Appleworks printing in different colors

When I use Appleworks, it's in blue ink and sometimes green. When it prints, it prints in these colors. I just want black. How do I switch it to black?

   For that do the following steps.
1) Keep the next page of page1 as PAGE2.
2) Keep the next page of PAGE2 as PAGE2.
3) Keep a counter(lcount) in the table from which you are printing the data and keep incrementing it for every loop pass.
4) Before looping the table use describe table statement to get the number of records present in that internal table and store in another variable(rcount).
5) Then right click on the table footer and there  create a COMMAND  and there in the condiitons give as
     rcount  = lcount.
so because of that the data will print properly and when once all the data is over the command will be triggered and it will automatically go to the last page.

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    import java.awt.*;
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    public class DPI implements Printable
    public int print(Graphics graphics, PageFormat pageFormat, int pageIndex) throws PrinterException {
    Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) graphics;
    return NO_SUCH_PAGE;
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    HAs this already been discussed and fixed? hopefully?
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    Thanks a lot!

    RE: "You don't indicate what Xerox printers you have"
    In my first post I named it, is that the information you need?
    Docucolor 3535 using Splash 3535
    That's interesting, so I have to find a way to turn off the printer's Color Management function? I mailed them, hope they can tell me how to do it easily. They usually just tell me to not use any profiles and so on, but that's the general rule in this area, I'm really tired of hearing it. Everybody seems to think profiles and LAB mode are nuclear science and I should stay away from it.
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    JEditorPane contain HTML. So write your HTML using the color attribute.
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    >I have Windows Vista and the latest version of LR and everytime I print using LR the print preview shows a different color and so does the print. When i use the same picture and print using PSCS3 or any other application it looks good. I have tried changing all the settings from within LR under the printer properties but nothing seems to help.
    There are problems with printing in Lightroom from Vista. Some drivers don't allow you to turn off color management in the driver. Sometimes the only remedy is to let the driver manage. Also make sure you have the very very latest version of the driver.
    >I changed all of the computers default profile to ProPhoto and now everything from within LR looks good but everything else looks awfull.
    That is an extremely bad idea. You need to profile your monitor. Never assume a profile such as prophoto. At most, delete the profile in the monitor's preference, effectively making your computer assume sRGB for the monitor.
    >I also tried changing the PSCS3 to ProPhoto hoping that would help but it seems the only thing to do is not to color manage when in PSC3.
    And that is the absolute worst idea. In Photoshop, set a standard space as the working space, such as sRGB, adobeRGB, or prophoto and set it up to ALWAYS respect embedded profiles. Otherwise you are guaranteeing incorrect color. Also, do not try doing any color critical work without profiling your monitor. Not doing so will always frustrate your efforts at printing. Lastly, never assume a canned profile for your monitor. They are almost always incorrect and actually have corrupt perceptual rendering profiles, tripping up color in Lightroom. More info:

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    How can i solve this problem?
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    Photoshop File> Print preview color has been flaky in the past, i wouldn't rely on it for color -- how does it print is the bigger question...
    if it prints bad, how does your print profile SOFTPROOF

  • DUAL MONITOR BUG: One Picture – One Monitor – Different Colors!

    There have been several threads discussing that Photoshop CS4 and OS 10.6. show wrong colors in dual monitor setups.
    The first one to prove this with a screen capture was jb510-LJ0JJQ in August 2009:
    Eight months and three OS updates later the problem is still there and makes professional work with more than one monitor a nuisance.
    Here's another actual example: A picture and its 100% identical copy showing different colors on one screen!
    Here's how to repeat it – try this at home ;-)
    1) In the finder make a copy of a rgb picture.
    2) Open one of the two identical pics in photoshop.
    3) Drag it to the other monitor.
    When releasing the mouse button you may see the bug already: the colors will "switch".
    4) To verify this go to system presets - monitors - and change the primary monitor (by dragging the menu bar to the other)
    5) Now open the identical copy you made in step 1) and see the difference!
    Here's a synopsis of suggested workarounds:
    1) disable open GL (which seem to makes no difference on my setup)
    2) click "desaturate monitor colors" but set desaturation to 0 (which prevents visual switching in step 3) (only if openGL is ON) but also leads to a wrong display in step 4+5
    3) make the hardware calibrated monitor your default monitor and strictly avoid changes or dragging pics to the other monitor (which seems to be the only reliable method)
    4) some guys even force both monitors to use the profile of their hardware-calibrated monitor (using color sync) to make sure they see what they should see on at least that one monitor. What a stone-age workaround for the the world's leading imaging program!
    Considering that reliable colors in professional (=multi monitor) settings should be the most basic function of photoshop this mayor malfunction should be solved with CS5! Otherwise we might have to live with it for some more years...
    Have Adobe and Apple realized this bug and on their agenda? Will it be gone with OS 10.6.3? Can anyone explain the reasons for this bad bug? Is there a "officially" recommended workaround?
    Thanks, regards,

    There have been several threads dealing with this malfunction. But most faded out in silence or acceptance of the workarounds. 889
    But man, this is no minor bug! Consistent colors are the by far most important basic function of photoshop. If you cannot rely on the colors in photoshop you can as well use "Preview" and "Word" for print production ;-)
    Carson, how did Apple react to your complaint? What do you mean with "they don't get it". Do they not see it? Or can't they get it right?
    Shall we open a thread at apple forums to point out that it's not the problem of a single user?

  • How to print with NO COLOR MANAGEMENT in Photoshop CS6

    I have been trying to print a target from i1Profiler so I can read it with my i1Pro and create a printer profile, but no matter what I do, there is no way to get photoshop from supplying a profile while printing. I tried to select Printer handles color and then put the printer driver in COLOR MANAGEMENT OFF (seemed to me this would disable both the printer managing color and photosbop managing color). Tried printing this way ( and many other ways) but NO SOLUTION --- the prints are EXTREMELY different from the on-screen view (which is in a properly profiled Apple monitor) and they actually look like the ones with a profile chosen.
    I also tried the utility Adobe Color Printer Utility and same results!!
    I am using an EPSON Stylus Pro 7900 that I just purchased.
    Please help
    Juan Dent

    [email protected] wrote:
    I have been trying to print a target from i1Profiler so I can read it with my i1Pro and create a printer profile...
    The key here is to actually actually go ahead and print the target from i1Profiler to your the Test Chart panel, create the test chart and click on Print instead of Save As. As long as you have the correct page size set in the Page Setup, you should get an accurate printer target to read. Depending on how many patches you have set, it may take a few pages but they will be properly formated for reading with the i1Pro...

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    If the cell comes with 2 print yellow to that cell
    and if comes with 3 print red to that cell
    is this possible in BI Publisher? How can I do it?

    Hi you can try in different ways one of them is below .
    <?if@inlines:number(your_field_name)<0?><?attribute@incontext:color;'red'?><?end if?>
    or you can try for entire row like below
    <?if@row:ID='1'?><?attribute@incontext:color;'red'?><?end if?>
    Check the below link
    Edited by: varma on Apr 25, 2012 2:31 PM

  • My iPhone 6 iOS 8.2 does not print on HP Color LaserJet Pro MFP M476nw. It displays "No AirPrint Printers Found'.

    My iPhone 6 iOS 8.2 does not print on HP Color LaserJet Pro MFP M476nw.
    It displays "No AirPrint Printers Found."
    Same thing for iPhone 5S iOS 8.2.
    Both iPhone and printer on the same wifi network.
    I tried printing from different applications. AirPrint does not work.
    I tried turning off and back on, reset, printing from different applications, ...
    iPhone 6 prints through HP Wireless Direct printing.
    Sony laptop works via wifi.

    Hi mtotonji,
    Thank you for using the Apple Support Community. Given the nature of the issues you are describing and your current configuration, you may be better served by reaching out to one of Apple's other available resources for more direct assistance -
    - Brenden

  • HP ColorLaserJet CP3505X - Relationship between different Color Options

    Hi everybody,
    I know this is not exactly the right forum to ask this question, but I've put up the question in the HP Laserjet forum as well as in the Photography forum here and have not received any answer to it. Maybe somebody out here can answer it out of experience with a HP Color Laserjet printer:
    Can anybody explain the relationship/interaction between the different Color Options (e.g. in the PCL6 driver) of the CP3505X to me?
    Options available:
    1) Driver Properties
    Color Management:
    ManualDefault Color Profile
    2) Printing Preferences
    Advanced Tab:
    ICM Method
    Handled by Host System
    Handled by Printer
    Color Tab:
    Color Themes
    Default (sRGB)
    Image Optimization
    Adobe RGB
    Custom Profile
    What kind of profiles are involved when printing output from an application in which case? The manual is very unspecific about this
    For example:
    Under which circumstances is the profile specified under Manual Color Management in the Driver Properties used? And is it the only correction applied under those circumstances?
    What profile is being applied when "ICM Handled by Printer" is chosen in the Printing Preferences?
    Under which circumstances are the Color Themes specified under the Color Tab used, and under which circumstances are they ignored?
    I am completely confused an would appreciate any explanation.
    Beat Gossweiler

    Try the Lightroom forum, or the Photoshop forum for your platform, Macintosh or Widows.

  • Different color in different adobe applications!

    I noted a difference in color between Lightroom and Photoshop CS4.
    If I export the PSD file from Lightroom as .jpg with Adobe RGB profile and then open it in PS I get a different color than if I open the PSD file with same profile!
    Very strange indead.
    My system is calibrated, monitor and printer, and I get excellent results. I use Adobe RGB throughout. Color is set in Bridge Creative suite color setting. All proof colors are unchecked. The problem is that the files appear different and print different if different applications.
    It seams that Lightroom, Preview, Acrobat and Indesign, (even the small thumbnail in Finder) all share same color. (With minor noticeable difference).
    However Photoshop looks very different. More saturated.
    Can someone explain please?
    Screenshot with multiple open programs.
    Full size image:

    I don't use Lightroom, but on the Photoshop display side
    You need to determine how your apps deal with tagged and untagged images, especially what Default profile they apply-assume-assign when the profile is absent, stripped and/or ignored.
    If a thumbnail in OSX Finder shows the problem, that is a big clue because Finder thumbnails are not color managed (Finder is assuming Monitor RGB).
    I recommend going here
    and downloading the
    That series contains tagged and untagged verisions of AppleRGB, AdobeRGB, sRGB, ProPhotoRGB.
    First, look at the image icons in finder (they are all over the place).
    Next, drag the download folder into Bridge and observe the thumbnail colors (Bridge assumes sRGB on untagged images)...
    If your problem apps are displaying color the same as image icons in Finder, then either your app is not colormanaged or the file does not contain an embedded profile.
    OSX Safari is a great app for testing JPEG files because it will either read an embedded profile or it will apply the default monitor profile (exactly where I am pointing you to) -- just drag your icon into an open Safari window...

  • Lllustrator and Photoshop display different colors despite synchronized CS5 Color Settings

    I've got some students who noticed that Illustrator and Photoshop display completely different colors on screen for eactly the same RGB values despite Color Settings being synchronized.
    Settings are:
    CSF: North American Web/Internet  (RGB color space = sRGB),
    Proof Set-up: Internet Standard sRGB
    Proof Colors turned On.
    RGB Values:  R=0  G= 162  B=211
    But colors displayed are not close between Ai and Ps.
    With Proof Colors turned off, both apps display the colors reasonably closely.
    I teach Photoshop and Print Color Management, so I admit my knowledge of how Illustrator handles screen proofing and proof set-ups for screen destinations is not comprehensive.
    I expect I'm missing some difference in the two apps' behaviour.
    Any info from anyone experienced in this corner of the field appreciated.

    I've got some students who noticed that Illustrator and Photoshop display completely different colors on screen for eactly the same RGB values despite Color Settings being synchronized.
    Settings are:
    CSF: North American Web/Internet  (RGB color space = sRGB),
    Proof Set-up: Internet Standard sRGB
    Proof Colors turned On.
    RGB Values:  R=0  G= 162  B=211
    But colors displayed are not close between Ai and Ps.
    With Proof Colors turned off, both apps display the colors reasonably closely.
    I teach Photoshop and Print Color Management, so I admit my knowledge of how Illustrator handles screen proofing and proof set-ups for screen destinations is not comprehensive.
    I expect I'm missing some difference in the two apps' behaviour.
    Any info from anyone experienced in this corner of the field appreciated.

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