Applescript to Javascript

I have an Applescript that I need to convert it into  Javascript.
To create Indesign instancs in applescript i use
tell application "Adobe InDesign CS5" statement
How create Indesign instancs in JavaScript
or what is equivelent statement of ( tell application "Adobe InDesign CS5" ) in Java Script
Using COM I create Indesign Instance like
#include "indesign.h"
INDESIGN::_Application oApplication;   
if(oApplication.CreateDispatch(L"InDesign.Application") ==0)
    AfxMessageBox(L"Dispatch is not created");
How create Indesign instance using java Script ?

Thanks CarlosCanto for reply
I am a new developer and want to create indesign application.
First I explane you, What i want to do?
I want to create an Indesign application for both mac and window os.
First I use COM and crate indesign application
#include "indesign.h"
INDESIGN::_Application oApplication;   
if(oApplication.CreateDispatch(L"InDesign.Application") ==0)
     // Dispatch is not created;
But COM is not supported on mac so i want to use JavaScript
I am using Qt to develop my application and i want to create a java script .
When I run my JavaScript on window  then Indesign application should start .
In my post I write about ExtendScript ToolKit 3.6, but i do not want to use this tool.
For example on mac in Apple Script when i run my apple script
tell application "Adobe InDesign CS5.5"
set myDocument to make document with properties
end tell
in apple script editor which is inbuild with mac, Indesign Application start(create) sucessfully.
I want to use javaScript editor inbuild with window.
Like in applescript there is no need to put the script in  /Users/<username>/Library/Preferences
/Adobe InDesign/Version 7.5/<locale>/Scripts
Simply when i run apple script application create. I want to such using java script.
I do not want to put my script C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Application Data
\Adobe\InDesign\Version 7.0\<locale>\Scripts      
to start indesign application DesignScripting/InDesign-ScriptingTutorial.pdf
Establish communication with the InDesign application object:
AppleScript :   tell application "Adobe InDesign CS5"
VBScript     :    Set myInDesign = CreateObject("InDesign.Application")
JavaScript   :    Refer to the application as app.
plz give a simple java script (.js) file example which create Indesign Application (instance) , when i run my java script in any java script editor, No need to put script /Users/<username>/Library/Preferences/Adobe InDesign/Version 7.5/<locale>/Scripts and run script after run indesign.
Like in VB to create indesign object we use CreateObject("InDesign.Application"). In javascript how create object of InDesign Application.

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    If you've got the time, feel free to upload an .swf. The service is free and the server delats uploaded files after 15 min. (if you don't have any, you may try an empty .txt file instead - it won't get converted, but the point is just to get it into the input box).
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              set display dialogs to never
              set thisdoc to current document
              tell thisdoc
                        resize image resolution 300 resample method none
              end tell
    end tell
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    This will change the resolution only..
    app.displayDialogs = DialogModes.NO;
    activeDocument.resizeImage(undefined, undefined, 300, ResampleMethod.NONE);

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    Thanks a lot.

    If all you want to do via Applescript is chain several 'Actions' to run in a certain order then just duplicate the action line and change the name strings to those of the other action & action sets like so…
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    do script "Neigen" from "Prepress" without dialogs
    do script "Action A" from "Set A" without dialogs
    do script "Action B" from "Set B" without dialogs
    end tell
    Both the names strings of the actions & the action sets are case sensitive…

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    Any help would be appreciated.
    Kevin Stauffer

    Kevin some thing like this for Photoshop should aid you
    set Todays_Date to do shell script "date \"+%d-%m-%y\""
    -- Create new folder to save to
    tell application "Finder"
    set Raster_Images to make new folder at desktop with properties ¬
    {name:"Rasterized PDF's " & Todays_Date}
    end tell
    -- Set Photoshop settings
    tell application "Adobe Photoshop CS2"
    set display dialogs to never
    set User_Rulers to ruler units of settings
    set ruler units of settings to pixel units
    -- set background color to {class:CMYK color, cyan:0, magenta:0, yellow:0, black:0}
    -- set foreground color to {class:CMYK color, cyan:0, magenta:0, yellow:0, black:100}
    end tell
    -- Get list of PDF's
    set The_Question to "Do you want to include all the subfolders" & return & "within your folder selection?"
    set The_Dialog to display dialog The_Question buttons {"No", "Yes"} default button 1 with icon note
    if button returned of The_Dialog is "Yes" then
    set Input_Folder to choose folder with prompt "Where is the top level folder of PFD's?" without invisibles
    tell application "Finder"
    set File_List to (files of entire contents of Input_Folder whose name extension is "pdf")
    end tell
    tell application "Finder"
    set Input_Folder to choose folder with prompt "Where is the folder of PFD's?" without invisibles
    set File_List to (files of Input_Folder whose name extension is "pdf")
    end tell
    end if
    set File_Count to count of File_List
    if File_Count = 0 then
    display dialog "This folder contains no PDF files to rasterize!" giving up after 2
    end if
    -- Loop through the files in list
    repeat with This_File in File_List
    tell application "Finder"
    set The_File to This_File as alias
    end tell
    -- Tiger (OSX.4) shell call to count the pages
    set Page_Count to my PDF_Pages(POSIX path of The_File)
    if the result is not false then
    -- Loop Photoshop through the page count
    repeat with i from 1 to Page_Count
    tell application "Adobe Photoshop CS2"
    open The_File as PDF with options ¬
    {class:PDF open options, bits per channel:eight, constrain proportions:true, crop page:trim box, mode:CMYK, page:i, resolution:300, suppress warnings:true, use antialias:true, use page number:true}
    set Doc_Ref to the current document
    tell Doc_Ref
    -- Enter your name strings into two enties below
    -- Case sensitive stings
    -- do action "My Action" from "My Action Set"
    -- New file naming options
    set Doc_Name to name
    set ASTID to AppleScript's text item delimiters
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to " "
    set Doc_Name to text items of Doc_Name
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "_"
    set Doc_Name to Doc_Name as string
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "-"
    set Doc_Name to text item 1 of Doc_Name
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ASTID
    if Page_Count = 1 then
    set New_File_Name to (Raster_Images as string) & Doc_Name & ".tif"
    set File_Number to ""
    repeat until (length of (File_Number as text)) = (length of (Page_Count as text))
    if File_Number = "" then
    set File_Number to i
    set File_Number to "0" & File_Number
    end if
    end repeat
    set New_File_Name to (Raster_Images as string) & Doc_Name & "_" & File_Number & ".tif"
    end if
    end tell
    save Doc_Ref in file New_File_Name as TIFF with options {byte order:Mac OS, embed color profile:false, image compression:LZW, save alpha channels:false, save layers:false}
    close current document without saving
    end tell
    end repeat
    end if
    end repeat
    -- Set ruler units back to user prefs
    tell application "Adobe Photoshop CS2"
    set ruler units of settings to User_Rulers
    end tell
    beep 3
    -- OSX Tiger shell handler
    on PDF_Pages(This_PDF)
    do shell script "/usr/bin/mdls -name kMDItemNumberOfPages" & space & quoted form of This_PDF & " | /usr/bin/grep -o '[0-9]\\+$'"
    on error Error_Message number Error_Number
    if Error_Number is 1 then
    display alert "Page Count Unavailable" message "The page count for " & This_PDF & " is unavailable." giving up after 3
    return false
    display alert "Error " & Error_Number message Error_Message giving up after 3
    return false
    end if
    end try
    end PDF_Pages
    and something like this to perform JavaScript from within AppleScript for Acrobat
    You would be better talking to the JavaScript Experts on how to use addScript() to get your doc level scripts in.
    property Default_Path : (path to desktop folder as Unicode text) as alias
    property JavaScript : "var re = /.*\\/|\\.pdf$/ig; var filename = this.path.replace(re,''); try { for (var i = 0; i < this.numPages; i++) this.extractPages( { nStart: i, cPath: filename+'_' + (i+1) +'.pdf' }); } catch (e) { console.println('Aborted: '+e) }" as text
    set The_PDF to choose file default location Default_Path ¬
    with prompt "Where is the multi-page PDF?" without invisibles
    tell application "Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Professional"
    open The_PDF
    tell active doc
    do script JavaScript
    close saving yes
    end tell
    end tell

  • AppleScript via JavaScript (doScript in Photoshop)

    Hi everyone,
    I was looking for a way to execute AS from JS to bind my AS on hotkey.
    I found a thread with this code in there:
    // JavaScript
    var myscr = new File('/C/1/book/my.vbs');
    if (myscr.exists) {
    app.doScript(myscr, ScriptLanguage.visualBasic)
    do I thought that I'll create a .jsx file with this code and it'll work
    var myscr = new File('/Users/macintosh/Documents/Adobe Scripts/enter.applescript');
    if (myscr.exists) {
    app.doScript(myscr, applescriptLanguage)
    but it didn't
    I fought that the problem is that doScript is from inDesign/Illustrator and tried doAction but it seems it's only for Actions.
    Please explain me what am I doing wrong?
    Kind regards, Sergey

    Take a look at the documentation each of Adobe's apps differs in its scripted commands. ID has 'do script' in given language (the best of the bunch) Photoshop will let AppleScript & Visual Basic do JavaScript. Illustrator is like Photoshop except you can pass an arguments array to the command…
    File.execute(); did NOT work with my quick test the calling JavaScript:
    #target photoshop
    var appleScript = new File('~/Desktop/');
    if (appleScript.exists) appleScript.execute();
    The AppleScript compiled and saved as 'Application' in on run statement…
    on run
    tell application "Adobe Photoshop CS2"
    if exists document 1 then
    set Doc_Ref to current document
    tell Doc_Ref
    set Doc_Name to name
    display alert "Testing" message ¬
    Doc_Name giving up after 2
    end tell
    display alert "Script Error" message ¬
    "No document is open." as warning giving up after 2
    end if
    end tell
    end run

  • Convert applescript to javascript

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    Muppet Mark seems right.
    Translating APS to JS is someway doable. Unless the APS script uses cmd that don't have matching items in JS, it shouldn't be a problem.
    However, I don't think a script may convert  all by itself an APS script to JS.
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    What if the script goes for file on the system using a tell application "Finder" block ?
    In my opinion, the translation process can only be efficiently done by a someone knowing both languages.
    Can I help you ?

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    I am running AppleScript to populate some forms on various websites, but to activate some behaviors on the various forms that I can't activate with Safari and JavaScript I think I might need jQuery. Only problem is that I don't really know how to get the functions of jQuery embedded into a running AppleScript.
    Would any of you knowledgeable people know how to accomplish this.
    Any help would be welcome.
    Thank you,

    Yes I did get to that part.... I went trough external to retrive itunes folder... When I selected the folder, it said that it was locked, choose another folder... I then went to my external again to my itunes folder and and used command I to see if folder was locked and it wasn't.... it was suggested on another forum to reboot.. which I did and still same problem... All I want to do is link my external hard drive that has my itunes playlist from another Mac to my new one.. and to also use the external as the main source for adding new songs to my playlist...

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    tell application "Adobe InDesign CS5.5"
         tell every document
              set visible of layer "Interactive - Web" to true
              set visible of layer "Interactive - Print" to false
         end tell
    end tell
    var myDocuments = app.documents.everyItem(); // something like this?
    It hides/shows the visibility of 2 specific layers for all opened documents.  I pretty much need to hide/show 2 specific layers ina  book and this should/can accomplish that.
    Thanks for any help!

    This should work:
    var documentsArray = app.documents.everyItem().getElements();
    for (var i = 0; i < documentsArray.length; i++) {
              var document = documentsArray[i];
              var layers = document.layers;
              layers.itemByName("Interactive - Web").visible = true;
              layers.itemByName("Interactive - Print").visible = false;
    Also, it might be possible to do this without using "getElements" which "resolves the object specifier", eliminating the need for the "for" loop. Something like this:
    app.documents.everyItem().layers.itemByName("Interactive - Web").visible = true;
    app.documents.everyItem().layers.itemByName("Interactive - Print").visible = false;

  • Execute applescript from javascript

    I am trying to execute an AppleScript .app from my webpage. Is it possible?

    I am trying to execute an AppleScript .app from my webpage. Is it possible?
    I suspect not. Javascript is supposed to prevent the program from messing with you local environment.  Could be some control to allow it.  I wouldn't want some random web page invoking an Applescript that messes with my file system.
    You need activex on a windows machine. Microsoft is happy to like you download any random program and run it on your Windows box.  I do not run Windows.

  • AppleScript do javascript

    So I noticed that the
    do javascript <path to script file>
    I have used in versions 7-CS4 causes an error now.
    "General Photoshop error occurred. This functionality may not be available in this version of Photoshop."
    However adding "file"
    do javascript file <path to script file>
    allows it to work again.
    Does anyone have a copy of PS7 that they could test this with to see if this form is backwards compatible? I can confirm that it works with CS3.

    Blah nevermind - pretend I never asked this question....

  • Applescript "do javascript" click link

    Hi, I want to make a script that opens a web page in Safari, then clicks on a link. however the link is javascript, with a self referrential href
    Does this code look like it should be working, becuse it jsut gives a blank page.
    on run
    launch application "Safari"
    tell application "Safari"
    make new document at end of documents
    set URL of document 1 to ""
    do JavaScript "bcStartCamsOnly()" in document 1
    (*actual link is *)
    end tell
    end run

    Blah nevermind - pretend I never asked this question....

  • Applescript to Javascript Translation Help Needed

    I need to have this Applescript translated so I can use on my Windows system.
    Is there anyone out there who could do this for me?
    set pText to ":  The quick brown fox jumps"
    tell application "Adobe InDesign CS6"
        set stylePage to make page at end of active document
        tell stylePage
            set t to make text frame with properties {geometric bounds:{0.5, 0.5, 10.5, 8}}
            set text column count of text frame preferences of t to 2
        end tell
        set s to every paragraph style of active document
        set contents of last insertion point of t to "Paragraph Styles"
        set applied paragraph style of paragraph (count of paragraphs of t) of t to item 2 of s
        repeat with x in s
            set sname to name of x
            set contents of last insertion point of t to return & return & sname & pText
            set applied paragraph style of paragraph (count of paragraphs of t) of t to x
        end repeat
        set c to every character style of active document
        set contents of last insertion point of t to return & return & return & return & "Character Styles"
        set applied paragraph style of paragraph (count of paragraphs of t) of t to item 2 of s
        repeat with i in c
            set cname to name of i
            set contents of last insertion point of t to return & return & cname
            set applied character style of every word of paragraph (count of paragraphs of t) of t to i
        end repeat
    end tell

    #target indesign
              pText = ":  The quick brown fox jumps",
              t = app.activeDocument.pages.add().textFrames.add({geometricBounds: [0.5,0.5,10,8]}),
              s = app.activeDocument.allParagraphStyles,
              c = app.activeDocument.allCharacterStyles,
              sname, cname, k;
    t.textFramePreferences.textColumnCount = 2;
    t.insertionPoints[-1].properties = {contents: "Paragraph Styles", appliedParagraphStyle: s[1]};
    t.parentStory.appliedCharacterStyle = c[0];
    for (k = 0; k < s.length; k++) {
              sname = s[k].name;
              t.insertionPoints[-1].contents = "\r\r" + sname + pText;
              t.words[-1].appliedParagraphStyle = s[k];
    t.insertionPoints[-1].contents = "\r";
    t.insertionPoints[-1].properties = {contents: "\r\r\rCharacter Styles", appliedParagraphStyle: s[1]};
    for (k = 0; k < c.length; k++) {
              cname = c[k].name;
              t.insertionPoints[-1].contents = "\r\r" + cname;
              t.paragraphs[-1].appliedCharacterStyle = c[k];

  • Change System Date [Mac] using Applescript or Javascript?

    Hi All,
    Can anyone suggest me how can i change my Mac date using Apple or Java Script.
    Is it possible or not? If possible then please suggest.

    Thanks to all.
    Problem solved now .
    Here is code.
    set oldDate to do shell script "date '+%m:%d:%y'" as string
    do shell script "systemsetup setdate 03:03:10"
    --Do some stuff
    do shell script ("systemsetup setdate " & oldDate)

  • Set level for bookmarks using applescript or javascript

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    In my indesign document having 3 paragraphs. And set bookmarks of level one by one to these paragraphs.
    Please anyone can help me?
    tell application "adobe indesign cc 2014"
    tell active document
    set selectItem to item 1 of selection
    set textdestinate to make hyperlink text destination with properties {name: selectItem, destination text:item 1 of selection}
    set BknameInnerItem to make new bookmark with properties {destination:textdestinate}
    end tell
    end tell
    --Then,   how to set bookmark level in the hyperlink text destination properties? Is it possible?

    To add a new level, add a bookmark to another bookmark; that will automatically indent it.

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