Approved Transports in STMS_QA

Is there are a standard SAP report to extract information on all transports approved in tcode STMS_QA for a period of time ?  The report should include approver information alongwith all details related to the transport.

How does your approval process work? If you receive a chain of emails from, say, a BPO and a PMO, then you should have made a transport folder on your local or shared drive to store them there. If you use some type of third party software, I would think there should be an archived folder with that information. I'm not aware of anything in SAP that would show the approvers and approval process.
Good Day

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    <i>on your point 4:
    “. …. be sure that other requests/tasks are not locking these objects….”
    I believe if other requests are locking the objects then you probably can’t even add those objects to your transport, isn’t it?</i>
    Yes .you are correct.
    <i>also you noted that
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    Yes added objects are locked automatically.
    To lock them manulally(if necessary), right click on TR-->Lock Objects.
    Here is an example whre you have to unlock and lock objects amnuallay..
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    makesure inbetween nobody changes the unlocked Objects otherwise it will cause in consistencies..
    you can also unlock required Objects manually but it's time consuming process...
    Message was edited by:

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    I really depends very much on how you are set up.
    For small systems an Access MDB works well combined with organizational procedures. This is for dummies...
    In HR, Treasury and other types of systems, transport management is almost daily in the team and you can easily add an ABAP workflow to it as well.
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    Hi Rakshithshetty,
    you should be able to delete the transport request. After all approval steps have been done, you can not revert those steps.
    SAP recommends to approve averything and create a new transport for the sutuation required, then transport them as a package together to PRD.

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    Thanks Sri,
    I got the answer. My colleague is on vacation and he requested me to approve the request in STMS_QA to import to PR2 as we have a monthly schedule job runs once in a month to import to PRD.
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    Hi Serguei,
    Please check whether you have specified &_WF_INITIATOR& as excluded agent.
    Please remove &_WF_INITIATOR& as excluded agent.
    With Best Regards

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    Please see below the Transport Route
    What I would liek to tell you that we don't face the issue for all the transport requests.,
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    It cannot be done programmatically. Although it can be automated by basis guys. They configure it in TMS (Transport Management System). You can check it using STMS. (if you are authorized to view it).
    Transport path are defined in TMS.
    For Automated Transport configuration is done in TMS.
    Generally automatic Transport are not setup between quality and production. Changes are first tested in Quality and then Transported by basis team either periodically / individually.
    In case of manual transport Transport Request can be imported in production using STMS_IMPORT transaction in production. (Basis guy will do it for approved Transports)
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    Hello Claire,
    This issue has been described in SAP Note 313991. please check.

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    thanx in advance

    hi Sudhir,
    transaction and tables as following, the tables will relate with the objects transported, e.g ods then ods active table .../a[odsname]00 is effected.
    not sure for roll back
    SE01                   Transport Organizer (Extended)
    SE03                   Transport Organizer Tools    
    SE06                   Set Up Transport Organizer   
    SE07                   CTS Status Display           
    <b>SE09                   Transport Organizer          
    SE10                   Transport Organizer </b>         
    <b>STMS                   Transport Management System  </b> STMS_ALERT             TMS Alert Monitor            
    STMS_DOM               TMS System Overview          
    STMS_FSYS              Maintain TMS system lists    
    STMS_IMPORT            TMS Import Queue             
    STMS_INBOX             TMS Worklist                 
    STMS_MONI              TMS Import Monitor           
    STMS_PATH              TMS Transport Routes         
    STMS_QA                TMS Quality Assurance        
    STMS_QUEUES            TMS Import Overview          
    STMS_TCRI              Display/Maintain Table TMSTCRI
    STMS_TRACK             TMS Import Tracking          
    tables E07*
    E070                           Change & Transport System: Header of Reque
    E070A                          Change & Transport System: Attributes of a
    E070C                          CTS: Source/Target Client of Requests/Task
    E070CREATE                     Change & Transport System: Creation Date o
    E070CTV                        Generated Table for View E070CTV         
    E070DEP                        Change & Transport System: Dependencies of
    E070L                          CTS: Index for Assigning Numbers to Reques
    E070M                          CTS: Target Package/Layer for Requests   
    E070TC                         Help Table for E070 for Client-Specific Im
    E070USE                        Use of Current Requests by Users         
    E070V                          Generated Table for View E070V           
    E071                           Change & Transport System: Object Entries
    E071_OLE                       Backup Copy of Objects Before/After OLE Ch
    E071C                          Change & Transport System: Client-Specific
    E071E                          Lang. Transport: Positive List for Generic
    E071K                          Change & Transport System: Key Entries of
    E071K_OLE                      Backup Copy of Keys Before/After KLE Chang
    E071KF                         Change & Transport System: Nametab Info. o
    E071KFINI                      Change & Transport System: Nametab Info. o
    E071V                          Generated Table for View E071V           
    E07T                           Change & Transport System: Short Texts for

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    We have integrated the STMA workflow for transport management for ABAP TRs. It works perfectly fine.
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    Please assist.

    Hello Vinoth,
    We are using STMA standard transport workflow that SAP gives for approve/reject and automate movement of transports through R/3 landscape. Now when the manager has an approval item in the inbox, he double clicks to find a pop up window open in R/3 which lets him see the next system in the landscape and confirms to move the transport to the next system.
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    Please assist.

  • Program to Auto Import transports to quality and production systems

    Hi Experts
    Do anyone have a program that imports transport requests automatically into quality and production systems from development?  I know there is a procedure to import all into QA that can be set in TMS.
    But I am looking for a program instead that could auto import into quality and subsequently to production.

    You need to set the autoimport job in Q whichh will bring all the transport from Dev when they are released. For autoimport go to STMS --> import queue of your Q system -->Start import with the small truck sign and it will ask you to select the time (run it every 15 mins or so) --> start the job
    Production you never setup an autoimport, there might be some transports which you may not want to send to prod, only the approved transport will go to prod. Hope this helps

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    The problem is that some of our business approvers do not have SAP logins.
    Thank you!

    Programmer created email form

  • System refresh from Production to Quality

    We are going for system refresh from Production to Quality. We are at SAP NetWeaver 2004s with 700 release and at 0021 level. Our data base system is DB6 with the release 09.07.0000
    I understand that there is a note 886102 available for the system copy. But I would like to know how that had been practically implemented from your ready documents like
    1. What would be the BI consultant role during the refresh (I mean where do we involve at). I have seen many links related to this but nothing answer my question, so please don't give me links available.
    2. How to identify tables that need to be copied and restored to retain the correct source systems for data/info sources.
    3. What should be the BI consultant task before refresh?
    4. What should be the BI consultant task post refresh?
    5. What are issues faced post refresh in quality system.
    I request, the consultant who had worked on these refresh can provide me correct solution.
    Thanks in advance.

    Our prerefresh activities included
    Inform security team to do no user or authorisation changes for quality during the refresh.
    Set message in development to not release any transports anymore and set message in quality to inform users in quality not to manually import transports into quality and also not approve transports for production. This ensures no transports get moved to quality and production.
    Switch off cyclic import all job (like TMS_0000000038TMS_TP_IMPORT) and the cyclic  RSTMS_DIST_APPROVED_REQUESTS job 
    Prepare list of transports for re-import to quality after refresh and give this to BASIS.
    Post refresh activities included
    Tcodes SM37, SM35 and SP01. Check that BASIS had set all released jobs to status "Susp/Released"
    "All jobs are in 'Susp/Released' state. Set them all to 'Scheduled ' as follows:
    -  Run report BTCTRNS2 to change all to 'Released'.
    - Immediately use SM37 to change all to 'Scheduled' "
    IF ANY ARE NEEDED. Remember to change Exec Target in any job you need to release.
    "Schedule  RSTMS_DIST_APPROVED_REQUESTS to run at x:29 and x:59 - so every 30 minutes.
    Please schedule with DDIC as step user (and not your own user-id)."
    Check the STMS_QA and import queues to be sure that the tranports are correct- no extra ones during refresh???
    Once happy with the above request that Basis schedule the auto import to run every 30 minutes
    First ensure that BDLS has finished and system is ready for use.
    Post refresh issues faced in production
    Many reinit issues
    ACR issues.
    Master data issues.

  • Tranport  Management System other tcode than this

    Hello ABAPers,
    Is there any tcode other than stms to check  the transport request is transported to production server?
    We're having a hard time in updating the program in the production server.
    Actually we had 2 is the client 400 which is the pre-prod..and the other one is the client 800 which is to be the production client...(live data).They are in the same system.
    One scenario is we tried to check the OR program if amount in words is ok...unfortunately when we tried to check it to client 800 the program is not updated unlike to client 400.. I wonder what went wrong?according to our basis guys...they transferred the program to both servers....and by checking it to tcode stms...other than that they dont know weather the program was successfully transferred to production.
    Please there any tcode or program so i can check the update program transferred to production?
    Helpful answers will have a reward points.
    Thanks in advance

    STMS--Initial screen of the Transport Management System
    STMS_QUEUES--Displays the import queue
    STMS_IMPORT--Import queue of the current SAP System
    STMS_INBOX--TMS worklist (transport workflow)
    STMS_QA--QA worklist (TMS quality assurance)
    STMS_DOM--TMS system overview
    STMS_PATH--TMStransport routes
    STMS_ALERT--CCMS Alert Monitor
    STMS_TCRI--Display/change critical transport objects
    STMS_FSYS--Create/change TMS system list
    also refer
    <a href="">1</a>
    <a href="">2</a>
    <b>*reward for useful answers*</b>

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