Applications Folder-Settings

I have just set up my new Macbok Pro from a Time Machine and its come out fine except for the fact that
the Applications Folder does not hold its settings. Whenever I reboot or force quit quit Finder it goes back to default settings which
I don't want. I have tried all the different view and clean up settings to try to get it to hold them but no luck.
Is there a plist for this specific folder which has obviously become corrupt?
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance

HI dwb
Thank you, I tried to delete with your above program and via the terminal and repair permissions but nothing worked.
I have decided to do a re-install of the whole system.
Tks again for your help.

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    The OS X 10.9.2 /Applications folder didn't preserve its folder settings. It always went back to the default folder size and position after a reboot.
    I tried to delete...
    /Applications/.DS_Store and
    ...and let the Disk Utility fix permissions (it fixed /Applications/.DS_Store owner and permissions) but nevertheless the problem persisted.
    I have an external OS X 10.9.2 test disk that does not have this problem. For some reason the problematic disk did not have /.DS_Store file at its root directory.
    This fixed it for me (I got the tip from these forums):
    I booted from an external disk. Get Info from the problematic disk and check "Ignore ownership on this volume". Then opened and set its root directory (the main window) and the Applications folder settings inside it as desired. Then unchecked the "Ignore ownership on this volume" setting.
    Viola! Now the root directory and Applications folder settings are as I want. (Disk Utility again fixed the .DS_Store file's permissions).
    Maybe just copying the .DS_Store from some other folder to the root directory via the Terminal would have also done it.

    You have to drag it to the rights side of the Dock (right of the sizing gadget.)

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    Thanks, guys!

    What exactly is the error you get?
    How are you attempting this copy?
    There's almost certainly a way to accomplish what you want to do (probably best from the terminal possibly copying the entire user dir and fixing up permissions, etc.) but I'm not sure you will end up with the results you want.  There are plists in the preferences dir that you probably don't want to copy over (e.g., many of the* prefererences).  And many apps also create more than just plists.  There may be stuff in Application Support, LaunchAgents, Internet Plug-Ins, etc.).  And this would be stuff you do want to copy.  Bottom line is it is not a trivial exercise which is probably why the system is slapping your hands for even attempting it

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    Open the Terminal in the /Applications/Utilities/ folder and run the following:
    sudo chmod a+rw /Applications/.DS_Store
    Press Enter and type in your administrator password; after logging out and back in, changes made to the folder's icon positions and view settings should stick.

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    Thank you in advance.

    Open the Terminal in the /Applications/Utilities/ folder and run the following:
    sudo chmod a+rw /Applications/.DS_Store
    Press Enter and type in your administrator password; after logging out and back in, changes made to the folder's icon positions and view settings should stick.

  • Finder-Not holding view settings in the Application Folder

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    I wonder if any of you can help me.
    I cannot get finder to hold my view settings in the Applications folder. I have tried all the view options and whenever I relaunch Finder or reboot the machine, it loses the view settings and goes back to 'arrange' and 'sort'  by 'none' I have tried creating another user account and it does the same thing so it is
    not user specific. I have tried deleting the file in the Applications folder and this does not work. As a matter of interest, this has been an ongoing problem that I have noticed when setting up new Macbook Pros over the last two years or so.
    All other folders hold their settings. Its just the Applications folder.
    Any ideas folks?

    I've had this issue in many folders. Very frustrating!

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    There was no "update failed" message
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    Thank you very much if you can help.

    Download a new copy of the Firefox program:
    Trash the current Firefox application to do a clean reinstall.
    Install the new version that you have downloaded.
    Your profile data is stored elsewhere in the [ Firefox Profile Folder], so you won't lose your bookmarks and other personal data.

  • HT204408 My applications folder has a black question mark on it at the bottom of my screen. I do not know what error I made, but my fan effect of the previous applications has gone away. Can I get some help with this?

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    ...removed my applications folder.
    From where? And to where?
    If you trashed it and emptied the trash, what backup, if any, do you have? If it's still in the Trash, move it back.
    If no backup, reinstall Snow, which will give you the version as of the DVD you use, then update back to 10.6.8, and run all other needed updates, including any security updates. This should save all your third party programs, as well as settings.
    The white puff of smoke is nothing, it only means you moved it out of the Dock. If you still have it, or had it, as soon as you open it it would reappear in the Dock. The item in the Dock is only a kind of alias.

  • Hey guyys .if some 1 from firefox team can help it wud be great......I was using firefox 3.6.3 on Mac OS 10.5.8 and Today I installed firefox 3.0(besides application folder) but not in same application folder like firefox 3.6.3 now i had 2 firefox v

    hey guyys .if some 1 from firefox team can help it wud be great......I was using firefox 3.6.3 on Mac OS 10.5.8 and Today I installed firefox 3.0(besides application folder) but not in same application folder like firefox 3.6.3 now i had 2 firefox version 3.6.3 and 3.0....I had 3.6.3 already open ..i closed it to... open 3.0 ....when i opened 3.0 it asked me to import settings i said opened well.....then i close 3.0 and tried to open 3.6.3 version it was a problem everything got lost sessions, bookmarks, add ons, went back to default ....when i had 2 profiles in 3.6.3.....can any pls help me on dis there a way to restore my sessions, bookmarks and add ons ??? I have uninstalled 3.0 version now....??? pls pls pls
    == This happened ==
    Just once or twice
    == today

    It turns out that the problem had to do with network accounts, even though it was not clear at first.  Redirecting the program to the local machine's cache with a network home redirector script fixed the issue.  Thanks anyway.

  • Permissions problems in Applications folder

    Recently my Mac has stopped asking for an admin password when I modify things in my Applications folder. The "Allow user to administer this computer" box is NOT checked for my account. I notice a wide variety of owner/group settings for apps in this folder, including myname/myname, myname/admin, myname/wheel, root/admin, root/wheel. "Verify Permissions" does not report any problems. Also, oddly, I can rename (for example) using the Finder, but not using Terminal, which reports "permission denied". I'm concerned that I may have compromised security somewhat... can someone explain what's going on and suggest a fix?

    Try logging out and logging back in. Sometimes Finder is slow to adapt to permissions changes.

  • Trying to update to 4.0 on my Mac. When trying to drag new icon to applications folder, it says 4.o already in place (it isn't), nad do I want to relace with older version. I do this and then it says change can't be done because Firefox is in use. ??

    trying to update to 4.0 on my Mac. When trying to drag new icon to applications folder, it says 4.o already in place (it isn't), and do I want to replace with older version. I do this and then it says change can't be done because Firefox is in use. ??

    That version cannot be upgraded further if it's a 2G model. The 3G model can be upgraded to iOS 5.x.x. You can't have a 2G model because the maximum iOS version is 4.2.1.
    Upgrading iOS
       1. How to update your iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch
       2. iPhone Support
       3. iPod Touch Support
       4. iPad Support
         a. Updating Your iOS to Version 6.0.x from iOS 5
              Tap Settings > General > Software Update
         If an update is available there will be an active Update button. If you are current,
         then you will see a gray screen with a message saying your are up to date.
         b. If you are still using iOS 4 — Updating your device to iOS 5 or later.
         c. Resolving update problems
            1. iOS - Unable to update or restore
            2. iOS- Resolving update and restore alert messages

  • Help! Captive Runtime application folder disappears after publishing.

    I'm using windows 7 and flash cs6.
    I've successfully created Applications with runtime embedded before, but now with the same source files when I publish it takes ages (as normal), but when it finishes the temp files that were being created dissappear and there's no application folder.
    While it's publishing three temp files are created and increase in size, but then dissappear.
    I've no idea what is going on, has anyone else experiences this?

    This is turning into a bit of a self help therapy session.  Anyway now I've got it working again in any folder.  The only thing I think I'm doing differently is pressing publish from the main publish settings panel rather than pressin publish from the AIR settings panel...
    .. Yes I've just checked and if I publish from the publish settings panel all works as it should, but if I press publish in the AIR settings panel it has this weird problem.
    Thanks Chris that's helped.
    No worries Chris.  By the way do you realise you are talking to yourself.
    Don't worry, I don't think anyone has noticed, but perhaps ease up on the coffee.
    Phew! Bye
    See ya

  • I cant open my applications folder due to insufficient privileges

    we just got hooked up to new internet, now only one profile can open any application. Including safari... what could it be? i tried deleting the account and reopening one....

    bio76067 wrote:
    we just got hooked up to new internet, now only one profile can open any application. Including safari... what could it be?
    Your post subject and the text of your post describe what sound like two different things. What is your actual situation? If you select the Applications folder and do a Finder -> Get Info, what settings do you see for "Sharing & permissions"?
    What happens when you try to open an application? Does the icon in the Dock (assuming there is one) bounce at all?

  • Contents of the applications folder disappeared

    I would appreciate some help: The contents of the applications and utlities folders (viewable in Finder under Macintosh HD and under by user profile) have deleted themselves for no reason that I can work out. I do have a recent backup which I can use but I am reluctant to do anything without first understanding why this might have happened and I'd appreciate any suggestions that anybody has.
    Full details below:
    While using my macbook earlier today, upon clicking on an application in the dock (Mail), nothing happened and instead the icon faded and a question mark appeared. Confused I clicked on the icon below it (iChat) and the same happened.
    I opened finder to look at the applications folder and saw all my applications disappearing one by one. At this point, I though the worst and immediately turned of wifi since it looked like somebody was systematically deleting files one by one.
    I am now left with a "working" version of Snow Leopard that looks identical to how it did. It is just that absolutely nothing now works (including all system preferences, disk utilites) since the contents of the applications and utilities folders are missing. All icons I click on turn to question marks, except so far finder and java (which seems to be in another folder). Other files seem to be completely intact. Finder does not find them either.
    Results of my own investigation:
    - I am fairly paranoid about computer security and so I doubt this is an attack.
    - It seems most likely to be a virus but I do run a virus checker and the computer and regularly scan the drives which has not indicated any problems. I will need to reinstall antivirus before I can check if there is any sign of a problem.
    - I've checked the disks via Snow Leopard install disk and they show no errors. Given also that the delete seems very selective (applications only) I don't think that this is a disk problem (the laptop is in any case only 9 months old).
    - I definitely did not do anything that would normally delete any programmes - I have seen a few posts about accidentally deleting the applications folder which is not what I have done (unless you think that fiddling with iCal and Mail settings just before this happened could have anything to do with it).
    Thanks in advance for your help.

    This extract seems to be around when it started to break. About 20 logs per second after his point.
    Dec 29 17:25:40 Richard-Birkinshaws-MacBook-Pro NortonMissedTask - Child #1[170]: About to launch child 1
    Dec 29 17:25:40 Richard-Birkinshaws-MacBook-Pro -u[170]: about to call FNNotifyByPath
    Dec 29 17:25:40 Richard-Birkinshaws-MacBook-Pro -u[170]: /Users/Richard/Library/Preferences/
    Dec 29 17:25:40 Richard-Birkinshaws-MacBook-Pro SymSecondaryLaunch[141]: launch for id = 1 event = oapp result = 0
    Dec 29 17:26:08 Richard-Birkinshaws-MacBook-Pro ntpd[19]: bind() fd 26, family 30, port 123, scope 5, addr fe80::fa1e:dfff:fee1:e200, in6is_addrmulticast=0 flags=0x11 fails: Can't assign requested address
    Dec 29 17:26:08 Richard-Birkinshaws-MacBook-Pro ntpd[19]: unable to create socket on en1 (5) for fe80::fa1e:dfff:fee1:e200#123
    Dec 29 17:26:12 Richard-Birkinshaws-MacBook-Pro configd[13]: network configuration changed.
    Dec 29 17:26:13 Richard-Birkinshaws-MacBook-Pro ntpd[19]: Cannot find existing interface for address
    Dec 29 17:26:13 Richard-Birkinshaws-MacBook-Pro ntpd_initres[103]: ntpd indicates no data available!
    Dec 29 17:26:27 Richard-Birkinshaws-MacBook-Pro iCal[175]: Unexpected EOF, returning last token as fallback
    Dec 29 17:26:34: --- last message repeated 26 times ---
    Dec 29 17:26:34 Richard-Birkinshaws-MacBook-Pro iCalExternalSync[193]: [ICalExternalSync ]Detected add of bad record 757C4A8D-6188-471C-8E20-96962778DF4F
    Dec 29 17:26:34 Richard-Birkinshaws-MacBook-Pro [0x0-0x13013][175]: 2010-12-29 17:26:34.054 iCalExternalSync[193:903] [ICalExternalSync ]Detected add of bad record 757C4A8D-6188-471C-8E20-96962778DF4F
    Dec 29 17:26:34 Richard-Birkinshaws-MacBook-Pro iCalExternalSync[193]: [ICalExternalSync ]Refused adding record 757C4A8D-6188-471C-8E20-96962778DF4F so I will delete it from the truth
    Dec 29 17:26:34 Richard-Birkinshaws-MacBook-Pro [0x0-0x13013][175]: 2010-12-29 17:26:34.055 iCalExternalSync[193:903] [ICalExternalSync ]Refused adding record 757C4A8D-6188-471C-8E20-96962778DF4F so I will delete it from the truth
    Dec 29 17:26:34 Richard-Birkinshaws-MacBook-Pro iCalExternalSync[193]: [ICalExternalSync ]Detected add of bad record 238301B9-7F0A-4D5D-B2AC-A1F8EB98ED27
    Dec 29 17:26:34 Richard-Birkinshaws-MacBook-Pro [0x0-0x13013][175]: 2010-12-29 17:26:34.056 iCalExternalSync[193:903] [ICalExternalSync ]Detected add of bad record 238301B9-7F0A-4D5D-B2AC-A1F8EB98ED27
    Dec 29 17:26:34 Richard-Birkinshaws-MacBook-Pro iCalExternalSync[193]: [ICalExternalSync ]Refused adding record 238301B9-7F0A-4D5D-B2AC-A1F8EB98ED27 so I will delete it from the truth
    Dec 29 17:26:34 Richard-Birkinshaws-MacBook-Pro [0x0-0x13013][175]: 2010-12-29 17:26:34.057 iCalExternalSync[193:903] [ICalExternalSync ]Refused adding record 238301B9-7F0A-4D5D-B2AC-A1F8EB98ED27 so I will delete it from the truth
    Dec 29 17:26:34 Richard-Birkinshaws-MacBook-Pro iCalExternalSync[193]: [ICalExternalSync ]Detected add of bad record CEE0EA70-736B-412F-83EC-94441D880595
    Dec 29 17:26:34 Richard-Birkinshaws-MacBook-Pro [0x0-0x13013][175]: 2010-12-29 17:26:34.107 iCalExternalSync[193:903] [ICalExternalSync ]Detected add of bad record CEE0EA70-736B-412F-83EC-94441D880595
    Dec 29 17:26:34 Richard-Birkinshaws-MacBook-Pro iCalExternalSync[193]: [ICalExternalSync ]Refused adding record CEE0EA70-736B-412F-83EC-94441D880595 so I will delete it from the truth
    Dec 29 17:26:34 Richard-Birkinshaws-MacBook-Pro [0x0-0x13013][175]: 2010-12-29 17:26:34.108 iCalExternalSync[193:903] [ICalExternalSync ]Refused adding record CEE0EA70-736B-412F-83EC-94441D880595 so I will delete it from the truth
    Dec 29 17:26:34 Richard-Birkinshaws-MacBook-Pro iCalExternalSync[193]: [ICalExternalSync ]Detected add of bad record A3071EE9-DD5F-4BAC-94BA-AEEA103EE738
    Dec 29 17:26:34 Richard-Birkinshaws-MacBook-Pro [0x0-0x13013][175]: 2010-12-29 17:26:34.109 iCalExternalSync[193:903] [ICalExternalSync ]Detected add of bad record A3071EE9-DD5F-4BAC-94BA-AEEA103EE738
    Dec 29 17:26:34 Richard-Birkinshaws-MacBook-Pro iCalExternalSync[193]: [ICalExternalSync ]Refused adding record A3071EE9-DD5F-4BAC-94BA-AEEA103EE738 so I will delete it from the truth
    Dec 29 17:26:34 Richard-Birkinshaws-MacBook-Pro [0x0-0x13013][175]: 2010-12-29 17:26:34.109 iCalExternalSync[193:903] [ICalExternalSync ]Refused adding record A3071EE9-DD5F-4BAC-94BA-AEEA103EE738 so I will delete it from the truth
    Dec 29 17:26:34 Richard-Birkinshaws-MacBook-Pro iCalExternalSync[193]: Client state being vacuumed
    Dec 29 17:26:50 Richard-Birkinshaws-MacBook-Pro ntpd[19]: time reset -31.145200 s
    Dec 29 17:29:54 Richard-Birkinshaws-MacBook-Pro[10]: Cache file /System/Library/Caches/ ions/KextIdentifiers.plist.gz is out of date; not using.
    Dec 29 17:29:54 Richard-Birkinshaws-MacBook-Pro[10]: Rescanning kernel extensions.
    Dec 29 17:29:54 Richard-Birkinshaws-MacBook-Pro[10]: Cache file /System/Library/Caches/ ions/KextIdentifiers.plist.gz is out of date; not using.
    Dec 29 17:29:56 Richard-Birkinshaws-MacBook-Pro[10]: Cache file /System/Library/Caches/ ions/IOKitPersonalities_i386.ioplist.gz is out of date; not using.
    Dec 29 17:30:42 Richard-Birkinshaws-MacBook-Pro[514]: JMicronATA.kext does not declare a kernel dependency; using
    Dec 29 17:30:50 Richard-Birkinshaws-MacBook-Pro SyncServer[194]: Datamanager Vacuuming all the truth segments.
    Dec 29 17:30:52 Richard-Birkinshaws-MacBook-Pro[514]: Created mkext archive //System/Library/Caches/
    Dec 29 17:30:52 Richard-Birkinshaws-MacBook-Pro[511]: /: no supported helper partitions to update.
    Dec 29 17:30:52 Richard-Birkinshaws-MacBook-Pro kextd[10]: updated kernel boot caches
    Dec 29 17:31:02: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
    Dec 29 17:31:02 Richard-Birkinshaws-MacBook-Pro[10]: Cache file /System/Library/Caches/ ions/IOKitPersonalities_i386.ioplist.gz is out of date; not using.
    Dec 29 17:31:02 Richard-Birkinshaws-MacBook-Pro[10]: Rescanning kernel extensions.
    Dec 29 17:31:02 Richard-Birkinshaws-MacBook-Pro[10]: Cache file /System/Library/Caches/ ions/IOKitPersonalities_i386.ioplist.gz is out of date; not using.
    Dec 29 17:31:18 Richard-Birkinshaws-MacBook-Pro[110] ([0x0-0x13013][175]): Exited: Killed
    Dec 29 17:31:18 Richard-Birkinshaws-MacBook-Pro[110] ([133]): Exited: Killed
    Dec 29 17:31:18 Richard-Birkinshaws-MacBook-Pro loginwindow[29]: DEAD_PROCESS: 29 console
    Dec 29 17:31:18 Richard-Birkinshaws-MacBook-Pro loginwindow[29]: CGSShutdownServerConnections: Detaching application from window server
    Dec 29 17:31:18 Richard-Birkinshaws-MacBook-Pro[29]: Wed Dec 29 17:31:18 Richard-Birkinshaws-MacBook-Pro.local loginwindow[29] <Warning>: CGSShutdownServerConnections: Detaching application from window server
    Dec 29 17:31:18 Richard-Birkinshaws-MacBook-Pro loginwindow[29]: CGSDisplayServerShutdown: Detaching display subsystem from window server
    Dec 29 17:31:18 Richard-Birkinshaws-MacBook-Pro[29]: Wed Dec 29 17:31:18 Richard-Birkinshaws-MacBook-Pro.local loginwindow[29] <Warning>: CGSDisplayServerShutdown: Detaching display subsystem from window server
    Dec 29 17:31:19 Richard-Birkinshaws-MacBook-Pro /System/Library/CoreServices/[531]: Login Window Application Started
    Dec 29 17:31:21 Richard-Birkinshaws-MacBook-Pro loginwindow[531]: Login Window Started Security Agent
    Dec 29 17:31:21 Richard-Birkinshaws-MacBook-Pro WindowServer[532]: kCGErrorFailure: Set a breakpoint @ CGErrorBreakpoint() to catch errors as they are logged.
    Dec 29 17:31:21 Richard-Birkinshaws-MacBook-Pro[532]: Wed Dec 29 17:31:21 Richard-Birkinshaws-MacBook-Pro.local WindowServer[532] <Error>: kCGErrorFailure: Set a breakpoint @ CGErrorBreakpoint() to catch errors as they are logged.
    Dec 29 17:31:30 Richard-Birkinshaws-MacBook-Pro SecurityAgent[537]: NSSecureTextFieldCell detected a field editor ((null)) that is not a NSTextView subclass designed to work with the cell. Ignoring...
    Dec 29 17:31:30 Richard-Birkinshaws-MacBook-Pro loginwindow[531]: Login Window - Returned from Security Agent
    Dec 29 17:31:30 Richard-Birkinshaws-MacBook-Pro loginwindow[531]: USER_PROCESS: 531 console
    Dec 29 17:31:30 Richard-Birkinshaws-MacBook-Pro[546] ( Falling back to default Mach exception handler. Could not find:
    Dec 29 17:31:31 Richard-Birkinshaws-MacBook-Pro [0x0-0x1f01f].SoftwareUpdateCheck[555]: SoftwareUpdateCheck: non-admin user
    Dec 29 17:31:31 Richard-Birkinshaws-MacBook-Pro[546] ([0x0-0x1f01f].SoftwareUpdateCheck[555]): Exited with exit code: 102
    Dec 29 17:31:35 Richard-Birkinshaws-MacBook-Pro[546] ([567]): Exited with exit code: 1
    Dec 29 17:32:08 Richard-Birkinshaws-MacBook-Pro[588]: JMicronATA.kext does not declare a kernel dependency; using
    Dec 29 17:32:21 Richard-Birkinshaws-MacBook-Pro[588]: Created mkext archive //System/Library/Caches/
    Dec 29 17:32:21 Richard-Birkinshaws-MacBook-Pro[528]: /: no supported helper partitions to update.
    Dec 29 17:32:21 Richard-Birkinshaws-MacBook-Pro kextd[10]: updated kernel boot caches
    Dec 29 17:34:50 Richard-Birkinshaws-MacBook-Pro /System/Library/CoreServices/[139]: No valid tickets, timing out
    Dec 29 17:37:25 Richard-Birkinshaws-MacBook-Pro configd[13]: network configuration changed.
    Dec 29 17:37:29 Richard-Birkinshaws-MacBook-Pro Dock[550]: could not open iterator, -43, for directory <ECDirectory: 0x10024d500> {path=/Applications/} (directory changed)
    Dec 29 17:37:29 Richard-Birkinshaws-MacBook-Pro Dock[550]: problem iterating directory, -43, for directory <ECDirectory: 0x10024d500> {path=/Applications/} (directory changed)
    Dec 29 17:37:42 Richard-Birkinshaws-MacBook-Pro[1] ( Bug: launchdcorelogic.c:4598 (24208):2
    Dec 29 17:37:42 Richard-Birkinshaws-MacBook-Pro[1] ( Path monitoring failed on "/Library/Application Support/Apple/ParentalControls/ALRHelperJobs": No such file or directory
    Dec 29 17:37:42 Richard-Birkinshaws-MacBook-Pro[1] ( Failed to count the number of files in "/Library/Application Support/Apple/ParentalControls/ALRHelperJobs": No such file or directory
    Dec 29 17:37:43: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
    Dec 29 17:37:43 Richard-Birkinshaws-MacBook-Pro SymUIAgent[570]: LSOpenFromURLSpec() returned -43 for application /Applications/Symantec Solutions/Norton path (null).
    Dec 29 17:38:21 Richard-Birkinshaws-MacBook-Pro Mail[583]: * -[NSCFDictionary setObject:forKey:]: attempt to insert nil value (key: SelectedMailboxes)
    Dec 29 17:38:48 Richard-Birkinshaws-MacBook-Pro[1] ([646]): Exited with exit code: 1
    Dec 29 17:38:48 Richard-Birkinshaws-MacBook-Pro[1] ( Bug: launchdcorelogic.c:4598 (24208):2
    Dec 29 17:38:48 Richard-Birkinshaws-MacBook-Pro[1] ( Path monitoring failed on "/Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/": No such file or directory
    Dec 29 17:39:25 Richard-Birkinshaws-MacBook-Pro[1] ( Failed to count the number of files in "/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
    Dec 29 17:39:37: --- last message repeated 7 times ---
    Dec 29 17:39:37 Richard-Birkinshaws-MacBook-Pro[1] ( Bug: launchdcorelogic.c:4598 (24208):2
    Dec 29 17:39:37 Richard-Birkinshaws-MacBook-Pro[1] ( Path monitoring failed on "/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
    Dec 29 17:39:37 Richard-Birkinshaws-MacBook-Pro[1] ( Failed to count the number of files in "/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
    Dec 29 17:39:37: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
    Dec 29 17:39:37 Richard-Birkinshaws-MacBook-Pro[546] ( Bug: launchdcorelogic.c:4598 (24208):2
    Dec 29 17:39:37 Richard-Birkinshaws-MacBook-Pro[546] ( Path monitoring failed on "/Library/Services/": No such file or directory
    Dec 29 17:40:36 Richard-Birkinshaws-MacBook-Pro SymUIAgent[570]: LSOpenFromURLSpec() returned -43 for application /Applications/Symantec Solutions/Norton path (null).
    Dec 29 17:41:14 Richard-Birkinshaws-MacBook-Pro /System/Library/CoreServices/[651]: Login Window Application Started
    Dec 29 17:41:14 Richard-Birkinshaws-MacBook-Pro blued[16]: [setSystemPreference] syncs returns false
    Dec 29 17:41:19 Richard-Birkinshaws-MacBook-Pro loginwindow[651]: Login Window Started Security Agent
    Dec 29 17:41:35 Richard-Birkinshaws-MacBook-Pro /System/Library/CoreServices/[572]: No valid tickets, timing out
    Dec 29 17:42:23 localhost[1]: * launchd[1] has started up. *
    Dec 29 17:42:30 localhost[1] ( Bug: launchdcorelogic.c:4598 (24208):2
    Dec 29 17:42:30 localhost[1] ( Path monitoring failed on "/Library/Application Support/Apple/ParentalControls/ALRHelperJobs": No such file or directory
    Dec 29 17:42:30 localhost[1] ( Bug: launchdcorelogic.c:4598 (24208):2
    Dec 29 17:42:30 localhost[1] ( Path monitoring failed on "/Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/": No such file or directory
    Dec 29 17:42:31 localhost DirectoryService[15]: WARNING - dsTouch: file was asked to be opened </Library/Preferences/DirectoryService/.DSIsRunning>: (No such file or directory)
    Dec 29 17:42:35 localhost[1] ( Failed to count the number of files in "/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
    Dec 29 17:42:35: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
    Dec 29 17:42:35 localhost[1] ( Failed to count the number of files in "/Library/Application Support/Apple/ParentalControls/ALRHelperJobs": No such file or directory
    Dec 29 17:42:35: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
    Dec 29 17:42:35 localhost configd[13]: created directory for "/Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/"
    Dec 29 17:42:42 localhost fseventsd[33]: event logs in /.fseventsd out of sync with volume. destroying old logs. (861634 25 861670)
    Dec 29 17:42:43 localhost bootlog[40]: BOOT_TIME: 1293644537 0
    Dec 29 17:42:44 localhost configd[13]: updateConfiguration(): no preferences.
    Dec 29 17:42:52 localhost mDNSResponder[28]: mDNSResponder mDNSResponder-258.13 (Oct 8 2010 17:10:30) starting
    Dec 29 17:42:52 localhost[21]: usbmuxd-207 built for iTunesTenOne on Oct 19 2010 at 13:50:35, running 64 bit
    Dec 29 17:42:52 localhost blued[17]: Apple Bluetooth daemon started
    Dec 29 17:42:58 localhost[1] ( Failed to count the number of files in "/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
    Dec 29 17:42:58: --- last message repeated 7 times ---
    Dec 29 17:42:58 localhost mDNSResponder[28]: mDNSKeychainGetSecrets: 2313 0x909 (Could not copy keychain default)
    Dec 29 17:42:58 localhost mDNSResponder[28]: SetDomainSecrets: mDNSKeychainGetSecrets failed error 2313 CFArrayRef 0000000000000000
    Dec 29 17:42:58 localhost configd[13]: network configuration changed.
    Dec 29 17:42:58: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
    Dec 29 17:42:58 localhost fseventsd[33]: log dir: /.fseventsd getting new uuid: D3ED036F-9276-40BA-80AD-16496CD60BD8
    Dec 29 17:42:59 localhost root[57]: Recreating System.keychain because it cannot unlock; see /usr/libexec/security-checksystem
    Dec 29 17:42:59 localhost[1] ( Failed to count the number of files in "/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
    Dec 29 17:43:12: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
    Dec 29 17:43:12 localhost /System/Library/CoreServices/[29]: Login Window Application Started
    Dec 29 17:43:17 localhost[1] ( Failed to count the number of files in "/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
    Dec 29 17:43:17: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
    Dec 29 17:43:17 localhost[1] ( Failed to count the number of files in "/Library/Application Support/Apple/ParentalControls/ALRHelperJobs": No such file or directory
    Dec 29 17:43:17: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
    Dec 29 17:43:17 localhost[1] ( Failed to count the number of files in "/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
    Dec 29 17:43:17: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
    Dec 29 17:43:17 localhost[1] ( Failed to count the number of files in "/Library/Application Support/Apple/ParentalControls/ALRHelperJobs": No such file or directory
    Dec 29 17:43:17: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
    Dec 29 17:43:17 localhost root[75]: /usr/libexec/ntpd-wrapper: scutil key State:/Network/Global/DNS not present after 30 seconds
    Dec 29 17:43:18 localhost root[79]: sntp options: a=2 v=1 e=0.100 E=5.000 P=2147483647.000
    Dec 29 17:43:18 localhost root[79]: d=15 c=5 x=0 op=1 l=/var/run/ f=
    Dec 29 17:43:18 localhost root[79]: sntp: getaddrinfo(hostname, ntp) failed with nodename nor servname provided, or not known
    Dec 29 17:43:18 localhost configd[13]: New network configuration saved
    Dec 29 17:43:19 localhost configd[13]: bootpsessiontransmit: bpf_write(en1) failed: Network is down (50)
    Dec 29 17:43:19 localhost configd[13]: DHCP en1: INIT-REBOOT transmit failed
    Dec 29 17:43:19 localhost configd[13]: network configuration changed.
    Dec 29 17:43:21 localhost mDNSResponder[28]: User updated Computer Name from “MacBookPro-000000000000” to “MacBookPro-34159E066A0E”
    Dec 29 17:43:21 localhost mDNSResponder[28]: User updated Local Hostname from “MacBookPro-000000000000” to “MacBookPro-34159E066A0E”
    Dec 29 17:43:24 localhost loginwindow[29]: Login Window Started Security Agent
    Message was edited by: Richy RR

  • /Applications Folder not opening in Finder but works in Terminal

    Hi guys,
    I recently upgraded to Yosemite, but I'm not sure if this is a Yosemite-related bug.
    My application folder (/Applications) does not open in finder (see screenshots)
    The spinner keep spinning in the bottom right corner.
    Also, when I "Get Info", it keeps calculating the size and never completes.
    Also, when I drag the Applications folder to the dock, nothing happens.
    However, it works fine in Terminal:
    $ cd /; ls -lh
    drwxrwxr-x+ 129 root   admin   4.3K Oct 17 03:14 Applications
    When I go inside the Applications folder (in terminal), I can list all the files in it.Oddly enough, most of them are greyed out, and it only says "total 8" when I have way more than 8 apps.
    $ cd /Applications; ls -lh
    total 8
    drwxr-xr-x   4 root   wheel   136B Apr 23  2013
    drwxr-xr-x@  4 myusername  staff   136B May 20 13:02
    drwxrwxr-x   5 root   admin   170B Feb  7  2013 Adobe
    drwxrwxr-x@  7 root   admin   238B Feb 14  2013 Adobe Acrobat XI Pro
    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root   admin    92B Feb 14  2013 Adobe Application Manager -> /Applications/Utilities/Adobe Application Manager/CCM/Utilities/
    drwxrwxr-x@  8 root   admin   272B Feb  7  2013 Adobe Bridge CS6
    drwxr-xr-x@  3 myusername  staff   102B Jul 20  2012 Adobe
    drwxr-xr-x@  3 myusername  staff   102B Dec 12  2012 Adobe Download
    drwxrwxr-x@  6 root   admin   204B Feb  7  2013 Adobe Extension Manager CS6
    drwxrwxr-x@ 13 root   admin   442B Feb  7  2013 Adobe Illustrator CS6
    drwxrwxr-x@ 13 root   admin   442B Feb  7  2013 Adobe Photoshop CS6
    drwxr-xr-x   3 root   wheel   102B Feb  7  2013 Adobe Photoshop Lightroom
    drwxr-xr-x@  3 myusername  admin   102B Oct 15  2012 Air Video
    drwxr-x---@  5 myusername  staff   170B Dec 12  2013 Android Development Kit
    drwxr-xr-x+  3 root   wheel   102B Jul 11 15:49 App
    I can even open my apps in Terminal:
    $ cd /Applications; open
    Mission Control works fine as well.
    Does anyone know how I can see my Applications in Finder?
    I've tried the usual Disk Utility (verify/repair permissions) and even reinstalled a fresh copy of Mac OSX Yosemite (using recovery).
    Note: I did mess around with ~/Library/Preferences immediately after installing Yosemite because of the background flashing bug (I deleted some plists files to fix that bug).
    Any help would be appreciated, thanks!

    RonHerrema wrote:
    Drew, I have previously done everything you have listed as possible remedies, with no success.
    Well in that case the options I see are…
    This seems like a 'defaults write tweak' or similar system level modification that is failing on the latest OS.
    Revert any applied system tweaks from apps like Secrets or Onyx, that is if you remember applying any (these can be things like 'no-glass dock', no shadows on screenshots etc).
    Your Terminal may have the command history saved. Try 'history' in that app to see if you have any 'defaults write' changes listed. Post them here for help to revert them.
    It seems likely to me that the 'background flashing bug' mentioned earlier by helloziy was fixing a bad defaults write setting (preferences store the defaults write tweaks). If you have one 'bad tweak', there are probably others elsewhere on the system.
    I would consider backing up, erasing the internal disk & clean installing the OS. Migrate ONLY your user data back to the new install (avoid Applications & 'other files' - they could be the reason for this issue). You will need to reinstall apps as you need them.
    Another possibility is using EtreCheck to view what everyone has installed & running…
    It would basically be a case of comparing affected reports & then removing or reinstalling apps until something changes (a crapshoot).
    Etrecheck will not tell you about any 'defaults write' or other system modifications.
    I'd backup & consider removing all system preferences. This is drastic & may break many things until you alter the default settings!
    Reboot into recovery mode & remove the contents of /Library/Preferences from the boot disk, it will need to be done in Terminal.
    You need to do this when the OS isn't running because Mac OS will cache preferences and some values will be written back to new files even after deleting the original files. Keep a backup of the files handy incase the OS breaks on next reboot!
    Sorry it's not a solution, but it may help some diagnosis that get you closer to one.

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