Apple tv, Youtube and CBS full episodes.

So Youtube recently announced that it has partnered with CBS to start showing full episodes of a few shows as a trial, to see if there is a market.
It's sort of the same situation as Hulu offers; You have two or three ticks in the show where it makes you watch a commercial and you can not fast forward through them. As someone who has Hulu access high on his wish list for Apple Tv. (I purchase plenty of shows through iTunes too. I just wish there was an alternative for times where I just want a show in the background and for that 1.99 just isn't worth it but an old episode of the A-Team with 3 or 4 commercials is. Like many others, if I had the option for both purchased shows with zero commercials and free shows with mandatory commercials, I would cancel my cable subscription.)
Anyway, I wanted to see if anyone has had any luck with being able to access these "Full Episodes" from the Youtube app on their Apple Tv's or if they've heard any information regarding this working in the future.

I had the same idea. I've already canceled my cable (as low as I can anyway.) I've been watching via my macbook for months now and it's great. I had a very busy September and missed the opening weeks of every show. But with my MacBook I was able to convert the DVI to HDMI and display all the sites on my 61" TV. IMDB has made my job of finding shows much easier in finding episodes and watching them in proper order.
My complaint was that even though I was watching Hulu in full screen and it was awesome with minimal commercial interruption, I had to keep getting up to load the next episode. But maybe it's good to stretch your legs once an hour. If AppleTV would become a portal or delivery mechanism for Hulu and Joost like it is for YouTube, it would make those sites much more viable. Additionally, they might be able to integrate with iTunes whereas if you just saw a hilarious episode of Family Guy and you just had to own it, you could click a button and buy it from iTunes.
Shows I've caught up on using my MacBook:
The Unit (from IMDB,
Heroes (from IMDB, Hulu)
Bones (from Hulu)
House (from Hulu and "not Hulu" for last season I missed)
Dexter (not
Weeds (not
The Office (from Hulu)
Family Guy (from Hulu)
Daily Show (from Hulu)
Colbert Report (from Hulu)
and now I'll get to watch "My Own Worst Enemy" which looks awesome.
I buy LOST on iTunes cause of my obsession with it, but I know you can watch any ABC shows on

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