Arch Menu Buttons

Need help with a PKGBUILD
# Contributor: Anonymo <unknown>
pkgdesc="Some Arch Start Buttons based on the Cristal Start Buttons"
arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
build () {
mkdir -p ${pkgdir}/usr/share/lxde/images/archmenubuttons
cp -R $srcdir/${_pkgname} ${pkgdir}/usr/share/lxde/images/archmenubuttons || return 1
Also, if someone has a better name for this package, I'm up for suggestions.  I use this with LXDE.
Last edited by Anonymo (2011-12-16 20:17:12)

The icons on top of your screenshot (except the firefox one) are made by you?
I like them, kinda clean... Why not release them on kde-look? There are a lot of "unfinished" icon themes available (just in the spirit of ESR) on this site.
Well, the color scheme is indeed a little bit weird reminds me of my old commodore times somehow, but you could also share your kbfx buttons on kde-look, i bet there will be some chinese archers who like them...

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    Last edited by Leigh (2007-03-10 20:23:03)

    The icons on top of your screenshot (except the firefox one) are made by you?
    I like them, kinda clean... Why not release them on kde-look? There are a lot of "unfinished" icon themes available (just in the spirit of ESR) on this site.
    Well, the color scheme is indeed a little bit weird reminds me of my old commodore times somehow, but you could also share your kbfx buttons on kde-look, i bet there will be some chinese archers who like them...

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    - Reset the iOS device. Nothing will be lost
    Reset iOS device: Hold down the On/Off button and the Home button at the same time for at
    least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears.
    - Restore from backup. See:                                 
    iOS: How to back up           
    - Restore to factory settings/new iOS device.

  • I have downloaded updates for Firefox but my browser doesn't look like it should, no single menu button etc, how do I get it to look like your demo?

    The last few times I have been prompted to update my firefox for desktop, my browser has not looked any different even though I get notification to say updates completed successfully. When I update firefox gives a demo of new features and how my browser should look, mine has not looked like the demo for the past few updates. It's annoying because I really like the look of having just one menu button. How can I change the look of my browser?

    The Firefox button displays by default only in Windows Vista and Windows 7. You '''''can''''' have it display in Windows XP
    '''Menu Bar'''<br />
    *right-click empty space at the end of the Tab Bar, click "Menu Bar" to place a checkmark
    *Menu Bar checked = Menu Bar on; Firefox button off
    *Menu Bar un-checked = Menu Bar off; Firefox button on
    *Other methods of doing the same:
    **click Firefox button > Options, click Menu Bar
    **Quick toggle Menu Bar on/off: ALT+V+T+M
    To have the Menu Bar '''''temporarily''''' display when the Firefox button is on, press the ALT key or the F10 key to make the Menu Bar appear and use your mouse to make selections from the temporarily displayed Menu Bar. Why would you want to do this? The selections available are different.
    '''If this reply solves your problem, please click "Solved It" next to this reply when <u>signed-in</u> to the forum.'''

  • Won't open homepage on open, won't open web pages from the menu 'open new window', Can't open menu button

    Ok, since update to version 31.0, I have been having some problems.
    I have tried doing everything stated in the support page about resetting, reinstalling, safe mode, restarting pc etc.
    First problem, when I open Firefox no web page loads. It just says New Tab and a blank white page. If I press the home button I am taken to my homepage which is google.
    Second problem, when I right click on a link and the menu pops up, if I click open in new window, a new window opens but it just says New Tab with a blank page and no URL information, just blank.
    Third problem, the Open Menu button just doesn't work at all. You can click all you like, that thing is not opening.
    I am really stuck as to what to do. I have only been using Firefox for about a month and t was good until these problems. If I can't resolve it, I will have to use another browser as it is really annoying.
    I am using Windows 8.1 by the way and have scanned my computer thouroughly for both virus's and malware.

    Hi zenithtwc, to test whether this is a settings issue, could you do a three-minute experiment?
    '''Create a new Firefox profile'''
    A new profile will have your system-installed plugins (e.g., Flash) and extensions (e.g., security suite toolbars), but no themes, other extensions, or other customizations. It also should have completely fresh settings databases and a fresh cache folder.
    Exit Firefox and start up in the Profile Manager using Start > search box (or Run):
    firefox.exe -P
    ''Don't delete anything here.'' Any time you want to switch profiles, exit Firefox and return to this dialog.
    Click the Create Profile button, assign a name like Test731, and skip the option to change the folder location. Then start Firefox in the new profile you created.
    Can it reach the internet?
    When returning to the Profile Manager, you might be tempted to use the Delete Profile button. But... it's a bit too easy to accidentally delete your "real" profile, so I recommend resisting the temptation. If you do want to clean up later, I suggest making a backup of all your profiles first in case something were to go wrong.

  • General Error or Crash using menu button on chapter playlists

    This is my first complex project in 2.0 - I needed to have approx 120 clips playable individually from a series of still menus. Given the 99 timeline limit, I created a number of timelines and placed batches of clips on them. I'm then using individual chapter playlists to reference each clip. The chapter playlist is linked from a menu button.
    When using the menu remote button when a chapter playlist is playing, I either get an 'abnormal condition' error, or occasionally, Encore crashes with no message at all. Tried this with no menus, timelines and playlists open but same errors.
    More detail:
    PAL 16:9 project
    28 timelines
    65 chapter playlists
    15 still menus
    approx 120 mpv clips and associated wavs (mpv encoded with cinemacraft encoder sp)
    Settings for one of the clips giving problems:
    Timeline - end action not set, menu remote - return to last menu, all ops permitted, no chapter end actions
    Chapter playlist - end action - return to last menu, override not set, menu remote - return to last menu, all ops permitted.
    I think I can stop the errors and crashes if I disable the menu remote button - but I don't really want to do this.
    Any ideas what's going on? Is it a bug(S)?

    The trouble I had was the "Abnormal Condition" error when hitting the menu remote button in preview.
    There was no problem with Prev/Next buttons though.
    I tried burning a disc too, just to check if it would burn true & just played up in preview - but no dice. What happened was the player froze up solid after pressing the menu remote.
    I did create another project where the chapter playlists numbered around 28 from a single timeline, and this actually worked as it should do, so I suspect an issue in Encore's internal stacks where this is all addressed.
    I had to use a different application in the end.
    I believe the reason yours is still failing is simply because despite having 5 timelines, you are still well over the number of chapter playlists that seem to be available.
    It's a nasty bug - but apparently a fix is in the works. Hopefully we will see this as a maintenance release - we got these with both earlier versions (1.01 from 1.0, and 1.5.1 from 1.5) so I am hoping it will happen.
    There are a couple of issues I have noticed - although this is so far the only one I cannot work around in my projects.
    One thing has just occurred to me that might help you here.
    Instead iof using a chapter playlist to reference each clip, save these for multiple clips that need to be accessed, and from your chapter menu, just point directly to the clip in question.
    Set an end action for each clip to revert back to the menu that called it, and create just a single chapter playlist for a "Play All" situation.
    This will greatly reduce the number of chapter playlists you are running - and should do the job for you.

  • Command is not showing in to the list on pressing menu button on the device

    Hi Everyone,
    I have developed a midlet in which I have designed buttons or links using Custom Items. Command associated with the custom item is not showing in to the list on pressing menu button on the device 8300 Curve.
    For example - My login screen have SUBMIT and RESET custom items. I have designed them to be appear like links [no matter how I design them]. I have also added a command and listener to it like as below:
    CMD_SUBMIT = new Command(text, Command.ITEM, 1);
    On running the midlet, my login screen appears. But when I travarse to the SUBMIT item, and press the menu button, my command doesnt appear in the list of commands. It shows only the Close command. I am not getting why this is happening.
    Please do me a favour and help me to sort out this. On other phones like 8520 curve the command is appearing in to the list when I press the menu button.

    Is there any way to sort out this issue? I am not getting the cause
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    Please guide me to proceed further. I am desperately waiting for the
    response. Regards.

  • Menu Button in ALV toolbar (multiple choices for a button)

    Hi abapers,
    I would like to have a button with multiple choices in the toolbar;
    at the moment I have created a menu button with just one function.
    Here is my code:
    CLASS lcl_event_receiver (Definition)
    CLASS lcl_event_receiver DEFINITION.
            FOR EVENT toolbar OF cl_gui_alv_grid
                IMPORTING e_object e_interactive.
    ENDCLASS.                    "lcl_event_receiver DEFINITION
    CLASS lcl_event_receiver (Implementation)
    CLASS lcl_event_receiver IMPLEMENTATION.
      METHOD handle_toolbar.
        DATA: ls_toolbar  TYPE stb_button.
        CLEAR ls_toolbar.
        MOVE 3 TO ls_toolbar-butn_type.
        APPEND ls_toolbar TO e_object->mt_toolbar.
        CLEAR ls_toolbar.
        MOVE 1 TO ls_toolbar-butn_type.
        MOVE 'EDIT' TO ls_toolbar-function.
        MOVE icon_change TO ls_toolbar-icon.
        MOVE ' Modifica'(l02) TO ls_toolbar-text.
        MOVE ' ' TO ls_toolbar-disabled.
        MOVE 'Modifica' TO ls_toolbar-quickinfo.
        APPEND ls_toolbar TO e_object->mt_toolbar.
      ENDMETHOD.                    "handle_toolbar
    ENDCLASS.                    "lcl_event_receiver IMPLEMENTATION

    check this code and reward me if it helps you..
    TYPE-POOLS : slis,icon.
    *Structure declaration for tcodes
    TYPES : BEGIN OF ty_table,
            tcode TYPE tcode,
            pgmna TYPE progname,
            END OF ty_table.
    *Structure for tocde text
    TYPES : BEGIN OF ty_itext,
            tcode TYPE tcode,
            ttext TYPE ttext_stct,
            sprsl TYPE sprsl,
            END OF ty_itext.
    *Structure for output display
    TYPES : BEGIN OF ty_output,
            tcode TYPE tcode,
            pgmna TYPE progname,
            ttext TYPE ttext_stct,
           END OF ty_output.
    *internal table and work area declarations
           it_output TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_output INITIAL SIZE 0,
           it_ittext TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_itext INITIAL SIZE 0,
           wa_table TYPE ty_table,
           wa_output TYPE ty_output,
           wa_ittext TYPE ty_itext.
    *Class definition for ALV toolbar
    CLASS:      lcl_alv_toolbar   DEFINITION DEFERRED.
    *Declaration for toolbar buttons
    DATA : ty_toolbar TYPE stb_button.
    Data declarations for ALV
    DATA: c_ccont TYPE REF TO cl_gui_custom_container,   "Custom container object
          c_alvgd         TYPE REF TO cl_gui_alv_grid,   "ALV grid object
          it_fcat            TYPE lvc_t_fcat,            "Field catalogue
          it_layout          TYPE lvc_s_layo,            "Layout
          c_alv_toolbar    TYPE REF TO lcl_alv_toolbar,           "Alv toolbar
          c_alv_toolbarmanager TYPE REF TO cl_alv_grid_toolbar_manager.  "Toolbar manager
    *Initialization event
    *Start of selection event
    *Subroutine to get values from tstc table
      PERFORM fetch_data.
    *subroutine for alv display
      PERFORM alv_output.
          CLASS lcl_alv_toolbar DEFINITION
          ALV event handler
    CLASS lcl_alv_toolbar DEFINITION.
        METHODS: constructor
                     io_alv_grid TYPE REF TO cl_gui_alv_grid,
    *Event for toolbar
           FOR EVENT toolbar
           OF  cl_gui_alv_grid
    ENDCLASS.                    "lcl_alv_toolbar DEFINITION
          CLASS lcl_alv_toolbar IMPLEMENTATION
          ALV event handler
    CLASS lcl_alv_toolbar IMPLEMENTATION.
      METHOD constructor.
      Create ALV toolbar manager instance
        CREATE OBJECT c_alv_toolbarmanager
            io_alv_grid      = io_alv_grid.
       ENDMETHOD.                    "constructor
      METHOD on_toolbar.
      Add customized toolbar buttons.
      variable for Toolbar Button
          ty_toolbar-icon      =  icon_generate.
        ty_toolbar-butn_type = 0.
        ty_toolbar-text = 'Button1'.
          APPEND ty_toolbar TO e_object->mt_toolbar.
          ty_toolbar-icon      =  icon_voice_output.
        ty_toolbar-butn_type = 0.
        ty_toolbar-text = 'Button2'.
           APPEND ty_toolbar TO e_object->mt_toolbar.
         ty_toolbar-icon      =  icon_phone.
        ty_toolbar-butn_type = 0.
        ty_toolbar-text = 'Button3'.
           APPEND ty_toolbar TO e_object->mt_toolbar.
         ty_toolbar-icon      =  icon_mail.
        ty_toolbar-butn_type = 0.
        ty_toolbar-text = 'Button4'.
           APPEND ty_toolbar TO e_object->mt_toolbar.
       ty_toolbar-icon      =  icon_voice_input.
        ty_toolbar-butn_type = 0.
        ty_toolbar-text = 'Button5'.
         APPEND ty_toolbar TO e_object->mt_toolbar.
      Call reorganize method of toolbar manager to
      display the toolbar
         CALL METHOD c_alv_toolbarmanager->reorganize
            io_alv_toolbar = e_object.
       ENDMETHOD.                    "on_toolbar
    ENDCLASS.                    "lcl_alv_toolbar IMPLEMENTATION
    *&      Form  fetch_data
    -->  p1        text
    <--  p2        text
    FORM fetch_data .
    Select the tcodes upto 200 rows from TSTC
       SELECT   tcode
               FROM tstc
               UP TO 200 ROWS
               WHERE dypno NE '0000'.
    *Select the tcode textx
       IF it_table[] IS NOT INITIAL.
         SELECT ttext
               FROM tstct
               FOR ALL ENTRIES IN it_table
               WHERE tcode = it_table-tcode
               AND sprsl = 'E'.
    Apppending the data to the internal table of ALV output
       LOOP AT it_table INTO wa_table.
        wa_output-tcode = wa_table-tcode.
        wa_output-pgmna = wa_table-pgmna.
       For texts
        READ TABLE it_ittext INTO wa_ittext WITH KEY tcode = wa_table-tcode.
        wa_output-ttext = wa_ittext-ttext.
         APPEND wa_output TO it_output.
        CLEAR wa_output.
       ENDFORM.                    " fetch_data
    *&      Form  alv_output
    -->  p1        text
    <--  p2        text
    FORM alv_output .
    *Calling the ALV
      CALL SCREEN 0600.
      ENDFORM.                    " alv_output
    Calling the ALV screen with custom container
    On this statement double click  it takes you to the screen painter SE51.Enter the attributes
    *Create a Custom container and name it CC_CONT and OK code as OK_CODE.
    *Save check and Activate the screen painter.
    Now a normal screen with number 600 is created which holds the ALV grid. PBO of the actual screen , Here we can give a title and *customized menus
    *&      Module  STATUS_0600  OUTPUT
    MODULE status_0600 OUTPUT.
    SET PF-STATUS 'xxxxxxxx'.
    SET TITLEBAR 'xxx'.
    ENDMODULE.                 " STATUS_0600  OUTPUT
    calling the PBO module ALV_GRID.
    *&      Module  ALV_GRID  OUTPUT
    MODULE alv_grid OUTPUT.
    *create object for custom container
      CREATE OBJECT c_ccont
              container_name = 'CC_CONT'.
    *create object of alv grid
      CREATE OBJECT c_alvgd
              i_parent = c_ccont.
    create ALV event handler
      CREATE OBJECT c_alv_toolbar
          io_alv_grid = c_alvgd.
    Register event handler
      SET HANDLER c_alv_toolbar->on_toolbar FOR c_alvgd.
    Fieldcatalogue for ALV
       PERFORM alv_build_fieldcat.
    ALV attributes FOR LAYOUT
      PERFORM alv_report_layout.
       CHECK NOT c_alvgd IS INITIAL.
    Call ALV GRID
       CALL METHOD c_alvgd->set_table_for_first_display
          is_layout                     = it_layout
          it_outtab                     = it_output
          it_fieldcatalog               = it_fcat
          invalid_parameter_combination = 1
          program_error                 = 2
          too_many_lines                = 3
          OTHERS                        = 4.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
        MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
                   WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
    ENDMODULE.                 " ALV_GRID  OUTPUT
    *&      Form  alv_build_fieldcat
         <--P_IT_FCAT  text
    FORM alv_build_fieldcat.
       DATA lv_fldcat TYPE lvc_s_fcat.
      CLEAR lv_fldcat.
      lv_fldcat-row_pos   = '1'.
      lv_fldcat-col_pos   = '1'.
      lv_fldcat-fieldname = 'TCODE'.
      lv_fldcat-tabname   = 'IT_OUTPUT'.
      lv_fldcat-outputlen = 8.
      lv_fldcat-scrtext_m = 'TCODE'.
      APPEND lv_fldcat TO it_fcat.
      CLEAR lv_fldcat.
       lv_fldcat-row_pos   = '1'.
      lv_fldcat-col_pos   = '2'.
      lv_fldcat-fieldname = 'PGMNA'.
      lv_fldcat-tabname   = 'IT_OUTPUT'.
      lv_fldcat-outputlen = 15.
      lv_fldcat-scrtext_m = 'PROGNAME'.
      APPEND lv_fldcat TO it_fcat.
      CLEAR lv_fldcat.
      lv_fldcat-row_pos   = '1'.
      lv_fldcat-col_pos   = '3'.
      lv_fldcat-fieldname = 'TTEXT'.
      lv_fldcat-tabname   = 'IT_OUTPUT'.
      lv_fldcat-outputlen = 60.
      lv_fldcat-scrtext_m = 'Description'.
      APPEND lv_fldcat TO it_fcat.
      CLEAR lv_fldcat.
    ENDFORM.                    " alv_build_fieldcat
    *&      Form  alv_report_layout
         <--P_IT_LAYOUT  text
    FORM alv_report_layout.
       it_layout-cwidth_opt = 'X'.
       it_layout-zebra = 'X'.
    ENDFORM.                    " alv_report_layout
    PAI module of the screen created. In case we use an interactive ALV or
    *for additional functionalities we can create OK codes
    *and based on the user command we can do the coding.
    *&      Module  USER_COMMAND_0600  INPUT
    MODULE user_command_0600 INPUT.
    ENDMODULE.                 " USER_COMMAND_0600  INPUT

  • How to use menu button on apple remote with mac mini

    I purchased a late 2012 mac mini and the silver remote. The remote automatically opens iTunes, plays and pauses songs, adjust the volume, and skips forwards or backwards just fine. I had no trouble linking it the the Mac Mini either. So we have established it is working and comunicating fine with my Mac. My question is: what the heck is the "menu" botton for and can I use it with my Mac Mini? I'm using OS X 10.9.2.

    The Menu button does nothing
    There are apps that will help using the remote. See: aking-it-work/

  • Is there a way to make an inline remote work as a menu button?

    My menu button on my 4th gen iPod touch is currently half-stuck.  The bottom half doesn't come up, the top half still works.  So I have my menu button working still, but I'm trying to find a way to not use it, just in case.
    is there any way to change the settings for the inline remote on my headphones?  You press the center button once, it plays, twice it skips, three times it goes backward.  Is there anyway to reset one of those to act as the menu button?  or adding other inline remote commands?    

    Only the carrier that the phone is locked to can unlock it. Contact Sprint.

  • How can you enable back the Android native Menu button in AIR 2.7?

    I've noticed in AIR 2.7 for Android, that now the bottom icons in Android 3.0 Honeycomb are hidden (replaced by small dots) in AIR 2.7, whereas in AIR 2.6 they were always visible. That's cool. Since the bottom bar can never be hidden in Android 3, at least now those icons are less visible (unless you intentionally touch the bottom bar, then the icons show up for a few seconds).
    BUT I also noticed in AIR 2.7 compiled apps, the native "Menu" icon is not visible anymore, even after touching the bottom bar. In AIR 2.6 you could see and press that button (which can be captured from AIR so you can show a custom settings menu or whatever).
    So, quoting the subject --> How can you enable back the Android native Menu button in AIR 2.7?

    There is a work around and a reason for the menu issue.  Honeycomb doesn't natively support a menu softkey, it is only to support old apps comiled in phone API levels.  If you compile a Honeycomb app in 2.7 or 3.0, it is expected you manage the settings within the larger tablet UI framework.  See below link for more info and work around.

  • Firefox frequently freezes. I can't click on anything (tabs, menu buttons, bookmarks, etc.) The only button that works is the upper right close button which when clicked will ask me if I want to "save & quit." Then I have to restart. Help fixing this?

    Frequently when I use Firefox it will all of a sudden freeze. It no longer will accept any user input from the keyboard or mouse. I cannot click on any of the open tabbed pages I have or on my bookmarks or any of the menu buttons. Nothing works. When it happens if it is loading a page it will just freeze in the middle of loading it. I've tried to see if the freezes are caused when it loads certain types of content (java, flash, etc...) but there seems to be no rhyme or reason as to when it happens or with what types of pages. I cannot find a pattern. The ONLY button that works is the close button in the upper right hand corner (X). I can click on that and then Firefox will prompt me with it's regular message asking me if I want to save and quit, quit, or cancel. I'll hit save and quit and then reopen Firefox. It opens my tabs and if I was in the middle of a post it generally will still remember the text I've typed (except Facebook!).
    It's beginning to drive me nuts and I'm really hoping to find a fix to this.

    You will also notice that your shift key will be emulated. Meaning that keys you will try to press will press but they will act like you are pressing the shift key when you are doing them.
    Try this, minimize the firefox window by pressing the tab on your taskbar. After doing that maximize it again. You will magically be able to click any link on your page. When you navigate to a new page however, the entire situation will start all over. My only remedy is rebooting and hoping it doesn't happen again soon.


    how on earth can you help people when all you do is direct them to another page to click on something that doesn't help. this new version is awful . i cannot even put a url address in my address bar, nor can i refresh the address bar as it won't highlight at all. i keep going to all sorts of help pages and they are no help at all. i have used firefox for years and never had so much trouble with anything. the worse thing is your support and not being able to talk to any about anything. as it is i have to go all over just to find maybe an answer to this.i am using a background theme that i used before the new updated version and had no problems with it. if your themes are not compatible then why have them ??? the address bar problem is not present if i get rid of the theme and use the plain boring theme that you have . all i want to know is why this issue is happening with the theme i am using. and if possible it would be nice to get an answer in my email so i don't have to click on a dozen help pages trying to find it . thank you ..
    <sub>edit by a moderator: if you want to be able to discuss the issue with someone, don't do it in a shouting format (all uppercase), as this is considered rude on the internet - therefore i have converted your text into normal characters. in addition i have removed your address from public display since you will be notified per mail once somebody replies to the thread anyway. (philipp)</sub>

    '''What is your support question?''' This? <br />CANT EVEN COPY A URL IN MY ADDRESS BAR OR REFRESH IT ?
    A number of other users have mentioned a similar problem. <br />
    Chances are that you have an add-on installed that isn't completely compatible with Firefox 29. '''You''' need to figure out the culprit and disable it until an update for that add-on is available.
    If so, '''Try Firefox Safe Mode''' to see if the problem goes away. [[Troubleshoot Firefox issues using Safe Mode|Firefox Safe Mode]] is a troubleshooting mode that turns off some settings, disables most add-ons (extensions and themes).
    If Firefox is open, you can restart in Firefox Safe Mode from the Help menu:
    *In Firefox 29.0 and above, click the menu button [[Image:New Fx Menu]], click Help [[Image:Help-29]] and select ''Restart with Add-ons Disabled''.
    *In previous Firefox versions, click on the Firefox button at the top left of the Firefox window and click on ''Help'' (or click on ''Help'' in the Menu bar, if you don't have a Firefox button) then click on ''Restart with Add-ons Disabled''.
    If Firefox is not running, you can start Firefox in Safe Mode as follows:
    * On Windows: Hold the '''Shift''' key when you open the Firefox desktop or Start menu shortcut.
    * On Mac: Hold the '''option''' key while starting Firefox.
    * On Linux: Quit Firefox, go to your Terminal and run ''firefox -safe-mode'' <br>(you may need to specify the Firefox installation path e.g. /usr/lib/firefox)
    When the Firefox Safe Mode window appears, select "Start in Safe Mode".<br>
    [[Image:Safe Mode Fx 15 - Win]]
    '''''If the issue is not present in Firefox Safe Mode''''', your problem is probably caused by an extension, and you need to figure out which one. Please follow the [[Troubleshoot extensions, themes and hardware acceleration issues to solve common Firefox problems]] article to find the cause.
    ''To exit Firefox Safe Mode, just close Firefox and wait a few seconds before opening Firefox for normal use again.''

  • Menu button no longer working

    I have had my iPod since June of 2004, and I love it. Two days ago my Menu button stopped working.
    Here's what's happening... for example, assume you are listening to a song. You want to stop listening to it and listen to another song on another playlist. You would press the pause button and then the MENU button. Well, the MENU button is no longer working, and I am stuck on that song.
    I have tried reflashing the firmware twice using ipod-updater-2005-10-15, and then recharge the iPod. Nothing has worked.
    I have also noticed that when I take my iPod off hold, the backlight goes on.
    I use my iPod all the time in the car. I using a transponder, not headphones...
    Any help would be appreciated...

    Thanks Mitch 751. I had a sinking feeling that would be the case, but I was hoping it was not.
    In any case, I appreciate your reply.
    I guess I am off to send my iPod to iPod Hospital.
    Have a great weekend,

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