Apply XSLT  while importing the xml to the selected node in structure view

Hi All,
I would like to apply XSLT while importing the xml file to the selected node in the structure view.
How to go about it?

Hi All,
   Got the solution,
                UIDRef documentUIDRef = ::GetUIDRef(activeContext->GetContextDocument());
            InterfacePtr<IDocument> document(documentUIDRef, UseDefaultIID());
            InterfacePtr<IXMLImportOptionsPool> prefsPool( document->GetDocWorkSpace(), UseDefaultIID() );
            InterfacePtr<IK2ServiceRegistry> serviceRegistry(gSession, UseDefaultIID());
            InterfacePtr<IK2ServiceProvider> serviceProvider(serviceRegistry->QueryServiceProviderByClassID(kXMLImportMatchMakerSignal Service,     kXMLThrowAwayUnmatchedRightMatchMakerServiceBoss));
            InterfacePtr<IXMLImportPreferences> prefs(serviceProvider, IID_IXMLIMPORTPREFERENCES);
            XMLImportPreferencesInitializer initializer(prefs, prefsPool);
            bool16 prefBool = prefs->GetNthPrefAsBool(0);
            prefs->SetNthPref(0, kTrue);
The above code set the import option "Delete elements, frames, and content that do not match imported XML"

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    Yes you can do this via XSLT.
    You can try similar to the one below:
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         <xsl:value-of select="((./width) div 200)*(100)" />
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    Can you please help me resolving the issue mentioned. Thanks in advance. --Code Snippet below :
      l_File VARCHAR2(32000) := '<person>
    l_Where_Clause VARCHAR2(100) := '/*';
    l_Append_Var   VARCHAR2(100) := '/';
    l_Ty_Paths      Ty_Paths;
    l_Ty_Paths_Temp Ty_Paths;
    TYPE Ty_Verifier IS TABLE OF VARCHAR2(1000) INDEX BY VARCHAR2(1000);
    l_Ty_Varifier Ty_Verifier;
    l_Prev_Query_Rec VARCHAR2(100);
    l_Index_Num      NUMBER := 0;
    l_Cur_Exec_Row   NUMBER := 0;
    l_Ty_Paths(Nvl(l_Ty_Paths.COUNT, 0) + 1) := l_Append_Var;
    l_Cur_Exec_Row := 1;
    --Dbms_Output.put_line('Before entering the loop');
      SELECT DISTINCT REPLACE(l_Append_Var || '/' || t.Xml || '/', '//', '/') BULK COLLECT
       INTO   l_Ty_Paths_Temp
      FROM   (SELECT Xmltype(Extract(VALUE(e), '/').Getstringval()) .Getrootelement() AS Xml
               FROM   TABLE(Xmlsequence(Extract(Xmltype(l_File), l_Where_Clause))) e) t;
      l_Ty_Varifier(Nvl(l_Ty_Varifier.COUNT, 0) + 1) := l_Append_Var;
      IF l_Ty_Paths_Temp.COUNT > 0 THEN
         l_Index_Num := Nvl(l_Ty_Paths.COUNT, 0) + 1;
         FOR i IN l_Ty_Paths_Temp.FIRST .. l_Ty_Paths_Temp.LAST LOOP
            l_Ty_Paths(l_Index_Num) := l_Ty_Paths_Temp(i);
            l_Index_Num := l_Index_Num + 1;
         END LOOP;
      END IF;
      IF (NOT l_Ty_Paths.EXISTS(l_Cur_Exec_Row + 1)) OR (l_Cur_Exec_Row = l_Ty_Paths.COUNT) THEN
         --Dbms_Output.put_line('Inside the Else part');
         l_Cur_Exec_Row := l_Cur_Exec_Row + 1;
         l_Append_Var   := l_Ty_Paths(l_Cur_Exec_Row);
         l_Where_Clause := l_Ty_Paths(l_Cur_Exec_Row) || '*';
      END IF;
      --To Display the record:
      END LOOP;
      IF l_Ty_Paths.COUNT > 0 THEN
        FOR i IN l_Ty_Paths.FIRST .. l_Ty_Paths.LAST LOOP
          Dbms_Output.Put_Line(i || ' record is ' || l_Ty_Paths(i));
       END LOOP;
    END IF;

    Thanks for the reply.
    Please find the details :
    1) What's your database version ?
    Database version  :
    Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
    2) What's the practical use of extracting all the paths like this, what are you trying to achieve, besides a purely academic exercise ?
    The XML provided was for sample XML.
    The practical use being ,I wanted to parse the SEPA messages using the below code snippet dynamically.
    create table data_table (
         data xmltype
        xmltype column data store as securefile binary xml
    insert into data_table values (
        xmltype('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <SCTScfBlkCredTrf xmlns="urn:S2SCTScf:xsd:$SCTScfBlkCredTrf">
    <FIToFICstmrCdtTrf xmlns="urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:sct:pacs.008.001.02">
        <TtlIntrBkSttlmAmt Ccy="EUR">20000</TtlIntrBkSttlmAmt>
        <IntrBkSttlmAmt Ccy="EUR">20000</IntrBkSttlmAmt>
          <Nm>Mrinmoy Sahu</Nm>
                <Issr>ORACLE CORP</Issr>
          <Nm>Mrinmoy Sahu</Nm>
            <AdrLine>22 </AdrLine>
                <Issr>GOVT OF INDIA</Issr>
    alter session set nls_numeric_characters = ".,";
          SELECT Msgid, Msgid1, Sttlmmtd
       FROM   data_table t,Xmltable(Xmlnamespaces('urn:S2SCTScf:xsd:$SCTScfBlkCredTrf' AS "A", 'urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:sct:pacs.008.001.02' AS "B")
                        ,'/A:SCTScfBlkCredTrf/B:FIToFICstmrCdtTrf' Passing Columns
                        Msgid Path 'A:SndgInst'
                        ,Msgid1 Path 'B:GrpHdr/B:MsgId'
                        ,Sttlmmtd Path 'B:GrpHdr/B:SttlmInf/B:SttlmMtd');
    MSGID             ;MSGID1           ;STTLMMTD         ;
                     ;006MSID12511PH712;INGA             ;
    The idea was to :
    1). Map the Column Names for the XPath built using the previous code.
    2). Build the Select statement shown above dynamically based on the Xpath built in the previous code using a PLSQL block, and to process the data by doing a bulk collect on the XML.
    The above XML may contain multiple <FIToFICstmrCdtTrf></FIToFICstmrCdtTrf> nodes.
    Since the name space in the XML varies for each version of the SEPA messages , i need to get the names spaces ALSO to be picked up dynamically and parse the XML data based on the select statement as shown above.
    Could you please guide me with
    1). Is the approach taken appropriate?
    2). Any alternative approach should be looked for ?
    3). How to extract the name spaces available in the XML?

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    Thank you very much.
    Pablo Mortera.

        I am sorry but I am not able to get the question so I will explain as per my understanding. All of these three xml files contain necessary out of the box data which is required for ERM to function. Without this data, your ERM would not work so this is the first thing you want to do in ERM after successful installation.
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    Artifact Path = Native Directory
    Artifact Name = Users
    Error Message =
    EPMCSS-106102: Failed to get user by
    identity. Users with identities native:/
    1306f92702a:-5539?USER not found.EPMCSS-
    106102: Failed to get user by identity.
    Users with identities native://nvid=
    553a?USER not found. EPMCSS-106102:
    Failed to get user by identity. Users
    with identities native://nvid=
    553b?USER not found.
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    Artifact Name = Groups
    Error Message =
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    12e8613cdc4:-c9?GROUP not found.EPMCSS-
    156160: Failed to get group for
    identity. Group with identity native://
    12e8613cdc4:-c2?GROUP not found. EPMCSS-
    156160: Failed to get group for
    identity. Group with identity native://
    12e8613cdc4:-c3?GROUP not found. EPMCSS-
    156160: Failed to get group for
    identity. Group with identity native://
    12e8613cdc4:-c8?GROUP not found. EPMCSS-
    156160: Failed to get group for
    identity. Group with identity native://
    12e8613cdc4:-c6?GROUP not found.

    I experienced this error as well today. I manually deleted the existing native users (not the admin user) in the target environment and a subsequent import was fine.

  • Error while Importing ResourceObject  xml file in Deployment Manager

    Hi Everyone,
    I am getting this error while doing Import of HRPeopleSoftResourceObjects.xml ( A Resource Object xml file) in Deployment Manager. I am doing this step for Authoritative(Trusted Source) Reconciliation.
    Error Says:- Attribute not present in EntityDefination of User :: ExpectedReturnDate.
    ExpectedReturnDate is a UDF (Customize) field. I did Metadata and Sandbox import for this field to create this attribute in OIM. I can see this attribute on User Details screen as well as in User Table in OIM. So, ideally this error should not popup. I have to do this import for Reconciliation.
    I pulled and checked all the xml files like(UserEO.xml.xml, userEO.xml.xml, userVO.xml, UserVO.xml.xml) from oracle.iam.console.identity.self-service.ear_V2.0_metadata1 and found ExpectedReturnDate field is available.
    I am using: OIM Version - Oracle 11g Release 2
    Database version - 11.2.0
    Weblogic version - 10.3
    Please let me know how to resolve this error.
    Appreciate your response and support!
    Warm Regards
    Vijay Kumar

    Appreciate your response Kevin!
    I saw your response today. What you have suggested in your post make perfect sense to me.
    Yesterday, I was able to create Reconciliation profile successfully. No idea how it worked so, didn't updated my post.
    I tried to re-import the UDF, noticed ExpectedReturnDate attribute has little icon in fornt of it on deployment manager screen which says on mouse over "new field". No idea why as I didn't delete it from anywhere, perhaps it didn't get imported properly previously. I stepped ahead and clicked the import button on deployment manager but failed as it was throwing an exception which says udf_usr_expectedReturnDate is available in usr table. That makes sense to me as this column got created in usr table in OIM because of previous import and I didn't delete it either. This raised couple of doubts more as, along with this attribute there were other attributes in the same metadata xml file which were part of previous import and their respective columns were already created in usr table. Then why message poped-up for this field in particular? Anyway I went ahead with the import process.
    Now I stopped all the server (Admin, SOA and OIM) and restarted them again and performed the same steps as mentioned above and this time it worked as expected. UDF file got imported successfully.
    After this I went to Design Console verified all the fields and created the Reconciliation Profile. I checked OIM database and found RA_ProfileName recon tables got created.
    As per your comment, Today I checked the RECON_USER_OLDSTATE table but this table is empty.
    Still I have couple of doubts, if Reconciliation Profile got created it should create the xml file under metadata direcectory(in my case path should be: /apps/Oracle/Middleware/Oracle_IDM1/server/metadata/db). Please correct me if I am wrong? I hope it should be physical file not a logical file.
    Once again thanks for your response!
    Warm Regards
    Vijay Kumar

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    What is GEO_D here??
    What I have to select here?
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    2)my target servers schema
    Please tell me what I'll do??

    Schema(Work Schema) field they have selected GEO_D.
    What is GEO_D here??This is the schema name which is specified in the XML file .
    What I have to select here?
    1) schema of the xml file (NB:-I havn't created any .xsd or .dtd file for my .xml file)Yes
    2)my target servers schema
    Please tell me what I'll do??

  • Getting Error while importing catalog xml

    Hi ,
    i am new to ATG.
    I am getting the below error when i tried to import the xml.
    D:\ATG\ATG9.0\home>bin\startSQLRepository -m DynamusicB2C -import ..\DynamusicB2C\config\dynamusic\DynamusicB2CData.xml -repository /atg/commerce/catalog/ProductCatalog
    **** info Thu Oct 25 18:05:27 GMT+05:30 2012 1351168527562 /DPSLicense atg.service.ServiceResources->dynamoPrintM
    axSessions : Only 20 concurrent sessions can be managed with this license
    **** info Thu Oct 25 18:05:27 GMT+05:30 2012 1351168527578 /DPSLicense atg.service.ServiceResources->dynamoPrintM
    axDynamoServers : Only 3 Dynamo server(s) can be used concurrently with this license
    **** info Thu Oct 25 18:05:27 GMT+05:30 2012 1351168527593 /DPSLicense DPS is licensed to Sprint/United Managemen
    t Company - Development
    **** info Thu Oct 25 18:05:27 GMT+05:30 2012 1351168527593 /DPSLicense atg.service.ServiceResources->unlimitedLic
    enseMsg : This product is licensed for an unlimited number of CPUs.
    Nucleus running
    *** unable to find GSARepository component: /atg/commerce/catalog/ProductCatalog in configpath: D:\ATG\ATG9.0\DAS\config\config.ja
    Usage: startSQLRepository <xml-file1> ... <xml-filen> [args]
    Starts a GSA repository and executes a set of XML commands.
    The startSQLRepository command instantiates a repository and
    optionally parses one or more XML files you specify. You
    can use it to validate your template definition files,
    generate default SQL for your template and import or export
    data from your repository. You must specify the -repository
    option. All other options are optional.
    Pls guide me to succeed the above one.
    Thanks and Regards,
    Bala P.
    Edited by: 967647 on Oct 25, 2012 6:08 AM

    In place of ..\DynamusicB2C\config\dynamusic\DynamusicB2CData.xml just use \dynamusic\DynamusicB2CData.xml [path after config].

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    I am facing error when I am trying to import iPlanetResourceObject.xml in oralce identity manager. i.e error in import selection. Please suggest how to solve this issue.
    Thank you

    Use the Install Connector via Web GUI functionality provided OOTB. It will automatically take care of all dependencies etc.

  • How to select the node in structure view from selected xml page item

    Hi All,
    I have imported the xml file. Now drag and dropped the root node in the documentt.Now i select a item from it.When i select an item, i need the node in the structure view to get selected.
    In Indesign we have an menu option "Select in structure".
    How to go about it?

    Hi All,
    I have imported the xml file. Now drag and dropped the root node in the documentt.Now i select a item from it.When i select an item, i need the node in the structure view to get selected.
    In Indesign we have an menu option "Select in structure".
    How to go about it?

  • [JAXB 2.0] Unmarshalling error if the XML contains w3c.Element nodes

    I'm using the JAXB 2.0 library to create an XML file according to a XML Schema (XSD).
    I use the JAXB 2.0 classes, that I have previuosly generated, to fill the data and finally I execute the marshal method to store a XML file with the object's info.
    The second step is unmarshalling the file. Alright in my first attempt: I get all the JAXB objects filled with the data of the file.
    Now I try to add w3c.dom.Element nodes underneath a JAXB object that accepts a list of w3c.dom.Elements:
    org.w3c.dom.Element cip = (org.w3c.dom.Element) doc.createElement("CIP");
    t = doc.createTextNode("CIP");
    And the resulting XML file is marshalled correctly again. Moreover, the node QPD contains a list of simple nodes like 'CIP' (the w3c.dom.Element of the example).
    The second step, to try unmarshalling the XML file I just have generated:
    Using a main method in my class the file is unmarshalled with no problems.
    It's now, when I deploy the web service that calls the unmarshall method (sending the same XML file to the same function), I receive a parsing error!!
    2007-01-30 20:00:08.221 ERROR caught exception while handling request: java.lang.IllegalAccessError: void oracle.xml.parser.schema.XSDNode.<init>()
    Why does this error appear??? I supose JDeveloper tries to parser the w3c.dom.Element nodes like a XSDNode and therefore it fails (what is a XSDNode...?). But if I execute the same method from the "main" of my class it works! Maybe the problem is related with the libraries that OC4J loads when it starts...
    Can anyone help me?? Thanks in advance!

    Hi Blaise,
    The Document class I use to generate the w3c.dom.Element nodes in the marshaling procedure belongs to oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLDocument class. And it is located in the jar file: file:/C:/Oracle/jdeveloper/jdk/jre/lib/rt.jar!/org/w3c/dom/Document.class
    I have also checked if the unmarshal method of my class has linked the same library, althought is not used in the unmarshalling process (but maybe is implicit...) and it's OK.
    Have you seen something wrong?
    Thank you!

  • HowTo Set the xml-stylesheet processing instruction node?

    Can anyone tell me via PLSQL XMLDOM object what method or attribute to set or howto specify the xml-stylesheet value at the time of generation of the xml document?
    <?xml version = '1.0'?>
    <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="reporthtml.xsl"?>
    <Title>ABC Report</Title>
    Currently my XML just comes out as
    <?xml version = '1.0'?>
    <Title>ABC Report</Title>
    and I want to add the stylesheet reference....
    <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="reporthtml.xsl"?>
    Any help is appreciated...

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    For the above process, I parse the input XML using DOMParser and update the elements (some internal elements). While I view the final XML that would be passed to the stream, I found the <?xml-stylesheet... PI is missing.
    I somehow managed using a temp fix by doing the below. I manually pulled the PI using document.getFirstChild().getNodeValue() and reconstructed the PI and inserted it to the outgoing XML. This needs to be done every time. This might run into problems when more than one PI is used in the XML.
    If the parsed XML could get the PI along with it the above problem could be resolved.
    Is there any property that could be set on the parser (prior to parsing) to resolve the issue?.

  • Parsing the XML on the client

    Hi ,
    we are on 10g. The db is on unix and client is windows.
    we have to accept the xml file name in the oracle form, parse it and store it in the db. All should happen on the client as the user is not very comfortable with the FTP solution. All the examples I have seen, need the xml file to be on the server.
    Any idea how to achieve this?

    Using Webutil you can read the File line by line.
    Hope this helps to find a solution

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    This is what I'm trying to do.
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    Which device are you using and at which step this error occurs?
    Could you please attach fmle session log file?

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    The Reset Firefox feature can fix many issues by restoring Firefox to its factory default state while saving your essential information.
    Note: ''This will cause you to lose any Extensions, Open websites, and some Preferences.''
    To Reset Firefox do the following:
    #Go to Firefox > Help > Troubleshooting Information.
    #Click the "Reset Firefox" button.
    #Firefox will close and reset. After Firefox is done, it will show a window with the information that is imported. Click Finish.
    #Firefox will open with all factory defaults applied.
    Further information can be found in the [[Reset Firefox – easily fix most problems]] article.
    Did this fix your problems? Please report back to us!
    Also, if you have installed any Windows tweaks you can try to adjust the settings in that program.

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