Applescript for keeping your self created network

So I had this issue that everytime I start up my wired mac I had to create a new network for using my Mac,with Airport Extreme-card, as base-station for wireless connection with my iPhone ,so I have wireless internetconnection on my iPhone. The created network from a previous session wasn't remembered . But I found out that the self created network is remembered in System Preferences/Sharing/Internet Sharing/ Airport options.
I made an applescript to put as an Automator- Application in System Preferences/Accounts/Login Items.
And now when I start my Mac the network I created the last session is there again, and active.
on run {input, parameters}
tell application "System Preferences"
end tell
tell application "System Events"
tell process "System Preferences"
click menu item "Sharing" of menu "View" of menu bar 1
delay 2
tell window "Sharing"
click checkbox 1 of row 10 of table 1 of scroll area 1 of group 1
delay 1
if (exists sheet 1) then
if (exists button "Turn AirPort On" of sheet 1) then
click button "Turn AirPort On" of sheet 1
delay 1
end if
click button "Start" of sheet 1
end if
end tell
end tell
end tell
tell application "System Preferences"
end tell
tell application "System Events"
tell process "System Preferences"
click menu item "Sharing" of menu "View" of menu bar 1
delay 2
tell window "Sharing"
click checkbox 1 of row 10 of table 1 of scroll area 1 of group 1
delay 1
if (exists sheet 1) then
if (exists button "Turn AirPort On" of sheet 1) then
click button "Turn AirPort On" of sheet 1
delay 1
end if
click button "Start" of sheet 1
end if
end tell
end tell
end tell
tell application "System Preferences"
end tell
return input
end run

Hey Bug, I just refound what a lot of people have forgot about or didn't even knew was out there. But all (alteast most) of the top AV venders have a FREE Rescue CD that you can download and use.
Here is a description of them and a small review of the top 13. I did see that these tests were done in late 2008. But they are still out there with newer CD's. Top 13 Rescue CD's
They basically a bootable CD that runs there AV software in a Linux Environment. They even update to the latest version when connected to the ethernet.
You can burn the ISO's to a CD or even better use SARDU Here is a list of AV's SARDU can use. To make these AV's listed boot from a USB device. Basically meaning you can have a Ultimate Bootable AV USB stick having multiple AV software on it (add other tools if you figure it out, along with having a Linux LiveCD too). If you click on the antivirus tab it shows you the AV available to be put on the USB. Click the link and you can download the latest ISO image.
Just thought I would share this info. A lot of us have forgot about these wonder tools.
Edit Note:fixed the 13 AV's link and changed the AV List picture to a link...
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    property CreateMenuName : "Create Network…"
    property NetworkName : "Net"
    property NetworkPassword : "paswd"
    tell application "System Events"
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      tell menu bar 1
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                                            perform action "AXPress"
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                                            perform action "AXPress" of menu item "Open Network Preferences..." of menu 1
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    Well in another discussion I got the answer of keeping your self created network when closing and starting up your mac. The created network will be remembered in System Preferences/Sharing/Internet Sharing/Airport options.
    But somehow it needs to be activated. And you can do that by un-clicking "Internet Sharing" and clicking it again and click "Start" So with thanks to BDAqua I came to the following Automator workflow to be saved as an application which you can put in System Preferences/Accounts/ login-items.
    on run {input, parameters}
    tell application "System Preferences"
    end tell
    tell application "System Events"
    tell process "System Preferences"
    click menu item "Sharing" of menu "View" of menu bar 1
    delay 2
    tell window "Sharing"
    click checkbox 1 of row 10 of table 1 of scroll area 1 of group 1
    delay 1
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    if (exists button "Turn AirPort On" of sheet 1) then
    click button "Turn AirPort On" of sheet 1
    delay 1
    end if
    click button "Start" of sheet 1
    end if
    end tell
    end tell
    end tell
    tell application "System Preferences"
    end tell
    tell application "System Events"
    tell process "System Preferences"
    click menu item "Sharing" of menu "View" of menu bar 1
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    tell window "Sharing"
    click checkbox 1 of row 10 of table 1 of scroll area 1 of group 1
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    click button "Turn AirPort On" of sheet 1
    delay 1
    end if
    click button "Start" of sheet 1
    end if
    end tell
         end tell
    end tell
    tell application "System Preferences"
    end tell
    return input
    end run

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    No, not unless it is simply a network connection.
    How is your IPTV being provided.. if it is using a separate vlan or separate vpi/vci in the adsl connection. Who is your ISP?
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    Is the IPTV using a separate voice channel on adsl?
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    Sorry but it is something where a definite answer is not possible unless you provide all the details.
    The setups are unique to each ISP around the world..
    Here is one for our local ISP.
    He has a section on getting this working with apple router over wireless.. look
    Google around and see if other people have had success.. the whole setup is tricky.. and it is hard if nobody has used it who actually understands networking.

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    Do you keep other settings (e.g. in Options) that you make in Firefox?
    Create a new profile as a test to check if your current profile is causing the problems.
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    property CreateMenuName : "Create Network…"
    property NetworkName : "testNet"
    tell application "System Events"
        tell process "SystemUIServer"
            tell menu bar 1
                set menu_extras to value of attribute "AXDescription" of menu bar items
                repeat with the_menu from 1 to the count of menu_extras
                    if item the_menu of menu_extras is "Airport Menu Extra" then exit repeat
                end repeat
                tell menu bar item the_menu
                    perform action "AXPress"
                    delay 0.2
                    perform action "AXPress" of menu item CreateMenuName of menu 1
                end tell
            end tell
            repeat until exists window 1
                delay 0.5
            end repeat
            tell window 1
                keystroke NetworkName
                click button 1
            end tell
        end tell
    end tell
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    You might try the steps in this Knowledge Base article;

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    If you restore your phone, you will be given an option to back up your phone at the beginning of the process (see step 6 here:  You will be given the option to restore to that backup at the end of the restore process.  Your messages are stored in the backup so restoring to the backup will return the messages to your phone.  Be sure to import your photos and videos to your computer (see and back up your contacts somewhere before restoring your phone as these sometimesget lost in the restore process.

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    Hi Tammy,
    Please place a screen shot of where you are up to. Are you using formulas to calculate the next day's date? If so, what formulas?
    Here is a screen shot of a Year Planner in Numbers 3.
    Is this what you are trying to do?

  • How to connect your Verizon 4510L to your home Wifi Network

    Hello there! 
    I recently set my mom up with one of these guys and ran into the problem of having more than 5 devices that need to connect to the Internet and/or each other.  I couldn't find any resources online that described how this can be done, or even if it is allowed.  So I figured I would finally contribute to the Online community and share my success with all of you!  As a disclaimer:  I am not Verizon/Linksys/etc technical support and provide the following information freely and without warranty. The instructions below are specific to my configuration, and while yours WILL work using the same general principles, the exact steps required to make it work may be different.  In other words, YMMV   Good Luck!
    First off, my environment doesn't equal your environment, and what I will describe below is one of the more complex scenarios.  You can disregard any extra routers if you only use 1.  Here is the environment I had to work with:
    A large 2 story home with a basement area as well.  The wifi signal does not travel well from floor to floor, so we had to have 1 wireless router per floor.  We DID have the luxury of using home wiring to to phsycally connect both routers together, if you don't have that luxury, I might suggest using a "Powerline" adapter to help wire your two routers together.  Some devices required wired connectivity on both floors as well, so wireless repeaters would not be sufficient.  We purchased 2 routers to accomplish the following task.  Brand of router should not matter.  If your home is a 1 story, or have adequate coverage from a single router, you can disregard the 2nd (SLAVE) router instructions (4-5) below. 
    First off, what you will need to make this work:
    One or more Wireless Routers (we used Linksys Wireless-G or Wireless-N 4-port routers)
         *EDIT: You need only 1 router, and if an additional access point is needed, purchase an Access Point or repeater with wired/wireless capabilities*
    Verizon JetPack 4510L MiFI device
    One Wireless Bridge (we used Linksys WET610 1-port Entertainment Bridge)
    Next, lets setup the wireless/wired home network to connect all devices with one another:
    1) Choose one router to be the MASTER, and the other to simply be your SLAVE/repeater for the other floor.
    2) Before physically connecting the MASTER and SLAVE routers together perform the following:
    3) On the MASTER router:
         - Change the router IP address to
              - The 10 is random, and you can make it whatever you want (as long as it isn't "1"), just remember it and keep it consistent.
         - Configure DHCP (usually on by default) but change the subnet from 192.168.1.x to 192.168.10.x.
              - The reason for changing the DHCP subnet is because your 4510L device uses DHCP as well, and it is configured to use 192.168.1.x
                   - They can't be the same or it won't work
         - Configure your wireless SSID and security (preferably WPA2)
    4) On the SLAVE router *EDIT: or repeater or access point*:
         - Change the router IP address something outside the DHCP range 1-100, but on the same subnet as the master router (ie.
         - Disable DHCP on the router, as all address assignment is going to come from the MASTER
              - You may want to tape over the WAN port as well to remind yourself that it will not be used
         - Configure your wireless SSID and security to match that of the MASTER router
              - This will make it easier for your clients to use both access points and move throughout your home without having an issue
    5) Connect both routers together with Ethernet (either direct cable, home ethernet wiring, powerline adapter, etc)
         - You want to connect both routers using one of the built in network ports (1-4)
    There, now you have both floors of your home setup to accept either wired or wireless clients who will be assigned 192.168.10.x IP addresses.  However, they will not have access to the Internet...yet!
    The MiFi device by default has a long SSID, and the password to connect is on a label on the bottom of it.  Power it on in the room next to a computer (probably a windows computer), and view your wireless networks to connect to from the desktop.  You will probably see the wireless network name you just created on the routers and the "Verizon ..." MiFi name.  Simply make a note of the EXACT SSID being broadcasted by the MiFi device.  If you changed the default WiFi password before attempting this, make a note of that new password as well.
    Next, lets use the key to making this thing work...the Wireless Bridge.  The wireless bridge first needs to be physically connected to either router on ports 1-4.  The bridge will get an IP address assigned to it and you will need to find that address out so that you can access it from a web browser.  The easiest way to find that out is to connect to the MASTER routers web-based administration page (, click on Status menu->Local network, and then click the "DHCP client table" button.  You will find the bridge name and IP address there.  Keep that administration window open. 
    Next, connect your web browser with the bridges IP address so that you can manually configure it to access the MiFi device.  The bridge will ask if you want auto or manual configuration, and you want manual.  When prompted for the SSID and security type, type in the SSID of the MiFi device EXACTLY as you wrote it down.  Next, under security, change the type to WPA2-Personal, and type in the password to access the Verizon MiFi device (either on the sticker under it, or whatever you previously changed it to).  Once you complete that setup, the status page should tell you that the bridge is connected and have an IP address (192.168.1.x) assigned to it.  Once that is done, you can close your web browser to the wireless bridge.
    Disconnect the bridge from the routers network ports and now connect it to the MASTER routers WAN port.
    Next, return to the MASTER routers web-based administration page (, click on the Status menu and view the WAN IP information.  If everything was connected correctly:
    MiFi wirelessly -> Wireless Bridge wired -> Master router WAN port (then optionally wired from port 1) -> Slave router port 1 
    Then, you should see the WAN IP address of 192.168.1.x assigned to your MASTER router.
    If you do see that, then congratulations, open a web browser from any of your wired/wireless clients connected to your home network, and you should be able to access the Internet!  You will be able to support as many clients as your Routers will allow you to directly connect (104 if I am not mistaken)...Yay!
    I hope my experience helps you all in achieving the same results!
    If you do not see a WAN IP address, you might want to power off the MASTER router, the Wireless Bridge and MiFi device.  Then in the following order power up each one, one at a time, giving the unit time to fully configure and connect to their respective networks:  First MiFi, then the Bridge, then the MASTER router.
    After the Master router is fully powered on, test a webpage again from any client connected to your new home network and it should work. 
    If it _still_ doesn't work, I would recheck the steps listed above to see if anything was missed.  Particularly, making sure you changed the router IP and DHCP subnet of the MASTER router to something other than 192.168.1.x.
    Good Luck!

    Q: "In your example of using the wireless repeater, assuming it is on a different floor than the main router, how are the clients connecting to the network on that floor?"
    A: However you like, both devices support thier own cabled and wireless connections. 
    I assume you are only interested in wireless client connections since cable connections are straight forward.  Depending on how you setup the SSID's clients will connect to either the router or the repeater and they should be overlapping eachother a little. 
    Same SSID:
    If the router and repeater share the same SSID then the client will decide on thier own which one to connect to.  The client will roam between the two on its own criteria as the user moves around the enviornment.  Roaming and transitioning will happen seamlessly for you and you should not notice a break in your connection unless you have something really specific connected to the internet.  In most cases you cannot influence this behavior on your devices as they all have thier own criteria for choosing one SSID over another with a similar name. 
    Different SSID:
    If the SSID's are different then the user must manually connect to one network or the other.  Roaming will not be seamless and as the user walks out of range the client will be disconnected from the device.  This provides the best reliability and control but requires more user intervention.
    Q:"So correct me if I am wrong, but in your setup, there would be 2 wifi network, and the soft limitation of 4 devices on the repeater floor.
    A. Nope, the repeater will support as many devices as it can, depending on the model you purchase.  Even though the repeater needs a wireless connection with the MiFi, the Repeater rebroadcasts and acts as its own independant wireless router.  The MiFi could care lesss how many people are connected to the Repeater, all it see's is one connection.  If you removed the MiFi from the repeater then the repeater will continue to broadcast its own SSID.  Clients connected to the repeater will not be disconnected from the repeater SSID but they would not recieve internet until the MiFi returns.
    With the repeater enviornment you could have 10 people on the repeater, 10 people on the wireless router and 4 people directly conneted to the MiFi all at the same time.  I dont suggest it running like that for performance reasons but hopefully you get the idea.

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