Appleworks6 (drawing - text & graphics) to be converted - how?

I have a lot of mathematics worksheets, produced on Appleworks6 (on the drawing package with text and graphics) over the years. The new OS will not support Rosetta, I understand, and so I need to transfer (translate?) all the worksheets into a more modern format, available to both Mac and PC users. How do I do this and what applications are now available which will be suitable? If I try Word:mac (11.6.3) it tells me the Appleworks6 drawing document is not the right file type.

If it were an AW6 text document with inserted graphics, then Pages would probably open it.
However, as a drawing document with text added that may not work. It is possible that Keynote might be able to open it.
Edit - - nope - just tried it with Keyboate, won't do it.
Just played with AW6 a bit. If these documents are static docs, meaning ones which do not need to be changed or otherwise addressed except viewed, there's other choices. One I tried just now in AW6, ws to do a Save As and change the format to JPEG.
This resulted in a document that should be openable by most anyone. In OS X, it opens in Preview automatically, but should be able to be opened in any app that can open JPEG files.
In Pages it got a bit trickier - Pages would not open it directly, not even via Open in File menu. But, when I treated it as a regular JPEG it worked: I opened a blank text doc in Pages, then drag-and-dropped the JPEG file into it. That worked - gave me a Pages doc with an inserted image of the original AW6 graphics file.

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    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.geom.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    public class AngleText extends JPanel {
      private int      degrees = 16;
      private JSpinner degreesSpinner;
      public AngleText () {
        setBackground ( Color.WHITE );
      }  // AngleText constructor
      protected void paintComponent ( Graphics _g ) {
        super.paintComponent ( _g );
        Graphics2D g = (Graphics2D)_g;
        g.setRenderingHint ( RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON );
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        g.setFont ( f.deriveFont ( at ) );
        g.drawString ( "Rotating Text!", getWidth()/2, getHeight()/2 );
        g.setRenderingHint ( RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_OFF );
      }  // paintComponent
      public JPanel getUIPanel () {
        SpinnerModel degreesModel = new SpinnerNumberModel (
                                      degrees  // initial
                                     ,0        // min
                                     ,360      // max
                                     ,2        // step
        degreesSpinner = new JSpinner ( degreesModel );
        degreesSpinner.addChangeListener ( new DegreesTracker() );
        JPanel panel = new JPanel();
        panel.add ( degreesSpinner );
        return panel;
      }  // getUIPanel
      //  DegreesTracker
      private class DegreesTracker implements ChangeListener {
        public void stateChanged ( ChangeEvent e ) {
          Integer i = (Integer)((JSpinner)e.getSource()).getValue();
          degrees   = i.intValue ();
      }  // DegreesTracker
      //  main
      public static void main ( String[] args ) {
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        f.setDefaultCloseOperation ( JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE );
        AngleText app = new AngleText();
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    Here's a very basic example:
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    // draw text
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    NSColor *color = [NSColor blueColor];
    NSDictionary *attrs = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
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    color, NSForegroundColorAttributeName,
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    Hope that helps get you started!
    - Ray

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    And this has to do with
    Usability Steven's
     issue in what fasion and why are you responding to somebody elses issue
    Mick Doherty? Or is this just for my information?
    La vida loca
    Hi Monkey
    This was mainly for info, but the OP did question the difference between GDI and GDIPlus methods of drawing rotated text. Your example only provides a GDIPlus method.
    GDI does not respect the Graphics objects rotations, but so long as the PreserveGraphicsTranslateTransform flag is set it will respect Translations.
    Here's a simple example to highlight the issue:
    Public Class Form1
    Public Sub New()
    ' This call is required by the designer.
    ' Add any initialization after the InitializeComponent() call.
    Me.SetStyle(ControlStyles.ResizeRedraw, True)
    End Sub
    Private Sub Form1_Paint(sender As System.Object, e As System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs) Handles MyBase.Paint
    Dim testString As String = "My Test String"
    Dim angle As Single = 0
    If Me.CheckBox1.Checked Then angle = 180
    Using testFont As New Font("Arial", 24, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Point)
    Dim rc As Rectangle = Me.ClientRectangle
    rc.Offset(0, -24)
    Me.DrawRotatedGDIText(e.Graphics, testString, testFont, rc, Color.Red, angle)
    rc.Offset(0, 48)
    Me.DrawRotatedGDIPlusText(e.Graphics, testString, testFont, rc, Color.Black, angle)
    End Using
    End Sub
    Private Sub CheckBox1_CheckedChanged(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles CheckBox1.CheckedChanged
    End Sub
    Private Sub DrawRotatedGDIText(graphics As Graphics, text As String, font As Font, bounds As Rectangle, color As Color, rotation As Single)
    Dim sz As Size = TextRenderer.MeasureText(text, font)
    Dim centre As Point = bounds.Location
    centre.Offset(bounds.Width \ 2, bounds.Height \ 2)
    Dim offset As Point = New Point(-sz.Width \ 2, -sz.Height \ 2)
    graphics.TranslateTransform(centre.X, centre.Y)
    TextRenderer.DrawText(graphics, text, font, offset, color, TextFormatFlags.PreserveGraphicsTranslateTransform)
    End Sub
    Private Sub DrawRotatedGDIPlusText(graphics As Graphics, text As String, font As Font, bounds As Rectangle, color As Color, rotation As Single)
    Dim sz As Size = graphics.MeasureString(text, font).ToSize
    Dim centre As Point = bounds.Location
    centre.Offset(bounds.Width \ 2, bounds.Height \ 2)
    Dim offset As Point = New Point(-sz.Width \ 2, -sz.Height \ 2)
    graphics.TranslateTransform(centre.X, centre.Y)
    Using myBrush As New SolidBrush(color)
    graphics.DrawString(text, font, myBrush, offset)
    End Using
    End Sub
    End Class
    Here you can see the GDI string (red text) is rendered differently to the GDI Plus string (black text) i.e. the GDI Plus text is longer. Both strings have been rendered to the correct location as set by the graphics transformation:
    Here a Rotation to the graphics object has been performed, but the GDi method has totally ignored it:
    As a rule, Win32 based controls render with GDI rather than GDI+ and so if we wish to draw a custom control which appears similar to a Win32 based control we need to render with GDI. If you've ever tried to ownerdraw a tabcontrol then you will have noticed
    that the text does not always fit on the tabs if we've used GDI+. using GDI the text fits perfectly, but when we side align the tabs the text does not rotate. We can, as the OP has done, draw unrotated text to a bitmap and then rotate the bitmap and this
    works well if we have a solid background. If we have a textured background however, this method is not acceptable.
    Mick Doherty

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    I'd appreciate it. Thanks!

    No. But needless to say there were some interesting art in there though.
    What I meant was how to create nice looking text graphics using Photoshop's Horizontal Type Tool (T).
    Thanks anyway!

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    I downloaded the new iOS 6 for my iphone 4.  I have 2 iphones on my account and after the "upgrade" text messages go to both phones.  When I send a text to my wife I recieve the same text and vise versa.  How can I fix this?

    "Sounds like you guys are using the same apple id for imessage.   You will need to create a separate id for you wife.  OR go to settings - message - receive&send and make sure your phone number is the default for both you and yoru wife.

  • "Text Table must be converted" error

    BW Gurus,
    We just applied stack 15 to our BI 7.0 system (SAP_BW 0017), and are now getting an error with one of our infoobjects.
    The error states that the text table must be converted, as below, but we're not quite sure what this means.  This infoobject is in several infoproviders, and we get a follow up error that we must remove the infoobject from the transfer rules before it can be converted.  Has anyone come up with a solution/work around for this?
    First Error:
    Characteristic 0IND_CODE: The Long Text Field will be deleted, text table must be converted
    Message no. R7451
    The Long Text Field was deleted from the text table of characteristic 0IND_CODE.
    System Response
    All texts, that have been saved in this field, are deleted in the activation.
    The text table must be converted after the activation if it contains data.
    Second error:
    InfoObject 0TXTLG is used in transfer rules (T) of characteristic 0IND_CODE
    Message no. R7256
    InfoObject 0TXTLG is still used for characteristic 0IND_CODE in the transfer rules of type T ('M': Master data, 'T': Texts). You have the following options:
    1. InfoObject 0TXTLG is an attribute of characteristic 0IND_CODE
    2. InfoObject 0TXTLG is the 'Valid to' field of the time-dependent characteristic 0IND_CODE (0DATETO)
    3. InfoObject 0TXTLG is the 'Valid from' field of the time-dependent characteristic 0IND_CODE (0DATEFROM)
    4. Characteristic 0IND_CODE is compounded to InfoObject 0TXTLG.
    5. Characteristic 0TXTLG is a text field of charactersitic 0IND_CODE (OTXTSH, 0TXTMD or 0TXTLG).
    6. Characteristic 0TXTLG is the language field for characteristic 0IND_CODE (0LANGU).
    System Response
    2 cases have to be distinguished between here:
    InfoObject 0TXTLG with characteristic 0IND_CODE can not be removed in the dialog.
    InfoObject 0TXTLG is removed with characteristic 0IND_CODE in the transport post-processing.
    You must first remove InfoObject 0TXTLG from the transfer rules for characteristic 0IND_CODE in the dialog before you can remove it with characteristic 0IND_CODE.
    If this messages appears with transport post-processing, you should check the affected transfer rules.
    If there is still an InfoObject 0TXTLG in them, you should either remove it from the transfer rules or reinsert it with characteristic 0IND_CODE.

    Thanks - sometimes the simplest answer is the best.
    I had been trying to figure out why the med & long text had become unchecked, but rechecking them solved the problem.

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