Archiving/Backing up messages in Mail

I know that so long as you save pref files and mail boxes etc one can be confident the data is saved and accessible. The problem with this is that if you wish to search for some email in the "archive" it means reverting to that point in time when the back-up was made. It rather messes up the "up-to-date" set-up of Mail!
I would like to have a way of storing my emails for posterity in a form I can access without having to disturb Mail. My best solution so far is iData2 which will import Mail's emails and store them in a data base. Works quite well actually but its sorting can't handle threading etc.
Ideally I want an app that can look at Mail's mbox folders and handle them, sort, display etc just like Mail does. I want to be able to say "open zxzx.mbox" and look/read/search the emails contained in zxzx.mbox.
I also would feel better if the format used is pretty basic/simple so that software in ten years time wont have trouble accessing the data!
Any suggestions?
(There has to be a way! do folk not want to keep their mail even if its years old?)

David G.G.
well like "most of you" that is exactly what I do, to organise my emails.
Kevin Horn,
Thanks for the suggestions but I use POP email, not dot mac (or similar). To check and read email I download all emails from my ISP mail server. My email is stored on my computer not a remote server.
I am an active member of an email based forum which results in large quantities of mail over time, and as I work from home my work emails mount up very quickly. I currently try and keep about 2 months worth of mail in my active mail boxes (as in, the ones that email downloads to), transferring older stuff to "archive email" type mail boxes from time to time. having too much mail in the Inbox results in Mail "slow-downs". keeping a couple of years worth of mail, even when sorted out into separate mail boxes results in very sluggish searches and can be frustrating when just searching for a recent email last week. (yes I know I could filter by date etc)
I would like to store older emails either on cd/dvd or external drive (or both),
(and backing up data is, as you know, vital) but be able to access those emails without having to mess-up Mail.
We all know how quickly our hard disks get full and my 80GB internal drive needs some free space. I don't see the point of storing such stuff permanently on my "working drive". Some of my Mail dates back 6 years or more and all in all is now occupying quite a few GB of disk space - even more than my pics in iPhoto!
So as I said I'd like to back up my mail to some disk, but still be able to access it in a like manner if I need to. I just don't want to have to bring it all back into the Library folder etc. and mess up the current state of Mail.
I'm wondering if there is something I can do with aliases... make an alias of an Mbox from a DVD and place in the appropriate place in Library->mail folder. Launch Mail and access the mail box. once done, delete that mail box. Its not ideal though and a bit of a faff, even if this would work.
Any other suggestions or comments?

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    First of all, you've posted in the Snow Leopard forum, but your profile says you're running Leopard, not Snow Leopard. What version of Mac OS X are you really running? You should always be sure that your profile matches the forum you're posting in, otherwise the "solution" to your problem may be totally ineffective.
    Part of your problem is that deleting Mail messages depends on how you have them ordered. If they are listed in Descending Date order (most recent at the top), and you want to delete a series of consecutive emails from an earlier time, you should select the last one in that group and press the Delete key; with each one that's deleted, the selection will move to the next one up the list. You could also select the first one in the group, then Shift-click on the last one in the group and press Delete to get rid of them in one step.
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    Thanks I will check it out. I use WIndows at work and I can make pts files then back these up. After which I can delete messages that are not current. If I want to see those files again I can just get Outlook to address them. My HD is getting maxed out, I have a back-up HD but the files on my computer HD are all used a lot. Just wondered If I could squeeze extra space by thinning down Mail files. Best Regards

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    Having deleted some Mail messages by mistake, I have had to recover them from TM. I can tell you that the recovery of mail messages will be done at the mailbox level. In my case it was half of the messages in a mailbox. So I recovered the complete mailbox from TM. Then I copied the messages from the recovered mailbox back into the mailbox I use in Mail. I hope that helps.
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    Hi lsgmilano, and a warm welcome to the forums if you han't been already!
    First I'd backup your whole Mail folder, by right clicking on it in the Finder, then choose Archive/Compress.
    Right click on that Mail folder, choose archive, you'll get everything in the folder, and the folder itself in a file called
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    Move to the Desktop...
    /Users/YourUserName/Library/Mail/Envelope Index

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    Select the bottom or top e-mail, then hold down the shift key and select the last e-mail, the Mail/Message/Archive.

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    Did you have Hotmail set-up with Android prior?  I did, and if you did too, you have the same problem, and this is how to solve it.
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    The right way to do what you describe would have been to use Setup Assistant. That option appears after completely erasing your MacBook Pro and installing OS X.
    You can choose to do that all over again, this time following the instructions here: OS X: How to migrate data from another Mac using Mavericks
    If you don't want to use that method and prefer to import only the old mailboxes, copy the folder from the following location on the backup device to the MBP:
    Although you can open that folder, and the V2 folder within it to select individual mailboxes and their contents I recommend you copy the entire Mail folder.
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    Quit Mail before you start. Be absolutely certain you are copying the right way; you don't want to mistakenly overwrite the backup. After you re-launch Mail, the "importing messages" dialog box and associated progress bar will appear. That's normal.

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    Who has solved this problem before?

    I had the same problem and tried a solution I found on other forums. First archive a copy the affected mailbox in case something goes wrong. Then highlight the mailbox name in the navigation bar on the left, go to the "Mailbox" menu, and choose "Rebuild" from the bottom of the list. This worked for me.
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    Somewhere along the line I also did a restart. It never hurts.
    Hope this helps.

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    Check that you still have the "Bookmarks Toolbar items" placed on the Bookmarks Toolbar
    * Make sure that you have the "Bookmarks Toolbar" visible: "View > Toolbars"
    * Check in "View > Toolbars > Customize" that the "Bookmarks Toolbar items" is on the Bookmarks Toolbar
    * If the "Bookmarks Toolbar items" is not on the Bookmarks Toolbar then drag it back from the Customize window onto the Bookmarks Toolbar
    * If you do not see the "Bookmarks Toolbar items" then click the "Restore Default Set" button
    See also:

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    Eli Garfinkel

    Hello Eli.
    In order to import *.emlx messages in Mail, they must be organized as if they were in an *.mbox mailbox, i.e. they must be in a Messages folder within an *.mbox folder.
    In Mail, do File > Import Mailboxes, choose Mail for Mac OS X as the data format, and follow the instructions. Note that Mail wants you to select the folder that contains the mailboxes to be imported, not the *.mbox folders themselves.

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    When I copy the emlx-files to the mailbox folder, the messages do not show up in Mail.
    I also tried setting up a dummy account and copy the emlx-files to this account's folder – same result.
    Mail's import command does not recognise the emlx-files as Mail files.
    How do I get my backed up messages back into Mail?
    Kind regards.

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    I never tried this so i'm not sure to find them in Time Machine. To browse in your backups simply click the Time Machine icon in your dock. In the right bar, you can select an backup. Than you can browse in finder, in your backkup.
    EDIT: Just browsed and CT above was right. This topic might help you:

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