AppleTV syncing seriously compromising home wi-fi network speeds (sort of)

Hey there Crew -
I have an AppleTV linked to the iTunes on a new Mac mini (with 802.11n wireless). All the syncing and internetting is being done through a just purchased Time Capsule (with the Simultaneous dual-band 802.11n; my understanding of this is that computers with standard 'n' wireless run at 'n' speeds, while those with 'g' or lower run at those speeds without compromising the 'n' network).
OK SO: My problem is that older computers on my network (with 802.11g wireless) lose almost all their internet connection (down to 1 or 0 bars) when the AppleTV is doing it's sync with the Mac mini. When no syncing is going on, the computer (specifically an old Powerbook G4 that my wife uses) has great signal strength and fast down speeds. As soon as the sync starts, however, that computer takes a nose dive. All other computers with 802.11n wireless don't experience a slowdown.
Has anybody seen this behavior before? Obviously it is a manageable problem; I can just avoid syncing the AppleTV when my wife needs to be on the internet; but it's one of those nuisances that gets under the old skin, you know? My guess is that when the network gets taken over by all the media syncing, it squeezes out the 802.11g connections, but was hoping someone could either confirm that or offer another theory.
Thanks folks!

Cheyne67, welcome to the forum.
Here is a guide that may help you solve your problem.  If it doesn't solve your problem, I suggest contacting your ISP Tech Support for help.  A tech from my ISP did all of the connection for me when I bought a new Router.  He did it using remote software.
Please click the "Thumbs up + button" if I have helped you and click "Accept as Solution" if your problem is solved.
HP TouchPad - 1.2 GHz; 1 GB memory; 32 GB storage; WebOS/CyanogenMod 11(Kit Kat)
HP 10 Plus; Android-Kit Kat; 1.0 GHz Allwinner A31 ARM Cortex A7 Quad Core Processor ; 2GB RAM Memory Long: 2 GB DDR3L SDRAM (1600MHz); 16GB disable eMMC 16GB v4.51
HP Omen; i7-4710QH; 8 GB memory; 256 GB San Disk SSD; Win 8.1
HP Photosmart 7520 AIO
**Click the Thumbs Up+ to say 'Thanks' and the 'Accept as Solution' if I have solved your problem.**
Intelligence is God given; Wisdom is the sum of our mistakes!
I am not an HP employee.

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    Patience this is a bit compplicated
    1. Xserve1 running Open Directory, managing multiple client computers and users to include user home directory location via Workgroup Manager.
    2. Xserve2 handling 7 Tera Bytes of home directory storage. Repeat 7 Tera Bytes of home directory storage.
    3. Many Mac desktops running 10.4.10. Only one local account, we'll call him local-admin on any of these machines which is the local admin account for that machine. Absolutely no other information for users resides on these machines.
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    User1 now logs onto Desktop2 for whatever reason. Maybe Desktop1 was being used by User34. Desktop2 repeats what Desktop1 did. Makes the call to Xserve1, mounts the home from Xserve2. If you were to go back to Desktop1 you would find no trace of User1 except maybe in log files. The only user listed in MachintoshHD -> Users or in Unix terms /Users would be local-admin. So User1 is the only user and the iTunes library located in User1's home directory is the only library being dealt with.
    On to AppleTV:
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    Spent almost 2 hours on the phone with Apple support. Nice bunch of folks. Spoke with multiple tiers of AppleTV support and even had a gentleman on from the Enterprise Division on the phone. They are elevating this up higher and promise to get back with me. Hoping.
    Complicated, yes.
    My thoughts on how to solve this, don't lock the device to a computer, lock the device to an account for syncing. Also, don't automatically lock a streaming source when locking a syncing source.

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    If you get an error that says can't backup, try moving the existing backup file to a safe location and thry again. again. You can find the location of the backup file here:
    iPhone and iPod touch: About backups

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    Welcome to the Apple community.
    I can't really say for sure how often the Apple TV updates its shared libraries.
    I do however know that once the Apple TV as completed playing something, it will sync with the shared library in order to update the play count. So I'd be reasonably sure that the shared library is updated at least once every time something is played.

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    Many thanks,

    Just found your post as I was having a similar problem. Our setup was with all Apple OD though.
    I had exactly the same problem with new workstations having the user setup with the default template. We also had some odd problems syncing specific files we never had trouble with before. Our issue arrived last week when our main sharing and userhomes data drive died and we had to recover from a backup. Once we recovered, everything except for sync of portable home directories came back properly.
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    more macs than I can list   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

    Is the local home with synchronization of
    selected folders a variant of mobile home? or mobile
    user? (newbie osx server admin, still digesting the
    apple manuals!!
    Ok what I believe your asking is can you sync your portable home directory ~/shortname to the Server /HomeDir/shortname and ignore the lets say ~/shortname/Pictures or Music Directory? Since you only want Work related files on the Server and only have to backup 1 big user directory with only work related file on the server? Well the answers is a big YES .
    What is required takes a bit to setup. Heres a quick list of things to do and that need to be in place for it to all work smooth.
    1. OS X Server Software with OD/LDAP setup 10.4.3 or higher!
    2. All Client 10.4.3 or higher and binded to the OD/LDAP Server.
    3. Setup Workgroup Admin/Preferences Management. You can set rules for a Group or individual Users. Groups being the preferred way. In here you can set the Path to the Files & Folders to ignore during the Sync. You can do lots of other MCX Managed client settings here and if your OD/bind is good it works great.
    4. You'd have to move stuff around on the Local units i.e. ~/oldfiles to New ~/shortname which will be created. There a few way to do this and hold Permissions and all that just read about Mobile homes more. Think of it as a Laptop connecting for the first time to a binded OD server. Lots of folks have different ways.
    My clients also work with Large files (PS, ID, ai) and a network home was a bit of a pain. To be honest it's not the large files that get you it was the BS cache files that slow it all down. There are now work arounds for the performance hit but took time for the community to figure it all out. I had them in 10.3 working on files in the /Users/Shared/ directory and moving finished work back to the server after.
    10.4 has been the saviour of my sanity with mobile homes. Servers Fast Clients Fast, I have full control of clients (<--admin god complex), and all lived happily ever after... for the most part.

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    What's the proper way to do this?

    Interesting question!
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    I also use Traktor Scratch Pro for performing...
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    when I try to get on the internet thru safari at home, on my network, I get a pop up that says Safari cannot open the page because it is not connected to the Internet.  How can this be and how do I fix it?

    Does the iPod connect to other networks?
    Do other device connect?
    Did the iPod connect to this network before?
    - Reset the iPod. Nothing will be lost
    Reset iPod touch: Hold down the On/Off button and the Home button at the same time for at
    least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears.
    - Power off and then back on the router
    - Reset network settings: Settings>GeneralReset>Reset Network Settings
    - iOS: Troubleshooting Wi-Fi networks and connections
    - iOS: Recommended settings for Wi-Fi routers and access points
    - Restore from backup
    - Restore to factory settings/new iPod.
    - Make an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store.
    Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar

  • How can I get a PC connect to my home Airport Extreme network ?

    HELP!  I'm trying to get a new PC (that we know has a working wireless card-it works fine at Best Buy) to connect to my home Airport Express network?
    It's an older Apple Airport, but I have multiple Mac's of various ages, an iPad, 2 iPhone 4S & an iPod Touch and they ALL connect with no problems.
    The PC can see the network - it reads the name of it - but won't load any page. I keep getting a "this page can't be displayed" message, and in the windows task bar I can see multiple bars (indicating its connected) but it has the deadly yellow triangle with a ! on it....
    I tried calling the manufacturer tech support and they had me delete & re-install drivers, but that did nothing. We took the PC back to Best Buy today and the techs there were able to log onto the internet - the Best Buy techs said that their in-store wireless router was old & slow.
    So I am at a loss to get this PC to connect to the internet.
    Any suggestions or thoughts are much appreciated.
    Dave B

    Hi ...
    Open Keychain Access located in HD > Applications > Utilities
    Select Passwords on the left.
    Type Wi-Fi (or the name of your Wi-Fi network0 in the search field top right corner of the Keychain Access window.
    Then right or control click that keychain then click Get Info then selec the Attributes tab then click:  Show password
    You may need to entier your admin password to proceed.

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    When I take the iPhone to other wi-fi connections nearby, it finds them and connects just fine.
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    Could another router or electrical equipment nearby be causing a problem?

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