Arabic titles and tags in itunes

I have a number of MP3s with Arabic titles or ID3 tags. Is there a way I could cleanly import these into iTunes without destroying the tags. the titles change to weird type of font not sure what (clearly not english or arabic)
I\d be grateful for any help
iMac G5 20 2GB Ram, powerbook 12 G4 1.25GB Ram   Mac OS X (10.4.3)  

pocoloco hello,
Open Font Book and look for duplicate copies of the Lucida Grande font. Dupes have a • next to their name. They can be deleted.
Mac OS X uses Lucida Grande as the main system font, as does iTunes. If another application installs its own copy of the font this confuses iTunes, amongst others.
see how it it all goes after that ... let's know ... TP

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    Repair iTunes Security Permissions
    Right-click on your main iTunes folder and click Properties, then go to the Security tab and click Advanced. Use the Change Permissions... button grant to your account (or the Users group) and SYSTEM full control of this folder, subfolders and files, then tick the option to Replace permissions entries... which will repair permissions throughout the library. When complete switch to the General tab, click in the Read-only check box to clear it, then click Apply.
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    You could try "Dupin". It costs $ 15, but there is a demo available for testing:

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    Thanks guys,

    pocoloco hello,
    Open Font Book and look for duplicate copies of the Lucida Grande font. Dupes have a • next to their name. They can be deleted.
    Mac OS X uses Lucida Grande as the main system font, as does iTunes. If another application installs its own copy of the font this confuses iTunes, amongst others.
    see how it it all goes after that ... let's know ... TP

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    The ID 3 tags need to be in Unicode, so you may need to convert them.
    Not all ipods support Arabic I think. What kind do you have?

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    Titles and descriptions are not embedded into a photo until it is exported out of iPhoto with the following settings:
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    You would need to use iWebSEO to do this. It allows you to add page browser titles, tags and Google analytics to your site to be search engine friendly.
    Note, you need to publish your site to a local folder on your desktop first and then upload.

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    the simplest approach for you at the Moment would be to have a look here:
    Adobe Dreamweaver * Editing, updating, and deleting templates
    If your problem still exist, please send a link to your Website in question, so we could better analyze/help you.

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    ed2345 wrote:
    If iTunes and WMP are referencing the same copy of the MP3, then a tag change in one will be reflected in the other. If that is not what you want, you will need separate copies of the song.
    Being picky, iTunes will write it's changes to the tag immediately (unless the file is locked as read-only) whereas WMP may choose to do it at some later point in time unless you use an option to "Apply media information changes". WMP will generally notice automatically that another appliation has modified the tag and updates it's library accordingly whereas iTunes only spots the change if it accesses the tag for some reason.
    If you want WMP & iTunes to play nicely together you are best off disabling the WMP options for "Rearrange music in the rip folder..." and "Automatic media information update..." (you can still do so manually). I also find it best to change the WMP rip folder to the same as the iTunes Music folder. Letting iTunes "Keep the music folder organised" is a matter of choice (I choose not) but at least WMP can cope if your files get shuffled around by iTunes whereas the reverse is not the case.

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    Windows Explorer will display tag properties for mp3 & wma files, not aac (m4a) or wav. It is possible for mp3 files to contain multiple tags but only one will be displayed. Try inspecting the problem fils with a third party tag editor to see if you can tell what is going on. For mp3 files, provided all the details that you want the file to have are displayed in iTunes, you can try using the right-click option Convert ID3 Tag > None a few times followed by Convert ID3 Tag > ID3v2.3 which may well help.

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    on newform.aspx just above the top of cancel button I want to put 1 hyperlink "Help"
    but I want to do this by script/jquery by reading my configuration list where 1 column is TITLE and other is- URL
    Configuration List has 2 columns Title and URLValue
    Title                                    UrlValue
    HelpEditPage                      http://url2
    so script should read Title and display "Help"--->1st part on NewForm.aspx/EditForm
    Script should read UrlValue column and on click of help-(display link) the respective url should be open in new window.-->second part
    Please let me know reference code for adding anchor tag dynamically by reading from list
    I can see hyperlink near cancel button-
    //This block is just placing help link near cancel button- 
    $(document).ready(function() {
    var HelpLinkhtml ='<a href="#" text="Help">Help</a>';
    var position =$("input[value='Cancel']").parent("td").addClass('ms-separator').append(HelpLinkhtml);
    var HelpLinkhtml ='<a href="#" text="Help" onclick="GetHelpLinkFromConfigList();">Help</a>'; 
    var position =$("input[value='Cancel']").parent("td").addClass('ms-separator').append(HelpLinkhtml);
    var HelpLinkimageButton ='<IMG SRC="../../Style Library/Help.bmp" style="width:35px;"/>'; 
    var position1 =$("input[value='Cancel']").parent("td").addClass('ms-separator').append(HelpLinkimageButton );
    //Rest script
    function GetHelpLinkFromConfigList()
     //The Web Service method we are calling, to read list items we use 'GetListItems'
     var method = "GetListItems";
     //The display name of the list we are reading data from
     var list = "configurationList";
     //We need to identify the fields we want to return. In this instance, we want the Title,Value fields
     //from the Configuration List. You can see here that we are using the internal field names.
     var fieldsToRead = "<ViewFields>"+"<FieldRef Name='Title' />"+"<FieldRef Name='Value' />"+"</ViewFields>";
     var query = "<Query>" +
                            "<Where>" +
                                "<Neq>" +
                                    "<FieldRef Name='Title'/><Value Type='Text'>Help</Value>"
                                "</Neq>" +
                            "</Where>" +
                            "<OrderBy>" +
                                "<FieldRef Name='Title'/>" +
                            "</OrderBy>" +
     operation: method,
        async: false,
        listName: list,
        CAMLViewFields: fieldsToRead,
        CAMLQuery: query,
        completefunc: function (xData, Status) {
        $(xData.responseXML).SPFilterNode("z:row").each(function() {
        var displayname = ($(this).attr("ows_Title"));
        var UrlValue = ($(this).attr("ows_Value")).split(",")[0];
    function AddRowToSharepointTable(displayname,UrlValue)
        $("#NDRTable").append("<tr align='Middle'>" +
                                    "<td><a href='" +UrlValue+ "'>+displayname+</a></td>"
    <table id="NDRTable"></table>
    sudhanshu sharma Do good and cast it into river :)

    From your description, you want to add a help link(read data from other list) into new form page.
    The following code for your reference:
    <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    ExecuteOrDelayUntilScriptLoaded(AddHelpLink, "sp.js");
    function AddHelpLink() {
    var context = new SP.ClientContext.get_current();
    var list= context.get_web().get_lists().getByTitle("configurationList");
    var camlQuery= new SP.CamlQuery();
    camlQuery.set_viewXml("<View><Query><Where><Eq><FieldRef Name='Title'/><Value Type='Text'>Help</Value></Eq></Where></Query></View>");
    this.listItems = list.getItems(camlQuery);
    var ListEnumerator = listItems.getEnumerator();
    var currentItem = ListEnumerator.get_current();
    var title=currentItem.get_item("Title");
    var url=currentItem.get_item("URL").get_url();
    var HelpLinkhtml ='<a href="'+url+'">'+title+'</a>';
    Best Regards
    Dennis Guo
    TechNet Community Support

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    I purchased a song on iTunes and it is displayed in my list of SONGS.  However, when I try to add to my iPhone 4, it displays with a small circle of dots to the left of the song title and will not play.  How do I get this song onto my device?

    Hi TKCDM1!
    You should try to get this purchase onto your iOS device by using the suggestions in the following article:
    Downloading past purchases from the iTunes Store, App Store, and iBooks Store
    Thanks for being a part of the Apple Support Communities!

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    Sounds like you may need to re-download the entire albums from iTunes. See this KB article for how to download past purchases:
    I'd suggest doing it one album at a time. Delete one, download it from your purchase histor, then the next, etc.

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    •My Music > AppleReceive
    •My Music > iTunes > iTunes Media > Music 
    They share many of the same titles, although some duplicates may be mp3 and m4a. Confusingly, neither format seems to be exclusive to the AppleReceive or iTunes Media folder.
    I'm reluctant to playing the "delete one and see what happens" game.
    Any theories/suggestions?

    BCHeller wrote:
    There are two folders in the My Music folder dedicated to iTunes music:
    •My Music > AppleReceive
    No idea what this folder is. Sounds like it is something you created & named.
    •My Music > iTunes > iTunes Media > Music 
    This is the default folder iTunes uses for music.

Maybe you are looking for

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