Applications not installing when upgrade iOS5

When I upgrade to iOS 5 on my iphone certain applications are not willing to install. This occurs when I sync with itunes, the application starts to load onto the device and a message pops up on my phone saying that the application has failed to install.

First note that WebDAV is absolutely used in 2012, just not the Windows Server provided WebDAV component.
I've had this happen before in my lab but don't think I ever fixed it explicitly. Have you tried following the guidance in this post: ? I know it's not the symptoms you described, but the behavior
is related.
Jason |

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    Because you didn't drag and drop copy the app into the Applications folder, so your running it from the DMG instead.
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    If you don't know your way around a computer you shouldn't be using Xcode to begin with.

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    If you are having issues with your iPhone not recognizing the installed SIM, you may find the following article helpful:
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    To: leewayphotography
    Subject: Serial number not valid when upgrading from LR4 to LR5 was:leewayphotography
          Re: Serial number not valid when upgrading from LR4 to LR5 was:leewayphotography
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    public Object run(){
    //do stuff
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    To be specific, I had PSE8, PSE9, and PSE10 installed on my 64-bit Windows 7 Professional w/SP1 computer. I decided to uninstall PSE8 & 9 because I had just purchased PSE12 and wanted to make room for the PSE12 installation. When I tried to first uninstall PSE8, the uninstaller stopped with the warning that PSE8 was installed in the same directory as PSE10. The uninstall then terminated when I clicked on OK. Next tried to uninstall PSE9 and received the same warning and uninstaller termination. The same thing happened when I tried to uninstall PSE10. Faced with the situation that all three products were installed in the same directory and would not uninstall individually, I found it necessary to uninstall all three applications manually according to the directions on the Adobe's knowledgebase.
    To uninstall PSE8, PSE9, & PSE10, first thing I did was create a system restore point which is something I always do just in case something goes wrong. Then starting with PSE8, I first printed out the Photoshop Elements Help "Manually remove Photoshop Elements 8 | Windows that I found at Subsequently I printed out the directions for each product, PSE8, PSE9, and PSE10, are all on the Adobe website. Next I followed the directions contained in each article except for running the product uninstaller as I mentioned above and removed all three applications then rebooted my machine.
    Next I reinstalled PSE10 and tried to open it only to find that it did not fully install especially the Elements Organizer. As mentioned you can open the Editor by going directly to the executable file however you cannot access the Organizer because it did not install and cannot be found anywhere on the computer. I have uninstalled and reinstalled PSE10 five time now each time using the product Uninstaller plus the "Manually remove PSE10" directions and I still cannot get the Elements Organizer to install.
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    Secondly does anyone have any suggestions on how to install both the PSE10 Organizer and Editor?

    I believe I found a solution but I need help in changing some of the parameters to reflect for a United States program install.
    If you go to "Elements 10 Organizer is not installed [SOLUTION]" at you will note the Poster says it is possible to force the install of Elements Organizer 10 by using the command line:
    msiexec /i "E:\Adobe Photoshop Elements 10\ElementsOrganizer\Elements 10 Organizer.msi" TRANSFORMS=1031.mst ELEMENTS_DE_DE=1 ORGANIZER_DE_DE=1 STARTWATCHSERVICE=1 SUPPRESSREBOOT=0 NOT_STANDALONE=1 /l*v "C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Temp\OrganizerInstall.log".
    I found that the above command line input does in fact start the setup for the PSE10 "Elements Organizer" Installer except it is in a language other than English.
    Is there anyone familiar enough with coding and command line prompts to change whatever paramenters are necessary to have the installer run in English.
    Hopefully there are some Adobe Staff monitoring this message that can answer the question for me.
    Message was edited by: DAllenJ2215

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    Video Error
    Files needed to display video are not installed or are not working correctly. Restart Windows Media Center or restart the computer.
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    Thanks for any help!

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  • Itunes application not responding when I plug in my iphone

    I am on itunes 8.2 and when I plug in my iphone itunes just goes into application not responding.
    I wait for a while and then unplug the phone and it goes back to working again.
    On the phone there is no "Sync" message. In fact with the phone plugged in I can access the phones apps just as if it was not plugged in.
    But initially when I plug it in, it does the double vibrate and shows the charging graphic so I know the cable is ok.
    The phone is already on 3.1 apparently because some new features are there... like selecting multiple photos to email.
    But I don't recall ever running any updates in itunes to make it use the new software as I read you were supposed to do.
    I don't want to upgrade to itunes 9 because I read so many people having problems with it... but I wonder if the phone is no longer compatible with itunes 8.2
    Any help is appreciated.

    Do you know if the problems people have reported with itunes 9 was before the 9.1 release?
    I've heard tons of people saying they were reverting back to itunes 8.2 because 9 was so bad.
    Am a bit nervous about that update because of that.
    But an applecare guy told me that the 9.1 was supposed to address those issues. I have just not heard anything about that actually fixing things though. Still seems like a lot of people are dreading the new itunes 9.
    If you are an itunes 9 user, did you have any problems with it wiping out your library or any terribly long syncing times?

  • Error : Patch 9.4.2 not installed. when trying to install AcrobatPatchApplication.exe

    All is in the titles.
    I'm deploying Acrobat Reader and Pro on several thousand of machines, usually without big troubles.
    last month I deployed the 9.4.2 update and everything went fine until we discovered the printing problem.
    This month I'm trying to deploy the patch, but it seems to not work as expected.
    When i run it on few machines with Adobe Acrobat 9.4.2 and Adobe reader 9.4.2 it returns to me the following message in the log file:
    03/09/11  11:14:21   INFO              =~=~=~=~=~=~ Start : Acrobat Patching Application.. =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~
    03/09/11  11:14:21   INFO              Silent Mode : 1
    03/09/11  11:14:21   INFO              Found product : {AC76BA86-1033-0000-7760-000000000004}, installed on the machine.
    03/09/11  11:14:21   ERROR             Error : Patch 9.4.2 not installed. Acrobat 9.4.2 patch should be applied before running this executable.
    03/09/11  11:14:21   INFO              =~=~=~=~=~=~ Logging finished... =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~
    For info :  {AC76BA86-1033-0000-7760-000000000004} is the code for Adobe Acrobat Pro 9.4.2 in the registry key.
    What's wrong??

    Installation howto you can find on
    Try use "Search" function before you create new topic. This one was discussed many times.

  • Adobe Flash Player says not installed when it is.

    Adobe Flash Player shows as installed on the primary Admin account (and works there) all other Admin and regular user accounts say it isn't installed.
    I have tried installing as various users and Administrator status, but I get the same response.
    "Install Successful"
    "Adobe Flash Player not Installed"
    I am new to MAC, but can't fathom how this could be Apples fault. Unfortunately, Adobe support requires Adobe Flash Player to access help content.

    To find the folder I went to Finder > Library > Internet Plug-ins.
    The folder is empty and says 0 files. I am not currently on an Admin log-in, but I'm used to files showing regardless. When installing, I am asked for the Admin account and log in info before the file will load.
    I downloaded the latest flash player from Adobe this morning.
    Virtual Drive: What I am used to being an installation file in Windows shows up as a disk drive icon on my desktop. I have to "eject disk" to get rid of it. I thought it was just a "MAC" thing. Other software loaded this way, but also had me drag an icon to the Applications folder. Adobe does not.
    I am starting to wonder if there is a file sharing issue that isn't allowing me to see some software. I noticed I also do not see data in 'Public' when I know I added pictures there in another account. I can't remember changing any settings on my MBA. I have only had it a month and have been afraid of messing up my first MAC.
    Thanks for staying with this.

  • Itunes gives me this error message This copy of itunes is corrupted or is not installed correctly.  Please reinstall itunes (-42037) However, it will not install-- when i try to download from the net it says same message.  How do i reinstall Itunes?

    Itunes gives me an error message when I try to open.   "This copy of itunes is corrupted or is not installed correctly.  Please reinstall itunes (-42037) "
    Howeever it says the same thing when i try to download from the app store.  How do I get this reinstalled??

    First uninstall your copy of Itunes--  (make sure you empty crash)  Then you go to the applications website and reinstall it.  Dont worry about losing any of your music because thats in a separate folder.   Thats it---it works.

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