Apts aperture3, apts aperture3, apts aperture3

what is apts aperture3? Suddenly all my images were disappeared. How to relocate them?

If you provide some more information, such as what you were doing when your Library went missing, what version of Aperture and OS X you are running, what you did to resolve your issue, and what happened when you tried to resolve it, we might be able to help.

Similar Messages

  • APTS Aperture3

    I am doing the Apple Pro Training Series - Aperture 3, 2nd ed.
    I am unable to import from iPhoto to Aperture as instructed in Lesson 4 pg 10.
    any idea?

    Thank you to William Lloyd & yourself (I appreciated the extra detail you provided) for your response(s)
    It was my understanding that the 2 libraries share unified Library but it was good to have that confirmed, twice(!) because I was doubting myself. And the fact that they are unified made my issue even more perplexing.
    After much fiddling and frustration I noticed the 2 folders, within the iPhoto Library folder, with photo icon on them were greyed out. That made me wonder if something was wrong with my initial download of the iPhoto files from Peachpit. So I downloaded again and was able to open the newly downloaded folder with no problem.
    I am back in business!

  • Can I use my APT as storage for my music and movies?

    I m Using MacBook Air and APT 160
    I have three questions:
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    Waleedan wrote:
    I m Using MacBook Air and APT 160
    I have three questions:
    1- Can I use my APT as storage for my music and movies I need the space in my MacBook Air? If yes please tell me how?
    No, it is not a storage solution as if you need to get the things off it you can't. If you deete things from iTunes they'll delete at the next sync. Provided you have backup copie on an external drive or CD/DVD, you could delete the actual file from the Finder leaving the database entry in iTunes - in this way you free space on the laptop but files stay on AppleTV.
    An alternative would be to change itunes Preferences (Advanced tab) not to import into the library, then for things you don't want on the Macbook Air, have them on external drive, drag and drop to itunes, sync, then disconnect drive for portable use. Again when the files aren't available they won't be deleted, unless you delete the itunes database reference.
    2-What is the best way to pair my APT with my MacBook Air through WiFi “g” or “n” or what is the latest, which will save me time?
    n is faster.
    3-What is the best external drive that might fit my need?
    Your options are basically small portable drives most of which are USB powered (though may require powered hubs if you have a hub) or larger desktop externals requiring power adapter and more space.
    For value the desktop externals give more capacity per pound/dollar, and will also have bigger capacity maximums at a given time (bigger and bigger capacity discs being developed all the time).
    Try and work out the capacity/pro
    ice point and if a portable might be useful, then you have a variety of option.
    Peronally I like Western Digital, Seagate and Freecom models, but they're all fairly good these days, and even popular brands can fail. I avoid Maxtor and IBM/Hitachi having had failures in the past, but all drives eventually fail.

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    Thank you!

    Depends on whether you use managed-Masters or referenced-Masters.
    Most important is to back up original image files before import into Aperture or any other images management application. I like Vaults for backing up the Aperture Library, and I use referenced-Masters to keep the Library a civilized size.
    Mass storage is cheap. We need backups both on site (all hard drives fail) and off site (fire, flood, theft).

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    I have read that there is an update which fixes aperture3 and iPhoto to process RAW files from  sony NEX7. How do I find and download this Update ?

    Look throught http://www.apple.com/support/downloads and you'll find this

  • TS1398 I cannot join with a nearby Wi-Fi network.  We have wi-fi in our apt. and our IBM laptop is connecting with no problem; but, when I try to use my iPod touch, the wi-fi is locked and asks for a password.  I do not know it.

    How do I join with the network that is in our apt?  The iPod asks for a password and I do not have one.  What to do?

    You have to enter the correct password to connect.
    Ask the person who setup the router for the password.

  • Using APT ActiveX methods to create a labview program for BPC 203 3 channel Benchtop Piezo controller

    Hi Everyone,
                      I am really very new to Labview and i am in great need for some help.I am assigned a task where i am supposed to create a labview program to control or moniter a BPC203 3 channel benchtop  Piezo controller. I created a program with the help of the instructions provided in the APT-Labview guide provided by Thorlabs.But th program doesnt run . Whenever i try to run it i get the same error which says that "Control HW Communications disabled".I have attached a snapshot of the error message.So i tried to create a small program in labview which would read the volage output.Even there i got the same error message.I suppose there is some mistake on my part which i am not able to correct due to the lack of proper knowledge.Could anyone please help me to solve this problem.A slight elaboration would be highly appreciated.Also i think the error lies in the use of invoke node with the get Voltage output method. I am not sure whether the parameters i have provided to the invoke node are correct.Any help of any sort would be highly appreciated.
    Front Panel with error message.PNG ‏202 KB
    Block diagram.PNG ‏101 KB

    I had the same problem today. However, I noticed that the piezo controller has 3 channels with separate slots and they are packaged in the same box. Therefore the whole box has a serial number, probably something like 71822280, and this is written with large letter. Now, in order to communicate with any of the channels, this does not help, but one needs to communicate directly with the interested channel and they have thier OWN SERIAL NUMBERS.
    For example channel 1 (my X direction in the nanoMax stage) has serial 91822281, Y has 91822282 and Z has 91822283. So try looking if you have the right serial number Hopefully you found out this yourself but this might help others, I took me3 hours to get this thing working when I started to plug-in the cables and everything.

  • Photoshop Elements 12 will not let me save files edited on a usb flash drive, but will photos on the hard drive all other apts will on the flash drive

    Photoshop Elements 12 will not let me save files edited on a usb flash drive, but will photos on the hard drive all other apts will on the flash drive

    Thanks for the information and your help. I have never bothered before changing the format. Next time I will.
    I copied the library to the external drive and then it went and said they were referenced files but I was okay about that. Now it cannot see them and will not do anything with them. I think I will buy another external drive and start again by importing all of my files again. I guess 55K will keep the mac busy this week.

  • New Color Profiles not showing up in Aperture3

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    Here are the location's I've tried putting it with no luck:
    /System/Library/ColorSync/Profiles/ +(yes I know you're not supposed to put anything in here, but it usually works and is a good place to put things you don't want users to tamper with)+
    Putting the profile in any of these locations, the ColorSync Utility sees it just fine, but Aperture doesn't list it at all. I've rebooted, restarted, rebuilt my Library and fixed permissions with no change. Is there a specific .plist file I can destroy that will let Aperture re-discover the profiles on the system?
    As a side effect of this process, I moved the old proofing profile to my Desktop. After the now one didn't work, I tried moving it back to see if Aperture would see it... It doesn't anymore. Oddly enough, Aperture does see the display profiles we created for the laptop with our Monaco.
    Aperture 3.0.3 on Snow Leopard 10.6.3
    I'd appreciate knowing if anyone has run into this, or has any advice.

    I had the same issue when playing with my Xerox Phaser 6110 profiled with colormunki. All software except Aperture (3.0.3) recognized the profile (Color Sync, Print dialog, Preview soft-proffing, even LR 3b2). I too tried all possible locations and none worked.
    Then I opened the profile in ColorSync, and edited (Profiles -> Xerox... -> Open ->'desc' tag) Ascii and unicode descriptions to read aaa.icc and did a Save As aaa.icc and there it was, available in Aperture, too.
    To my great disappointment the soft-proof feature in Aperture seems to be broken for some monitor/printer profile combinations, and is compatibly broken for printing from Aperture. What happens is the resulting image is way too degraded, even beyond the (admittedly crappy) photo printing capabilities of this printer.
    IOW printing the same JPG via Preview and/or soft-proofing with the printer's profile yields way more consistent results. Totally unacceptable for a €200 piece of software.

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    For all those not exactly impressed by standard RTFM&GTFO info:
    xfce4-notifyd provides notification-daemon
    So it should be safe to replace notification-daemon with xfce4-notifyd (just trying out XFCE while using Gnome.
    I guess OP never actually tried pacman oneliner provided earlier

  • Compare quality and features between aperture3 and iPhoto 11 photo books

    Are photo books created in either aperture3 or iPhoto 11 the same or does one software program produce a better end result?

    I only discovered my problem AFTER I had uploaded my book for printing.  i went back and tried to create a PDF to save and discovered my problem.  It had looked fine on the screen and I never received any sort of error message during the upload. I contacted Apple and they looked at what had been uploaded and saw that it was corrupted like my PDF so they canceled the order.  I then went thru the process of rebooting in safe mode and tried a preview before uploading the second time. I called Apple again and they said the uploaded file appeared to be fine this time -- I have not received the book yet, but I am hoping it looks alright after printing.  I experimented last night with making a duplicate of the original book project, then changed the template on the duplicate to Large instead of XL (everything else was the same as far as template style and color), then I ran a preview of that duplicate -- there were no corrupted files in the preview.  It appears to me that the problem is not with corrupted photo files in my library but has to do with the size selection -- no XL books.  When converting from Large to XL, the photos and their pkacement were exactly as the original but the size and location of all the Text alterations I had made to the original had been changed in the duplicate and would require editing again. This was the only difference in the two.  Until Apple resolves this issue with another update, I suggest you either create only Large books and avoid XL -OR- boot in "safe mode" to send the XL book to print.  I hope Apple corrects this issue soon because the XL books really are beautiful and it seems ridiculous to have to reboot everytime you want to purchase a book.  Hope this helps.

  • Error in Ant APT task when using exported WLP 10.3 Ant build scripts

    Hi -
    I'm trying to run the exported ANT build scripts for a default portal web app from the command line (either a windows shell or a cygwin shell) and I get the following error on both occasions :
    c:\BEA\Projects\PortalTutorials\tutorial-portal-web\build.xml:122: Apt task requires Java 1.5+
    More details :
    $ ant -v -Dworkspace=C:\\BEA\\Workspaces\\PortalTutorials\\workspace.xml
    Apache Ant version 1.7.1 compiled on June 27 2008
    Buildfile: build.xml
    Detected Java version: 1.6 in: c:\BEA_10.3\jdk160_05\jre
    Detected OS: Windows XP
    parsing buildfile c:\BEA\Projects\PortalTutorials\tutorial-portal-web\build.xml with URI = file:/c:/BEA/Projects/PortalTutorials/tutorial-portal-web/build.xml
    Project base dir set to: c:\BEA\Projects\PortalTutorials\tutorial-portal-web
    [antlib:org.apache.tools.ant] Could not load definitions from resource org/apache/tools/ant/antlib.xml. It could not be found.
    Build sequence for target(s) `build' is [init.env, check.params, check.versions, init.typedefs, init, build]
    Complete build sequence is [init.env, check.params, check.versions, init.typedefs, init, build, stage, archive, clean, clean.all, assemble, generated.root.init, assembly, stage.to.ear, ]
    [property] Loading Environment env.
    Property "env.WORKSHOP_WORKSPACE" has not been set
    [echo] Using Workshop Libraries located in the "C:\BEA\Workspaces\PortalTutorials\workshop-lib" directory.
    parsing buildfile jar:file:/C:/BEA/Workspaces/PortalTutorials/workshop-lib/workshop-antlib.jar!/com/bea/workshop/cmdline/antlib/antlib.xml with URI = jar:file:/C:/BEA/Workspaces/PortalTutorials/workshop-lib/workshop-antlib.jar!/com/bea/workshop/cmdline/antlib/antlib.xml
    parsing buildfile jar:file:/C:/BEA/Workspaces/PortalTutorials/workshop-lib/ant-contrib.jar!/net/sf/antcontrib/antlib.xml with URI = jar:file:/C:/BEA/Workspaces/PortalTutorials/workshop-lib/ant-contrib.jar!/net/sf/antcontrib/antlib.xml
    Trying to override old definition of task apt
    [macrodef] creating macro structselector
    [presetdef] defining preset resolve
    [macrodef] creating macro for-each-java-src-path
    [macrodef] creating macro for-each-resource-path
    [macrodef] creating macro for-each-referenced-component
    [macrodef] creating macro for-each-referenced-project
    [macrodef] creating macro for-each-project-in-build-order
    parsing buildfile jar:file:/C:/BEA/Workspaces/PortalTutorials/workshop-lib/workshop-wls-antlib.jar!/com/bea/workshop/wls/antlib/antlib.xml with URI = jar:file:/C:/BEA/Workspaces/PortalTutorials/workshop-lib/workshop-wls-antlib.jar!/com/bea/workshop/wls/antlib/antlib.xml
    Trying to override old definition of task jspc
    Property "patch.home" has not been set
    [mkdir] Skipping c:\BEA\Projects\PortalTutorials\tutorial-portal-web\.apt_src because it already exists.
    [available] Found: src\main\java
    [mkdir] Skipping c:\BEA\Projects\PortalTutorials\tutorial-portal-web\build\classes because it already exists.
    [apt] [web.content.root]|[c:\BEA\Projects\PortalTutorials\tutorial-portal-web/src/main/webapp]
    [apt] [web.source.roots]|[c:\BEA\Projects\PortalTutorials\tutorial-portal-web/src/main/java]
    c:\BEA\Projects\PortalTutorials\tutorial-portal-web\build.xml:106: The following error occurred while executing this line:
    jar:file:/C:/BEA/Workspaces/PortalTutorials/workshop-lib/workshop-antlib.jar!/com/bea/workshop/cmdline/antlib/antlib.xml:54: The following error occurred while executing this line:
    c:\BEA\Projects\PortalTutorials\tutorial-portal-web\build.xml:122: Apt task requires Java 1.5+
    at org.apache.tools.ant.ProjectHelper.addLocationToBuildException(ProjectHelper.java:508)
    at org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.MacroInstance.execute(MacroInstance.java:397)
    at org.apache.tools.ant.UnknownElement.execute(UnknownElement.java:288)
    at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor1.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25)
    I tried using a lower JDK 1.5.x - but that failed as well (complaining that 1.6 was needed).
    Any help will be appreciated.

    Have you find a solution for this problem?
    I have exactly the same one. I must build my web-services with some dependence compiled on java 1.6 so I need to use the APT task with a java 1.6 but the problem "Apt task requires Java 1.5+" appear.
    Thanks in advance for your answer.

  • "java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com.sun.tools..apt.Main.process"

    I am a new to Web Services and was following some site for implementing it.
    The link is as below:
    However while doing the "build and deploy" -- I am getting the following error while doing a ::
    Warning: MANIFEST.MF modified in the future.
    Copying 1 file to D:\WebServices-NB-Practice\webservice1\build\web\META-INF
    Warning: META-INF\context.xml modified in the future.
    Warning: WEB-INF\lib\jaxws-tools-2.1.7.jar modified in the future.
    Warning: WEB-INF\sun-jaxws.xml modified in the future.
    Warning: WEB-INF\web.xml modified in the future.
    Warning: index.jsp modified in the future.
    Warning: modified in the future.
    Warning: META-INF modified in the future.
    Copying 5 files to D:\WebServices-NB-Practice\webservice1\build\web
    Copying 1 file to D:\WebServices-NB-Practice\webservice1\build\web\WEB-INF\lib
    Copying 1 file to D:\WebServices-NB-Practice\webservice1\build\web\WEB-INF\lib
    Copying 1 file to D:\WebServices-NB-Practice\webservice1\build\web\WEB-INF\lib
    Copying 1 file to D:\WebServices-NB-Practice\webservice1\build\web\WEB-INF\lib
    Copying 1 file to D:\WebServices-NB-Practice\webservice1\build\web\WEB-INF\lib
    Copying 1 file to D:\WebServices-NB-Practice\webservice1\build\web\WEB-INF\lib
    Copying 1 file to D:\WebServices-NB-Practice\webservice1\build\web\WEB-INF\lib
    Copying 1 file to D:\WebServices-NB-Practice\webservice1\build\web\WEB-INF\lib
    Copying 1 file to D:\WebServices-NB-Practice\webservice1\build\web\WEB-INF\lib
    Copying 1 file to D:\WebServices-NB-Practice\webservice1\build\web\WEB-INF\lib
    Copying 1 file to D:\WebServices-NB-Practice\webservice1\build\web\WEB-INF\lib
    Copying 1 file to D:\WebServices-NB-Practice\webservice1\build\web\WEB-INF\lib
    Copying 1 file to D:\WebServices-NB-Practice\webservice1\build\web\WEB-INF\lib
    Copying 1 file to D:\WebServices-NB-Practice\webservice1\build\web\WEB-INF\lib
    Copying 1 file to D:\WebServices-NB-Practice\webservice1\build\web\WEB-INF\lib
    Warning: modified in the future.
    *java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com.sun.tools.apt.Main.process(Lcom/sun/mirror/apt/AnnotationProcessorFactory;[Ljava/lang/String;)I*
    BUILD FAILED (total time: 1 second)
    I am using netbeans version 5.5 for this.
    Although from the initial investigation I understand that this error is related to "jaxws-tools.jar".
    However I could not resolve this error.
    Can Somebody provide me with the steps to resolve this error.

    No, I put the 'main' method just to see if it solved the problem

  • Problems installing SVN or MySQL with Fink or apt-get

    I'm having problems with running SVN on my intel desktop. I primarily use Fink to install packages, and SVN installed just fine, but when I run it, I get
    svn: SSL is not supported
    I'm pretty sure SSL is not needed, but if I try to install the ssl package for SVN, I get:
    fink needs help picking an alternative to satisfy a virtual dependency. The
    (1) db44-aes-shlibs: Shared Libraries for db44-aes
    (2) db44-shlibs: Shared Libraries for db44
    Pick one: [1]
    The following package will be installed or updated:
    The following 29 additional packages will be installed:
    apr-ssl apr-ssl-common apr-ssl-shlibs autoconf2.5 automake1.9
    cyrus-sasl2-dev cyrus-sasl2-shlibs db43-ssl db43-ssl-shlibs db44-aes-shlibs
    expat gdbm3 io-string-pm libtool14 libtool14-shlibs libxml2 m4 neon24-ssl
    neon24-ssl-shlibs openldap23-dev openldap23-shlibs openssl097 openssl097-dev
    openssl097-shlibs pkgconfig svn-ssl-shlibs swig swig-shlibs texinfo
    Do you want to continue? [Y/n]
    /sw/bin/dpkg-lockwait -i /sw/var/cache/apt/archives/db43-ssl4.3.29-1001darwin-i386.deb /sw/var/cache/apt/archives/db43-ssl-shlibs4.3.29-1001darwin-i386.deb
    dpkg: parse error, in file `/sw/var/lib/dpkg/status' near line 577 package `db43-ssl':
    missing version
    ### execution of /sw/bin/dpkg-lockwait failed, exit code 2
    Failed: can't batch-install packages: /sw/var/cache/apt/archives/db43-ssl4.3.29-1001darwin-i386.deb /sw/var/cache/apt/archives/db43-ssl-shlibs4.3.29-1001darwin-i386.deb
    If I try to reinstall with apt-get, I get:
    Reading Package Lists... Done
    Building Dependency Tree... Done
    Sorry, svn is already the newest version.
    0 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 14 not upgraded.
    W: Encountered status field in a non-version description
    W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems
    and if I run apt-get update, I get:
    Hit http://bindist.finkmirrors.net 10.4/release/main Packages
    Hit http://bindist.finkmirrors.net 10.4/release/main Release
    Hit http://bindist.finkmirrors.net 10.4/release/crypto Packages
    Hit http://bindist.finkmirrors.net 10.4/release/crypto Release
    Hit http://bindist.finkmirrors.net 10.4/current/main Packages
    Hit http://bindist.finkmirrors.net 10.4/current/main Release
    Hit http://bindist.finkmirrors.net 10.4/current/crypto Packages
    Hit http://bindist.finkmirrors.net 10.4/current/crypto Release
    Reading Package Lists... Done
    Building Dependency Tree... Done
    W: Encountered status field in a non-version description
    W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems
    ...which is somewhat circular, eh?
    I have SVN and MySQL running on my intel laptop just fine, same version of Tiger. Anyone have any ideas?

    From the Q6.14: I can't install anything because I get "dpkg: parse error, in file `/sw/var/lib/dpkg/status'"
    A: This means that somehow your dpkg database got corrupted, usually from a crash or some other unrecoverable error. You can fix it by copying the previous version of the database, like so:
    sudo cp /sw/var/lib/dpkg/status-old /sw/var/lib/dpkg/status
    You may need to re-install the last couple of packages you installed before the problem started occurring.
    - cfr

  • Does the iphone 5 have apt-x?

    Hey just wondering if the iphone 5 has apt-x now. Really would like my new HK headphones to get good audio from my iphone.

    So now i watched closely: when Paired with my iPhone 5 the LED is GREEN, which would be AAC Coding, paired with my MBP-R15 the LED is BLUE which would be Apt-X.
    So as the iPhone connects via AAC I gave it some research, an found AAC to be even more suitable for an mobile Device than Apt-X, but can not say if it supports it, as I can't trigger it to a Codec.
    For me the Audioquality is on both Codecs, AAC as well as AptX, just great.

Maybe you are looking for

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