Application Hangs

I am in desperate need of some help. Dreamweaver hangs (stops
responding) at "Loading site cache" when I try to open it. I've
reinstalled several times and nothing helps.
Please HELP!!!!!!

In the US - Adobe Install Problems 800-642-3623

Similar Messages

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    After Effects and Premiere Pro CS5.5 and CS6 are very slow to start all of a sudden.  Around 5 minutes to get to/by the intro dialogue box.  For AE, the majority of the time is spent on the "initializing user interface." Then, if I can make a comp, and even a layer inside that comp, it will "Hang" if I attempt to open AE's General preferences for example (no preferences window ever comes up).  This "hang" is what the Event Viewer in windows calls it, with the faulting module being afterfx.exe.  Premiere is not much different.   It makes it to the new project window fast, but after setting project parameters and creating the first sequence, I can't get into the preferences either and the application hangs.  It is important to note that if I have another application open, like Chrome or Firefox for example at the time the application hangs, they will freeze as well.  As soon as I kill the Afterfx.exe process, they come back to life.
    I have read nearly all threads on the subject, and am struggling to find a solution:
    Deleted preferences folder under my username's appdata.
    Turned off Firewall (network traffic from dynamiclink, qtserver, etc was allowed, but what the hay)
    ran windows system file checker/malwarebytes/rkill/rootkit detection.
    checked for windows compatibility checkboxes under the file.
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    Disabled Aero
    Started with ctrl-alt-shift to delete pref.
    uninstalled video driver and replaced with one 6 months ago.
    uninstalled, reinstalled, and tested various quicktime versions back to version 7.69
    moved plugins folder
    moved opengl's plugin out of the folder temporarily
    Disabled all 3rd party codecs (xvid was the only one installed and for months)
    reinitialized default directshow filters
    checked for adobe font list (none found) and removed any fonts from 1 month ago to present.
    used msconfig to selective startup without other applications/services running.
    Uninstalled all adobe products, and reinstalled.
    I performed all of these in a systematic manner, trying to solve the problem.  None have fixed the problem.
    So it doesn't seem to be a network issue, a codec issue, a plugin issue, a driver issue, font issue, or conflicting application.  Any thoughts?
    System Info:
    PC Windows 7 pro 64-bit SP1
    Core i7 - 960 24GB ram
    AMD Radeon 6750  v12.10
    Adobe CS6 Master Collection

    Who's says that Microsoft can't debug?
    I used msconfig, first disabling startup items, -same result.
    Enabled all startup items, disabled all non-microsoft services - AE worked!
    I re-enabled each service in turn until AE crashed.
    The fault was related to an item for a video streaming device I have in my house.  It was Monsoon-multimedia's Vulkano Service.  Sometimes under the old name of Hava, this is an app that acts like a sling-box to send my Cable TV to my screen.  It does load a couple of virtual devices in device manager, and uses a proprietary codec.
    I uninstalled the vulkano streamer application and rebooted the external Vulkano device.  I reinstalled the Vulkano and verified it connected to the device and could stream.  Once it did, I tried AE again and IT WORKED!
    I wonder if simply rebooting the Vulkano would have fixed it.  Its like opening the garage door to turn on the refridgerator.
    Thanks for the help!

  • JavaMail application hanged with no error throwed at Transport.send

    JavaMail application hanged with no error throwed at Transport.send,even though I set the timeout property
    import java.util.Date;
    import java.util.Properties;
    import javax.mail.Authenticator;
    import javax.mail.Message;
    import javax.mail.PasswordAuthentication;
    import javax.mail.Session;
    import javax.mail.Transport;
    import javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress;
    import javax.mail.internet.MimeBodyPart;
    import javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage;
    import javax.mail.internet.MimeMultipart;
    import javax.mail.internet.MimeUtility;
    public class tt {
         static Properties props=null;
         static boolean needAuth=true;
         static MailAuthenticator authenticator = null;
         static String host="host";
         static String account="account";
         static String password="pwd";
         static String sender="sender";
          * @param args
          * @throws Exception
         public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{
               if (props == null) {
                     props = new Properties();
                     props.put("", host);
                     props.put("mail.smtp.timeout      ", "1000");
                     props.put("mail.smtp.connectiontimeout      ", "1000");
    //                 props.put("mail.debug", "true");
                     props.put("mail.smtp.auth", String.valueOf(needAuth));
                     authenticator = new MailAuthenticator(account, password);
                 MailData mailData = new MailData();
                 mailData.setSubject("altireport mail configuration");
                 mailData.setContent("mail server has been configured successfully.");
                 mailData.setRecipients(new String[]{"[email protected]"});
                 final Session session = Session.getInstance(props, authenticator);
                 final MimeMessage msg = new MimeMessage(session);
                 InternetAddress from = new InternetAddress(sender);
                 //        msg.setSender(from);
                final InternetAddress[] addressTo = new InternetAddress[mailData.getRecipients().length];
                 for (int i = 0; i < mailData.getRecipients().length; i++) {
                     addressTo[i] = new InternetAddress(mailData.getRecipients());
         msg.addRecipients(Message.RecipientType.TO, addressTo);
         msg.setSubject(MimeUtility.encodeText(mailData.getSubject(), "UTF-8", "B"));
         MimeBodyPart bodyPart1 = new MimeBodyPart();
         bodyPart1.setContent(mailData.getContent(), "text/plain; charset=UTF-8");
         MimeMultipart multipart = new MimeMultipart();
         msg.setSentDate(new Date());
    //     msg.saveChanges();
         for(int i=0;i<10;i++){
              new Thread(new Runnable(){
                             public void run() {
                             try {
                                  } catch (Exception e) {
    class MailData {
    private String[] recipients = null;
    private String subject = null;
    private String content = null;
    private String attachment = null;
    private String attachmentName = null;
    * @return the attachment
    public String getAttachment() {
    return attachment;
    * @param attachment the attachment to set
    public void setAttachment(String attachment) {
    this.attachment = attachment;
    * @return the content
    public String getContent() {
    return content;
    * @param content the content to set
    public void setContent(String content) {
    this.content = content;
    * @return the recipients
    public String[] getRecipients() {
    return recipients;
    * @param recipients the recipients to set
    public void setRecipients(String[] recipients) {
    this.recipients = recipients;
    * @return the subject
    public String getSubject() {
    return subject;
    * @param subject the subject to set
    public void setSubject(String subject) {
    this.subject = subject;
    * @return the attachmentName
    public String getAttachmentName()
    return attachmentName;
    * @param attachmentName the attachmentName to set
    public void setAttachmentName(String attachmentName)
    this.attachmentName = attachmentName;
    class MailAuthenticator extends Authenticator {
    private PasswordAuthentication authentication;
    public MailAuthenticator(String account, String password) {
    authentication = new PasswordAuthentication(account, password);
    protected PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication() {
    return authentication;
    I have tried use session to get a SMTPTransport instance to use sendMessage ,but still have the same problem.No exception ,No error.
    This problem doesn't appear always. It appears sometimes.
    I hope get help for someone who has the solution for this problem.
    Thanks in advanced.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

    Ok, I think I see the problem:
         props.put("mail.smtp.timeout      ", "1000");
         props.put("mail.smtp.connectiontimeout      ", "1000");
    Why do you have spaces at the end of the property names?
    Those spaces are not being ignored, which means you've
    set the wrong properties.

  • Application hangs while trying to create a socket

    We have a third party application that makes HTTP connections using a old version of HTTPClient. Recently we have run into problems where the application hangs as one thread seems to hang while trying to create a socket (thread dumps show the hang occurs in native code) and other threads end up waiting for this thread as they need to obtain a lock on HTTPClient.HTTPConnection. We found out that HTTPClient was not setting a timeout on the underlying socket (SO_TIMEOUT) and the relevant patch has been implemented in the hope that if the condition arises again the offending thread will be timed out and allow other threads to try and continue.
    We will not be able to see if the patch works until Monday and I would like to understand the problem a little better if it fails. My question at what point will the socket timeout starting ticking? As our offending thread is waiting in native code is there a chance that the timeout will not be "active".
    Also can anyone provide reasons for an application hanging while trying to create a socket and any suggestions for monitoring or mitigating this problem?
    Thanks a lot.
    Sun Solaris 5.8
    JDK 1.4.1 b02

    It looks like our version of the JDK offer a connect method with a timeout value, I think this will do the trick.

  • Application hangs while running a report from Forms

    Hi all,
    I am getting a problem regarding running reports from Oracle forms application for printing in a shared printer at client system. There is no problem when I set the DESTYPE to HTMLCSS or FILE. But when I set it to PRINTER then the application hangs and report server gets busy. Once this problem occurs other reports from other client systems are not generating even if this is a HTMLCSS or FILE type.
    The thing is the application has ran successfully for two months. Suddenly from last few days the problem is arising.
    Few things that I have noticed:
    1) When the application hangs I cheked the Task manager, where the process rwlpr.exe is running. If I manually ends the process there the application comes back with a message 'unable to run report'.
    2) I have checked few log files, where I have found few log files whose names end with a job number. The file generates from a succesfully running report shows few steps tht end s with closing the printer. But the file that is generated from an unsuccessfull job stops at the step 'Opening Printer //<machine name>/<printer share name>'.
    3) Then finally I have changed the DESTYPE to file and using the HOST command printing the text file to shared printer in dos mode. Its working fine. But often the first problem arises again.
    What are the possible resons that may cause this problem.
    Looking for your positive response.
    Thanks and regards

    From dos prompt I have used the type commad.
    From server machine in dos prompt I have used,
    type d:\rep.txt > \\<client machine name>\<printer shared name that is connected to client printer>
    from Server machine I have opened a Notepad doc, File >Print >Selected the printer that is in client machine.
    This works fine.
    Now my code to print a report directly to printer,
    V_PRINTERNAME := '\\mmondal\mmondalprn'; -- shared Printer name at Client machine
    repid := find_report_object('REP_BANK_MST');
    v_rep := RUN_REPORT_OBJECT(repid);
    rep_status := REPORT_OBJECT_STATUS(v_rep);
    rep_status := report_object_status(v_rep);
    IF rep_status = 'FINISHED' THEN
    message('Error when running report');
    END IF;
    exception when others then
    This hngs the application. And other requests enqued in job queue does not process. If I cancel the stucked job then other reports complete sucessfully.
    Log - rwserver.trc shows the following:
    [2011/6/14 4:48:28:437] Debug 50103 (JobManager:updateJobStatus): Finished updating job: 1051
    [2011/6/14 4:48:28:484] Debug 50103 (RWCacheItem:addFile): add file 'mmondalprn65558177.txt' for job 1051
    [2011/6/14 4:48:28:484] Debug 50103 (RWCache:updateCurrentCapacity): Current cache capacity is 32948731
    [2011/6/14 4:48:30:671] Exception 50157 (): Error while sending file to printer \\mmondal\mmondalprn. Exit with error code 1848
    oracle.reports.RWException: IDL:oracle/reports/RWException:1.0
         at oracle.reports.utility.Utility.newRWException(
         at oracle.reports.utility.SOSD.sendPrinter(
         at oracle.reports.server.DesPrint.sendFile(
         at oracle.reports.server.Destination.send(
         at oracle.reports.server.JobObject.distribute(
         at oracle.reports.server.JobManager.updateJobStatus(
         at oracle.reports.server.EngineCommImpl.updateEngineJobStatus(
         at oracle.reports.server._EngineCommImplBase._invoke(
    [2011/6/14 4:48:30:671] State 56016 (JobManager:updateJobStatus): Job 1051 status is: Executed successfully but there were some errors when distribute the output
    REP-50159: Executed successfully but there were some errors when distribute the output
    [2011/6/14 4:48:30:671] Debug 50103 (JobManager:notifyWaitingJobs): Master job 1051 notify its duplicated jobs.
    [2011/6/14 4:48:30:671] Debug 50103 (JobManager:updateJobStatus): Finished updating job: 1051
    [2011/6/14 4:48:30:671] Debug 50103 (EngineManager:updateEngineState): Engine rwEng-0 status is 1
    [2011/6/14 4:48:30:671] State 56004 (EngineInfo:setState): Engine rwEng-0 state is: Ready
    [2011/6/14 4:48:30:671] Exception 50159 (): Executed successfully but there were some errors when distribute the output
    oracle.reports.RWException: IDL:oracle/reports/RWException:1.0
         at oracle.reports.server.JobManager.runJobInEngine(
         at oracle.reports.server.JobManager.runJobLocal(
         at oracle.reports.server.JobManager.dispatch(
         at oracle.reports.server.ConnectionImpl.runJob(
         at oracle.reports.server._ConnectionImplBase._invoke(
    [2011/6/14 4:48:30:671] Debug 50103 (JobManager:runJobInEngine): Encounted exception in job 1051
    [2011/6/14 4:48:30:671] Debug 50103 (ConnectionImpl:runJob): jobid = 1051 Failed with exceptionoracle.reports.RWException: IDL:oracle/reports/RWException:1.0
    [2011/6/14 4:48:30:671] Exception 50159 (): Executed successfully but there were some errors when distribute the output
    oracle.reports.RWException: IDL:oracle/reports/RWException:1.0
         at oracle.reports.server.JobManager.runJobInEngine(
         at oracle.reports.server.JobManager.runJobLocal(
         at oracle.reports.server.JobManager.dispatch(
         at oracle.reports.server.ConnectionImpl.runJob(
         at oracle.reports.server._ConnectionImplBase._invoke(
    [2011/6/14 4:48:30:703] Info 56013 (ConnectionManager:release): Connection 196 is released
    [2011/6/14 4:48:30:703] Info 56013 (ConnectionManager:release): Connection 197 is released
    [2011/6/14 4:48:31:31] Debug 50103 (JobManager:removeJob): will remove job 51
    [2011/6/14 4:48:31:31] Debug 50103 (RWCache:deleteItem): delete item for job 51
    [2011/6/14 4:48:31:31] Debug 50103 (RWCacheItem:clear): job 51 become invalid
    [2011/6/14 4:48:31:31] Debug 50103 (RWCache:updateCurrentCapacity): Current cache capacity is 32942484
    [2011/6/14 4:48:31:46] Debug 50103 (JobManager:removeJob): removed job 51
    [2011/6/14 4:48:47:906] Info 56013 (ConnectionManager:release): Connection 198 is released
    [2011/6/14 4:48:51:890] Info 56013 (ConnectionManager:release): Connection 199 is released
    [2011/6/14 4:50:48:437] Info 56013 (ConnectionManager:release): Connection 200 is released
    Most of the time when all the instances are restarted then for the first time it runs successfully.
    The above code worked fine for Last two months.

  • Application hanging after commit issued, how to tell why?

    Hi All,
    We're using adf bc, jsp's and jdev 10.1.2.
    The scenario is this.. I have 2 views based on the same entity(called Milk). One view is the control view Milk i.e. straightforward select, no where clause. The other one is based on a join with another entity (Area), which uses where clause parameters to output a row of Milk for every entry on the Area entity. So basically for every area there is, a milk row will be output even if that row does not exist on the milk table.
    So my problem was when the user edited and saved a row which didn't actually exist on the database, the program would hang. Editing of rows that do exist pose no problem at all. So then I thought maybe I should create these rows first so that they would physically exist on the database before the edit. Still to no avail..
    If it's just one row created or many rows, once the commit is issued, the application hangs. I've debugged it and nothing happens once it executes the commit line, there are no error messages, it just never progresses past this line.
    I've tested with the App Module tester and I can create rows here fine. Obvisouly something is wrong or it wouldn't be happening. How can I tell why it's hanging? Or can anyone suggest what I can do. It is extremely crucial that I fix this soon so I would really appreciate any help that anyone can give me.
    Thanks in advance,

    Maybe you should look into
    /var/log/Xorg.0.log will be overridden, afaik.
    Last edited by MadTux (2009-11-19 18:50:04)

  • How to find out the position in which an application hangs

    is there any possibility to find out the position in a source, in which a deployed application hangs?
    For example, there is an endless loop in an application, which is already deployed. In runtime the application hangs in this loop. How can I findout in which line the application hangs?
    In other words, how can I see the stack of a certain process,for example, http_workerx?
    Message was edited by:
            Ali Maraschi-Schouschtari

    Hi Ali,
    With <b>SAP NetWeaver Composition Environment (CE) 7.1 SP3</b> it is very easy.
    <i>1.) Open the SAP Management Console
    2.) Go to AS Java Threads tree node - you will see all the threads that are currently started on the system
    3.) Check for threads that are colored in red - it takes about 30 sec the system to detect that an HTTP thread (http_workerx), as it is in your case, is hanging/executing endless loop.
    4.) Right click on the hanging thread (colored in red) and pick 'Callstack' from the pop-up menu
    5.) In the new window you will see the stack-trace showing what exactly this hanging thread is doing at the moment.</i>
    With the <b>previous versions (or SPs)</b> you need to apply a little bit more technical skills for the same result. <i>(1) you need to do produce thread dump of the server that is suspected to have hanging thread</i> and (<i>2) to analyze this thread dump (check what the threads in Running state are doing).</i> As it is in your case with the HTTP worker threads, their names are also printed in the thread dump, so you can focus only on them.

  • Application hangs when using ProcessStartInfo and Process.WaitForExit.

    I've looked on different threads about this, but all of them uses the Process.RedirectStandardOutput = True, which I don't.
    I'm trying to open a process (console application, not made by me) to make it compile a special .acs file to a .o file. The structure is simple, the only argument is the file you want to compile.
    But on certain files my application hangs when trying to open the process. Here's my code:
    Dim p As New Process
    Dim ps As New ProcessStartInfo
    ps.Arguments = SavePath 'Path example: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Zandronum\File.acs"
    ps.FileName = Path.Combine(System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory(), "Script Compilers\Zandronum\acc.exe")
    ps.CreateNoWindow = False
    ps.ErrorDialog = False
    ps.UseShellExecute = True
    ps.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden
    ps.WorkingDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(SavePath)
    Dim ErrorCaptured As Boolean = False
    p = Process.Start(ps)
    Catch ex As Exception
    ErrorCaptured = True
    End Try
    If ErrorCaptured = False Then
    End If
    If ErrorCaptured = True Then
    Exit Sub
    End If
    //Visual Vincent
    For starting the process I use pretty much the same code that another guy made in C#. And his code is working perfectly...
    // Setup process info
    processinfo = new ProcessStartInfo();
    processinfo.Arguments = args;
    processinfo.FileName = Path.Combine(this.tempdir.FullName, info.ProgramFile);
    processinfo.CreateNoWindow = false;
    processinfo.ErrorDialog = false;
    processinfo.UseShellExecute = true;
    processinfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden;
    processinfo.WorkingDirectory = this.workingdir;
    process = Process.Start(processinfo);
    catch(Exception e)
    // Unable to start the compiler
    General.ShowErrorMessage("Unable to start the compiler (" + info.Name + "). " + e.GetType().Name + ": " + e.Message, MessageBoxButtons.OK);
    return false;
    // Wait for compiler to complete
    I hope your day has been better than yesterday, but that it's worse than tomorrow...
    Please mark as answer if I solved your problem. :)

     Have you compared the FileNames and Arguments of ones that work and ones that don`t? Is there any difference in them such as the ones that work do not contain blank spaces in the FileName or arguments and the ones that do work don`t contain blank spaces
    in them? If you find that to be the problem then you need to add Quotes to the beginning and end of the FileName or Arguments.
     My first guess is the Arguments needs the Quotes like this because, i see blank spaces in your example of the Arguments.
    ps.Arguments = Chr(34) & SavePath & Chr(34)
    If you say it can`t be done then i`ll try it
    This actually made it. I had forgotten that blank spaces makes it a new argument, silly me. I don't use process arguments that often. ;)
    Thanks alot!
    I hope your day has been better than yesterday, but that it's worse than tomorrow...
    Please mark as answer if I solved your problem. :)

  • Illustrator CC 64-bit application hangs

    I'm getting Illustrator CC application hangs on a win 7 system after opening up a file or even select a tool or path in files that were previously created in Ai CC, even hours before.
    Also getting the following errors when a file has been finally opened after a several minutes:
    "There is not enough memory available to process the appearance of an object + application hang + Illustrator CC"
    I'm on tight schedules here and clients are waiting. I need the files that I created but they can't be opened or edited!
    So please don't offer solutions such as uninstalling and reinstalling the application....
    Here's some bug reports from the Event viewer:
    The program Illustrator.exe version stopped interacting with Windows and was closed. To see if more information about the problem is available, check the problem history in the Action Center control panel.
    Process ID: 4c8
    Start Time: 01ce813652169bb5
    Termination Time: 34
    Application Path: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Illustrator CC (64 Bit)\Support Files\Contents\Windows\Illustrator.exe
    Report Id: 99292d84-ed2a-11e2-bb3c-6cf0497714bd
    [ Name]
    Application Hang
    [ Qualifiers]
    [ SystemTime]
    C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Illustrator CC (64 Bit)\Support Files\Contents\Windows\Illustrator.exe
    Binary data:
    In Words
    0000: 006E0055 006E006B 0077006F 0000006E
    0008: 0000   
    In Bytes
    0000: 55 00 6E 00 6B 00 6E 00 U.n.k.n.
    0008: 6F 00 77 00 6E 00 00 00   o.w.n...
    0010: 00 00 ..

    Is it possible for you to share the file.

  • How to freeze or make an application hang to test a script?


I like to test this script
    tell application "System Events" to set theApps to name of processes whose background only is false
    repeat with oneApp in theApps
    set pState to do shell script "/bin/ps -arxo state,comm | /usr/bin/grep " & oneApp & " | /usr/bin/cut -c 1"
    if pState contains "Z" then -- if the application hangs, kill it
    tell application "System Events" to set pid to the unix id of process appname as Unicode text
    do shell script "/bin/kill " & pid
    end if
    -- delay 5 -- security delay
    do shell script "open -a /Applications/"
    end try
    end repeat
    It is supposed to run from time to time on my server checking if a programme is hanging and if so quitting it and restarting it.
    So does anybody know how one can get a programme to hang or crash? Did several experiments with Text Edit, but could not get it to crash. Interesting question though, as we are mostly concerned about crashes not happening.
    Any ideas or suggestions are welcome. 


    orangekay thanks
    I tried that but did not work (might be my lack of skill), or might have done it wrong though, any suggestions as to how?

  • Problem in reading data from serial port continuously- application hangs after sometimes

    I need to read data from two COM port and order of data appearance from COM port is not fixed. 
    I have used small timeout and reading data in while loop continously . If my application is steady for sometime it gets hangs and afterwards it doesnt receive any data again. 
    Then I need to restart my application again to make it work.
    I am attaching VI. Let me know any issue.
    Kudos are always welcome if you got solution to some extent.
    I need my difficulties because they are necessary to enjoy my success.
    Attachments: ‏39 KB

    billko wrote:
    Ranjeet_Singh wrote:
    I need to read data from two COM port and order of data appearance from COM port is not fixed. 
    I have used small timeout and reading data in while loop continously . If my application is steady for sometime it gets hangs and afterwards it doesnt receive any data again. 
    Then I need to restart my application again to make it work.
    I am attaching VI. Let me know any issue.
    What do you mean, "not fixed?"  If there is no termination character, no start/stop character(s) or even a consistent data length, then how can you really be sure when the data starts and stops?
    I probably misunderstood you though.  Assuming the last case is not ture - there is a certain length to the data - then you should use the bytes at port, like in the otherwise disastrous serial port read example.  In this case, it's NOT disastrous.  You have to make sure that you read all the data that came through.  Right now you have no idea how much data you just read.  Also, if this is streaming data, you might want to break it out into a producer/consumer design pattern.
    Not fixed means order is not fixed, data from any com port can come anytime. lenght is fixed, one com port have 14 byte and other 8 byte fixed..
    Reading data is not an issue for me as it works nice but I have a query that why my application hangs after sometime and stops reading data from COM PORT.
    Kudos are always welcome if you got solution to some extent.
    I need my difficulties because they are necessary to enjoy my success.

  • LCM import of Planning Application Hangs with "In Progress Status"

    LCM import of Planning Application Hangs with "In Progress Status" . its already couple of hours. Earlier it was always within 10 mins.
    Any advise is appreciated.

    It is probably worth trying again, may be useful to first bounce the services.
    If it happens again after bouncing the services then investigate at what staging it is getting stuck at.

  • IE 11 Application Hang. Reason Unknown

    IE 11 hangs and stops responding on one of our pages. The page relies heavily on JavaScript and crashes during one particular action the user takes. While running the IE 11 debugger, everything seems to work correctly. It makes it through all the javascript,
    but the page doesn't respond.
    Also, setting the Document Mode to IE 8-10 or checking Compatability Mode does not solve the issue. IE 11 still crashes. The real versions of IE 8-10 do not crash.
    Here is a detailed view of the Application Error:
    Log Name:      Application
    Source:        Application Hang
    Date:          12/17/2013 3:47:43 PM
    Event ID:      1002
    Task Category: (101)
    Level:         Error
    Keywords:      Classic
    User:          N/A
    Computer:      MASHLEYPC
    The program IEXPLORE.EXE version 11.0.9600.16428 stopped interacting with Windows and was closed. To see if more information about the problem is available, check the problem history in the Action Center control panel.
     Process ID: 25e4
     Start Time: 01cefb713871723b
     Termination Time: 38
     Application Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\IEXPLORE.EXE
     Report Id: 
    Event Xml:
    <Event xmlns="">
        <Provider Name="Application Hang" />
        <EventID Qualifiers="0">1002</EventID>
        <TimeCreated SystemTime="2013-12-17T21:47:43.000000000Z" />
        <Security />
        <Data>C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\IEXPLORE.EXE</Data>
    The javascript that runs when the crash occurs (with no errors) is as follows:
    function renderObjectiveStrategies(objId,goalId){
    if(myRowIndex != null){
    var tO = document.getElementById("tblObjectives"+goalId); //Get the table that the current objective is in
    var plusRows = 1;
    plusRows = 2;
    var r = tO.tBodies[0].insertRow(new Number(myRowIndex)+plusRows); //Insert a row below the current Objective in the tBody
    var c = r.insertCell(0);
    c.colSpan = "2";
    c.innerHTML = "&nbsp;";
    c = r.insertCell(1);
    c.colSpan = "3";
    c.className = "cellLeftBorderObj cellBottomBorderObj cellRightBorderObj";
    var tS = generateNewTable("tblStrategies"+objId);
    var lstStgCt = Object.size(myObjStgs);
    if(lstStgCt > 0){
    for(var i = 0; i<lstStgCt; i++){
    var stg = getNewStrategyObject(objId);
    var myOId = new Number(objId);
    var exStr = "document.getElementById('txtStgDesc"+myOId+"0').focus();";
    doShowNewStrategy = false;
    Any ideas are greatly appreciated!

    Hi Matt,
    Event ID 1002 is an generic error event which occurs when application stops responding.
    Based on your description, I would like to suggest you try the following to check the issue:
    1. Disabling Enhanced Protected Mode
    2. Delete your browser history
    a. Start Internet Explorer from the desktop.
    b. Press Alt to show the menu bar.
    c. On the Tools menu, tap or click Internet options.
    d. Under Browsing history, click Delete.
    e. Select all the applicable check boxes, and then tap or click Delete.
    f. Tap or click Exit, and then restart Internet Explorer.
    3. Run IE with no add-ons. Click Start -> All Programs -> Accessories -> System Tools -> Internet Explorer (with no add-ons). 
    4. Reset Internet Explorer settings
    Please understand that reset Internet Explorer to its default configuration. This step will also disable any add-ons, plug-ins, or toolbars that are installed.
    5. Remove any 3rd party anti-virus from your system.
    6. Manually check for and install updated drivers in optional updates.
    If the issue still occurs, you may consider to perform a system restore on your computer to fix it.
    What is System Restore?
    Hope it helps.
    Blair Deng
    Blair Deng
    TechNet Community Support

  • C application hangs intermittently on invoking Closehandle() function in Win 7 64bit OS

    I have a application which basically deals with network operations like begin session, send/receive etc. The application also has mutex create, request and close. Before terminating the transaction between the client and server, there is a call to Closehandle()
    while clears that mutex that was created during initialization. (Mutex is released prior to close). During closing the mutex, in Windows 7 64 bit OS, the application goes to hung state intermittently. The same application used work without any issues in Win
    PS: The C application is written in Visual Studio 6.0
    Hence requesting for any thoughts to resolve this problem!!
    Thanks in Advance!

    When application hangs, it needs to be restarted. Yes, this problems happens sometimes.
    With respect to the anti-virus and firewalls, I had tried turned off firewalls and anti-virus but did not help!
    This application basically acts as a network layer which is the bridge between client and server.
    Below is the code snippet from the app which shows about mutex creation, request and close. I had configured ADPlus to the application to check on which line of the code the hang occurs and from that dump file could notice that the cause for the hang is
    Closehandle() function.
    Code snippet -
    typedef unsigned long OSLMUTEXSEM;
    extern OSLMUTEXSEM gsemCrypt; 
    void PASInitialize() {
    char *            pMutexSemName;
    DWORD     NTRC;
    pMutexSemName = gsemCrypt;
    oslRc = MutexSemCreate((char*)NULL,&gsemCrypt));   //Mutex creation by calling CreateMutex() function
    oslRc = MutexSemRequest( gsemCrypt, SEM_WAIT_FOREEVER); //Request the semaphore by calling WaitForSingleObject() function -infinite //timeout
    // some operation
    oslRC = MutexSemRelease( gsemCrypt ));  // release the mutex by calling ReleaseMutex function
    void PASTerminate(){
    oslRC = MutexSemClose(gsemCrypt); //calling Closehandle()function to close the mutex
    From the dump files, it was noticed that the hang happens at the call MutexSemClose(..) function which in turn calls windows function Closehandle().

  • Oracle 10g Application Hang Issue ...... Please need Urgent Help

    Hello All,
    We have Linux server with Oracle Application 10g and Oracle 11g database.
    We have developed an application with JSP/Servlet. We are facing an wired issue with this application.
    When we start using system with 4-3 users at a time, after few mins or few hours, that application slow down or hang.
    and then after we are not even able to get a simple HTML page. It also affect the other applications as well, which are deployed on that server.
    We have tried our best but not able to find what the exact problem is. Even we have used visualVM and Jconsole to monitor the application.
    When application hang, we had found that there were 6,959 Loaded Classes, 200MB heap size, CPU usage 20%.
    We have set the heap size to 2GB.
    Another thing is, some procedures take 20sec to 2min to execute. But does this affect the application such a way that it goes hang?
    Please help to found out the problem.
    Ankur Raiyani

    I have a simple question.
    If any procedure takes 40 - 45 sec to execute then will that affect the Oracle Application server and make all the deployed instance slow?
    Please help me out
    Thanks in advance ......
    Ankur Raiyani

  • Funny noises, beachballs and application hangs (MacBook Pro 2010)

    My late 2010 model 17 inch MacBook Pro frequently makes an odd noise (seeming to come from the left side) when I am using it.  It sounds a bit like a click or a whirr (or both); if this happens application I am using will often hang for seconds to a few minutes, before the noise recurs and everything goes back to normal.  It is quite irritating!
    Interestingly, the Finder itself doesn't crash and I can switch to other applications; these also hang if I try to use them but all is restored when the noise happens again.
    The most obvious app is iTunes, which will stop playing music when noise happens then restart as soon as the problem rectifies itself.
    Any suggestions as to what this could be?  It's been happening for years now and my machine still seems ok

    You have a failing hard disk   BACKUP YOUR DATA IMMEDIATLY. Assuming you are using an MBP with a physical disk and not an SSD (which is most like the case for a 2010 model MPB)  then the clicking noise you are hearing is the HDD equivilant of a stroke.  The reader head hits a piece of "interesting" data, flips out, smacks against the axle of the disk, and then the disk has to spin up again,  causing the application hangs.   When the disk is going through this, no data can move in or out.  The reason finder still works is that some data is pre-loaded.  You may still have functionality for a few seconds even after the disk quit working.  Since these are tiny blips in data, the finder still works.   Applications, which are constantly passing data, hang and wait for the data.    Usually, if you go into the system.log file, you will see a stack of I/O errors stemming from the disk/sector in question.    Again, BACK UP YOUR DATA IMMEDIATLY and take the laptop to a genius bar.
    The Whirring noise you hear is probably the disk moter spinning up during this process.  a visual of what is happening

Maybe you are looking for

  • Low memory, kernel use high, console with disc I/O error

    Activity monitor shows kernal use at ~500, system running slower.  Read other helps, ran consule and see the following recurrent disk Os2:I/O error.  Any ideas how to resolve this? 3/4/14 1:51:07.000 PM kernel[0]: disk0s2: I/O error. 3/4/14 1:51:12.8

  • Hi pls help me with this speck.. very urgent...

    REPORT zm_material_prodhier_update  MESSAGE-ID zsd                                     NO STANDARD PAGE HEADING                                     LINE-SIZE 160. Tables TABLES: mara,mvke. Data Definitions. TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_mat,          matnr    

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  • Audio/Video Stutters on GT627 laptop

    I had no problems whatsoever with my laptop for about two months.  However, recently when I am listening to music there is extreme stuttering every time I open up a web page or a new program.  I've noticed that videos and games stutter as well, even