Applying Hotfix KB981314 for windows server 2008 r2

Hi All,
I think this is not right place to ask Windows question here but the problem is related to SQL server also
For monitoring SQL server we are using OEM(Oracle Enterprise manager). it works fine for us 
but some time we get error like: 
Metric evaluation error start - oracle.sysman.emSDK.agent.fetchlet.exception.FetchletException: em_error=There was not enough memory to complete query ''SELECT name,pathname,processid,state FROM win32_service  WHERE name =''mssql'' AND
After searching on the I come to know that this error is comes when WMI get crashes hence I got on hotfix KB981314
My question is that 
Is there any other way to solve this problem other than hotfix ?
and If I apply this hot fix on my windows server will there any problem with SQL Server
My Server Envirnoment
Windows Server 2008 r2 Enterprise
SQL server 2008 r2 Standard
CPU 64 CPU(Hyper threading Enable)

Please try to use the following command to verify the WMI is consistent:
winmgmt /verifyrepository
If you don’t get the message “The WMI repository is consistent”, try to salvage the repository with the following Command Prompt command:
winmgmt /salvagerepository
If that does not work either, then reset WMI using the following command:
winmgmt /resetrepository
Hope this helps.
Alberto Morillo

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    according to this hotfix is for Windows Server 2008
    R2 SP1
    Best regards
    Meinolf Weber
    Microsoft MVP - Directory Services
    My Blog:
    Disclaimer: This posting is provided AS IS with no warranties or guarantees and confers no rights.

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    Duplicate post
    Upgrade Oracle x64 to Oracle for Windows Server 2008
    Please continue with other thread.

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    I'm having the same issue as in this thread.
    And trying to follow the 5 step procedure listed in the 3rd post, but am stuck on step 5, getting the hotfix from Microsoft. The link posted from the Hotfix page is just a generic Microsoft Support page. Which is not helpful. How do I actually contact them
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    Thanks In Advance,

    No luck. I've tried the chat which asks which Windows version Im using and there's no Server 2008 only desktop versions. I called and after talking with 3 people I got cut off. There has to be an easier way to get a simple file downloaded.
    You can hire me to do it for you.  I am always successful at contacting MS Support. 
    You didn't follow the instructions I  posted.
    Reach us over the phone at 1-800-642-7676 (TTY: 1-800-892-5234)
    Click Technical Support for Chat.                     
    It is really that easy.

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    Oracle: oracle 10g release r2 for windows server 2008
    An error occurred when creating a database, stop at last step, Screenshot:
    the trace log content:
    [main] [9:56:35:982] [CommandLineArguments.process:563] CommandLineArguments->process: number of arguments = 32
    [main] [9:56:35:982] [CommandLineArguments.process:738] CommandLineArguments->process: Create Database argument is specified
    [main] [9:56:35:982] [CommandLineArguments.process:910] CommandLineArguments->process: template Name argument is specified
    [main] [9:56:35:982] [CommandLineArguments.process:960] CommandLineArguments->process: db name argument is specified
    [main] [9:56:35:982] [CommandLineArguments.process:3074] CommandLineArguments->process: in Operation Type is Creation/GenerateScripts Mode condition
    [main] [9:56:35:997] [CommandLineArguments.process:3298] CommandLineArguments->process: Successfully process command line arguments
    [main] [9:56:36:668] [Host.checkOPS:2055] Inside checkOPS
    [main] [9:56:36:668] [Host.checkOPS:2067] Trying to check cluster existence
    [main] [9:56:36:715] [Library.getInstance:97] Created instance of Library.
    [main] [9:56:36:715] [Library.load:197] Loading orauts.dll...
    [main] [9:56:36:715] [Library.load:203] oracleHome D:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1
    [main] [9:56:36:715] [sPlatform.isHybrid:63] osName=Windows Vista osArch=amd64 rc=false
    [main] [9:56:36:715] [Library.load:223] Loading library D:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\bin\orauts.dll
    [main] [9:56:36:715] [Library.load:247] Loaded library D:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\bin\orauts.dll from path=
    [main] [9:56:36:715] [Library.load:197] Loading MSVCRT.dll...
    [main] [9:56:36:715] [Library.load:203] oracleHome D:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1
    [main] [9:56:36:715] [sPlatform.isHybrid:63] osName=Windows Vista osArch=amd64 rc=false
    [main] [9:56:36:715] [Library.load:223] Loading library D:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\bin\MSVCRT.dll
    [main] [9:56:36:731] [Library.load:247] Loaded library D:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\bin\MSVCRT.dll from path=
    [main] [9:56:36:731] [Library.load:197] Loading orawsec10.dll...
    [main] [9:56:36:731] [Library.load:203] oracleHome D:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1
    [main] [9:56:36:731] [sPlatform.isHybrid:63] osName=Windows Vista osArch=amd64 rc=false
    [main] [9:56:36:731] [Library.load:223] Loading library D:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\bin\orawsec10.dll
    [main] [9:56:36:731] [Library.load:247] Loaded library D:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\bin\orawsec10.dll from path=
    [main] [9:56:36:731] [Library.load:197] Loading orasrvm10.dll...
    [main] [9:56:36:731] [Library.load:203] oracleHome D:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1
    [main] [9:56:36:731] [sPlatform.isHybrid:63] osName=Windows Vista osArch=amd64 rc=false
    [main] [9:56:36:731] [Library.load:223] Loading library D:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\bin\orasrvm10.dll
    [main] [9:56:36:731] [Library.load:247] Loaded library D:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\bin\orasrvm10.dll from path=
    [main] [9:56:36:731] [Version.isPre10i:189] Returning FALSE
    [main] [9:56:36:731] [WindowsSystem.regKeyExists:1006] WindowsSystem.regKeyExists: mainkey= HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE subkey = Software\Oracle\Ocr
    [main] [9:56:36:746] [WindowsSystem.getCSSConfigType:1163] configType=null
    [main] [9:56:36:746] [Host.checkOPS:2073] cluster existence:false
    [main] [9:56:36:746] [Host.checkOPS:2111] Cluster installed=false
    [main] [9:56:36:902] [InitParamHandler.endElement:506] CustomSGA flag: false
    [main] [9:56:36:902] [InitParamHandler.endElement:507] Database Type: MULTIPURPOSE
    [main] [9:56:36:918] [InitParamHandler.endElement:508] Mem Percentage: 40
    [main] [9:56:36:918] [InitParamHandler.endElement:526] distributing Memory: 13737443328
    [main] [9:56:36:918] [MemoryCalculator.calculateMemory:122] Setting SGA to MAX_SGA 1610612736
    [main] [9:56:36:918] [StorageAttributes.setAttribute:232] IN threadID:1 group#=1
    [main] [9:56:36:918] [StorageAttributes.setAttribute:232] IN threadID:1 group#=2
    [main] [9:56:36:918] [StorageAttributes.setAttribute:241] Current threadID=1
    [main] [9:56:36:918] [StorageAttributes.setAttribute:248] Current threadID=1 ==> redoGroups[0]=1
    [main] [9:56:36:918] [StorageAttributes.setAttribute:258] vRedoGroups:[1]
    [main] [9:56:36:918] [StorageAttributes.setAttribute:288] setAttribute: bExists=false
    [main] [9:56:36:918] [StorageAttributes.setAttribute:232] IN threadID:1 group#=3
    [main] [9:56:36:918] [StorageAttributes.setAttribute:241] Current threadID=1
    [main] [9:56:36:918] [StorageAttributes.setAttribute:248] Current threadID=1 ==> redoGroups[0]=1
    [main] [9:56:36:918] [StorageAttributes.setAttribute:248] Current threadID=1 ==> redoGroups[1]=2
    [main] [9:56:36:918] [StorageAttributes.setAttribute:258] vRedoGroups:[1, 2]
    [main] [9:56:36:933] [StorageAttributes.setAttribute:288] setAttribute: bExists=false
    [main] [9:56:36:933] [TemplateManager.parseCloneTemplate:1477] See for any transportable datafiles in TemplateManager.....
    [main] [9:56:36:933] [TemplateManager.isInstallTemplate:2178] Selected Template by user:=General Purpose
    [main] [9:56:36:933] [TemplateManager.isInstallTemplate:2185] The Message Id to be searched:=GENERAL_PURPOSE
    [main] [9:56:36:933] [TemplateManager.parseCloneTemplate:1489] create new clone data file for tp file.......
    [main] [9:56:36:933] [Host.setupOIDCommandlineParameters:7184] setupOIDCommandlineParameters:
    [main] [9:56:36:933] [Host.setupOIDCommandlineParameters:7185] m_regWithdirService: false
    [main] [9:56:36:933] [Host.setupOIDCommandlineParameters:7186] m_unregWithdirService: false
    [main] [9:56:36:933] [Host.setupOIDCommandlineParameters:7187] m_updateDirService: false
    [main] [9:56:36:933] [Verifier.processRawConfigFile:3523] StorageType == 0
    [main] [9:56:36:933] [Verifier.setOradataDest:4349] setOradataDest:dfDest=D:\oracle\product\10.2.0\oradata
    [main] [9:56:36:933] [TemplateManager.updateDatafileDestination:1957] updateDatafiles:datafileDir=D:\oracle\product\10.2.0\oradata
    [main] [9:56:36:933] [TemplateManager.updateDatafileDestination:2103] From template, RedoLogGrName=1
    [main] [9:56:36:965] [TemplateManager.updateDatafileDestination:2118] new file name redo01.log
    [main] [9:56:36:965] [TemplateManager.updateDatafileDestination:2103] From template, RedoLogGrName=2
    [main] [9:56:36:965] [TemplateManager.updateDatafileDestination:2118] new file name redo02.log
    [main] [9:56:36:965] [TemplateManager.updateDatafileDestination:2103] From template, RedoLogGrName=3
    [main] [9:56:36:965] [TemplateManager.updateDatafileDestination:2118] new file name redo03.log
    [main] [9:56:36:965] [ProgressOnlyHost.performOperation:162] processRawConfigFile=false
    [main] [9:56:36:965] [Verifier.validateTemplate:1629] StorageType == 0
    [main] [9:56:36:965] [ProgressOnlyHost.performOperation:178] validateTemplate=true
    [main] [9:56:36:965] [OracleHome.isRacEnabled:149] bRacOn = false
    [main] [9:56:36:980] [Verifier.validateTemplate:1629] StorageType == 0
    [main] [9:56:36:980] [Verifier.calculateCloneDatafilePathsAndSizes:2951] canonicalPath=D:\oracle\product\10.2.0\
    [main] [9:56:36:980] [Verifier.calculateCloneDatafilePathsAndSizes:2951] canonicalPath=D:\oracle\product\10.2.0\
    [main] [9:56:36:980] [Verifier.calculateCloneDatafilePathsAndSizes:2951] canonicalPath=D:\oracle\product\10.2.0\
    [main] [9:56:36:980] [Verifier.calculateCloneDatafilePathsAndSizes:2951] canonicalPath=D:\oracle\product\10.2.0\
    [main] [9:56:36:980] [Verifier.calculateCloneDatafilePathsAndSizes:2951] canonicalPath=D:\oracle\product\10.2.0\
    [main] [9:56:36:980] [Verifier.calculateRedoLogGroupFileSizes:3083] canonicalPath=D:\oracle\product\10.2.0\
    [main] [9:56:36:980] [Verifier.calculateRedoLogGroupFileSizes:3083] canonicalPath=D:\oracle\product\10.2.0\
    [main] [9:56:36:980] [Verifier.calculateRedoLogGroupFileSizes:3083] canonicalPath=D:\oracle\product\10.2.0\
    [main] [9:56:36:980] [Verifier.getControlfFileSizes:3001] No. of Control files:=3
    [main] [9:56:37:105] [Host.executeSteps:4044] Executing steps....
    [main] [9:56:37:105] [Host.setUpForOperation:2920] setUpForOperation: Mode = 128
    [main] [9:56:37:121] [Host.executeSteps:4186] setupForOperation returned: true
    [main] [9:56:37:121] [Host.createStepSQLInterface:5948] sid =ora10g
    [main] [9:56:37:136] [SQLEngine.initialize:242] Execing SQLPLUS/SVRMGR process...
    [main] [9:56:37:136] [SQLEngine.initialize:270] m_bReaderStarted: false
    [main] [9:56:37:136] [SQLEngine.initialize:274] Starting Reader Thread...
    [Thread-4] [9:56:37:355] [StepContext$] ---- Progress Needed:=true
    [Thread-4] [9:56:37:464] [BasicStep.execute:202] Executing Step : CLONE_DB_CREATION_RMAN_RESTORE
    [Thread-4] [9:56:37:464] [StepErrorHandler.setFatalErrors:322] setting Fatal Error: ORA-01092
    [Thread-4] [9:56:37:464] [StepErrorHandler.setFatalErrors:322] setting Fatal Error: ORA-01034
    [Thread-4] [9:56:37:464] [StepErrorHandler.setFatalErrors:322] setting Fatal Error: ORA-03114
    [Thread-4] [9:56:37:464] [StepErrorHandler.setFatalErrors:322] setting Fatal Error: ORA-12560
    [Thread-4] [9:56:37:464] [StepErrorHandler.setIgnorableErrors:250] setting Ignorable Error: ORA-01109
    [Thread-4] [9:56:37:464] [BasicStep.configureSettings:304] messageHandler being set=null
    [Thread-4] [9:56:37:464] [BasicStep.execute:202] Executing Step : INSTANCE_CREATION
    [Thread-4] [9:56:37:464] [BasicStep.configureSettings:304] messageHandler being set=null
    [Thread-4] [9:56:37:479] [InitParamAttributes.sortParams:3532] m_sortOn:-1 sortOn:4
    [Thread-4] [9:56:37:620] [OracleHome.isRacEnabled:149] bRacOn = false
    [Thread-4] [9:56:37:667] [Host.noEntryinOratab:5115] Check made for oratab arg passed............
    [Thread-4] [9:56:37:667] [Oradim.getAddEntryCommand:353] AddEntry=[D:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\bin\oradim.exe, -new, -sid, ORA10G, -startmode, manual, -spfile]
    [Thread-4] [9:56:38:899] [Oradim.getEditEntryCommand:422] getEditEntry cmd=[D:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\bin\oradim.exe, -edit, -sid, ORA10G, -startmode, auto, -srvcstart, system]
    [Thread-4] [9:56:39:55] [Oradim.addSidToRegistry:871] oracleHomeKey: SOFTWARE\ORACLE\KEY_OraDb10g_home1
    [Thread-4] [9:56:39:117] [BasicStep.configureSettings:304] messageHandler being set=oracle.sysman.assistants.util.UIMessageHandler@c73f0d8
    [Thread-4] [9:56:39:117] [CloneRmanRestoreStep.executeImpl:217] Instance Creation went fine..........
    [Thread-4] [9:56:39:117] [CloneRmanRestoreStep.executeImpl:224] db_recovery_file_dest=D:\oracle\product\10.2.0\flash_recovery_area
    [Thread-4] [9:56:39:117] [CloneRmanRestoreStep.executeImpl:227] db_recovery_file_dest_size=2147483648
    [Thread-4] [9:56:39:991] [SQLEngine.setSpool:1750] old Spool = null
    [Thread-4] [9:56:39:991] [SQLEngine.setSpool:1751] Setting Spool = D:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\cfgtoollogs\dbca\ora10g\CloneRmanRestore.log
    [Thread-4] [9:56:39:991] [SQLEngine.setSpool:1752] Is spool appendable? --> true
    [Thread-4] [9:56:39:991] [CloneRmanRestoreStep.executeImpl:320] starting with pfile=D:\oracle\product\10.2.0\admin\ora10g\pfile\init.ora

    Check your SQLNET.AUTHENTICATION_SERVICES settings in sqlnet.ora file.
    ORA-28547 : Connection to server failed, probable Net8 admin error

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    I need  download and install oracle patch set and install  for Windows server 2008 R2 (notes 1486772).
    But I  get message "Download basket request for update has been processed. Unable to add 1 new object(s). The objects are already part of Export and to be processed."
    Help me, please!

    Have you looked at this location ?
    Refer SAP Note 871735 - Current patch set for Oracle 10.2.0 -> Oracle patch set
    Once you add the Patchset in download basket, you will find the same in Export tab of Download Basket. You will have to get the approval from SAP Export department by raising OSS message with XX-SER-SWFL-EXPORT component. After getting approval for the same from SAP Export dept., then & then only you will able to download it.
    Bhavik G. Shroff

  • Performance Tuning Guidelines for Windows Server 2008 R2 mistake?

    Hi all,
    I'm reading the "Performance Tuning Guidelines for Windows Server 2008 R2" and I think there is same kind of error. At page 53 there is a sub chapter "I/O Priorities" that explain how to handle I/O priorities.
    In the guide it is said that in the registry I have to have a key:
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\DeviceClasses\{Device GUID}\DeviceParameters\Classpnp\
    Where {Device GUID} I think it is the value I get in device manager under one of my disks -> properties -> details -> "Device Class GUID"
    the trouble is that under the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\DeviceClasses\ I've no subkey matching my disk's device class guid! Maybe I'm drunk but I've checked every sub key under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\DeviceClasses\
    but neither of them as a subkey named "DeviceParameter"!!
    So am I wrong? 

    Hi Andrea,
    To find the "DeviceParameter", please try to follow the steps below:
    1.Find this registry key and note the DeviceInstance value:
    2.Find the device instance registry key under "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum" which contains information about the devices on the system and get the device interface GUID:
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\USB\<hardware id>\<instance id>\Device Parameters
    I hope this helps.

  • Do we need CALS for windows server 2008 R2 and 2012 R2 if 2008 R2 is just a stepping stone?

    We currently have a server on Windows Server 2008 RC SP2 64-bit with approximately 20 clients.
    We want to upgrade to Windows server 2012 R2 but first need to upgrade to Windows 2008 R2 to allow us to do a straight upgrade.
    Is it possible to upgrade to Windows Server 2008 R2 with the 5 CAL's included and then upgradeto 2012 R2 and install 20 new CAL's and keep all users accounts and domain PC's the same? 

    Ok sorry for using the wrong terminology... I was under the impression for each client (Computer) connecting to the server we will need a CAL (Client Activation License) in order for the computer to be a domain PC on the server. Do I need 20 CALS's
    for Windows Server 2008 R2 and then another for Windows Server 2012 R2 if we are only upgrading to 2008 R2 to be able to upgrade to 2012 R2 without having to do a clean install.
    For WindowsServer (Standard edition or Enterprise edition or DataCenter edition), a Client Access License (CAL) is required for each device (if you're using the per-Device CAL licensing method), or, is required for each user (if you're using the per-User
    CAL licensing method).
    (whether you use per-Device, or per-User, is up to you, it comes down to cost).
    CALs are version-specific (to a point) - i.e. if you purchased WS2008 CALs for your 20 devices, for use with your WS2008 server, and you are now upgrading that server to WS2012, you need to upgrade your CALs.
    If you are adding a second server which is WS2012, and you are keeping your WS2008 server, you need to upgrade your CALs (because you only purchased WS2008 CALs which don't grant you the rights to connect to the newer server).
    If you were to install your second server as WS2008, you wouldn't need to purchase additional CALs, because as long as the version is the same, a single CAL grant you access to unlimited server (of the same version).
    CALs can be tricky to correctly license.
    Here's some introductory reading:
    And, none of this relates to the technical aspects of product installation/configuration at all (e.g. clean install vs. upgrade).
    Windows Server CALs are not license keys/tokens/files which you install/load/download - Windows Server CALs are quite literally paper-based (just like a drivers license or car registration). You are required to have them, to be correctly licensed, but, you
    don't physically do anything with them to own/drive a car.
    (Please take a moment to "Vote as Helpful" and/or "Mark as Answer", where applicable.
    This helps the community, keeps the forums tidy, and recognises useful contributions. Thanks!)

  • What are the netsh cmd line for windows server 2008,2012 ?

        I am try to config ip,subnet,gateway,preferred and secondary dns using netsh for windows server 2008,2012,
    Before Netsh cmd support for all os including Win 8,win 8.1.
    I need to config form client machine to server machine using netsh cmd lines,i will try in remote login also like i will give server name,username and password with netsh cmd.Below is sample cmd line,using process i will change ip config.
    netsh -r Admin-pc -u admin-pc\administrator -p XXXXX interface ip set address name="Local Area Connection" Static
    when i run in windows server using cmd prompt it show error like "some commands line not found in specified file"
    This is my code in using vb
     Dim pip As New Process()
            Dim pipa As New ProcessStartInfo("netsh -r Admin-pc -u admin-pc\administrator -p XXXXX interface ip set address name="Local Area Connection" Static")
            pip.StartInfo = pipa
            pip.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = False
            pip.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = True
    And if change  ip,subnet and default gateway,internet not work,if i change preferred and secondary dns then only internet work and can browse.
    I can change ip,subnet,gateway,both dns is some other way,below is the link
    but what problem is if server is logoff,changes not reflect in server machine,may be it logoff.
    So i need is if server is logoff,need to change ip,subnet,gateway and both dns using netsh or some other vb codings in asp,net.I am try to change ip address form client machine also.
    Pls reply asap

    For the shell scripting I'd try them here.
    Scripting forum on MSDN
    Scripting Guys forum on TechNet
    For the I'd ask over here.
    Microsoft ASP.Net forums
    Regards, Dave Patrick ....
    Microsoft Certified Professional
    Microsoft MVP [Windows]
    Disclaimer: This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties or guarantees , and confers no rights.

  • Issue Installing SP2 for Windows Server 2008 SP1

    Hello, I have a very annoying issue, and I hope someone can help a bro out.
    Server: Windows Server 2008 SP1 64-bit
    Issue: SP2 wont install on Windows Server 2008 SP1
    This is what I am seeing when I check the event viewer:
    1. (Information) Windows Servicing is setting package KB948465(Service Pack) state to Staging(Staging)
    2. (Error) Windows Servicing failed to complete the process of changing update 948465-382_neutral_GDR from package KB948465(Service Pack) into Staging(Staging) state
    I have no idea why this is coming up, nor why the server cant fix the issue, but now I am forced to deal with it. So if anyone has any helpful tips it would be greatly appreciated. 
    What I have done so far:
    I have downloaded the standalone SP2 file from microsoft, and tried to install, still failed. Just sent me to the prereq page, which is pretty useless considering the fact I already have SP1 installed, and nothing new has changed physically or digitally
    in the system.
    Also, although not a huge issue, I also have a security update that is failing, basically with the same issue as the SP. Below is its Error event log.
    (Error) Windows Servicing failed to complete the process of changing update 974318-11_neutral_LDR from package KB974318(Security Update) into Staging(Staging) state
    Im hoping that upon discovering the SP issue, I can resolve the security update issue, as the errors have the same issue(failed to complete staging state).Thank you for your time.
    ~I will provide any further info if needed.

    Thank you for pointing me in the right direction Milos. Yes I ALWAYS google my issues before going on forums for help. And to no avail. However, below is the relevant info(sorry I did not post this the first time;first time dealing with an issue like this,
    so I wasnt for shore what relevant data pertained to this issue):
    I also did not copy and paste the entire log in here(obviously) because its huge, however I will post link to full file if requested/needed, but hopefully I grabbed the entire log for my SP2 update failure issue. All I can grab from this log is that the
    CBS failed. However, I have no clue where to go after that..
    2015-02-22 19:24:15:093
    940 d10
    AU AU initiated download, updateId = {D0ABB478-FFD1-448A-9058-939C0B427AD4}.107, callId = {2AFDE80E-EFBF-40A6-861B-32400AC5493B}
    2015-02-22 19:24:15:093
    940 d10
    AU Setting AU scheduled install time to 2015-02-23 08:00:00
    2015-02-22 19:24:15:106
    940 1538
    DnldMgr *************
    2015-02-22 19:24:15:107
    940 1538
    DnldMgr ** START **  DnldMgr: Downloading updates [CallerId = AutomaticUpdates]
    2015-02-22 19:24:15:107
    940 1538
    DnldMgr *********
    2015-02-22 19:24:15:107
    940 1538
    DnldMgr  * Call ID = {2AFDE80E-EFBF-40A6-861B-32400AC5493B}
    2015-02-22 19:24:15:107
    940 1538
    DnldMgr  * Priority = 1, Interactive = 0, Owner is system = 1, Explicit proxy = 0, Proxy session id = -1, ServiceId = {9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77}
    2015-02-22 19:24:15:107
    940 1538
    DnldMgr  * Updates to download = 1
    2015-02-22 19:24:15:107
    940 1538
    Agent  *   Title = Windows Server 2008 Service Pack 2 for x64-based Systems (KB948465)
    2015-02-22 19:24:15:108
    940 1538
    Agent  *   UpdateId = {D0ABB478-FFD1-448A-9058-939C0B427AD4}.107
    2015-02-22 19:24:15:108
    940 1538
    Agent  *     Bundles 2 updates:
    2015-02-22 19:24:15:108
    940 1538
    Agent  *       {A34F6A47-5AB9-44CB-AB3F-9FC64F7B903C}.107
    2015-02-22 19:24:15:108
    940 1538
    Agent  *       {77DBCA97-29DC-42BA-9DB2-03C7B4D262D4}.107
    2015-02-22 19:24:15:108
    940 1538
    DnldMgr ***********  DnldMgr: Regulation Refresh [Svc: {9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77}]  ***********
    2015-02-22 19:24:15:108
    940 1538
    DnldMgr Contacting regulation server for 2 updates.
    2015-02-22 19:24:15:109
    940 1538
    Misc Validating signature for C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\WuRedir\9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77\
    2015-02-22 19:24:15:119
    940 1538
    Misc Microsoft signed: Yes
    2015-02-22 19:24:15:123
    940 1538
    Misc Validating signature for C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\WuRedir\9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77\
    2015-02-22 19:24:15:131
    940 1538
    Misc Microsoft signed: Yes
    2015-02-22 19:24:15:134
    940 1538
    DnldMgr Regulation server path:
    2015-02-22 19:24:15:135
    940 d10
    AU  # Pending download calls = 1
    2015-02-22 19:24:15:135
    940 d10
    AU <<## SUBMITTED ## AU: Download updates
    2015-02-22 19:24:15:644
    940 1538
    DnldMgr  * Regulation call complete. 0x00000000
    2015-02-22 19:24:15:661
    940 1538
    DnldMgr ***********  DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {A34F6A47-5AB9-44CB-AB3F-9FC64F7B903C}.107]  ***********
    2015-02-22 19:24:15:732
    940 1538
    DnldMgr  * All files for update were already downloaded and are valid.
    2015-02-22 19:24:15:732
    940 1538
    DnldMgr ***********  DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {77DBCA97-29DC-42BA-9DB2-03C7B4D262D4}.107]  ***********
    2015-02-22 19:24:15:733
    940 1538
    DnldMgr  * Queueing update for download handler request generation.
    2015-02-22 19:24:15:733
    940 1538
    DnldMgr Generating download request for update {77DBCA97-29DC-42BA-9DB2-03C7B4D262D4}.107
    2015-02-22 19:24:16:095
    940 1538
    Handler Generating request for CBS update 77DBCA97-29DC-42BA-9DB2-03C7B4D262D4 in sandbox C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download\2c728f96f2387c9d64aed5c97088b631
    2015-02-22 19:24:16:095
    940 1538
    Handler Selected payload type is ptExpress
    2015-02-22 19:24:16:124
    940 1538
    Handler UH: DpxRestoreJob returned 0x80070002
    2015-02-22 19:24:16:124
    940 1538
    Handler Detected download state is dsHavePackage
    2015-02-22 19:25:32:077
    940 dcc
    AU AU received policy change subscription event
    2015-02-22 19:26:21:898
    940 d40
    Handler FATAL: CBS called Error with 0x80070002, 
    2015-02-22 19:26:21:899
    940 1538
    Handler FATAL: UH: 0x80070002: Async stage operation failed in CUHCbsHandler::StageCbsPackage
    2015-02-22 19:26:21:909
    940 1538
    Handler FATAL: Request generation for CBS update complete with hr=0x80070002 and pfResetSandbox=0 
    2015-02-22 19:26:21:909
    940 1538
    Handler FATAL: Error source is 106.
    2015-02-22 19:26:21:909
    940 1538
    DnldMgr FATAL: DM:CAgentDownloadManager::GenerateAllDownloadRequests: GenerateDownloadRequest failed with 0x80070002.
    2015-02-22 19:26:21:909
    940 1538
    DnldMgr Error 0x80070002 occurred while downloading update; notifying dependent calls.
    2015-02-22 19:26:35:006
    940 1538
    Agent *********
    2015-02-22 19:26:35:006
    940 d10
    AU >>##  RESUMED  ## AU: Download update [UpdateId = {D0ABB478-FFD1-448A-9058-939C0B427AD4}]
    2015-02-22 19:26:35:007
    940 1538
    Agent **  END  **  Agent: Downloading updates [CallerId = AutomaticUpdates]
    2015-02-22 19:26:35:007
    940 d10
    AU  # WARNING: Download failed, error = 0x80070002
    2015-02-22 19:26:35:007
    940 1538
    Agent *************
    2015-02-22 19:26:35:007
    940 d10
    AU #########
    2015-02-22 19:26:35:007
    940 1538
    Report REPORT EVENT: {3C6B2054-CE6F-4A29-9E94-D44AB5C4963F}
    2015-02-22 19:24:15:004-0500 1
    147 101
    0 0 AutomaticUpdates
    Success Software Synchronization
    Windows Update Client successfully detected 2 updates.
    2015-02-22 19:26:35:008
    940 d10
    AU ##  END  ##  AU: Download updates
    2015-02-22 19:26:35:008
    940 d10
    AU #############
    2015-02-22 19:26:35:008
    940 d10
    AU Setting AU scheduled install time to 2015-02-23 08:00:00
    2015-02-22 19:26:35:008
    940 1538
    Report CWERReporter finishing event handling. (00000000)
    2015-02-22 19:26:35:009
    940 1538
    Report REPORT EVENT: {85DD7E1D-0632-44FF-81F3-34E75B954869}
    2015-02-22 19:26:22:129-0500 1
    161 106
    107 80070002
    AutomaticUpdates Failure
    Content Download Error: Download failed.
    2015-02-22 19:26:35:181
    940 1538
    Report CWERReporter::HandleEvents - WER report upload completed with status 0x8
    2015-02-22 19:26:35:181
    940 1538
    Report WER Report sent: 7.4.7600.226 0x80070002 D0ABB478-FFD1-448A-9058-939C0B427AD4 Download 106 Unmanaged
    2015-02-22 19:26:35:182
    940 1538
    Report CWERReporter finishing event handling. (00000000)
    2015-02-22 19:26:40:009
    940 1538
    Report REPORT EVENT: {E88B7854-8974-46BE-B243-143ED103C6FF}
    2015-02-22 19:26:35:009-0500 1
    188 102
    0 0 AutomaticUpdates
    Success Content Install
    Installation Ready: The following updates are downloaded and ready for installation. This computer is currently scheduled to install these updates on ‎Monday, ‎February ‎23, ‎2015 at 3:00 AM:  - Security Update for Windows Server 2008 x64 Edition
    2015-02-22 19:26:40:009
    940 1538
    Report CWERReporter finishing event handling. (00000000)

  • Management Pack for Windows Server 2008 Enterprise SP1

    I tried to manage the performance of a Windows Server 2008 Enterprise SP1 (6.0.6001) but SCOM 2007 R2 just check the availability with a ping status.
    I have installed the normal management packs:
    On the same SCOM, I have servers with Windows Server 2008 R2 and they work perfect.
    What can I do?

    Hi Journey Tinoco,
    Performance can be monitored by using the active alerts TAB where a alert / alerts will be triggered based on the default management pack which you have installed / imported or if you have created a custom monitor based on your preference on what performance
    counter you want to monitor on windows server 2008 servers VIA SCOM.
    Or you can pull server performance report specific for Windows server 2008 from the reporting TAB as per the below screen shot for details.
    The one which you are opened is the health explorer view which is not showing much details.
    Go to reporting TAB ===> Select Windows server 2008 operating system monitoring and then What ever appropriate report you need to pull based on your requirement. For example i have pulled a report below for "Operating system performance.
    Over here Click object and select the computer name and the icon should be a Windows serve / Computer as per the icon in my screen shot below. Select the time and date from and to the report you want and dont touch the add object option. Once done click
    the Run button on the left to you will get the report as below.
    Please note: If the below report is what you are looking for is not available in your SCOM's  reporting TAB. Then you have not installed the reporting Management pack for Windows server 2008 monitoring. Download
    it from the below link.
    Hope this helps you.

  • Oracle db 11gR2 for windows server 2008(64 bit)

    i want to download the Oracle DB 11gR2 installable for windows server 2008(64 bit), but i am unable to find it in e-delivery or anywhere else in oracle website.
    Please let me know if this installation is possible or not and the link from where i can download the installer.
    Thanks in advance.

    All related information cover at below notes:
    Statement of Direction: Oracle Database 11g Release 2 – Microsoft Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 [ID 867040.1]
    Release Schedule of Current Database Releases [ID 742060.1]
    Database 11g Release 2 Certification Highlights [ID 1065024.1]

  • Office Jet pro 8610 for windows server 2008 R2

    I have the new Office Jet pro 8610 prither but dosn't have the driver for "Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise" 64 Bit.
    What to do now. Can you please provide ?
    Thanks in advance.
    This question was solved.
    View Solution.

    The same driver as provided for any Windows OS as Windows 7 or 8 should be used, the installation however should be launch via the command line and not as a standard installation.
    Follow these steps to install the printer software on a server:
    Say thanks by clicking the Kudos thumb up in the post.
    If my post resolve your problem please mark it as an Accepted Solution

  • Microsoft support for Windows Server 2008 R2 on vSphere 5.5

    Hi, everybody.
    I'm checking if Microsoft will provide support for Windows Server 2008 R2 running on a VM on vSphere 5.5 Update 2. So far what I've found at is:
    Filtering vendor VMware and Windows Server 2008 R2, it shows vSphere up to version 5.0 update 1
    Filtering vendor VMware it shows vSphere 5.5 update 2, but details only Windows Server 2012, not Windows Server 2008 R2.
    Does that mean Microsoft doesn't support Windows 2008 R2 on vSphere 5.5 update 2?
    I'm aware Windows Server 2008 R2 lifecycle is close to EOL, but customer requires this specific version for application compatibility.

    Hi mdgrkb,
    Products that have passed the SVVP requirements for Windows Server 2012 R2 are considered supported on Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2008, and
    Windows Server 2003 SP2 and later Service Packs, both x86 and x64.
    Look this website the top left additional information:
    I’m glad to be of help to you!
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact [email protected]

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