would I then be able use the command R option for bringing up the disk utility partition?
    What exactly are you trying to do?
    OS X Lion and above includes the addition of a Recovery partition (not a "disk utility partition"). If you had OS X Lion or above, then Command-R would boot the Mac to the Recovery partition. From that partition, you could then run the Disk Utility application.
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    The obvious/easy solution would be to add some logic to the script to see what the time is.
    If you expect the script to run at, say, 1pm, but the script checks the time and sees that it's 5pm then you can assume the machine was asleep at the time and thefore you can bail out gracefully.
    if (hours of (get current date)) = 13 then
      -- it's sometime in the 1pm hour...
    end if
    You can fine-tune the check as much as you like

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    This is just standard AppleScript text concatenation with the &:
    ... {content: "There is a file awaiting your review: " & iteminfo}
    Here you can see I'm concatenating a literal string (enclosed in quotes) and a variable. You can extend this ad infinitum.
    As for the signature:
    tell theMessage to set message signature to signature "My Sig"
    (which assumes you have a signature named 'My Sig'. Adjust as necessary.

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    If MacKeeper corrupted the Recovery partition then even I underestimated its potential for damage. Garbage "cleaning" apps will cause misery but I have not found that the Recovery partition to have been affected by using MacKeeper or anything like it. I doubt that it did so, but I have learned not to underestimate the potential for such things to result in system corruption.
    Before concluding your Mac has a hardware failure, try booting OS X Internet Recovery by holding command option r on startup (three fingers). That will force your iMac to bypass the Recovery partition altogether, and convey the ability to create a new one.
    An Internet connection will be required (wired or wireless).
    At the Mac OS X Utilities screen, select Disk Utility. Select your startup volume (usually named "Macintosh HD") and click the Repair Disk button. Describe any errors it reports in red. If Disk Utility reports "The volume Macintosh HD appears to be OK" in green then you can be reasonably (though not completely) assured your hard disk is in good working order.
    Assuming the HD remains usable you can then use Disk Utility to erase it. Reinstall OS X, restore your essential software and other files, and don't reinstall the junk.

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    If you are really sure that it's impossible to click in Recovery mode, then something is wrong with the machine.
    Make a "Genius" appointment at an Apple Store, or go to another authorized service provider.
    Back up all data on the internal drive(s) before you hand over your computer to anyone. There are ways to back up a computer that isn't fully functional — ask if you need guidance.
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    Keeping your confidential data secure during hardware repair
    Apple also recommends that you deauthorize a device in the iTunes Store before having it serviced.
    *An SSD doesn't need to be zeroed.

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    It is easy to change the keyboard language by pressing apple/command plus space.
    What other keyboards besides US did you have activated on your machine?

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    IF it is a manufacturing defect and you bought the device from Apple or an authorized Apple retailer, then take it into Apple.

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    Hi Ishrak,
    I apologize, I'm a bit unclear on exactly what you are trying to log into with your Apple ID, or what exactly you are seeing (alert message, directions, etc) when you try to do so. If you continue to have issues with your Apple ID, you may find one or more of the articles linked from the following page helpful:
    Apple ID - Apple Support
    - Brenden

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    Even if an application is not scriptable, you can generally use [GUI Scripting|] to press a button. For example, using Canon's RemoteCapture DC software, the script below will press the "Release" button of the main window:
    tell application "RemoteCapture DC" to activate
    tell application "System Events"
    tell process "RemoteCapture DC"
    click button 4 of window "RemoteCapture DC"
    end tell
    end tell
    If you then put the above script in the AppleScript menu in the menu bar, you should be able to use a third party application, like Quicksilver, to assign a keyboard shortcut to it.
    Message was edited by: Pierre L.

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    App Compatibility Table - RoaringApps - App compatibility and feature support for OS X & iOS
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    end script
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